The Earthrise Trilogy (18 page)

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Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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With that Clare gave Kay the berry and she ate it. Through the tears she smiled. "It tastes like black-currant." There was cheering and applause, and Kay was hugged and kissed by just about everyone present. Healing or no, this event had forged a new bond among the Edenites that would not be easily broken.

The party went on late into the evening, and Kay brightened up considerably as the hours passed. Normally she would have tired quite quickly at such an event, but the excitement of the occasion acted like a stimulant, and she managed to keep up very well. When it eventually dawned on folk that it was bedtime, they all escorted Kay to her house, seeing her to her door. She blew them a kiss as she closed it; she had never felt so wanted. It was a feeling she liked and wanted to get used to. For the first time since she'd eaten the berry she wondered what would happen, she certainly felt better than she had done for a long time. 'Could it be that it was going to work?' The thought filled her mind and she remembered Clare's hands...

"O Lord," she said, "please don't allow me to be the first to die in Eden."

Somehow she felt reassured after the prayer, it was amazing to her that such a simple thing could bring such peace. Her intellect had always caused her to keep God at arms length, yet now, she just knew He was with her. The realisation brought her great joy; now, she really did believe. Sleep was going to be a problem this night.

She tried to wind down by sitting and reading, but it was just about hopeless, everything was buzzing, she felt so full of life! 'Surely by now the adrenaline has worn off,' she thought, to herself, 'if that's so, why do I feel so alert? I should be worn out by now, but I'm just bursting with energy.' Kay was thinking this to herself and trying to reason it out, but she knew it was a waste of time. There was only one thing for it...Bed. Kay retired and fell asleep almost instantly, something she hadn't done since her teenage years. It was well into next morning when she awoke, the alarm having had no effect at all.

"I guess I'm entitled to a day off," she said, not caring that she was alone. "But that's just it, I'm not alone," she said, almost shouting. For the first time in her life since her parents had died, she didn't feel alone and it was wonderful.

"O Lord, You are wonderful!" She shouted. "How have I allowed myself to miss so much for so long?"

She was literally bouncing on her bed when a knock came at the door. She threw on a dressing gown and ran to see who it was. It didn't matter who it was, right now she loved everybody. She flung the door open to see Sam standing there somewhat startled.

"SAM," she bellowed, "what a wonderful day, come in."

Sam just looked at her.

"I came to see how you were," he said, "and I've seen."

Kay was radiant and still full of joy.

"Sam," she said, trying to control herself, "I've found God! Or rather, He's found me! I've found my faith, isn't it wonderful."

Sam was speechless, and the look on his face must have said it all, because Kay looked him straight in the eye and said,

"I'm healed aren't I, I just know it, He's healed me."

At last she left a space for him to get a word in.

"I'd say so," he said, "you look like a new woman, do you want to confirm your healing?"

"Yes I do," she said, "and then I'm going to tell everybody how wonderful He is!"

The examination was just a formality for Kay, but Sam found it far more interesting. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat all the way through it.

"Yes," he said, in a shaking voice, "I can confirm that you are healed, but that's only the half of it. You are not only well, you are in perfect health. I've never seen anyone so perfectly healthy as you are right now. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were in your twenties..." He became lost for words.

"Twenties!" Kay shouted, "I'm way more than twice that!"

"Yes I know," Sam said, "but the numbers and the person don't add up. You have the body of a twenty year old..."

He just threw his hands in the air and held the door open for her. She was off, shouting at the top of her voice. Everyone in the settlement heard the commotion and came to see what was going on.

"I'm saved and I'm healed," she kept shouting. "He's done it!"

She was so infectious that everyone joined her as she danced around the settlement, but there were very few who could keep up with her, even young hope had a job.

Steve and Clare were sitting out the third lap of the settlement, both of them very out of breath.

"Well," Clare said, when she could manage it, "now we know. It is the tree of life!"

Steve could only agree with her, the evidence was overwhelming.

"You'd better go back out there sweetie and pick some more berries, I think there's going to be a rush!"

Clare smiled and held out her hand. "It's the last one," she said, "open wide." Steve obeyed and she popped the berry into his mouth.

"Hey! It does taste like black currant. Have you had one Sweetie?" He asked her.

"No, not yet, I wanted you to have one first. I'll go back and get some more this afternoon, fancy a drive?"

The commotion eventually died down, mainly through everyone being exhausted, Kay went home to get dressed.

"I think I'll have the day off," she said, as she passed Steve, "I feel like a long walk on those green hills by the lake."

"Sure," Steve said, "go and enjoy yourself, you've earned it."

Clare turned to Steve and said, "She does look like a twenty year old, I'd better get one of those berries quick!"

Afternoon came, and Mr. and Mrs. Forester jumped into the four-by-four and headed off into the green yonder. Clare was driving, but for once, she was driving slowly.

"Why so slow Sweetie?" He asked.

"It's so beautiful, I don't want to miss it. Hearing Kay talk about missing so much for so long really got to me, from now on I'm slowing down Hun, there's more to life, much more."

They arrived at the camp they'd left in such a hurry and Clare went off to pick the berries whilst Steve began packing everything up.

She arrived back just as he was finishing. She had a dish full of fruit, and a soil box with some plants in to take back.

"It sure was a short field trip Sweetie," he said.

"It's not over yet Hun, this is just a lull, I'll be back when the dust has settled."

They drove back towards the settlement, and were met by Bill running towards them from the Moon Base.

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter 5.


Radio Contact

Bill flagged them down. He was very out of breath, but kept gesturing towards the base.

"You must come," he eventually managed to say, "you must come." Steve motioned him to get in and they set off for the command centre in the Moon base.

On reaching it, Bill ran in with Steve close behind. Bill threw the switch and powered up the centre. Immediately there was a voice coming from the receiver.

"If you can hear me please answer. This is the Southgate community, if you can hear me please answer."

"So, there are survivors on Earth," Steve said, excitedly. "I somehow knew there would be, I've known for a few weeks now that this would happen."

"Shall I answer?" Bill asked.

Steve thought for a moment and said, "Yes, but don't tell them where we are."

"Okay," Bill said, picking up the mic.

"Hello Southgate, hello Southgate, this is the Eden community, are you receiving me, over."

There was static for a moment, and then the voice replied, "Yes Eden, we are receiving you, loud and clear, over."

Steve encouraged Bill to engage them in conversation, he wanted to find out as much as he could about conditions down there.

"Hello Southgate, what's it like where you are? Over."

Again, static, and then.

"Hello Eden, there seems to be quite a long delay in your transmissions, where are you? Over."

Bill had to think quickly...

"Hello Southgate, I'm not rightly sure where we are, where are you? Over."

The reply came.

"I know what you mean Eden, we've had terrible trouble with that here. I think this may be Canada, but I'm not certain. Judging by the delay, I'd say you were somewhere on the other side of the world, have you any landmarks near you? Over."

Bill, still trying to maintain the deception said, "No, nothing that I can see at least. How many are you? Over."

"There are 5 of us here, how about you? Over."

"Almost a hundred our end, we were lucky. Do you have any problems? Over."

"A lot of sickness, the plague died out some years back, but radiation is a problem. We managed to find an area that is clear, but much of the country is still badly contaminated, how about your end? Over."

"We've been very lucky, we're in a place that is free of both sickness and radiation, have you medicines? Over."

"Not much, just a few odd scraps and some herbal stuff, we could sure use some if you have any to spare."

At this point Steve took the mic.

"Hello Southgate this is Steve Forester speaking, I'm acting head of the Eden community, we do have spare medicine and food, but transport is currently a problem. We're working on it though and expect to be up and running shortly. We will assist you as soon as we can, in the mean-time, try to figure out where you are so we have a chance of finding you. Over."

"Okay Steve, will do. By the way, I'm Dave Thomas, glad to know you. Over and out."

Steve turned to Bill, "We really need to get the ship operational and find a way to reach the surface from space. I'm going to have words with John, could you find Eric and bring him to John's as soon as you can."

Steve left with a spring in his step. "Guess the berry's working," he muttered going through the door. He bumped into Clare just outside John's house, she had been giving berries out to those who wanted one, which was just about everybody. Only Hope had declined so far saying, she figured she was young enough!

Bill arrived with Eric in tow and all three went in to talk to John. Inside they found Jimmy already present.

"Hi guys," Jimmy said, as they entered.

"What have you got for me?" Steve asked as he sat down.

"Only a theory at the moment," John answered, "but if it doesn't work I'll eat my hat!"

Steve chuckled, "That good eh, so what is it?"

"A glider," John answered, "made of Kerasite. It would be light, tough and it would withstand the heat of re-entry. We could drop it from the main ship in a decaying orbit and let gravity do the rest."

"How long would it take to build?" Steve asked.

"Hard to say," John answered, "once we know the payload, we'll need a really good design and some testing."

Steve looked at John and said, "Well, there will be four passengers for certain, plus food and a supply of berries and their plants."

"Four!" John said surprised, "Then for 'really good design', read miraculous."

"Understood John, just do your best, and use any resources you need. We've just made contact with some survivors on Earth and they need our help urgently."

"Ok Steve, I'll get right on it."

"How's the main ship?" Steve asked Eric.

"She's fine, as good as new, it only made the one trip. The problem is fuel. Now that we have gravity, we need rockets to defeat it, just like on Earth."

"I have an idea about that," Jimmy chipped in, "just let me make a few tests, and I'll get back to you."

"Right guys let's get to it, from now on this is top priority. The guys on Earth are counting on us."

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