Read The Dynamite Club: How a Bombing in Fin-de-Siecle Paris Ignited the Age of Modern Terror Online
Authors: John Merriman
Switzerland, as haven for anarchism,
Enemy of the People,
Tangier, as haven for anarchism,
Temps, Le [newspaper],
Temps Nouveaux, Les [newspaper],
terrorism, anarchism and,
Thiers, Adolphe,
Third Republic,
Tocsin, Le [newspaper],
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri,
Toutet, Jules,
Tribune Libre, La [newspaper],
Umberto I
Bresci assassinates,
United States, anarchism in,
Vaillant, Auguste,
van Dongen, Kees,
van Herreweghen, Louis-Napoléon,
Venice, Émile Henry in,
Villevaleix, Charles,
Wandering Jew, The
Wilson, Daniel,
workers, celebrate May Day,
strike against Carnegie Steel Company,
Yeats, William butler,
Yver, Mme.
* This assumes lodging cost 130 francs, food 570 francs, clothes and shoes about 140 francs, and at least
francs, absolute minimum, for other expenses—transportation, doctor, and so on.
* Was it remarkable for Émile to cover so much ground so quickly? A detective later made the same trek and found it took about the same time. I tried it myself in September 2005, replacing, of course, tramways and omnibuses with a bus and the métro, and the carriage with a taxi. Subtracting the thirteen minutes when my taxi could not turn left onto avenue de l'Opéra because of construction, I finished the same trip in about two hours and fifteen minutes. Parisian traffic congestion keeps today's vehicles moving at the pace of nineteenth-century tramways and omnibuses.