The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3) (11 page)

Read The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3)
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Ross’s voice prevented her from replying. “Tell me your doubts, Lorna, so I can erase them.”

The way he said it, with such confidence, only made Lorna lean a little closer to him. It was still sometimes hard to believe Ross was human and not a dragon-shifter.

Lorna didn’t break Ross’s gaze. “How are you so certain you want to spend the rest of your life with me, Ross? Tell me that first.”

He nodded. “Aye, I will. But I won’t let you back out from answering afterward.”

“I won’t try, so don’t worry, human.”

Placing his free hand on her hip, he pulled her gently against him. At the little thrill racing through her body at the contact, she had to focus to listen to his words. “Before I came to Lochguard and stayed with you, I was struggling to find out what to do with my life. My daughter was grown, cancer was killing me, and my wife was dead. When Holly was able to get me to Lochguard, I wondered how I would fit in. Dragons were completely different from humans, or so I thought originally.”

“I hope you’ve changed your mind,” Lorna muttered.

Ross chuckled. “You’re impatient, love. Let me finish.” Ross raised his brows and Lorna nodded in agreement. He continued, “Your family reminded me of my own growing up. While my brother is now in America, as a child, he and I would play with our eight cousins during summer holidays. The Anderson family gatherings make the MacKenzie ones look tame in comparison.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“It’s true, love. And I’ll tell you all about it later. Once I finish this, aye?” He waited for Lorna’s head bob before adding, “From the first day I stayed under your roof, you didn’t treat me as a stranger or an invalid. No, I was simply Ross, the stubborn-headed human. With each day that passed, I forgot I might be dying and lived in the moment. Your smile, laugh, and even frowns helped me fight against my cancer even more.”


“Aye, that’s my name. Glad you remember it.” Lorna rolled her eyes, and Ross grinned. “I love your eye
rolls. I try to provoke them as often as I can.”

“I know, you old fool. Are you going to finish your story?”

“I’ll try, although you’ll interrupt me again, I’m sure.” Lorna looked at him expectantly, and he spoke again. “Aye, well, when the doctor finally told me I was healthy again, the first thought I had was to rush out and tell you the news. Not Holly, but you, Lorna. I felt guilty at first, considering everything Holly had done for me, but I eventually realized why you popped into my head first. I was already halfway in love with you, woman. And when I had my life back again, I wanted to make sure you never left my side.”

Lorna tilted her head. “But you never said anything.”

“I didn’t feel as if I had the right. Until we watched that human bloke mate the Stonefire dragonwoman, I didn’t think we had a chance. Sure, we could’ve lived together until we were older and grayer, but I know how important matings are to dragon-shifters. I didn’t want everyone to gossip, and you lose any of the respect you have with the clan.”

“Ross Anderson, you are an old fool.”

He frowned. “I’m trying to spill my heart out to you, and you call me a fool. Maybe I’ve been dreaming all this time.”

“Stop joking for a minute and be serious. I’ve been dreaming about you for several months, too.”

“Then why didn’t you do anything, love? A hint would’ve been nice.”

She ignored his joke. If she didn’t get the truth out soon, she might put it off. “I’m a bit old-fashioned, aye? I know the lasses chase the lads these days, but in my time, it was rarely done. Female dragon-shifters are rare, and the males used to have to compete to woo their hearts and claim them as a mate. Add that to not wanting to let go of my Jamie, and I used both excuses as a wall around my heart. I believed it would make my life easier to keep my distance from love.”

“And now?”

“And now, I’m grateful for my excuses and my wall because it meant I waited for you, Ross.”

“Lorna,” he rasped out before taking her lips.

He slipped his tongue between her lips and pulled her tighter against him. With each stroke of his tongue, she forgot about the pain in her back and all of the time wasted between the pair of them. She had a male she cared for in front of her, and she was going to make sure he knew how much he meant to her.

Because despite her excuses and her unwillingness to believe it could happen so quickly, she loved Ross and she wasn’t going to allow anything apart from death to take him away from her. And even then, she might find a way to bring him back and scold him for leaving her.

Her dragon snarled.
Don’t think about death. Kiss him and get him inside. I want sex. Now.

For once, Lorna didn’t argue with her dragon. Breaking the kiss, she whispered, “Let’s go inside. I want you to make love to me.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

After one last kiss, Ross took her hand and tugged her toward the cottage. The second they were inside, Shay appeared. One look at Lorna and Ross, and he motioned toward the door. “I’ll be outside.”

“Go farther,” Lorna hissed. She didn’t want him to hear her and her human.

“No, Lorna. I’m here to protect you, and that’s what I’m going to do,” Shay stated.

Ross spoke up. “He’ll do the right thing and pretend not to listen. Won’t you, lad?”

“Aye. Believe me, the last thing I want to hear is Aunt Lorna having sex. It’s as bad as hearing my own parents.”

She opened her mouth to scold Shay, but he was out the door in the next second. Ross murmured, “Forget him,” before nibbling her earlobe. “Show me where the bedroom is.”

Yes, show him or I’ll take control
, her dragon said.

There was no way she was going to allow her dragon to steal this moment from her, so Lorna motioned up the stair. “Up here.”

As she guided her male up the stairs, her heart thudded in her chest. She might have had sex with Ross several times over, but this time would be different.

Lorna was about to share her body with the man she loved.

Chapter Eleven

Ross and Lorna didn’t waste time shedding their clothes. The instant his dragonwoman was naked, Ross laid her down on the bed. Hitching her leg around his waist, he pressed his groin against her swollen folds. Lorna moaned at the contact.

Leaning down to nip her shoulder, Ross murmured, “Foreplay will have to wait. I want to claim my mate and the woman I love.”

Lorna’s breath hitched. “What are you talking about?”

Cupping her cheek, Ross answered, “You heard me. I love you, Lorna MacKenzie. I suspect I have for months now, although I always found a way to deny it. As soon as we get back to Lochguard, we’re going to find a way to have a mating ceremony. Even if it means I have to bloody stand up in front of cameras for some PR stunt.”

She smiled. “Do I get a say in this?”

“In hypotheticals, aye. In real life, no.”

She laughed at the reversal of her own words earlier in the week. Damn, had it only been that long?

Lorna’s hand reached between them and gripped his cock. All thoughts left his head at her touch.

His dragonwoman whispered, “I love you, too, Ross Anderson. Now show me how much you love me.”

Running his hand down her cheek, her neck, and finally to her breast, he answered, “I can’t do much while you grip my cock.” He took her nipple and rolled it between his fingers. The sight of Lorna closing her eyes and throwing back her head only sent more blood to his cock.

She finally released him and gripped his shoulders. He ordered, “Look at me.” As soon as Lorna opened her eyes and met his gaze, he added, “I want to watch your beautiful eyes as you come apart in my arms, love.”


Rather than answer, Ross thrust into her wet heat. Lorna dug her nails into his skin, and he moved his hips. “You’re mine, Lorna MacKenzie. And I’m going to claim you properly.”

Gripping her leg around his waist, Ross ran his hand down to her arse cheek. He took a possessive grip as he increased his pace. “My beautiful dragonwoman. Tell me again you love me.”

“I love you, Ross.” Lorna moaned as he circled his hips. “And not just because you’re good in bed.”

“If you think this is good, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

Lorna opened her mouth, but Ross brushed the bundle of nerves between her thighs. As he increased the pressure, Lorna bit her lip and struggled to keep from closing her eyes.

He was glad she didn’t because the love and desire burning in them only pushed him to move faster.

“Yes, just like that,” Lorna said in a husky voice.

“Tell me what you want, love. I aim to please my woman.”

Lightly scratching his back, Lorna replied, “I want you as you are, Ross. No more, no less.”

“Damn, I love you, Lorna.” He took her lips in a rough kiss. The combined heat of her mouth on his and her core around his cock pushed him closer to the edge. If he weren’t careful, he’d come before Lorna. No dragon-shifter would allow that, and neither would he.

Increasing the pressure against her hard little nub, Lorna groaned, and the vibration shot down his spine. Breaking the kiss, he growled out, “I love you,” before pressing harder. Lorna screamed his name as she gripped and released his cock.

Then he gave one last thrust and stilled as he shouted Lorna’s name. Pleasure coursed through his body as he came inside her.

With one last shudder, Ross collapsed on top of her. Her arms instantly came around his back and hugged him tightly.

Taking a deep inhalation of her scent, Ross sighed. “This is heaven.”

“For once, I’m not going to disagree with you.”

Rather than make a quip, he grunted and rolled to his side, never letting go of Lorna. He kissed her cheek and said, “Are you okay, love? I know you hurt yourself flying here.”

Snuggling into his side, Lorna answered, “I’ll have a twinge in my upper back for a day or two, but nothing to worry about. That gives you a few days to truly impress me with your skills. If you don’t, then I’m going to let my dragon out to play.”

“And what does that entail? I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“Let’s just say you won’t be able to walk properly for days. She’s quite the lusty thing.”

“Considering we have a precious few days alone, I don’t want to spend it with ice over my crotch if I can help it.” He nuzzled her cheek with his. “But first, I want to cuddle my woman for a while.”

He tightened his arms around her, and Lorna kissed his chest. “That, combined with peace and quiet, sounds like my idea of paradise.”

As they lay in comfortable silence, Ross felt more content than he had in a long time. Not even the thought of telling Lorna’s children about their desire to mate would ruin the moment.


Lorna listened to Ross’s heartbeat. The steady rhythm, combined with his strong arms around her, was slowly lulling her asleep.

Her dragon spoke up.
Not yet. We only had one orgasm. I want more.

Hush, dragon. We have the rest of our lives to do that. Right now, however, I want to lie here with Ross’s arms around us. It’s been too long since I had this kind of closeness.

She half expected her beast to say it was Lorna’s fault, but she merely settled down at the back of her mind and remained silent.

As Lorna struggled to keep her eyes open, Ross’s voice caught her attention. “Do you think the clan will accept us?”

Lifting her head a fraction, she looked up at her human. “Of course they will.”

“You sound so confident, love.”

“Ross, I’m not a naïve young female who thinks everyone will toss rose petals and wish us luck. But most of the clan looks to me for advice. If I approve of you, they will, too.”

“I suppose since even Fraser came around, I shouldn’t worry too much.”

She smiled. “I wouldn’t hold my breath on that truce being permanent. Fraser will always be protective of me, as are all of my children. Holly is probably the same.”

“Aye, she is. She might be more levelheaded than Fraser, but she’s brave. When she was a child, she always stood up to those who bullied the weaker in her classes. She didn’t care if it alienated her from the popular students; she wanted to do what was right.”

Lorna laid her head on Ross’s chest again. “Hearing that, it’s only logical she would join the sacrifice program to save you.”

“Aye, although I still worry about her. In some ways, I’m glad she has Fraser. He’ll protect her from her greatest enemy—her big heart and determination to save everyone.” He stroked her back. “Just like I’m going to have to do the same with you, Lorna.”

She wouldn’t try to deny it. “Good, because I don’t have as much energy as I once did and helping anyone who asks for it is a bit tiring.”

Ross chuckled. “I may need to implement an appointment system where you’re only available a certain amount of hours a week.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I have five more grandchildren coming, and I’m going to spoil all of them as much as I like.”

“Okay, we’ll put in exceptions for grandkids. But for everyone else, maybe only five or eight hours a week? You’re sixty, after all.”

Lorna snorted. “Make me sound ancient while you’re at it.”

He rubbed her back in long strokes, and Lorna’s dragon hummed inside her mind. “Ninety might be ancient. Sixty is more like you’re discovering yourself all over again. We just need to get Faye out of the house, first, though. Just in case rediscovering yourself involves naked dancing.”

She tickled his side, and Ross laughed. When she finally stilled her fingers, she moved to straddle his legs with her own. Bracing herself on his chest with her hands, Lorna said, “If I’m naked, then I’m not going to be dancing. Well, unless it’s between the sheets.”

Ross groaned. “Did you really just say that?”

Lorna grin. “Aye. It looks as if your corniness is rubbing off on me.”

“What did you say? All I heard was ‘rubbing’ and wondered why you weren’t doing it.”

Lightly smacking his chest, she wiggled her hips to torture her human. Ross drew in a breath, and she did it again. “I wasn’t sure if it was your nap time or not. You seemed fairly adamant about slowing down.”

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