The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)
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The two guards on the main gate of the outer wall were not quite sure what to make of it. A huge black dire wolf had gently dragged the unconscious body of a young man up to the gatehouse. Each time the guards had neared to shoo the creature away, it had stood its ground, and in the end, they had sent word back to the keep that one of their pupils was outside the wall.


Ramon walked with purpose, clearly not impressed he had been woken in the middle of the night. Not only that, it was due to one of his members doing exactly as he had been asked not to. As soon as the soldiers had mentioned a wolf, Ramon had known immediately who the young man in question was.


A small group of soldiers had gathered at the gate, but they parted to let the magician through. The man stood looking at the wolf, and at the young man lying on the cold ground. "Let the creature pass," he said. The soldiers, although uncertain about letting something like a dire wolf into the grounds, did as they were told. Another was told to run back to the keep to fetch one of the other pupils. Ramon was certain if any of his pupils had the ability to know what the creature was thinking, it would be this one.


The wolf gently placed its huge jaws around the hood of Mikel's cloak, and dragged him through the archway of the gatehouse. Despite several more attempts by soldiers at helping Mikel, the wolf left those that tried under no illusions what they would get if they got to close.


By the time Maxim had gone through the main doors, and entered the cold outside, the wolf had dragged Mikel up to the inner wall. The small crowd of soldiers had naturally followed the creature's progress, albeit at a distance. Ramon made a beeline for Maxim as soon as he noticed him, "I think you probably know what's going on here," the man said indicating to the huge dire wolf. Maxim just shrugged, "I know what he was going to do Sir. I would suggest you ask the wolf if we can help."


Ramon looked at Maxim, as if the words he had just said were meant in a mocking fashion. "Talk to it?" he said.

Maxim nodded, and realised if anybody was going to do something it would have to be him. He stepped forward and the wolf immediately went on the defensive, gently releasing Mikel to the ground, and snarling. Maxim held out his hand, "Remember me?" he said ignoring the snarls. "Can we help you? We can carry Mikel inside, into the warm."


He could have sworn he heard one or two sniggers from some of the soldiers as he spoke. Ignoring them and concentrating instead on the wolf in front of him, he repeated the words. The creature sniffed the air, and tilted its head. After a few moments, it lowered its head, as if bowing, and Maxim in turn bowed his head, as a gesture of mutual respect.


Maxim gestured for Zack for to help him lift Mikel from the floor as the wolf watched on, and then followed as they moved on. The guards at the door were not sure whether they should let the animal pass, and looked to Ramon for guidance, "Well I'm not stopping him, so you might be best let him in," the man said.


Several other of the younger residents had awoken, as the noise outside had certainly caused a stir. The fact that a massive black wolf now walked the corridors of the keep caused some to flee in panic. This in turn had more peering from their doorways at the strange goings on. Ramon walked behind the wolf, Maxim and Zack carrying Mikel back to their room. The elder magician snapped at the other younger members being nosey, "Get back into your room!" he hissed, clearly not happy.


Once back in their warm room, Maxim and Zack lay Mikel on his bed. The wolf sat beside it and placed its head on the mattress beside him. Zack placed a hand on Mikel's forehead, "Perhaps we should get Melia to heal?" he suggested. Maxim looked at the older man still stood in the doorway., "I will see you three tomorrow, I doubt there is anything a healer can do," he said before shutting the door and stomping off down the corridor.


Mikel's breathing seemed fine, and apart from his body being a little cold he looked okay. "So what has just happened?" Zack asked now they were alone.

"I think Mikel has made a link with our big hairy friend there," Maxim said nodding towards the wolf beside them.

Zack was not sure what linking with an animal involved, or what its side effects could be. "So what's the matter with Mikel?"

"I really don't know Zack," Maxim replied.


After taking Mikel's boots off, and removing his cloak, tunic and trousers, they tucked him up in bed, the two decided all they could do was to sit by and wait. The wolf was clearly not going anywhere, and after Zack had poured some water from the washstand into a cup, he placed it on the floor. The wolf took a small drink at first, before lapping it all up. "I'm sorry I don't have anything for you to eat," he added, not quite believing he was talking to an oversized dog.



Chapter 12.






Mikel awoke. His eyes flickered open to see an unfamiliar sight. A pair of big yellow eyes stared straight back at him. He felt something wet and rough across his face, "Yuk!" He shouted as the wolf licked him. He sat up a little, as he patted the head of the dire wolf.

"Ah you're awake at last," Zack said.

"We were beginning to think you were not going to ever wake up," added Maxim, sat beside him.


Mikel scratched at his head, trying to recall the moments he had blacked out. "I tried the link...," he said looking at the monstrous dire wolf sat on his bed with him, "I presume it worked...," he added with a wry smile.

"He brought you in out of the cold," Zack told him, "And he has not left your side since."

They went on to tell him of the events and drama that had happened two nights before.

"I've been out of it for that long?" Mikel gasped.

Maxim nodded, "We had Melia check you for healing, but she said there was nothing wrong. I said it was because you're so lazy," he quipped, "But Zack reckoned even you would be hard pushed to sleep for two days."


Mikel chuckled, although still somewhat shocked at the length of time he had been unconscious. He returned his attention to the wolf, and rubbed his hand behind its ears, as one might a playful puppy. "I am going to call you Shadow," he said talking to the creature. The wolf looked at him, before licking him again, as if approving the name he had just been given.


As Mikel pushed himself up a little further, he realised he had no clothes on. "Who undressed me?" he said looking at the two younger lads sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. Zack grinned, "Well if I told you, a beautiful young lady came in and stripped your clothes off, would that make it any better."

Mikel grinned..."You mean it was you two wasn't it?"

Maxim nodded, "Afraid so."

"It was us or Stanton," Zack chuckled at the thought.

"Phew...Lucky escape then," Mikel added, joining in the light-hearted moment.


After a few minutes chatting, Zack and Maxim told Mikel they needed to go and tell Ramon he was awake. "I don't think he was too happy with your little foray out in the night," Zack told him.

Mikel grimaced, "Ah...yes...I suppose I am in trouble?" he asked.

Maxim nodded, "I'm not sure. I think he has had time to calm down at least. Besides...who is going to go near you now you have Shadow?"

Mikel grinned, "Oh yeh!" he said suddenly feeling much better. "So what does this link thing do then?" he asked.

The question was clearly aimed at Maxim, "I've no idea Mikel," he replied.

"We were kind of hoping you were going to tell us," Zack added.


Once the two younger lads had left the room, Mikel got out of bed. He stretched his arms up, before slowly walking to the small washstand in their room. He sniffed under his armpit, and pulled a bit of a face at the smell, "I think I need a wash," he said turning to the wolf. After doing just that, he dressed and decided to venture out in the corridor.


After stepping out of the door, and deciding to head to Ramon's office, he noticed the others looking a little strangely at him. He could hear the pattering of Shadow's paws on the stone floor behind him. He wondered if this was going to be a problem, as people took a wide berth to go round him.


Hoping by taking the initiative, and seeking out Ramon before he was summoned, he thought it might lessen his punishment somewhat. As he approached the office, he saw Zack and Maxim leaving it.

"Ah we have just been asked to come and fetch you," Zack said on noticing him.

"Oh well here goes," Mikel said taking a deep breath.

"You'll be fine," Maxim added, patting him on the shoulder.


He knocked on the door, and waited for the shout for him to enter. He was not certain he should allow Shadow inside as well, but thought what the heck. He was in trouble already; one more thing wasn't going to make a difference. After letting the wolf in behind him, he closed the door. He turned to see Ramon sat behind his desk looking directly at him.

"Come and take a seat Mikel," the man said in a much calmer voice then Mikel had expected to be hearing.


Mikel nodded, and tried to smile, as he did as was asked of him. Shadow followed his move, and sat down on his backside, alongside him. There was a moment's silence, as Ramon studied both his pupil and the creature.

"So....What are we going to do with you?" the man asked tapping his fingers on the top of his desk.

Mikel just shrugged, "I'm sorry Sir," he managed to mumble, hoping it would help.

"Well that's a start I suppose," Ramon said. "You know we have rules here, not because we are all miserable killjoys," he added raising his voice just a little. "We have them to keep every man, woman and child in this place safe. Our being here depends on us being discreet and oblivious to the outside world. That is why we leave the outer wall in ruins, so anybody passing by thinks nothing is here."

Mikel nodded, thinking that made quite good sense when he thought about it. "Sorry Sir," he said again, "I promise I won't be any more trouble."


Ramon paused a while, and then looked at the dire wolf sat beside Mikel, before he stood and walked around the table as Shadow's eyes followed his every movement. He stepped just one pace nearer, and the wolf showed just a little of its huge teeth, as if to say that was far enough. Ramon nodded and stepped away again. "Did you make the link?" he asked.

"I think so," Mikel replied, "Although I don't feel any different."

"It was a foolish thing to try. I told you I foresaw the wolf. That was not an invitation for you to go straight out and bring it back here," Ramon said returning to his seat.


Another moments silence proceeded, before Ramon slammed his hand down on the desk. "You were not ready to be doing such a thing. You could have ended up losing your mind, or worse that creature could have turned on you," the man shouted.

The raising of his voice caused Shadow to stand, thinking the behaviour was threatening, the wolf snarled at Ramon.

"Easy boy," Mikel said patting the creature on the back.

The wolf immediately sat back down and silenced, although did not take its eyes off Ramon.


"I'm glad to see at least you have control of it. However, I warn you now Mikel," Ramon said leaning back in his seat. "If the wolf so much as dribbles drool on anybody here in Pitford, you will leave me no option but to have you both removed," the man said in a tone that told Mikel he was serious.

"I understand Sir. I will keep him from trouble," Mikel said, not totally sure he could keep himself out of mischief.


Happy the boundaries had been set, Ramon moved on to how best Mikel could further his abilities. He told him there was a lady, whom despite her years, and the fact she often came over as totally insane, who should be able to help him. The lady apparently also had a link with an animal. She was often found outside in the small garden at the rear of the keep, talking to the birds. The woman's name was Katria, and Mikel was asked to seek her out, for furthering his knowledge.


Ramon stood, "However should you also wish to improve your other abilities, then go and see either Jerrod or Flynn, both hold regular lessons."

Mikel sat looking up at Ramon, his mind wandering just slightly, about what he could have to eat.

"Well...What are you waiting for...go on," Ramon said pointing to the door.

Mikel quickly jumped to his feet, "Yes Sir...Thank you," he said moving quickly before Ramon decided to have anything else to say.


Mikel did not need to ask Shadow to follow, somehow knowing the large dark haired wolf would do so anyway. He afforded a smile as he realised he had gotten away without receiving any punishment. First, he thought, something to eat for him and Shadow, and then he would seek out the crazy woman and see what she had to say for herself. On second thoughts, perhaps he would leave that until tomorrow, after all he was still tired, perhaps another days rest would be for the best.


Maxim and Zack had to go their separate ways, as they were due to see different teachers. Zack was to see a man named Flynn, whilst Maxim was sent out into the town, where he was supposed to meet a man called Darion. This man lived completely alone and isolated, in a small hut just inside the outer wall. Apparently, he did so, not because he was disliked, but because that was the way he liked it. Ramon had forewarned Maxim, that Darion was not a very sociable person. Often he shooed any visitors away, and only lived amongst the ruins of Pitford because he felt it safer than anywhere else.


After bidding Zack farewell, he watched his friend disappear from sight into one of the side rooms off the main corridor. He sighed heavily, before fastening his cloak and venturing outside to brave the cold winter morning. The guards at the main door looked half frozen to death as he passed them by on the stone steps. He bid them a good morning, and although neither replied with anything more than a grunt, it was still more than he was used to.


He stood at the bottom of the steps, inhaled the chilly air, and smiled. Life for him had changed so much for the better, and for the first time in his life, he felt like he belonged. He had clothes, food and most of all he had good friends. Whether he had the magical abilities everyone seemed to think he had, well he guessed he would find out.


With a spring in his step, he pulled his cloak tighter around himself and set off toward the keep gate and waving a hand at the guards on duty there as he passed through. He was actually surprised just how busy the small community within the outer walls appeared. Men, women and children busied themselves, and he stood to watch for a little while. These were the non-magic folk, who had come to live amongst those that were. He wondered what had made them do so; perhaps family he thought. He supposed if parents had a magical child, they would naturally want to be close by. Although that theory would not be the case with either him, Zack, Mikel or Melia.


Thinking it a quandary for another day, he set off following the directions Ramon had given him, and although people still looked at him as he walked by, they did not appear to be doing so in the way he was used to. In Woodhaven if he so much as glanced at some people, it was enough for them to start shouting abuse at him. Here they merely gave that 'what are you looking at' type of glance his way. Sure he thought, it was still some way from a friendly greeting, but it at least was a move in the right direction.


After walking along the main street, where it seemed a majority of the stalls and shops appeared to be, he noticed a butcher. After checking he had some coin in his pocket, he made a mental note to call in there on his way back. He stopped at a crossroads just to catch his bearings, before taking a right turn between two buildings. He emerged nearer the outer wall, and glancing left, he could probably hazard a guess he had found the right house. Albeit he used the word house in the loosest term of the word, as he thought shed would probably be nearer the correct description.


The rather dingy timber building had its own little fence around it, and Inside the fenced area sat a rather old looking dog. Maxim approached and opened the small gate, and as he approached the door, the dog wearily lifted its head a little, before putting it down again, as it appeared to much effort to do. Maxim crouched down, and patted the poor creature, wishing he had bought it a little treat.


Straightening himself up, he knocked the door and waited. He knocked again when it appeared nobody was going to answer. He waited, and looked down at the dog again, "Is he in?" Maxim asked the creature, but the dog gave no more response than it had earlier. Maxim shrugged and tried one more knock; he was just about to turn away, when he heard the sound of creaking hinges.

"I heard you the first bloody time," an elderly man said appearing at the doorway.

Maxim smiled, "Sorry Sir," he said not quite sure what to say.

"So what the bloody hell do you want?" the man snapped.

"You must be Darion Sir," Maxim said offering his hand out in friendship.

"I know who I am you what are you doing knocking at my door?" the man added.


Maxim puffed his cheeks out, this was certainly going to be difficult, he thought. "My name is Maxim Sir. I was sent here by Ramon," he said.

The old man leaned forward as if examining him. Almost completely bald, apart from a few wispy grey hairs on the side, and with a very wrinkled face, Maxim wondered just how old Darion was.

"Well what you doing standing there for? Letting all my heat out...Get in here," the man snapped gesturing for Maxim to enter.

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