The Drazen World: Dominate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (4 page)

BOOK: The Drazen World: Dominate (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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He swore and then stilled, his flesh practically humming against my tongue as I slurped down his shaft.

“Holy fuck, Ariana!”

I dug my fingers into his hips, forcing my throat muscles to relax as I continued my descent. I was only halfway down his cock by the time he hit my tonsils.

I pulled off his shaft, smiling as he whimpered. “Patience,” I commanded before spitting into my palms.

I swallowed him again, slurping up and down the smooth skin while stroking the bottom of his dick with my wet hands. When I felt his already engorged flesh swell beneath my tongue, I pulled back, panting as I wiped spit off my face.

He bucked against the bed. “Please,” he begged.

I rolled him onto his side, smacking his ass so hard, my hand stung. “I said to be patient!”

He sucked in a hiss, then growled. “Fuck, that hurt!” 

I rolled him back over, licking his shaft from base to tip. “Is that better?” I asked.

“You’re a goddamn tease.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “But the end result will be so worth it.”

“Promise?” he begged.

“Oh, baby, you’re going to come so hard, you’ll see fireworks under that blindfold.”

“I’m going to hold you to it.”

I sucked him again, slurping up and down as far as he’d fit while jerking off his base. When his balls tightened, I pulled back, laughing as he swore. I teased him like this for several minutes, until my pussy was swollen and dripping juices down my thigh. I thought about climbing onto my bronco and taking him for a ride but cursed when I realized I didn’t have any extra large condoms. 

“Wallet in my pocket,” he said as if he was reading my mind. “Condoms.”

I scrambled off the bed, then stopped for breath as I bent and searched through his pockets. When had a blowjob ever left me breathless, and how many fucking pockets did his pants have anyway?

I found the wallet, pleased to discover two extra-large ribbed condoms. I ripped open a foil packet. “You’re a very naughty boy coming over to my house with condoms. Were you expecting some pussy?”

He flashed a wide smile as his dick twitched against a hard, flat stomach. “I was hoping.”

I clucked my tongue and climbed back on the bed. “Bad, bad doctor. What am I going to do with you?”

“I’ve got an idea,” he rumbled.

I crawled up the length of his body. “So do I.” I licked his nipple, swirling my tongue around it, then trailed kisses down his abdomen. I nibbled on his hip, biting harder when I reached his thigh. “Stay still,” I commanded. “Let me do the riding, big guy.”

I slid the condom on his dick, still amazed by his girth, and then I straddled his waist. Releasing a deep breath, I slowly slid down him, wincing as he stretched and filled me.

Fuck, he was huge.

I’d only gotten about a quarter way down before I pulled up.

“Come on, baby,” he begged.

I grabbed his shoulders, tenderly kissing his lips before whispering against his mouth. “Be good, or you get another spanking.”

I slid down again, and this time it wasn’t as uncomfortable as I forced myself to relax and welcome him. I continued to slide up and down halfway, until my body opened like a blossoming flower. Soon I was taking all of him and moaning my delight as he filled me completely, battering every sensitive nerve-ending as I rammed him.

“Ariana!” he yelled.

It was too late to stop his climax, but my own orgasm was unraveling, plowing through me like a runaway locomotive. I gasped when his cock ballooned against my weeping flesh as he grunted and stiffened. His throbbing cock set off my orgasm like a match sets fire to gasoline. I cried out as the pleasure held me hostage, wracking my body from the inside out, electric pulses shooting through me. After the last strong current had washed over me, I fell on top of him, spent and sated.

His heart hammered loudly against my ear as I struggled to catch my breath.

Hot damn, that had felt good. Just what the doctor ordered.

I laid on top of him for several moments before he let out a long, deep sigh.

“Ariana, are you going to untie me?”

I sat up, wincing as I slid off of him. “Hold your horses.”

“My wrists are going numb.”

Awww, crud. Had I tied the ropes too tight? I rolled off the bed and pulled down my nightie, pleased I hadn’t needed to get undressed to fuck him. The more clothes I wore, the better. Something about being totally naked made me feel too vulnerable.

Funny how I hadn’t felt one ounce of fear while riding my bucking bronco. Usually, my insecurity tried to rear its ugly head, fucking with my mind and making it difficult for me to come, but not with Brad. Why did I feel so secure around him?

I took a steadying breath before removing his blindfold and untying him. I felt kind of bad when he sat up, rubbing his wrists.

“Thank you, Ariana.”

I instinctively arched back when he leaned toward me.

He frowned. “Can’t I kiss you?”

I hesitated. “Y-yes.”

When he cupped the back of my neck, I swatted him away. “No touching. Just kissing.”

I leaned into him, our lips meeting for half a heartbeat before I jerked back.

“Ariana,” he groaned, “that was hardly a kiss.”

Okay, so here came the awkward part. It’s not like I wasn’t expecting this. It happened with just about every guy I brought to my bed. They thought the whole dominant thing was my version of kink. What they didn’t understand was I absolutely couldn’t have sex with a man unless he was tied up. If he was bound and gagged, he couldn’t get too rough or force me to do something that made me uncomfortable. As long as I was in control, I was safe.

My head was fucked. I knew it. I’d been that way ever since my best friend’s dad raped me graduation night. I knew I needed therapy or maybe happy pills, but that would mean I’d have to tell some shrink all the sordid details, and I’d rather try to forget it ever happened. I’d never told anyone about that night. Who was I going to tell? My best friend? Knowing Savannah, she’d take the blame on herself. Her dad had always blamed everything on her, anyway. I couldn’t tell my mom. She’d probably have a heart attack right after she dug up Bud Boudreau’s grave and spit on his corpse. And my stepdad was already sorry about the few times he hadn’t been there to protect Savannah from her dad’s fists. He’d never forgive himself if he knew what happened to me.

So I kept it all inside and dealt with it the best way I could, by not dealing with it. So far, it had sort of been working, until my boyfriends tired of me being on top and insisted we changed positions. That was my cue to dump the guy and find someone new. I was kind of hoping Brad was different. That he didn’t mind me taking the reins every single time. As long as he knew to be a good boy, I was planning on this doctor making house calls every night.

Brad leaned against the iron bedrail, his mouth hitched up in a grin. “Do you want me to stay over?”

I cringed at that. A sleepover would lead to him holding me, circling me with those powerful arms. I’d be at his mercy. All he had to do was roll me over to fuck me. No, I couldn't take that chance. "Brad,” I lied. “I’m a rough sleeper.”

He arched a brow. “A rough sleeper?”

“Yeah, you’ll end up with two black eyes if you sleep with me.” I flashed a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”

He shrugged, disappointment in eyes that had turned grey and muted. Funny, but they’d been dazzling a few moments ago. “That’s okay. I should probably get going,” he said. “I have an early shift.”

Well, shit. And here I’d been hoping for another round. My heart sank as Brad put on his clothes. He’d never want to see with me again after this. I’d ended things too awkwardly.

Why did you have to fuck him, Ariana?

“What time are you getting up?” he asked as he secured that glorious dick beneath his zipper.

What a shame he had to go when he had one more condom left.

“Six. I have to be on set early.” Tomorrow was a big day. I got to identify my abusive pimp in a lineup. Oh, joy.

He tucked his shirt into his pants. “I’ll stop by and check on you on my way out.”

I gasped and jerked back when he bent over to kiss me, regretting my action almost instantly. 

His brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing.” I waved him away with a nervous laugh. “See you tomorrow.”

Why did I always have to get awkward after sex? Why couldn’t I accept a kiss like a normal person?

I did my best to hold back my tears as he walked out the bedroom door. Would he really come see me tomorrow morning, or had he figured out his new neighbor was loca?

As soon as I heard the front door slam, I covered my face with my pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs.

Why? Why? Why couldn’t I have normal sex? But I knew why. Even though I desired men, they terrified me. And though I’d tried to tell myself Brad wasn’t my type, I was wrong. His vanilla complimented my spice perfectly. He was thoughtful, smart, sexy, and hot damn, his dick was huge. How could he
be my type? We’d had a good thing going, and I’d ruined it, just like I’d fucked up every other relationship.

Damn you, Bud Boudreau, for making me this way. I hope you’re rotting in hell.


left work feeling like a train wreck. Turns out my pimp had not only beat me, he’d raped me, and I had to point him out to Detective Isabella Garza, the bitch who’d gotten my role. The funny thing was, she didn’t even look Hispanic. If she was a Latina, then I was Freddy Krueger. 

I gritted my teeth when I saw Sebastian Hendrix leaning against the hood of my BMW convertible. What the fuck did he want, and why did he think it was okay to leave his greasy butt marks on my metallic cherry paint? Savannah had spent almost $100K on my birthday present. I could barely afford to keep it insured, much less pay to keep it clean.

“Nice car.” He flashed a sleazy smile as he pushed off the hood with a rhinestone boot. “Where’d you get it?”

I scowled at him before pulling a tissue out of my purse and rubbing off his butt marks. “I stole it,” I said with a straight face. I laughed when his eyes bulged. “I’m joking. It’s my car.” I wadded up the tissue, narrowing my eyes. “Surprised?”

He rubbed his oily goatee, his silver wedding ring gleaming in the sunlight. Had this guy no shame? “It’s a whole lot of car for a struggling actress.”

I rolled my eyes. I knew exactly what the little prick was thinking. “Let me guess. You’re wondering whose dick I sucked to get it.”

His beady eyes honed in on me, like a snake preparing to strike. “That must have been one hell of a blowjob.”

Okay, time to change the subject. “My best friend got a large inheritance. She practically forced the car on me.”

His thin brows rose, then dipped low over cold, calculating eyes. “You’ve got a nice friend, or is she your lover?” He shifted from one foot to the other, blatantly adjusting himself.


I tightened my grip on my purse strap, preparing to use the heavy bag as a weapon. “She’s not my lover.” 

His tongue darted out to lick his top lip. Damn, this guy had to have been a serpent in his past life. “Ever slept with any girls?”

The buzzers on my creep-o-meter were blaring. “Why are you asking?”

He leaned over my car, tracing a figure eight on the hood with his finger. “Just wondering if you know how to use your tongue.”

I gaped at him. Was he for real?

He slid across my hood until we were a mere few inches apart. His breath hit me like a steamroller, first the strong smell of mint and then the equally stale stench of gingivitis. “Did you hear we’re making some changes to the script?” I could almost see the devil horns sprouting from his head. “You know, I might have a bigger part for you.”

I backed up, clenching my hands. “I’m not sucking your dick.”

He shrugged, feigning disinterest before grabbing his crotch again. “I didn’t ask you to.”

Oh, but you expect me to, scumbag.

“I’ve got to get home.” I walked a wide circle around him and unlocked the car. “My boyfriend is expecting me,” I lied. I didn’t have a boyfriend, and Brad hardly counted. He hadn’t even kept his word and checked on me this morning. Asshole.

I slipped inside quickly, slamming the door behind me.

He tapped on the side window, his lips curled back in either a snarl or a smile. “See you tomorrow then?”

“Yeah,” I said in the most disinterested tone I could manage, even though my insides were shaking. I started the car and quickly backed out, shifting into drive and speeding off, grateful for the powerful engine.

What a sick fuck. He expected me to suck his dick for a few more lines. Too damn bad. He could dangle that carrot all he wanted. I’d go back to Texas before I played his twisted game.

I did my best to hold back my tears as I pulled onto the main road, instantly gridlocked in bumper-to-bumper traffic. At any given minute, I either loved or hated this town. Right now, I hated it and everyone in it.

* * *

here had to have been an accident ahead of me, or road construction, or maybe all the struggling Hollywood actresses had turned on their dickhead directors and were rioting in the streets. And I’d thought Houston traffic was bad. The drive home should have taken me a half hour, not two hours. If I hadn’t been streaming Monica Faulkner’s latest album, I would’ve probably lost my mind and driven down the sidewalk.

I cringed when my Bluetooth speaker rang and my nav system lit up with my mom’s number. It was the third time she’d called in the span of ten minutes. Against my better judgment, I answered, just in case it was an emergency. 

“Hi, Mamá. Everything okay?” I cringed, waiting for her response.

“No, it’s not okay. Why don’t you take my calls?” Her anger shot through the speakers like a burst of venom, infecting me with guilt.

I slouched in my seat, feeling like a cornered mouse. “I’ve been busy.”

“Too busy to talk to your mamá?”

Ugh. How did she have the ability to make me feel like the worst daughter ever when she was thousands of miles away? “I’m sorry. I’ve had a long day.”

“When does your show air? I want to tell all my friends about it.”

BOOK: The Drazen World: Dominate (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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