The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 (16 page)

Read The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 Online

Authors: Linda L Barton

Tags: #magic, #dragons, #ya fantasy, #dragons egg, #magic amulet, #dragons magic fantasy king adventure action sorcery kingdom castle, #dragons and wizards, #magic dragon, #dragons magic fairies elves dwarves fantasy children, #magic adventure story about a teen girl

BOOK: The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
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Keira knew that Cassy was worried, but the
duties of the Champion were
. “Yes, I do believe that you understand everything

“Understand everything
? You have to be kidding me. The only
thing I
is that Roupert and I
are probably going to die at the hands of Queen Alona, and my
brother will find himself trapped in this realm forever. Yep,
that’s about everything that I was supposed to understand, right?”
Cassy felt her heart break in two and all hope for a successful
ending evaporate from her being.

Keira understood Cassy’s fear, but she knew
if she were to surrender now that all was lost for the subjects of

“Do not let this fear consume you,
Cassandra. You are stronger than you know. The sacred Breast Plate
and Blood Key chose you for that strength, so now you need to
believe in it as well.”

Cassy glanced over to
who nodded his encouragement. “She’s
right, you know. It chose you because you had it in you to handle
this task. I have faith in you. Now you only need to have
in yourself.”

Cassy shook her head, not wanting to accept
their words. “I’m just a kid. A few days ago, the only thing I was
worried about was if I’d make the school soccer team. I’m no
warrior, I don’t know how to fight evil Queens or her palace
guards. I just want to go home and be a teenager again.”

Keira reached up and placed her tiny hand on
Cassy’s cheek. “I understand your fears, and you would be wise to
hold on to them some, but you are much more than a teenager, who
only wants to play ball in school. You have greatness buried deep
within you.
will not only help
you defeat Queen Alona, but will also guide you in your life once
you return home to your realm. Do not question your abilities,
Cassandra. For you have an exciting life ahead of you.”

Cassy wanted to believe Keira’s words, but her
doubts prevented her from fully accepting them. “Okay, I’ll do my
best, but I only hope my best is good enough.”

Queen Privlana sat on the filthy mat in the
corner of the dungeon searching her memories of what she could do
to save Frier. She knew the Lillients would watch over him to the
best of their ability, but if Alona had found a way
their protection, all hope was lost.

“How could I have allowed her to see into my

She knew the answer to her question. In her
excitement to be with her son, she had let down her guard.

“Oh Ashlym, my beloved, how much longer must
I wait? My spirit grows weak trapped in this form. How I long to
heart beating in my chest again, as I fly
through the sky with you by my side. To have spent all these years
trapped in this dark and dreary place, away from everyone I love
has drained my will to live.” She covered her eyes and wept

“Your Majesty, do not cry; for the Champion
comes to free you from your bondage,” Syrea, of the Lillients,
whispered in Privlana’s ear.

Privlana jumped back, startled by the soft
voice. “How is it possible? How is it you are able to get past
Alona’s spell?”

Syrea laughed softly, “Her magic has no
power over the magic of the Lillients. Light Magic always has power
over Dark Magic.”

Privlana tipped her head to the side, unsure
if she understood the statement. “I don’t understand. If that is
the case, why is my magic powerless against her? The magic of the
Dragon has always been that of light.”

“That is true, My Queen; however, when Alona
cast the curse over your family, she bound your powers. You will
not have your powers again until the day the curse is broken.”
Syrea felt Privlana’s pain and wished she could end her sorrow.

Privlana lowered her face, ashamed to look
at Syrea. “I owe you so much. You came to me when I needed you
most. You made sure my son had
it safely out of the castle before Alona was able to
find him. Now I have another thing to ask of you.”

Syrea looked deeply into Privlana’s eyes,
seeing the fear behind the tears. “My Queen, I know you fear for
Frier. I also know that you worry that this Champion will
fail like
the one before. I am
here to tell you not to give up hope. This Champion is much
stronger than Abigail was. She has a keen wit, is willing to face
her adversary, and has much love in her heart for those who are
important to her. Those are
qualities for a Champion,” Syrea smiled when
she noticed Privlana seem to relax.

“I hope you are correct; for I do not know
how much longer I can last chained in this dungeon,” Privlana

“Please know that you are never alone. I am
aware that Keira, the Milif has been to see you. Her powers are
powerful. She will watch over the Champion and keep her safe.”
Syrea wiped another stray tear from Privlana’s cheek.

Privlana lifted her head and gazed into
Syrea’s eyes. “This Champion, may I ask her name?”

Syrea beamed with excitement. “Her name is
quite beautiful, it is Cassandra.”

“Cassandra, yes that is lovely. I look
forward to meeting our Champion, Cassandra,” Queen Privlana

Privlana sat silently for a few moments,
trying to decide how to ask the question to answer her greatest

“What is on your mind, my Queen?”

Privlana wanted to know of Frier, but she
was too afraid to ask.

She knew that not knowing would torment her
soul, so Privlana looked at Syrea and blurted out the words without

“Should Alona find Frier, do you believe
that she would do him harm?”

Syrea did not respond immediately. She
gazed into Privlana’s tear
filled eyes. “I know that Alona wants to have control of the Blood
Key and all the power it holds. I also know that she can use Frier
and his powers to aid her in obtaining the Blood Key from the

“How do we stop that from happening?”
Privlana asked.

“That my Queen is the greatest question of

Chapter 17

Several minutes had passed since Keira
vanished, leaving Cassy and Roupert still unsure of what they
should do. They both just stood in place, neither of them speaking
until, Cassy decided to break the silence.

“Why did you hide my great-grandmother here?
What happened when she came here?”

Roupert had dreaded this moment. He had
fought to bury his feelings for Abigail, but now he knew he would
have to face them again. He closed his eyes for a moment, as the
memories of his time with Abigail flooded his mind.


filled the sky on the day Abigail appeared in the Kingdom of
Walandra. Roupert was returning from a hunt when he came across the
frightened young woman, sitting under a tree along the path to his
hut and crying with her hands covering her face.

“Are you okay?” he asked, trying not to
startle her.

The young woman looked up at Roupert and
nodded her head.

“I do not remember seeing you in this part
of the forest before. Are you lost?” Roupert could see the
confusion in her eyes, and he feared that she was in some sort of

The young woman nodded her head again.

Realizing that he was not getting anywhere,
Roupert decided to try something else.

“My name is Roupert. What is your name?” He
held his breath and waited for her response.

She hesitated before answering, gazing
solemnly at him. She breathed in deeply then said, “My name is
Abigail; it’s nice to meet you Roupert.”

As Abigail began to stand, Roupert offered
his hand. “Here, let me help you.”

“Thank you, that was very kind,” Abigail

Once she had stood, Roupert stepped back,
taken by surprise by what he saw. He lifted his hand and pointed at
Abigail. “It’s you,” the words escaped his mouth.

Taken aback by the strange statement,
Abigail began to cry again. “What is going on here? I was in my
grandfather’s library looking at one of his old books, and the next
thing I know is I’m in this strange place and wearing this!” She
pointed to the breastplate with the red gemstone in the center of

“You were chosen. What you are wearing is
the sacred Breast Plate and Blood Key. It has chosen you to be the
Champion.” Roupert bowed his head in reverence.

Abigail glanced down at the breastplate then
back up at Roupert. “This makes no sense. This was the stone on my
grandfather’s book. What’s going on?”

Lightning flashed across the sky as thunder
crashed in the distance. Soon the sky grew dark as the clouds
released rain upon the ground.

“Quick, we need to get to shelter before the
worse,” Roupert
offered his hand to Abigail with a tone of urgency in his

She hesitated a moment, but when the
lightning filled the sky again, she took his offered hand.

“Where are you taking me?” she said
breathlessly as they quickly followed the path with the rain
pelting down on them.

“To my hut, you will be safe there,” Roupert
quickened his pace much to Abigail’s dismay.

By the time they reached the
, both were
soaked from the rain. Roupert ran to the
tucked among the trees, opened
the door, and waited for Abigail to enter before he joined her

“You look chilled. Let me start the fire,”
Roupert quickly walked over to the firepit in the center of the hut
and stoked the embers left from that morning, causing them to flare
up. He then carefully placed a stick of dry wood on the small fire,
along with a few twigs to help the fire burst into flames and begin
to heat the room.

“As a matter of fact, I am a bit cold,” she
blushed when she saw the nervous look on Roupert’s face. “Maybe if
I sit by the fire for a bit, I’ll feel better.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea. Let the fire dry
your clothes.” For some reason, Roupert found it difficult to look
at Abigail. He had spoken to several a young maiden in his life,
but there was something different about her. He quickly brushed the
dust from one of the wooden chairs sitting by the table, and pulled
it over by the fire.

“Please, sit, and warm yourself by the
fire,” Roupert uttered quietly while averting her gaze.

Abigail sat on the offered chair then leaned
forward enjoying the feel of the flames on her hands. “Thank you
for bringing me here. I would hate to think that I would still be
outside with the storm coming.”

As their eyes met, Roupert felt his heart
quicken in his chest. He turned his
and then grabbed another piece of wood then added it
to the fire.

“This should warm you in no time. I will
make us some root tea,” he whispered nervously. He walked over to
the shelf next to the table and grabbed a small jar, and then set
it on the table.

“Root tea? I’ve never had root tea,” Abigail
smiled, as their eyes met.

Realizing his eyes were transfixed on hers,
Roupert turned his head and reached for the kettle. “I need to get
some water. I’ll return in a moment.”

He picked up the kettle and walked quickly
toward the door, glad to put some distance between him and the
beautiful young maiden with the hypnotic eyes.

Once he was outside and had closed the door
behind him, he leaned against the wall and exhaled a strained

“What is wrong with me? Why do I feel so
drawn to her?”

He shook his head then laughed at his
foolishness. “You cannot have feelings for her; she is the
Champion, chosen by the sacred Breast Place and Blood Key.”

Just saying those words made his heart ache
for he knew what was ahead
stunning beauty sitting beside the fire inside of his hut.

He dipped the kettle into the rain barrel
then turned and opened the door. He
a moment before stepping inside with the hope that
he could control the strange emotions surging up from deep inside
of his soul.

“I’m glad you’re back. I was beginning to
get lonely,” Abigail teased playfully, hoping to ease the tension
between them.

Roupert hung the kettle over the fire,
trying to avoid her beautiful eyes. “The tea will be ready in a few
minutes. Are you hungry?”

“No, not just yet; please sit, I have so
many questions,” Abigail pleaded.

Roupert felt his heart stop in his chest.
“Ah, okay.” He swallowed then he brought another chair over by the
fire, keeping his distance from Abigail.

“Please come closer. I promise not to bite.
I have lived with my Grandfather for most of my life, so I’m at
ease speaking with men,” Abigail laughed softly at seeing the
shocked expression on his face. “Besides, I have a feeling that you
are too much a gentleman for me to fear.”

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