Read The Elf King Online

Authors: Sean McKenzie

Tags: #adventure, #fantasy, #magic, #epic, #evil, #elves, #battles, #sword, #sorcerery

The Elf King (50 page)

BOOK: The Elf King
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won’t be too hard with everyone watching us,” Qenn sighed. “We need
to ask them about the
. See if anyone will share
any secrets about this place.”

If they will help.”
Prevost sounded distant. “People like this, recluse as they are,
often do not care to help outsiders. Even as friendly as they seem
now. Once we start prying, things will change.”

Someone would help us,”
Qenn enforced hopefully.

And if they don’t? What
plan have you, elf?” Kamen stared at the door. He still felt
uncomfortable, vulnerable.

If we have to give them
the truth, then I say we do it. In return, if they see how serious
our business is, I’m sure they would offer whatever they

I don’t think so, elf.
Stay quiet about everything. Prevost and I can find out what we
need to know soon enough, without anyone knowing.”

I think they have a right
to know,” Kandish spoke quietly. “They should be prepared to

Kamen shook his head.
“There’s nothing they can do. They would all panic and make wrong
choices. We are better off finishing this mess before it gets to

Qenn rolled onto his side,
facing Kandish a few feet away. “I can feel the presence of
something else. Something powerful. Something magical. It’s

Kandish swept her red hair
away from her face. “He’s right. Whatever magic Qenn’s staff is
supposed to hold, is here.”

A person?” Prevost

I don’t think so,” Kandish
replied. “I can sense it all around us.”

Kamen sighed. “I’ll take a
look around tonight. See what these people have hidden.”

We’re going to need their
help,” Qenn said softly. He was too comfortable now to fight it any
longer. He pulled his staff tight to his body, wrapping both arms
around it, and closed his eyes.

Whoever gave us the note
would probably help,” Kandish offered. She let herself get
comfortable in her bed as well. It would not take much for her to
fall asleep.

If we can find out who
that was.” Kamen Ode grunted as he laid back.

They were quiet then.
Kandish heard Kamen Ode sigh and looked over to see Prevost was
already asleep. She looked to her side to see Qenn was out as well.
“It’s peaceful here. Regardless of everything else.”

Kamen’s voice was almost a
whisper. “They’re not as happy as they show.” Kamen mumbled
something else as sleep overcame him.

Kandish’s eyes closed and
did not open again.


stood just outside the hut,
listening intently now, long after he heard the newcomers fall
asleep. He saw the way they looked and understood what it took to
get into that state of mind. He was that way once. So long ago he
could barely remember it. They were running from something. Or
heading into something that was more than they could fight. Either
way, they were there, they were his. He would help them; help free
them from the world’s pain. As he did with all newcomers. And
everything that they did not want to share, all of what they sought
to keep secret, all their burdens and afflictions, would not matter

don’t like it here. But they will. They’ll get used to it.” It had
been the same way with him. He was never given the choice. It was
not until after he had drank the water did they tell him. It was
will, they said. It was its rule. Those who drink, are the

Corwon’s face flashed with
anger and bitterness. “I never had a choice.” He swallowed hard,
pushing aside his feelings, stopping the tears before they formed.
He would keep the rule. They would see how it is.

Then they would make their
choice: stay or die.



Chapter 28




t was late afternoon when Qenn was gently shaken awake. He
clutched the staff tightly in response, even before fully
awakening. It had become an automated action now. His eyes rolled
open to see Kandish, wearing a white robe, staring down at him. Her
long red hair was wet, her face had a shine to it. She smelled
nice, he thought. He did not move for a second, he simply stared at
her wondrous face and let everything else be forgotten.

I guess I’d be smiling
too, if I had slept the entire day away.” Kandish gave him a light
tap on the cheek with her hand and told him to get up. She walked
over to sit on an empty bed while she watched Qenn stretch, rub the
sleep from his eyes, and roll his narrow body into a sitting
position. “The sun will be setting in a few hours. They will serve
dinner just before then.”

Sounds good.”

She noticed Qenn staring at
her wardrobe. “Corwon suggested it was a good time for a bath. I
couldn’t argue. They have a warm bath ready for you,

Kamen and

They were gone when I got
up,” she shrugged. “Aless said that they had left and went out into
the woods. Looking for information, I guess.”

Where’s my robe?” Qenn
began removing his boots and socks. He was in dire need of a warm
bath and he knew it. It was a small comfort of having a home; a
comfort that had been lacking ever since he fled Meadow.

Kandish tossed him a robe
off the bed next to her. “Everyone looks so clean here.” Kandish
smiled, watching Qenn frown at his own appearance. “They will wash
your clothes while you bathe.”

Qenn was a little
uncomfortable, but he took his shirt off nonetheless, dressing in
the robe. “Will you lead the way?”

Kandish nodded with a
smile. She liked to see the awkward side of Qenn. “Follow

The sun was just below the
tree tops as they stepped out of the hut, Kandish in the lead, Qenn
following with his shirt and boots in hand. She led him away from
the other huts, down towards the base of the river near the
waterfall where the people had created a few square holes in the
earth, walled with smooth stone, and steaming with water. Kandish
sat on a block of stone near Qenn, close enough to talk, but still
have some privacy. Qenn disrobed, noticing right away that Kandish
turned her back towards him, and removed the rest of his outfit,
sinking quickly into the hot water. A woman came along and took
care of washing out Qenn’s attire while he bathed, hanging his
clothes on a vine stretched between two trees. Kandish’s clothes
were there as well, giving Qenn some comfort that they had not run
off with them completely. As he sat in the warm water, feeling the
sweat and dirt evaporate from his pores, he sat back and stared at
the waterfall. It was serene.

How do you feel, Qenn?”
Kandish asked, turning towards him. She rose and moved in closer,
stopping within a few feet from him. “Do you feel anything strange
in the water?”

Qenn understood what she
was referring to right away. “Yeah, I feel it.”

They talked quietly, not
wishing anyone lurking to overhear. “I felt it immediately. It was
odd, but I think it was stirring with my own magic.”

The sense Qenn felt from
the water was unlike anything he had felt before. At first, he
thought it was just the fact that he had not bathed in so long,
that he forgot how soothing it felt to submerge himself. But it was
more. There was a cleansing taking place that went beyond soap and
water. He ran his fingers across his shoulders, feeling his smooth
skin as if he were a child.

It’s here,” Kandish
stated. She made no attempt to pinpoint her statement, looking
around at the scenery with a face washed of expression. “It has
something to do with how these people act. How they

I agree.” Qenn held his
breath and sank his head under the water for a second, then emerged
out, wrapping himself in the robe that was left for him by the same
woman who washed his clothes. “Think we should talk to Aless

I’m not sure she would
have the answers we need. She’s too young to understand it, I

A woman came running out of
the woods then, screaming and crying hard, heading into one of the
huts nearby. Qenn and Kandish stood watching, unsure how to
respond. Within seconds Corwon was rushing into the hut with her,
followed by several others. Shouting filled the hut, mostly by
Corwon. A few moments later, he walked out of the hut upset,
staring at Qenn and Kandish briefly, before walking

What do you think that was
about?” Qenn asked Kandish.

Whatever it was, Corwon
was not too happy about it.”

Aless came into sight then,
entering the woman’s hut, coming out with tears after a few
moments. Her face was directed towards the ground. Her head lifted
then, as if she knew they were watching her. She slowly walked over
to them.

Aless, what happened?”
Kandish asked, kneeling down to be eye level.

Aless walked over to her,
stopping within arm’s reach. “Teig ran out of the

What is the circle,
Aless?” Qenn asked softly.

Life.” She sobbed, wiped
the tears from her cheeks, and shook her head. “I never thought he
would do that.”

Kandish and Qenn still had
little understanding of what took place. “I don’t understand,
Aless.” Kandish said, looking up to Qenn. “We are

Qenn nodded. “Could you
show us?”

Aless looked scared. “No.
It is forbidden. It is death.”

We don’t mean to frighten
you, Aless. We just don’t understand.” Kandish replied. “What else
can you tell us about it? Help us understand.”

No one goes outside the
circle unless they want to die. Teig knew. We all know. He went
because...” Aless paused for a second. It was hard for her to talk
about. “There is no life outside the circle. Only

Aless, we came from
outside the circle.” Qenn began, hoping to help her see more in

But you cannot go back,”
she smiled sadly. “Maybe if your stick was magic like Corwon

Maybe he is right,” Qenn
smiled. “Then what?”

Then maybe you could
leave.” Aless smiled brightly, staring at the staff in Qenn’s right
hand. “Is it magic? Can I touch it?”

You can, if you can tell
me more about this place.”

Aless thought for a second,
then touched the staff. She ran her hands the length and width of
it, all with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes. When she was
satisfied, she looked up to Qenn with a grin. “Can I have

Qenn laughed softly. “I’m
afraid not, Aless.”

Aless, what else can you
tell us about this place?” Kandish asked. She stood up then,
standing next to Qenn, wishing her clothes were dry enough to put
back on.

What do
you know about the
?” Qenn added.

It gives us life,” Aless
began as if the answer was obvious, turning to stare at the
waterfall. “Without it, we die. That is why we cannot

You cannot

Aless’ face turned
something unpleasant then. She was sad, and something else as well.
“Teig knew. He knew what would happen. They always know. Corwon
said that they make the easy choice. That they are cowards and
will not save them.”

Does this happen a lot,
Aless?” Kandish asked.

Aless shrugged. “Life is
full of choices.”

They were quiet then. Qenn
and Kandish took in what information that Aless had given them.
They turned to stare at the waterfall in a new way now. It had an
important role here, quite different than what they thought upon

Aless, can I tell you a
secret?” Kandish whispered.

Aless’ eyes widened
happily. She nodded eagerly. “I won’t tell.”

BOOK: The Elf King
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