The Duke and The Governess (22 page)

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Authors: Lyndsey Norton

BOOK: The Duke and The Governess
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Jessica was shocked when he put his mouth between her legs, but was willing to leave it in his capable hands. He said she would enjoy it, but nothing prepared her for the onslaught of sensations. Her legs quivered, her belly trembled and she was aware her body was striving for something. But she was astonished when her orgasm burst like a tidal wave washing over her head. The sensations were incredible and indescribable. She was stunned when her hips fell back onto the sheet and he removed his mouth with one final slow lick. He looked up at her and smiled. ‘That was both delicious and beautiful.’ He lay down beside her again. ‘Your first?’ But Jessica was too dazed to speak. He smiled and stood to take off his britches, watching her heaving chest and admiring her spread-eagled body.

‘Wha...’ she cleared her throat. ‘What was that?’

‘That was your first orgasm.’ John said and she turned her face to look at him. ‘The first of many, I hope.’

Her eyes traced over his fine body until they came to rest on his penis, jutting arrogantly from the nest of curls in his groin. ‘Oh! My!’ she murmured and she started to giggle.

‘What’s so funny?’ he demanded and placed his large hands over his enormous cock.

‘I’m not laughing at you, Your Grace.’ She said still tittering as she looked up at the canopy. ‘I’m laughing at the old Earl asking me to suck his cock!’ She smothered more laughter. ‘His wasn’t even half that size and so wrinkled it was disgusting. He used to shake it in my face and demand I suck it!’

‘Why would he do such a thing?!’ John asked in horror at his importuning.

‘Because he was convinced I was a grasping whore and had engineered the marriage to his heir!’ She said and the smile died on her lips. ‘He was an abusive old man and I’m glad he’s dead!’ she said vindictively.

‘Well!’ John said briskly. ‘Let’s not talk about him, then!’ He said as he lay back down beside her, pressing his rigid cock against her thigh. ‘So long as you aren’t laughing at me.’ He said and gently kissed her lips. ‘And my name is John.’ She nodded. ‘Say it.’

‘John!’ she said on a breathy sigh as his hand enfolded one breast and his mouth engulfed the other. He moaned as the supple mound filled his hand and the button of her nipple jutted into his palm. Slowly he smoothed his palm over her breast until his fingers could tweak the nipple. She jerked as he rolled it between his finger and thumb. ‘Do you want me to suck on your cock?’ she asked sibilantly, surprising him.

John groaned as he sucked on her nipple until it popped out from between his lips. ‘Don’t tempt me.’ He muttered as he shook his head.  He looked at her in the lamplight. ‘No, my love. If I let you do that, our night would be over.’ He manoeuvred over her, settled his hips in the cradle of her thighs and rested the head of his penis at the opening of her vagina. ‘I’m going to love you properly instead. You will feel discomfort or maybe even a sharp pain as your maidenhead breaks, but I promise it won’t last for long.’ He manoeuvred her legs, with her knees up, until they were in a comfortable position.

She frowned up at him. ‘How do you know my maidenhead is still intact?’

He smiled softly at her. ‘Your innocence shines like a beacon, my love. It is blatantly obvious you have never been in this position before.’

‘No.’ she looked down at his lips. ‘But then I was supposed to be standing up against a tree with my skirts around my waist.’ She said as she looked into his eyes to see his reaction and saw only laughter there. He saw the frown of confusion in her face and stroked his fingers over her brows.

‘I may fulfil that piece of gossip one day.’ He smiled softly and kissed her gently. ‘Now, my love. I need you to relax.’ She inhaled and blew out a deep breath as she nodded her head.

Slowly and inexorably John increased the pressure and pierced her tight, wet passage. He groaned deep in his chest and Jessica felt the rumble of it against her breasts even as she felt invaded, stretched, filled to capacity. Her body was telling her to move and she lifted her hips to accept his penetration. John gasped as her hips lifted for him and he moved quicker, until he came up against the resistance of her hymen. ‘This may hurt.’ He whispered and dropped his lips onto hers, taking the gasp of pain from her mouth as he sheathed his full length in her. John held himself rigid and waited for her fingers to relax on his shoulders. He kissed her passionately, mimicking what he was doing to her body with his tongue. He felt the tension release from her body and her hands relax. He slowly removed his lips from hers and looked into her wide eyes. ‘Is it fading?’ She nodded her head and smoothed her hands over his shoulders.

‘Love me, John?’ she begged, ‘please?’

‘As if I could refuse, at this point!’ he smiled at her and pulled back almost to the point of withdrawal before sliding back in to the hilt.
God! She’s so tight!
He thought as the walls of her vagina squeezed against him and her hips lifted to join his in a carnal rhythm as old as time. Each glide in made Jessica gasp as she experienced new sensations and emotions, as John kept up an uneven tempo, pushing slowly in, but withdrawing even slower. Jessica felt that tightness in her belly again and she could feel her body almost demanding more from him. ‘Oh! God, Jess.’ John groaned out as he increased the speed a little and felt her body arch in demand and her nails bite into his shoulders. He looked down into her face, only to see her heart shaped mouth open in an O of surprise and the glaze of passion in her eyes. He drifted his lips over her face and tried to hang on to his control as he evened out the rhythm and increased the tempo yet again. Carefully he supported his weight on his left arm as he reached between them and slowly stroked his fingertip over her clitoris again. Her body was galvanised and a grunt was expelled from her throat, even as John felt the first ripple of the tiny muscles in her vagina milching his penis.

‘Oh! John! Help me! I’m falling!’ Jessica gasped as her body convulsed and she gripped his hips in her thighs like a vice as he pushed in to the hilt and let his orgasm wash from his toes to crash inside his cranium, every tendon rigid, every muscle tense at the exquisite rush of his seed as it burst against the mouth of her womb in a tidal wave. At the moment the tension came off his muscles with an explosion of breath, he realized what he’d done.
He thought
I just came inside her! Why did I do that?
He asked himself as he opened his eyes and looked down on his hearts desire.
That’s why you did it, stupid! Because you love her and you’d like nothing better than to see her carry your child.

Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up into his. ‘Tell me what you’re thinking?’ he whispered.

‘I’m thinking that was unbelievable.’ She whispered back and stroked her fingers through his hair. ‘Utterly amazing!’ she sighed. ‘Is all sexual congress like this?’ she asked innocently, making him smile.

‘Only with the right partner.’ He murmured.

‘So it wouldn’t have been like this with David Caruthers?’ she asked as John slowly withdrew and rolled onto his side with a deep sigh.

‘Probably not.’ He said softly and stroked his hand over her shoulder as she turned on her side to face him.

‘Why?’ she asked so innocently he wanted to cry.

He pulled her into his arms and cradled her head on his chest. ‘Sex...’ he looked down at her face. ‘...intercourse, like we’ve just had, is something intimate and private.’ He sighed. ‘It’s not something that should be engaged between strangers. But unfortunately in our world most marriages are like yours. Two people who have absolutely no passion for each other or even know each other are suddenly thrown into the bedroom and you are supposed to trust each other.’ He stroked his hand over her hair and rested his palm on her shoulder. ‘You are supposed to trust him not to hurt you and he’s supposed to trust that you won’t laugh at him.’ He smiled. ‘A woman needs to be aroused, that’s why I kissed your most intimate of places.’ He said with a wider smile and looked down to see her cheeks flush. ‘If you aren’t wet, it’s painful, for a woman,’ he said the smile dropping from his face, ‘very painful and strangers rarely have the necessary arousal in the first place. A wedding night can be many things, from purely exquisite, like this,’ he gave her shoulder a squeeze, ‘to a nightmare of pain, accusation or even horror.’ He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her forehead. ‘There is nothing in the world so devastating as being unable to perform. Especially for a man.’ He sighed again. ‘The one thing a man cannot fake is sexual arousal.’ He looked down at her and she could see the tears glistening in his eyes. ‘If it won’t go hard, you can’t perform the sex act.’

‘Has that happened to you?’ She whispered and stroked her palm over his chest.

‘Yes.’ He croaked as he tried to stop the heartache bursting out of him. ‘With Victoria on our wedding night.’ He closed his eyes. ‘I never loved her in the first place, and was forced into marriage by my mother’s nagging and her absolute fear of social failure.’ He laughed suddenly. ‘She didn’t realise that because I was a duke she couldn’t possibly become a social outcast and all the rumours about Victoria were just that, rumours. Rumours are ten a penny on the
and it’s stupid to take them to heart, but for those that do, it’s devastating for the transgressors,’ he looked down again, ‘like me and you. The gossip about you was cruel and unjust. I knew it at the time, but I wasn’t in a position to make an offer, otherwise I would have.’

‘My father wouldn’t have had to frog-march me to the church if you’d been stood at the altar waiting for me.’

‘Is that what he did?’

She nodded. ‘He told the vicar I was a minor, so that I couldn’t even speak for myself.’ She sobbed suddenly and the grief of that event burst from her. ‘They wouldn’t even believe me!’ she sobbed and he held her tight as her body was wracked with her distress.

‘My mother wouldn’t believe that Victoria Asquith wasn’t my mistress or that she wasn’t pregnant with my child until six month after the wedding, when Victoria was still sleek and dancing, instead of vomiting and expanding.’ He sighed. ‘Do you know? I’ve always considered Elizabeth your daughter?’

‘You have?’ she asked as her tears dried. ‘Why?’

‘Because I was drunk and thinking of you the one and only time I managed to have sex with my wife.’ he smiled slowly, took her hand from his chest and laid it on his flaccid penis. ‘I was in my study, drowning my sorrows again, and I thought of you, naked over my desk and what I would like to do to you.’ As he spoke, she was amazed to feel his erection grow. ‘And that’s what happened.’ He said looking down. ‘I could only ever get hard thinking about you!’ He frowned then, ‘but Victoria suddenly appeared in my study and in my drunken haze I thought she was you.’ He sighed and snorted. ‘I even remember calling her Jessica, but I stripped off her clothes and took her over my desk, brutally, I’m sorry to say, but I was drunk and she didn’t complain about it until she started with the morning sickness and then it was the end of the world and all my fault.’ He squeezed her again. ‘She blamed me for the pregnancy, she hated every second of it and her one constant wish was for it to be over and how she hated the child within her.’

‘This is making you sad.’ Jessica whispered and slowly stroked her hand over his tumescence, making it grow even more. She gasped as she felt it pulse
under her palm and beco
me as hard as iron. ‘So silky.’ She murmured as she enclosed his shaft in her fingers and squeezed gently. John caught his breath as a spike of lust shot through his member. ‘Maybe I should suck your cock anyway.’ She whispered and slid her face down his chest. ‘Will it feel nice if I lick it, too?’ she asked and John could only groan as her tongue slid over the head of his shaft.

Jessica was hoping that she wouldn’t disappoint him, not realising that was impossible. She clutched him firmly around the base of his shaft and slowly drew her tongue across the head, tasting the saltiness of his arousal as well as feeling the silky texture. Slowly she circled the head, before she engulfed the tip and slid her lips over the crown. Gently she sucked and heard John groaned again as he lifted his hips. Delicately she flicked her tongue over the head at the same time as she moved her hand upwards and then downwards in a slow erotic rhythm.

John looked down at her and was astonished to see her kneeling over him like some sybaritic
nymph from an ethereal scene
. Her dark hair cascading down her back
and over her far shoulder
forming a dark backdrop making her appear luminescent, her peach shaped bottom resting on her tiny feet and her lips, plump and red from kissing him, slipping over the head of his penis as her hand worked him. It was like an erotic dream, one he’d had too many times. The waves of pleasure washed over his body as he clutched his hand into her hair and almost relinquished his control, but his presence of mind stopped him from ejaculating down her throat and he yanked himself out of her mouth at the same time as he tugged her head away. ‘Stop.’ He croaked hoarsely. ‘Please stop.’

‘Did I do something wrong?’ she asked so innocently that he had to snuffle back his laughter
as she let go of his manhood as if it was on fire and it thudded onto his belly. She looked so confused, with her lips glistening in the lamplight. John took her shoulders between his hands and pulled her onto his chest. He kissed his sexual discharge off her lips.

‘No you didn’t do anything wrong.’ He kissed her again. ‘It was perfect, but a gentleman never comes in a ladies mouth!’ He smiled. ‘Would you like to be in charge this time?’

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