The Dragon's Queen (Dragon Lords) (15 page)

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Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: The Dragon's Queen (Dragon Lords)
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Laboratory? In the cave?” Arthur questioned as Rolant quickly led them away. They left her alone with Llyr.

Are you a fool? That shot was meant for me!” Llyr growled, spinning her around to face him. She stumbled, not ready for the sudden motion of her body.

tear slipped from her eye to slide down her cheek. The shift faded from her body to leave her drained of energy. “Don’t question me. I am in no mood to defend myself. I did what I had to do—protect the future king.”

The future king?” he questioned. Llyr too shifted to human form. “Is that all?”

Yes.” She gave a weak nod. No. No, that wasn’t all. The idea of him dying was more than she could handle. The fear she’d felt in that second tried to work its way back up her throat. If she lost him…if she lost Llyr… Mede looked at the bodies before moving to follow the others. She couldn’t breathe when she looked at Llyr. “Let them rot where they fell. They don’t deserve a burial blessing.”

Mede, stop, tell me what happened. You don’t seem like yourself.”

What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at the palace,” she said at the same time.

A dragon was in trouble. I wasn’t going to sit at the palace and wait.” Llyr followed her for several paces before trying to step in front of her to stop her.

That is exactly what you should have done, prince.” Mede growled at him. “You don’t belong out here. You are the future of the kingdom. That is more important than any…thing.” She thought of Cynan, not so sure of her statement. “There is nothing for you to do here. You should have reported to the palace like the king decreed.”

I did report to the palace. My father told me of Cynan’s kidnapping, the Var’s suspected involvement, and warned me of Lord Myrddin’s men along our borders. There was also an unusual request from the Var king.”

What request?”

Llyr shook his head. “
I’m not allowed to speak of it.”

Then why mention it?”

Because…” He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Because I…”

What are you doing here, prince? You’re the future king. Go find a throne.” Mede pushed him. Her throat and stomach burned as if she’d swallowed a torch, or a batch of her own cooking. She pressed a fist to her chest, trying to will the heartburn down. “You’re not supposed to run into danger. What if you were infected? What if you were shot? What would I do then? I mean the people. What would the people do then?”

Then Rolant would step up,” he yelled back. His voice echoed and he took a deep breath to calm himself. More carefully, he continued, “I’m not just a future king, Mede. I’m a man. I’m a Dead Dragon. Cynan is—
—my brother, too. I know my duty and I went to the palace and I did it. And when it was done I came for you, Mede.”

For me?” Mede took a step back to put distance between them. “I don’t need a man’s protection.”

I’m not here because you’re a woman who needs my protection. I know you can handle yourself as a dragon.” Llyr’s tone pleaded with her, trying to make her understand something. She wasn’t sure what though. Everything was too confusing. “I came because I had to. I came because I love you.”

She gave a short laugh to choke back tears. The words would have brought her pleasure if they hadn
’t made him chase her into danger, if the evidence of their falsehood wasn’t so clearly seen in his dormant crystal.

Did you hear me, my lady? I love you. When you jumped in front of me it nearly killed me. I love you.” Llyr tried to move closer but she lifted her hand to stop him. “Gods’ bones, woman, I’m telling you I love you. Say something.”

Mede slowly
licked her lips, trying to get them to stop trembling. If only his words were true. She shook her head. “Look at your crystal. You can’t love me. I’m just the only woman you’ve ever known. Maybe sex was a,” her breath caught but she managed to finish, “a bad idea. It confused things between us.”

This isn’t my crystal. You do make my crystal glow.” Llyr reached for his pockets. “I’ll prove it.” He frowned, patting at his sides and desperately looking at the ground.

Mede arched a brow in disbelief. “
Llyr, don’t. Trying to alter the facts won’t change anything.” She stepped in a wide arch around him so he couldn’t stop her. “I can’t have this conversation with you. I need to help bury my fallen brother now.”

Of course, you’re right. It was selfish of me to say anything. We must honor Cynan.” Llyr looked desperate to say more but didn’t. She turned her back on him to join the others.

Mede paused, listening for his footsteps.
“Are you coming? We are in enemy territory right now.”

Mede hoped the grief she felt ov
er Cynan would hide her feelings for Llyr so that no one would detect the full depths of her agony. Today was not a good day. It might possibly be the worst day of her life.

She didn
’t need her crushed stone to tell her what she already knew. She loved Prince Llyr. Unfortunately, there was no clear map regarding how the crystals worked. It was possible her crystal would have glowed for Llyr, but his would not shine for her. Rare things did happen. Her very life was proof of that. Maybe she was unnatural and the gods did not want her reproducing. Maybe female dragons weren’t supposed to exist. Dragons were hard. Women were supposed to be softer. Perhaps the balance she carried between woman and dragon was too challenging, too contradictory, too unstable, too impossible.

was not meant to be hers. Perhaps it was the whispering of the gods that had caused her to crush her stone as a young girl. They knew the heartache she’d feel when this moment came. But even their meddling could not save her from her own heartbroken fate. She would not be the reason the future Draig king did not have children, or a true mate, or true love.

The sacrifice was likely to kill her.

And how could she be so self-absorbed when Cynan was dead. She should have joined him in the cage. The scientists should have captured her instead. She wanted to turn around and kill the already-dead bastards.

Mede?” Llyr whispered.

She realized she
’d stopped walking. “I couldn’t save him. I watched him die and I couldn’t even touch his hand. I couldn’t save him.”

Llyr pulled her against his chest as she began to cry.

“I wanted to so badly,” she wept, “but I couldn’t save him.”

Chapter Eleven


Llyr did not let Med
e out of his sight as they made their way back through the marshes toward Draig land. Saben scouted ahead to make sure the path was clear. Arthur and Dylan moved through the trees on either side of the group. No one spoke.

Llyr again reached for his pocket. His crystal was gone. As they moved
, he tried to find it on the ground, but there was no way of knowing how or when it had disappeared. When he’d made the decision to follow his friends, he had been focused only on tracking them and helping to ensure everyone was brought home safely. He couldn’t even recall the exact path he’d taken, only that it had circled close to Lord Myrddin’s home. For all he knew, his crystal was lost in marsh water and residing as bedding for a givre nest.

Today was not the day to convince Mede of his love. He had no proof. The g
rief of their loss was too fresh.

It seemed a long time before
they crossed back into Draig territory.

stopped near the border. “I’ll see to Cynan’s tent.”

I will help,” Arthur answered.

He has a brother who lives in the high mountains.” Dylan looked to Llyr. “He needs to be told.”

I’m going to the mountains,” Mede said. “I know the area. I was with him at the end. I should be the one to tell Cynan’s brother that he died a hero.”

I’ll come with you,” Llyr said.

Mede looked at him and sh
ook her head in denial. “No. You and Rolant should report to the king. Cynan’s name needs to be honored. It’s up to you to find out if the Var were responsible for bringing the scientists to our planet.”

She is right,” Rolant agreed. “I’ll go to the communications tower. We need to monitor space ships in our sky. Someone was coming to pick them up. You need to tell our parents what happened and then we all need to sit down and figure out what the Var are up to.”

Llyr knew they were right. He didn
’t want Mede out of his sight, but at least the high mountain would take her far from the borders. There she would be safe. “Fine, but give me a moment alone with Lady Mede.”

Rolant and Dylan left them alone.

“When you are done, I want you to go home and stay there until the Breeding Ceremony.” Llyr couldn’t resist touching her. He pulled her into his arms. “I need to know you are safe. It’s the only way I can concentrate on doing what I must.”

I can take care of myself.” She leaned back to touch the dormant crystal on his neck. “And you should focus on finding your mate.”

Mede,” Llyr paused as he heard his brother talking to Dylan. This was not the time to explain. “It’s a royal order. Go home after you speak to Cynan’s brother. And you can’t tell anyone how Cynan died. We can’t cause panic. Just say he was a hero and acted with honor.”

She glared at him and forced him to let her go with a hard push.

“Dylan,” Llyr called. “She’s ready.”

You can’t order me, prince,” she whispered.

I just did,” he stated. “Don’t dishonor your family name by disobeying a royal decree.” The last time he’d ordered her, he was going against the king’s directive that all Dead Dragons in the area must go and fight. Now there was no such conflict and she would have to listen to him.

Dylan appeared with Rolant. He nodded at Mede and turned toward the mountains. She gave Llyr one last hard look before saying to Dylan, “
I know where wild berries grow on the way if you’re hungry.”

I don’t really feel like eating,” Dylan said.

Neither do I.” Mede did not look back. Llyr watched to see if she would.

We have to go,” Rolant said. “She will be fine. She’s heading away from the Var.”

The Var king asked about her.” Llyr couldn’t keep his fear inside. “That is what our father wanted to tell me. The Var king asked to attend our wedding festival.”

Why would the Var king want to come to our Breeding Festival?” Rolant’s entire body became stiff. As if coming to his own conclusion, he looked at where Mede had disappeared, and then back at his brother. “No. He couldn’t think to marry—”

Go to the communications tower and then meet me in the royal office.” Llyr thought of his parents. “You can help me explain why I defied them and went after Mede. Or perhaps we should say I went after the Dead Dragons and not mention Mede? Mother will listen to you, and if you convince her, she will take care of our father.”

Rolant gave a small
, tired laugh. “Yeah, brother, I will bail you out of trouble with our parents.”


* * *


Draig Palace’s Royal Office

Mede carried herself like a true queen.” Rolant eyed Llyr before focusing his attention on their parents. “She showed compassion when she sat with Cynan until his end. She was fierce as she led the Dead Dragons into battle to avenge that death. She was decisive when it came to dealing with the laboratory. And her commitment to her brother dragons runs deep.”

They sat in the king
’s private office around a fireplace. Four chairs were situated in front of the fire around a table the queen had built with her own hands. The king and queen were upset by Llyr’s departure into the Var forest to fight when there was no war.

For a moment, no one spoke. Then, suddenly, Queen Lorna
sat up straighter and directed herself to her eldest son. “Rolant said she carries herself like a queen. She makes your crystal glow? She is the one?”

And there
it was, Rolant’s subtle touch with their mother. He always had a way of phrasing things so she’d be receptive to them. Rolant let a half smile curl briefly on the side of his mouth as Queen Lorna took the clue.

Yes.” Llyr nodded once.

She is the reason you put yourself in unnecessary danger?” The queen had always told her sons there was no dishonor in hard work or hard choices. It had been her hard choice after her mother died to come to Qurilixen to marry a stranger, and the gods had rewarded her for that bravery with a good husband. Though, back then, there had been no contract with a bridal procurement ship, just personal advertisements in magazine chips.

I came at your summons and, when you were done with me, I made the hard choice to defy standing tradition and join the Dead Dragons.”

When you discovered the Var king was inquiring about her, you went to protect her because you love her.” The queen gave him a soft smile.

Llyr nodded. “
Punish me if you must, but Cynan was my brother and Mede is my heart. I had to go.”

There will be no punishment for that,” Queen Lorna said with a stern look at her husband, as if to dare him to disagree with her. He didn’t.

If she is to be my daughter, then why is she not here to meet us?” the king asked.

Cynan has a brother who lives in the high mountains. She’s gone to inform him of the death. I sent Dylan to escort her.” Llyr tried not to let his worry show. He wanted to go after her, but knew that after his decree sending her home, she might not want to see him. “I figured she’d be safer there, away from the borders. The other Dead Dragons have been ordered to make camp near her home for protection. They do not know the full threat and they did not ask for details, but they will keep her safe.”

Have you learned more about why King Auguste is interested in Mede?” Rolant asked, before adding, “The Var king has not remarried. You don’t think…?”

Llyr stiffened
as he awaited his father’s answer. Mede was his and Llyr wasn’t going to let King Auguste near her.

By all indications, his first wife was a full mate. He will not take another,” King Tared stated.

Don’t they half mate?” Rolant asked.

Not after a full. They might take lovers, but I don’t see the Var king going so far as to insult us by trying to make our one female dragon his mistress,” Queen Lorna said.

Don’t you?” the king asked, clearly not as charitable in his opinion of the catshifters.

What about the Var prince?” Rolant asked. “Does the king seek to marry off his son?”

I think war is the more likely scenario here,” the king stated. “The rumors of King Auguste’s excessive drinking and erratic behavior have reached even my ears. It’s no secret that Lord Myrddin and the other house nobles hate our kind. I pay a man well for information and it has come to my attention that Myrddin has been seen at the palace more and more over the last several years. With the Var presence near our borders and Cynan’s murder, it can only be assumed they plan use Lady Medellyn as an excuse to get near the Breeding Festival. I am officially denying the request and increasing soldier patrols that night.”

Rolant gave Llyr a guilty l
ook, before saying, “Should we cancel the ceremony this year? Or at least move it?”

The ceremony is sacred. It will take place and it will happen on sacred ground. I will not cower before the Var threat.” King Tared lifted his jaw proudly.

Even if the Var intentions are honorable, the fates have already decided that the lady is meant for your son,” the queen said to her husband. “There is no reason for the Var to be there. You make the right decision.”

The Var and Draig should not mingle,” Rolant said. “It is all we can do to coexist on the same planet.”

Llyr?” The queen straightened and gave him a worried look. “Where is your crystal?”

Lost,” Llyr admitted. He’d given Gildas’ necklace back now that the man had recovered. It had been a stupid idea, one he never should have done. Now his own crystal was lost in the Var forest and he had no way of proving his love to Mede. “When we went after the scientists, I must have lost it. I looked for it but it’s gone.”

But without it you cannot be married.” The queen looked at her husband. “Can he?”

It’s no matter. It glowed. You both saw it. I will take the words of a Dead Dragon and my son at the ceremony. You will be married.” The king reached his hand to his wife and she took it without hesitancy. “We are blessed early this year, my lady.”

She nodded but still looked worried.
“The gods smile on our family.”

understood his mother’s concern over his future. Tradition said Mede had to break his crystal at the ceremony to cement their bond. If that didn’t happen, would they be able to truly mate? He wanted to believe what he felt for her was enough, but how could he know? Then there was the fact she’d never seen the crystal glow. Would she believe him if he tried to explain again? Would her father tell her? Surely she would believe her father. A small part of him wished she’d just trust what she felt and agree to marry him—crystal magic be damned.


* * *


Var Territory, Shadowed Marshes

What are we doing out here?” Attor frowned at Myrddin. “I know you didn’t summons me from my palace to wander the forest. I have no desire to commune with nature.”

Unless her name is Mede and she
’s naked in my bed,
he added silently
. I would like to commune with that nature.

The breeze
shifted and a horrible smell accosted him. He wrinkled his nose. “What is that rot? Did you bring me to show me dead animals?”

Stop whining like a woman,” Myrddin scolded. “I warned you I’d beat you if you became weak like your father. We’re almost there.”

It was rotting corpses Myrddin brought him to look at, only
they weren’t animals. Four dead humanoids lay on the ground, their bodies mangled with claw marks. Whoever had attacked them had made a big mess of things. Entrails were strewn over the forest floor. Body parts were flung here and there like morbid decoration.

Attor shrugged. “
So you had some fun with the aliens. I don’t recognize them as palace guests if that’s your worry—though it is hard to tell exactly what they looked like before all that damage. The only woman missing is that Syog you chased into the woods. Her traveling party hasn’t seen her and they keep hassling me about her.”

The Syog? I know nothing about that,” Myrddin said. “She probably ran off on one of the departing ships. The last I saw her she was on her hands and knees begging me.”

Attor really
couldn’t care less about the dead people in his forest, or the Syog whore who’d let herself get captured by Myrddin. He waved his hand at the slaughtered aliens. “Have your guards burn them and be done with it. I’m not helping to clean this up.”

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