The Emperor's New Nightingale (6 page)

Read The Emperor's New Nightingale Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Space Opera

BOOK: The Emperor's New Nightingale
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She was melting on the inside and out, her surrender
almost within reach, but still she held on, resisting. His words, as wonderful as they made her feel, didn’t give her the one assurance she needed from him.

“I won’t
be a one night stand,” she blurted out when he again lifted his head, letting her breathe.

“Sweet Julie,
I’m going to make you feel so good, standing won’t be an option for either of us.”

She managed to wedge
her hand between them, placing it on the heated skin of his chest. The feel of his skin burned white hot through her body, making her struggle to hold onto her train of thought.

—on Earth, one night stand mean having sex for one night, then never seeing the other person again.”

Realization dawned in
the blue depths of his eyes, along with a flicker of doubt, which he quickly masked.

You’re going to see me and I you again and again, you can be sure of that, my little song bird. Can you accept that?”

tried to mull over it, but he didn’t play fair, pressing his hips into hers, the hardness of his cock scattering the remainder of her wits.

Would she ever get a man as sexy as Rin again
? She doubted it, so why not grab the opportunity before it was too late.

Mind made up,
the consequences she would deal with later and with a smile, she let her fingers slide up over his shoulders to his neck.

“Yes, Rin, I can accept it.”

Slowly, he peeled off her clothing, kissing each inch of skin he revealed. She tried to help him undo his pants, feeling the need to touch him, but he pulled away. Julie was confused and glanced up.

No touching yet, beautiful, I want you to relax and let me enjoy you. Put your hands behind your head and open your legs.”

She hesitated, a tremor of fear mixed with excitement
from his dominant tone washed over her skin. “I’ve never…I mean, no one’s ever…” she stammered.

Earthling lovers must have been very poor ones indeed.” He smiled wickedly. “Ario males pride themselves on always knowing how to pleasure their females. Do you trust me to do that for you?” His tone was challenging.

already came this far and wasn’t going to chicken out now.

She sucked in a deep breath and let
her thighs fall open, so he could wedge himself between her knees. His dark head dipped to her pussy. At the first touch of his hot, wet tongue on her most private, sensitive flesh, her breath seized in her lungs, shocked at the scorching pleasure.

Orin raised his head.
“That’s it, my sweet, you’re so delicious and I’m hungry for you.”

Julie bit down on her finger to stop the scream when he sucked her swollen bud into his mouth,
his movements quickly becoming more urgent, needier. She gasped when his tongue thrust deep into her folds, his hands pressing her thighs open wider and lapped at her cream, stoking her need higher.

She quivered, breathing harshly
while he suckled her clit and stroked her swollen bud with the tip of his tongue. Gasping, she moved her hands, needing to touch him, but he growled low in his throat, the vibrations pulsing through her. She put her hands back, whimpering as he fucked her harder with his tongue.

In, out, over, higher. She swallowed hard, her orgasm close, her breathing rapid, her nerves screaming. He held her there, engulfed with need, desperate
for climax. He raised his head and she mewled in protest.

“So wet, my pet,
so needy. Do you want me to make you come?”

She nodded frantic
ally, shifting her hips, but he grabbed them, pinning them to the mattress.

“Say it, say the words Julie. T
ell me what you want.”

She never spoke during sex, yet his words and demands made her wetter. “I want you….”

“Yes, tell me, now.”

“I want you to make me come. Please Rin.”

She saw the flash of
triumph in his eyes before he buried his face between her legs. Thrusting a finger deep within her body, he curled it up, touching a bundle of nerves. She gasped, her hips thrusting up, wanting and needing more. Oh, yes, so close so…

His lips closed around her swollen clit and he sucked
while he rubbed at the spot within her. She needed something more, she didn’t know.

, he raised his head.

“Come for me
, Julie.”

Her body shattered, heat flushed through her in a tidal wave,
she shook and a scream tore from her throat. He stroked her higher, wringing every drop of her climax from her overwrought body.

He rolled off the bed, quickly shucked his clothes and returned to his position. The look in his eyes was wild, the need in his move
ments obvious, but he held back.

“Do you want me
, Julie? Do you want my cock deep inside you?”

“Yes, please
, Rin, fuck me, please.”

With a satisfied grunt
, he pressed into her welcoming flesh. His thick, swollen shaft slowly filling her until he couldn’t go any further. Oh, god, the slight edge of pain mingled with the pleasure of being so full was overwhelming. Still, she hungered for more, hungered for him.

“Put your hands on my shoulders, Julie,
don’t move them until I tell you.” Even with his voice as deep and laced with need, the command was clear.

She obeyed, wanting to please him, knowing if she did
, it would please her, too. She felt his hard muscles beneath the hot, smooth skin against her palm. She gazed up into his burning, blue gaze.

“Hold on
, my sweet.” He pulled almost all the way out, swiftly thrust back in and stole her breath. Her eyes slid closed.

“Eyes on me
, Julie.” She struggled to open them, but once she did, his gaze held hers captive while he moved within her, watching her face closely.

“You feel
so good, so tight. You are mine, Julie.” He picked up a frantic rhythm. Her mouth fell open at the swelling of a new climax, this one deeper, stronger than the first. Surely, it wasn’t possible?

was she to say what was possible or not, after the last few weeks? She gave herself up to the sensations and surrendered to Rin.

, yes, that’s it, my sweet—enjoy me, enjoy everything I give you, come, come for me again.”

The climax crashed through her body, her inner walls pulsing around his cock. She cried out, arching her back
and taking him deeper, feeling his cock swell inside her, and then the sweet pulse of his seed inside her.

Rin collapsed forward,
his weight pressing her in to the mattress, his hot breath on the sweat-slickened skin of her neck. “Oh Julie, you’re beautiful and you’re mine.”

Her mind
was a puddle of mush, barely registering his words. Doubt crept back in shadowing her mind—she was his, but for how long?

* * * *

Bliss. The contentment surrounding Orin was something he never experienced with any other female. Yet, here he lay, not wanting to move, with her nestled into his side, her breathing soft and even.

There was no doubt left in his mind
—she was his Empress. Now, he only needed to prove it to the rest of the galaxy.

choices presented themselves. He could simply reveal who he was and order her to the palace to sing. However, common sense told him she would be angry over his deception and rebel.

, he could simply fuck her into submission and carry her off to the palace, but the third choice held more appeal.

o her, let her get to know him better and win her trust and love. Make her love him so deeply it would no longer matter when the time came, to tell her the truth. Time, unfortunately, was not on his side. The powers of the Song Krystal were fading; his nightingale would need to be revealed. Harmony and peace must be maintained.

Plans formed in his mind as he gently untangled himself from her
. He needed a plan of attack and to learn everything he could about her to win her heart. He would talk to everyone she has been in contact with. She stirred and he bent down, lightly kissing her lips. Her soft sigh of contentment made him smile as she resettled.

He turned, collecting his clothes from the floor, and quickly dressed
. With one last look, he opened the door and headed downstairs.

The last of Trall’s patrons were swaying drunkenly out the door
when Orin entered. Trall bolted the door, turning to see Orin standing there.

The tall Verkin strode towards him. “Is she al
l right, Sire?”

Fine, my friend. Now, tell me everything you know about her.”







Chapter Seven


Warm sunshine filtered through the window
. Awareness seeped into Julie's senses, along with a delicious ache in parts of her body she didn’t know existed and it made her smile. Slowly, she opened her eyes, gazing unseeing up at the ceiling. A hazy replay of Orin’s passionate, possessive love-making filtered through her mind.

Of course
, he was no longer here, but his scent still lingered on her pillow and on her body—strong, masculine and oh, so sexy.

didn’t have any idea sex could be like that. A previous boyfriend simply groped at her breasts in an attempt to get her excited, and missed her clit all together before sliding his cock in for the required time to get off. It left her empty, unfulfilled and wondering what all the fuss with sex was about.

Julie licked her lips
. One taste of Rin’s wondrous passion and she was hooked like a junkie on an addictive drug. She wanted and craved more of him on her, in her, making her scream.

She sat up on her elbows
. The pale, yellow sheets slipped down her naked body. The lyrics
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day
formed in her mind.

She loved this musical planet
. No way, no how would she ever go back to Earth.

A knock sounded at the door,
jolting Julie out of her musings and song. She grabbed the sheet, tugging it back up.

“Who’s there?”

“Julie, it’s Mik.” The door opened and her silvery head appeared, a wide grin on her face. “Looks like someone got lucky last night; I think half of Ario heard the screams coming out of here.” Mik stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

eyes widened and the flush rose up over her skin. “Oh no.” She dropped her head into her hands.
How could I look anyone in the eyes again?

didn’t seem to care. She flounced onto the bed, making them both bounce on the soft mattress. Her laughter filled the air. “I don’t understand why Earthlings are so shy; trust me, you were the envy of many in more ways than one.” She wagged her silver eyebrows at her.

snorted at Mik’s antics. “I was raised by a mother who made me believe sexual freedom was wrong. Girls who slept around were nothing but whores, and no self-respecting man would want a woman like that.”

Mik blinked before frowning.
“What’s a whore? The word doesn’t translate.”

“Um, women
who sell sexual favors to men for, um,

“Why would anyone d
o that? Sex is free and fun, not wrong. Life is a pleasure to be enjoyed. I don’t think I want to ever visit your Earth, if they make people feel bad about wanting to have sex and fun. Didn’t you enjoy yourself last night? It sure sounded like you did.”

’s carefree ways made it sound so easy. A smile crept over Julie’s face, thinking now about much fun she had with Rin and the out-of-this-universe orgasms he gave her. Why was it so hard to shake off the guilty feeling niggling at the back of her brain?

This was her life
, not her mother’s. She was far from Earth and needed to go native. Having sex with Rin last night was a step in the right direction. Still, the thought of someone else other than Rin touching her left her feeling cold.

Why couldn’t she be more carefree
, like Mik, and detach her emotions from sex?

Julie regarded
her friend. “Don’t you get, um, think there is a danger in getting too attached to the one you’re having fun with? What if you fall in love and they don’t love you back?”

Well, yes, there is always that possibility, but where would we be if we didn’t stop trying? Love, heartache, the ups and downs is what makes us know we are alive.”

Mik leaned forward grabbing hold of Julie
’s hand.

“I doubt you will have that danger
. You’re handsome, powerful Ario man is coming back for you. Trall told me to come wake you up because Rin will be here very shortly to take you out.”

vaguely remembered Rin promising to show her more of the planet on which she now lived.

, my god, how long have I been asleep? I’ve got to get ready.” Julie scrambled off the bed, forgetting her nudity. The thought of seeing Rin again made her heart pound and her lower stomach warm.

laughed again and, bouncing off the bed, she pushed Julie towards the bathroom.

Go wash. I’ll pick out your clothes.”

Julie flashed her friend a gra
teful grin and headed into the tube-like stall, climbing over the lip of the narrow, vertical bathtub. She hit the green button, a shield went up and the water filled the tub up to her shoulders within a few seconds. It swirled frantically around her body, but not so strong as to knock her off her feet.

The strange whirlpool bath ma
de Julie feel like she was in a top-loading washing machine. The water both massaged and cleaned her body, and it already contained spiced, body cleanser. She ducked her head under, being careful not to swallow any of the water. After washing her hair, she pressed the red button and the water promptly drained, then warm air blew from many jets on her body, drying her within seconds. There was no need for towels.

peeked out into her room. Mik was gone, but a bright, multi-colored top and skirt lay on her now made bed, along with a blue scarf.

quickly dressed, aware of the free breeze under the skirt. Underwear simply didn’t exist on Ario. She brushed out her hair, platting it to keep it out of the way, and placed the blue scarf around her neck. Not bothering to check the mirror, she hurried downstairs into the back garden.

“Beautiful morning to you
, little song bird. You look radiant today.” Trall greeted her. He and Mik sat at a table on the little outdoor patio, shadowed by tall leafy, brown and green trees. A knowing smile played on Trall’s lips while his gaze ran over her from head to toe. Once again, her cheeks infused with heat.

She sat down
, helping herself to the
juice, which she learned came from a spiky, red cactus-like plant.

“Oh, don’t tease her
, Trall—she’s still new to our ways.” Mik defended, but did nothing to hide her smile.

Trall just chuckled. “You
don’t need to worry about anything today. Rin told me he has plans for you.”

Yes, sightseeing. I’m looking forward to getting to know your world better.” She genuinely did, offering him a grin.

“Your world now
, too.” Mik sipped her juice.

So, how well do you know Rin?” Probing for info, she needed to know everything about him she could.

I've known him a long time; he and my brother work together. Most of my kind are soldiers and palace guards.”

“He works at the palace
? Is he some kind of official or diplomat? He has a strong air of authority around him.”

Julie jumped as Mik snorted out her juice. Without missing a beat,
Trall shoved a napkin at her while patting her back. She snatched the cloth, covering her mouth, but Julie didn’t miss the look she gave Trall.

Julie narrowed her eyes in suspicion at them. “What?”

Trall leaned back, folding his upper arms over his chest, while one of his arms gestured towards her.

“Julie, it’s up to Rin to tell you who he is
. All I can say is I’ve known him a very long time and he is as trustworthy as they come. I can assure you you’re safe with him. I wouldn’t have let him touch you otherwise.”

It was comforting Trall was looking out for her,
though at the same time annoying he thought he had the right to run her life. She sighed, her cup hovering a whisper from her lip.

, you’re not going to tell me anything are you?”

Trall smiled. “
Drink Julie and keep your questions for Rin.”

* * * *

Orin parked his
Zoomer KR
and swung out of the saddle, striding around to the back of Trall’s tavern. He had a sleepless night making plans, talking to his officials about how he wanted to proceed with the Earthling women at Uric Weston’s estate. He left out the fact he found his nightingale, but soon he would reveal her, once he captured her heart and told her the truth.

He recognized Trall
and Julie’s voices. Even when she talked, she there was a musical air about her. His curious little Earthling was asking questions about him. True to his word, Trall remained evasive. He walked into view, seeing how she and Trall sat with one of his barmaids.

Beautiful morning,” he greeted the trio, but his gaze was on his woman, her dark hair pulled back, her eyes widening when she saw him. Her face flushed as her gaze ran over him, drinking him in.
Oh yes, my sweet Earthling, look all you want. I’m all yours.

“Beautiful morning
, Rin. Taking my little song bird to see the sights? I trust you will take good care of her. I would like her back to sing tonight.”

ll raised a challenging eyebrow, knowing he couldn’t say anything in front of Julie, yet. Oh, Trall was enjoying this.

“Of course, you know I take good care of what’s mine.
I’ll have her back to sing.”
And fuck her blind.

glanced between Orin and Trall. He loved her expressive eyes, displaying her bright curiosity.

“Are you ready
, Julie?”

She set do
wn her cup and rose to her feet. The soft, Ario dress accented all her lush curves and her graceful beauty. Soon, he would have her in the finest and softest threads in all the galaxy with his mother’s gems dripping from her ears and throat.

“Guess I’ll see you later.”
Julie smiled at the barmaid and Trall before walking towards Orin.

He gave her an assessing
look. Her cheeks flushed pink while his gaze dropped to the blue scarf draped around her neck, hiding her creamy skin and the cleavage of generous breasts. His mouth watered remembering how good her skin and breasts tasted.

He shook his head.
“No, no, this won’t do.” He closed the distance. His fingers curled into the scarf around her neck, tugging it off. Wide-eyed, she stepped back. He didn’t miss the subtle hitch in her breath.

Orin leaned down.
“Little song bird, I think I’ll explore that trail of thought later, but for now…” He swept the scarf over her mane of soft, dark hair and moved around her to wrap it securely before tying it off at the nape of her neck. “…this will have to do.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the creamy skin at the base of her neck. He felt the tremor run through her.

With great
reluctance and a hell of a lot of will power, he forced himself to pull back. Desperately, he wanted to toss her over his shoulder, carry her back upstairs and bury his aching cock deep inside her. He would make her scream, over and over, as he fucked her hard and deep until neither of them could walk.

time together was for her—to win her trust, her love and loyalty. With a seductive smile he circled her. “Much better; where I’m taking you is very windy.”

Her eyes sparkled
in the Ario sun. “Oh, and where is this?”

Orin held out his hand. “Trust me?”

Even after last night’s intimacy, the wariness in her gaze told him she didn’t trust easily. A weightless thrill ran though him when she nodded, placing her small hand into his larger one. He closed his hand around her trembling fingers, smiling with the genuine warmth he felt. “You’re going to love this, my little, song bird.”

He lead
her through the garden and out to the street where his
Zoomer flyer
waited, hovering two feet above the ground.

argued with Orin until his blue face mottled white with indignant anger, refusing to let Orin fly around without the protection of Orin’s personal guards.

, Drango agreed to Orin’s compromise; his guards would follow at a discreet distance. Orin warned them not to interfere unless his life was under direct threat or he commanded them to.

Her eyes skimmed over his
, delight lighting her face. “Wow, what is this? It kinda looks like a huge, wheel-less version of a Harley Hog from Earth.”

laughter rumbled from his chest. “Do these Harley Hogs fly?”

No, we don’t have any kind of anti-gravity craft; just airplanes. Your world is far more advanced than Earth.”

He released her hand to pull out a wind jacket and slip it around her shoulders
, and then wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her lighter frame easily. She gasped. Orin loved the way her eyes widened. The delight and wonder in her expression every time he demonstrated his superior strength.

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