The Dream Sourcebook: A Guide to the Theory and Interpretation of Dreams (53 page)

BOOK: The Dream Sourcebook: A Guide to the Theory and Interpretation of Dreams
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dreams of, 7-8
bedtime preparation for dreaming, 122-124
Bible, 29-30, 32-33, 47, 49, 166
Blackmore, Susan, 229
Blake, William, 187
Bland, Nathaniel, 31
blind people, dreams of, 8-9
body-centered dreamwork, 68-69, 77
Page 272
body, changes in during sleep cycle, 20-21
body language, and dreams, 151-154
Borysenko, Joan, 199
Boss, Medard, 71
Bosveld, Jane, 75, 227-228
brain research, 9-10
brain waves, 74
Buddha, 28, 43
builder in dreams, 95
Carvalho, Andre de, 199-200, 228-229
Casteneda, Carlos, 172, 227
celebrities on dreams, 96-97
changing dreams, 164-168
BOOK: The Dream Sourcebook: A Guide to the Theory and Interpretation of Dreams
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