The Echolone Mine (90 page)

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Authors: Elaina J Davidson

Tags: #dark fantasy, #time travel, #shamanism, #swords and sorcery, #realm travel

BOOK: The Echolone Mine
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hissed, “Torrullin set this up.”

laughed. “The Lord Sorcerer sees far ahead, Enchanter. The choice
is yours. You are not immortal and neither is Cassy. Death will
come to you here and I will have to watch. I would really avoid

The door
groaned, and started to swivel.

wide-eyed, ran through to the other side. “Father! We take our
chances. There is always a way out, but there has to be space to
manoeuvre in!”

The door moved
more. “What lies on that side?”

“Darkness, but
it has to change when the door is shut. The air smells fresh enough
and there is a draught coming from somewhere.”

Nemisin glared
at Sabian, and stepped through.


He shoved the
door shut, and laughed and laughed manically in the small rock

Beyond the
mighty Avior door Nemisin and Cassiopin started searching for a
means to make light, having discovered they retained no magical

Sabian sat in
the dusty space.

He had other
choices now to make.

Sabian sat a
long time, and eventually, above, Tristan left.



Tomorrow is a
new day. It might be different. We go forth in hope.

Tingast to
Elianas, Era of the Dancing Suns





fter the dark and firelight of Echolone the sunlight
was disorientating.

It was early
morning and a breeze was fresh off the ocean. It smelled of salt
and promise.

brought them to the grassy area above the cliffs. The dwelling was
in darkness. He would lead Torrullin in slowly, giving him time to
accustom himself to a new environment.

All other
concerns were now as nothing.

Sabian would
have dealt with Nemisin and Cassiopin, Tianoman would be ensuring
the Throne’s safety and immovability for the future, and Tristan
and the Kaval would mark trouble and be there to sort it out. His
world now narrowed to focus on one man.

Nothing else

He would seek
a new tomorrow for both of them.

“Who am I?”
Torrullin asked as he gazed first over the ocean and then at the

It was time to
begin the rebuild. “You are Rayne.”

“Rain. Cool
water. It’s a nice name.”

smiled. “Yes, it is.”

“Who are

“I am your
brother, Rayne. You call me Elianas.”

nodded, accepting that. “What happened? I woke to firelight and
people as shadows in the darkness beyond, and there was a golden
seat. I had to wait for it to be done, but I don’t know why, and
there’s a void behind my awakening. I don’t remember. I don’t
remember anything.”

“There was an
accident. I will tell you about it when you have rested.” Elianas
and held his hand out. “Come with me; our house is not far.” He
pointed his free hand at the dwelling on the hillside.

Torrullin took
that hand and moved stiffly. “Will you help me remember?”

Elianas laid a
hand on his cheek. “We have always been there for each other,

Quilla arrived
then and they walked past as he stood there in wordless shock.

“Who is he?”
Torrullin asked. “How did he appear out of nothing?”

glanced at the birdman. “A friend. He is concerned, for he was
there when you had an accident.” He paused, and then, “Go on; I
will thank him for coming from the both of us, and send him away so
you can rest. Rayne, I am right behind you.”

nodded, smiled at Quilla, and went on walking. Quilla’s heart
broke; Torrullin, clearly, had become a trusting child. He raised
his eyes to Elianas when the dark man halted before him.

“You lied to

“And I shall
go on lying, Q’li’qa’mz.” Elianas bent closer, eyes blazing. “He is
mine now. Stay away from us if you value your life and his

“You called
him Rayne.”

“The persona
that was Rayne resides inside, and is easier to speak to. He was
there before Destroyer and Enchanter and Elixir and all the rest of
the shit. Leave us be.”

“I can

“No one can,
Quilla. Tell them to stay away. Every time one of you comes it will
set him back years.”

Quilla sighed.
“How long?”

“As long as it
takes.” Elianas swung away and increased his pace to catch up to
the wandering fair man.

Quilla, wise
one, did not follow.




e told him of Rayne.

Rayne was
adopted by a couple in Galilan on Valaris and grew up with a sister
called Rees.

At a young age
it was discovered Rayne had talent for magic, and thus studies
commenced under the tutorship of Aven, an old man self-proclaimed
as a sorcerer. Rayne found a sword in the archives under Galilan -
yes, Trezond, brother, the one you wear at your hip even now.
Let us put the blade away until you feel well enough.

Rayne became
Lord of the Mantle, an organisation born of necessity to protect
the Maghdim Medaillon -
the pendant you wear, brother. Wear it
always, for it will help you remember. It is the reason you are now
on another world and call me brother.

He gave
details of Rayne’s life as leader of the Mantle, brother to Rees,
and the city he was raised in, describing the colours and vibrancy
until his mind accepted it as a true memory.

When he asked
how they came to know each other, he explained about possessing
magic also, and Rayne found him on the streets of Galilan and took
him on as an apprentice, teaching him everything he knew.

We are
immortal now, Rayne, thus we appear closer in age than we were as
apprentice and master. Everyone we knew on Valaris has now passed
on, and we chose to make this private place our home. It is easier
on others if immortals are not seen too often.

What is our
purpose, Elianas?

To be there
for the weak. We shall assume that task once more, I promise, when
you are healed.

When I

swallowed. Yes. When Torrullin did remember, would he forgive the
lies and subterfuge? Would he understand that memory returned
heralded the next day?

Do I have
family, Elianas?

No, brother.
We are each other’s family now.

smiled, and Elianas prayed to the gods for understanding.




Lore of Sanctum
continues in
The Nowhere Sphere




Other Books by
Elaina J Davidson



Lore of

The Infinity

The Kinfire

The Drowned

The Dragon



Lore of Arcana



Lore of

The Kallanon

The Nemisin

The Sleeper

The Dreamer



Lore of Reaume



Lore of

The Nemesis

The Echolone

The Nowhere

The Master



The Tinsal



Short Stories
and Novellas

Our Friend
Thomas Henson




A Tear in the









About the



Elaina is a
galactic and universal traveller and dreamer. When writing she puts
into words her travels and dreams, because she believes there is
inspiration in even the most outrageous tale.

Elaina was
born in South Africa and grew up in the magical city and surrounds
of Cape Town. After studying Purchasing Management and working in
the formal sector as a buyer, she chose to raise and home-school
her children.

She started
writing novels around 2002, moving from children’s stories, poetry
and short stories to concentrate on larger works. She lived with
her family for some time in Ireland and subsequently in New
Zealand. Returned to South Africa, she realises the vibrancy of
Africa has much to do with the inspirational side of her work.

happens daily, something to shock, something to uplift, and the
colours and diversity of nature itself fires the imagination.

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