The Dreams

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Authors: Naguib Mahfouz

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Naguib Mahfouz was one of the most prominent writers of Arabic fiction in the twentieth century. He was born in 1911 in Cairo and began writing at the age of seventeen. His first novel was published in 1939. Throughout his career, he wrote nearly forty novel-length works and hundreds of short stories. In 1988 Mr. Mahfouz was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He died in 2006.

Raymond Stock is writing a biography of Naguib Mahfouz. He is the translator of numerous works by Mahfouz, including
Voices from the Other World, Khufu’s Wisdom
, and
The Seventh Heaven


The Beggar, The Thief and the Dogs, Autumn Quail
(omnibus edition)
Respected Sir, Wedding Song, The Search
(omnnibus edition)
The Beginning and the End
The Time and the Place and Other Stories
Midaq Alley
The Journey of Ibn Fattouma
Adrift on the Nile
The Harafish
Arabian Nights and Days
Children of the Alley
Echoes of an Autobiography
The Day the Leader Was Killed
Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth
Voices from the Other World
Khufu’s Wisdom
Rhadopis of Nubia
Thebes at War
Seventh Heaven
The Thief and the Dogs
Karnak Café
Morning and Evening Talk

The Cairo Trilogy
Palace Walk
Palace of Desire
Sugar Street

First Anchor Books Edition, July 2009

The Dreams
, translation copyright © 2004 by Raymond Stock
Dreams of Departure
, translation copyright © 2007 by Raymond Stock
Translator’s Afterword copyright © 2009 by Raymond Stock

All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
The Dreams
was originally published in hardcover in the United States by The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo and New York, in 2004, and
Dreams of Departure
was originally published in hardcover in the United States by The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo and New York, in 2007.

Anchor Books and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All of these stories, with the exception of Dreams I–VI, which appeared in the daily
(Cairo: December 9, 2005), were originally published in Arabic in Egypt in the magazine
Nisf al-dunya
(Cairo: January 2000 to September 2006). Copyright © 2000–2006 by Naguib Mahfouz. This translation was first published as two separate works
The Dreams
Dreams of Departure
by The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo and New York, in 2004 and 2007 respectively. The numbering of these stories follows that of their original Arabic publication as
Ahlam fatrat al-naqaha
, with Dreams I–VI appearing between Dreams 176 and 177. Portions of the Afterword to this work were first published as the Introduction to
The Dreams
and the Afterword to
Dreams of Departure

Dreams 105, 106, 113, 117, 128, 148, 151, 155, 157, 161, 172, 179, and 188 originally appeared as “Thirteen Dreams” in the
Southwest Review
(Spring 2007) and were reprinted in
magazine (July 2007). An adapted version of the 2007 Translator’s Afterword by Raymond Stock appeared as “Naguib Mahfouz Dreams—and Departs” in this same issue of the
Southwest Review

The Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress.

eISBN: 978-0-307-80677-2


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