The Emperor's New Pony (8 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

Tags: #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Historical, #Literature & Fiction, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: The Emperor's New Pony
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“This one’s had experience,” Master Morqan commented. “Use her hard if you like, Hednar.”

And Alira of Amidia was used hard indeed, for the emperor said, “Master Morqan, it looks to me like this filly needs another cock.”

So Gad washed her down quickly, and then Master Morqan, he of the largest cock Comnar had ever seen, took his place behind the girl whose husband had surely never been enough for her.

“Filly Edera,” the emperor said, again using his honey tone, “have you ever seen a girl fucked in her bottom?”

Comnar looked at Versal’s profile, where he watched the action on the stable floor. The marshal’s jaw had clenched tight.
A very intelligent and tightly controlled man,
Comnar thought.
Every instinct tells him that he must object, but he knows how much satisfaction he would give me, and how much worse he would make it for Edera.

“N-no, your… your imperial… I… I mean… I never… even…” Her voice trailed off, because Morqan had taken Comnar’s cue, and he was anointing his huge cock with the special olive oil infusion that went by the name ‘saddle oil’ in Comnar’s imperial stables.

Given permission to speak, and not having managed to utter a complete answer, Edera seemed unable to stop murmuring the things that passed through her imagination. Nor did Comnar want to stop her, or even to chastise her, for her soft, frightened, aroused words sounded as music in his ears: “She… can’t… that… the master, he can’t… and… no, oh, please… oh, gods… I never… please don’t, not… not in there…”

Morqan helped Alira get to her feet, so that she could hold onto the cross-ties and he could pull her hips back and open her bottom to ready her little ring for fucking. Hednar made her keep his cock in his mouth through the preparation, so that the little cry she made when Morqan breached her rump for the first time was muffled by his hardness. Then Morqan fucked Alira’s bottom gently, as she screamed with filly’s pleasure around Hednar’s cock, almost as big as the one in her rump.

“Do you think filly Alira’s husband ever had her bottom?” Comnar asked Edera.

“No! No… your… your imperial… oh, please don’t hurt…”

But it was absolutely clear that though the fucking of Alira was not without its discomforts for the girl, her pleasure in it was very great: so great that when Gad put the sponge at the end of the sponge stick specially designed for this kind of filly-play to her cunt, at Master Morqan’s instruction, “To help teach her to let her pleasure out,” and Hednar—also at the skilled Morqan’s word—pulled out of her mouth, she cried of her own accord as she came, “Thank you, master!”

“For what, filly Alira?” Master Morqan asked.

“For… for making me a filly!”

Master Morqan laughed. “You are welcome, filly Alira. Close your eyes and bow your head now, and I’ll fill your rump with something nice.”

Chapter Nine



Ranin knew, when he saw the huge cock of the stable master go into the bottom of little Alira, that he could survive in the imperial stables of Maq without going mad. He knew it because if any sight could have driven him mad, it would have been that one—not because of Alira having her rump fucked by the massively endowed stable master, or because she evidently enjoyed it. No, the sight threatened to unhinge his reason because he knew with utter certainty that the emperor would demand that he do that to Princess Edera, and because he had no idea how he could avoid his own desire to fuck her that way, just as the stable master did now to the eldest of the Amidian fillies.

Stories had gone round about Alira from the moment she and her husband had arrived from Auria. Her husband Sir Belian was a whoremonger, like so many of the knights, but unlike most of the knights’ ladies, Alira was not content to spend her evenings in gossip and games of chance with the rest of the women. Lennar was the third knight with whom she had been linked by the talk of the court, but they also said that she had grown tired of him, as she had wearied also of Sir Tragis and Sir Medovar—fine young knights, but apparently too tame for Alira’s appetites.

And now Lady Alira of Amidia had shown exactly how extreme those appetites were, but where Ranin thought he should have been disgusted, he found his cock hard as iron, and his mind unable to move itself from the picture of what might happen if the emperor should command him to mount Edera as Morqan mounted Alira.

He felt Edera’s hand squeezing his where it lay upon her head in her lovely fair hair. She must be frightened out of her wits. She breathed harder and harder in fear, Ranin felt certain, as the spectacle went on. She shifted nervously back and forth as she sat, curled up a little, at his feet. Tenderness for her rose up inside him even as he felt the desire to possess her entirely. Ranin wanted to make love to her, to hold her against him and tell her all would come right, in the end. He wanted to put her over his knee and spank her until her bottom matched the glow of the sun at evening, to punish her for her foolishness, and he wanted to hold her close, in his lap, while she cried afterward until the morning came.

With a great shout like the blare of a mountain horn, Morqan came inside Alira’s tiny bottom while she screamed out her own climax, as Gad used the strange sponge stick, covered with warm suds, on her cunt. Then, encouraged as he had been to use her hard, Hednar grabbed Alira’s head and forced her mouth back onto his cock, moving her head back and forth for a few moments until he too came, stroking the filly’s red hair with surprising tenderness as she smiled up at him, having bravely swallowed his youthful seed. Ranin could not shake the impression that Lady Alira of Amidia would not return home if given the chance, now.

Sweet Adilan’s turn had come, after Alira had been rinsed, shivering blissfully with pleasure, and darting glances at Edera, at Ranin, at Master Morqan. Ranin gave her a little nod when the stable boys had wrapped her in her soft blanket, and she smiled back. Truly, he could not help feeling happy that she at least, despite the appearance of the thing—leaving behind a noble Aurian wastrel of a husband to be a filly in the imperial stables of Maq—had found a thing for which she had searched. Alira crawled to the far wall to join Melisan, who looked at her with fascinated wonder. Ranin could tell that Melisan had felt some of what Alira had, when Hednar had alternately pleasured and punished her, but the raven-haired girl did not seem to have the depth of Alira’s need for degradation.

So, thought Ranin, what of Adilan? And what of Edera?

When Gad and Hednar came to fetch Adilan, she looked up at them with uncertain eyes. Then, as if she were not sure what she wanted, the lovely naked girl shrank back.

“Hold!” came Comnar’s voice to Ranin’s right. “Filly Adilan,” he said in a light, bantering tone of voice, “do you truly wish to escape?”

Adilan replied instantly, clearly grateful for the chance to use her power of speech without fear of whipping. “No, your imperial majesty.”

“What do you wish?”

Adilan looked up at Gad and Hednar, and whispered, “The ties? I… I don’t think…”

Comnar laughed. “Yes, lads,” he said. “Get her into the cross-ties. She cannot yet show you what she truly wants.”

Ranin could not believe what he saw. Adilan seemed to resist them as they coaxed her across the stone floor to the posts where the cross-ties hung, but her resistance also seemed half-hearted. They put the collar around her neck and the wristlets around her wrists, and the look of fear on her face seemed real, but at the same time Adilan seemed to flush with quite a different sort of feeling, and her harsh breathing seemed to speak of a forbidden pleasure.

“Easy now, sweetheart,” Gad said, as he put his cock into her mouth, which she opened after Hednar gave her a single spank upon the center of her lathered rump. “Your friend Melisan sucked me dry already.” Versal glanced over at Melisan, who compressed her lips into a tight line, blushing. Gad continued, “Just be gentle and get to know my cock, alright? I’ll give you my seed soon enough, I promise.”

Adilan, the cock still in her mouth, nodded only slightly, as if she wanted to be sure she didn’t hurt the stable boy’s massive manhood.

They washed her down quickly, and Ranin thought perhaps he even saw a look of disappointment in her eyes that they had not treated her with greater severity—had she hoped to be ravished? Ranin shook his head. And what of Edera? He had thought he had heard her whimpering as she watched Adilan please Gad, while Hednar paid persistent, lewd attention to her bare, virginal cunt. Poor Edera must be frightened half to death.

Gad and Hednar came to stand in front of Edera, after they had wrapped Adilan up to dry her and keep her warm. Ranin did not know whether he wanted them to take Edera and wash her—the emperor had said she would be set apart and would not have to suck a cock, had he not?—or to hear what Comnar did say then: “Let Goodman Versal wash her, lads, while you get the tails back in the other fillies and feed them in their stalls.”

The stable boys bowed to the emperor and went to the shelf where the girls had laid their tails after they washed them. Gad and Hednar took the three black tails and brought them to the girls, who, blushing, turned to present their bottoms, hiking up their blankets to display their bottoms enchantingly. Ranin could see that Master Morqan had taught them quickly and well in these basic elements of training, and he could not help admiring the man. Ranin would have expected such an imperial servant to rule as a cruel, deviant tyrant, but on the contrary, Master Morqan seemed truly to care about his fillies, even girls who had suffered the kind of shameful reversal of fortune the Amidians had, whom it might be very easy to humiliate at every turn. Indeed, it appeared that Comnar’s entire pleasure in his stables lay in the way he humiliated his fillies, but Morqan clearly did the emperor’s bidding in a complicated way: certainly it appeared that the stable master had no objection to the degradation involved in whipping a princess and fucking a noble Amidian wife in her bottom until she screamed in submissive pleasure, but it also seemed clear to Ranin that Morqan really did wish to train these girls to give those who observed them playing the filly the highly pleasurable impression that they had learned to be good mares for their masters.

Now Morqan, alongside Gad and Hednar, applied to the bungs at the end of the tails the same fragrant oil that the stable master had used upon his cock before he entered Alira. They moved over to where the girls knelt with turned backs and raised bottoms. As one, they began to push those bungs into the three noble backsides, turned up and lewdly presented over their spread thighs. Ranin knew he could not erase from his mind, however he might wish to, the revelation of the dreadfully pleasant sight of three adorable, clean, bare cunts, and three tiny bottom holes nestled in the little valleys above. He found comfort though, in the way Morqan and his lads did their terrible duty very gently, with much encouragement to the girls who sobbed to feel the tails re-imposed upon them.

Comnar, having watched the tails going into the fillies’ backsides with apparent satisfaction, now turned back to Ranin. “Well, Versal, it will be your turn soon. But first you must wash her.”

Oh no,
Ranin thought.
He cannot mean…

“Put her in the cross-ties, please,” the emperor said. “Little Edera here would probably be obedient for her wash-down, but both you and she need to get used to the cross-ties, and I would like to see her thus.”

Ranin looked down at Edera. A lovely blush suffused the face that she turned up to him. She smiled, and in that smile Ranin saw her give him her permission to take the liberties he must take if he wanted to protect her. Trying to imitate the reassuring tone of the stable boys, he said, “Alright, sweetheart, let’s get you nice and clean.”

At that, Edera’s smile seemed to widen. For a moment Ranin wondered whether she might even giggle. Truly, he had never seen his princess look so bewitching. He wondered for a moment whether in some strange way the training of the imperial stables was something that she, too, needed in her own fashion. All the haughtiness that she had habitually used when she dealt with him back in Amidia seemed to have vanished, leaving behind a sweet eighteen-year-old, lovely and eager to please. Ranin tried to blink away that vision of a princess whose true, gracious nature could only be brought out in this humiliating way.

“Walk her over, now,” said the emperor. Morqan and his stable boys had given the other Amidian fillies a final patting dry, and now they were walking them away. Ranin studied how they did it for a moment. Morqan put his hand down and twined his fingers in Melisan’s hair, then, without any roughness, he began to coax her around and lead her toward the row of stalls that stretched down the length of the stable.

Ranin took a deep breath, hoping that he could fulfill this terrible duty without bringing any further pain to Edera. He looked into her eyes again, and she gave him a tiny nod, as if to say that she was ready. He put his hand on the back of her head, and, feeling an affection for her so great he thought it might make his heart burst, he wove his fingers into her soft golden tresses. Edera made a little whimper, and Ranin worried that he had hurt her, but her expression seemed to indicate not discomfort but rather a sort of feeling of solace, as if to have Ranin’s hand there comforted her in some way.

Taking heart from that expression, Ranin said, “Come along now, sweetheart,” and began to move toward the posts with the cross-ties. The collar and the wristlets were easy to handle at least, for a man who had spent such a large part of his life in a stable. Much more difficult was the task of keeping his mind only on the wash-down, as his fingers brushed against the princess’ beautiful soft skin.

The temptation to plant kisses on her shoulders as he fitted the collar around her neck, and even to rub her shapely bottom cheeks as he began to sponge them off, seemed nearly unbearable. And then the thought kept rising of what it would be like if and when the emperor instructed him to make Edera take his hardness in her mouth. He pictured himself in a pair of the leather breeches that Morqan and the stable boys wore, opening up the flap to reveal his cock to Edera. Gods help him, he pictured what she would look like with his cock inside those lovely lips.

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