The Dragon Lord (36 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval

BOOK: The Dragon Lord
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Fitting her into the curve of his body, Dominic drifted off. His dreams began almost immediately. He smiled in his sleep as tiny replicas of Rose romped within the confines of his mind.

Dominic awoke early. Rose was still sleeping, so he dressed quietly and found the garderobe. He returned to the chamber, washed and cleaned his teeth, careful not to awaken Rose. He left the chamber in search of breakfast and bumped into Lillian in the passageway.

She bobbed a curtsy.“Lord Dragon, I did not know you had returned. Everyone was ecstatic when word arrived of your miraculous recovery. No one was more thrilled than Lady Rose. Oh, forgive my rambling, my lord,” she said, coloring prettily. “I am Lillian, your lady’s maid.”

“Good morrow, Lillian. Rose is still sleeping. Come back later.”

“Lady Rose is still abed?” Lillian gasped, obviously shocked. “Is she ill? She rarely misses morning Mass.”

“She… we … stayed up late … talking,” Dominic said lamely.

Lillian’s cheeks flamed. She bobbed another curtsy and fled.

Dominic smiled all the way to the hall, where he broke his fast with the other guests of the king. John had promised him an audience at Terce, so he wandered out to the tiltyard and watched a group of young squires at their training. When the church bell announced the hour of Terce, Dominic returned to the palace, where he cooled his heels in an anteroom before he was admitted into the king’s privy chamber.

” Tis good to see you looking so well, Dragon,” King John greeted. “I commend you on your recuperative powers. We were told there was virtually no hope of your survival, that your wounds were mortal.”

“I had a guardian angel looking after me,” Dominic said. It was true. Rose’s appearance at his deathbed had wrought a miracle.

“I suppose you want permission to take your wife home to Dragonwyck,” John said gruffly.

“May I speak freely, sire?”

“You usually do.”

“I understand you refused to seal the Articles of the Barons.”

John stiffened.“‘Tis no secret. That damnable charter is an insult to the crown. No king should have to suffer such restrictions.”

“The barons think differently. The threat of civil war is very real, sire. You would be prudent to take the charter seriously if you wish to avoid a conflict.”

“I have already conferred with the council. They suggested that I send the archbishop and the Earl of Pembroke to negotiate with the barons. I do not want war, but I cannot set my seal upon that self-serving document unless a compromise more favorable to the crown can be reached.”

Dominic did not want to push the king too far lest he jeopardize his freedom to take Rose home where she could be properly looked after until the birth of their child.

“Forgive me, sire. I would not speak so boldly if it were not necessary. I am aware, as I am sure you are, that a civil war would divide the country, and you cannot afford that kind of turmoil.”

“I alone shall decide what is good for our country,” John railed. “You may go.”

Dominic took a deep breath and continued, disregarding the king’s dismissal despite the danger to himself.“If negotiations fail and the barons’ army reaches the city gates, the citizens will flock to their cause. You cannot afford to ignore the charter. Lives will be lost; you stand to lose your life as well as the throne.”

John surged from his chair. “Are you threatening me, Dragon?”

Dominic refused to cower beneath John’s fierce anger. “Nay, sire, I but hope to prevent a civil war.”

“Leave me before I lose my temper and find a place for you in my dungeon.”

Realizing he had done everything he possibly could for the barons, Dominic bowed and quit the chamber. Mayhap John would have to see the army at London’s gate before he would acquiesce.

Dominic returned to Rose’s chamber and found her staring out the window, a wistful look in her eyes. She turned and smiled at him.

“Did you see the king?”

“Aye. He refuses to listen to reason. I know not how to proceed. A civil war could begin very soon. It will tear England apart.”

Rose came to him and placed her arms around him.“You have done all you could. I hardly think the barons expected miracles from you. We are talking about King John, are we not, and we all know him to be obstinate, evil and greedy. He will not agree to set his seal to anything that diminishes his power.”

“I fear you are right, love.”

“We should return to Dragonwyck immediately. I want to go home, Dominic.”

“Aye, ‘tis exactly what we shall do. I do not want my pregnant wife caught in the middle of a civil war.”

Joy suffused Rose’s face.“When?”

He paused, his expression determined.“Now. As soon as you and your mother are ready.”

“An hour. ‘Tis all the time we need.”

“Good. I will get the horses while you fetch your mother. Are you able to travel?” he asked worriedly. “Will riding a great distance hurt our babe?”

“Worry not, Dominic. I am not yet at the point where riding will endanger our child.”

Dominic gave her a quick kiss and strode to the door. When he opened it, however, he was brought up short by a palace guard standing in the passageway.

“I bear a message from the king, Lord Dragon,” the guard said.“His Majesty wishes you to remain at Westminster.”

Dominic stared at him. “Did His Majesty say why?”

“If he had a reason, he did not divulge it. He said to tell you he may wish to speak with you again about that matter you discussed with him earlier.”

“I understand,” Dominic said. The guardsman left. Cursing beneath his breath, Dominic closed the door and waited a moment before confronting Rose, for he felt her disappointment as keenly as he felt his own.

“I do not believe this!” Rose raged.“The king is a monster.”

“We all agree on that point, love, but unfortunately, he
the king. Look on the bright side.”

There is no bright side.”

“Aye, there is. If John is willing to discuss the charter further, we should take that as a good sign. Mayhap he is having second thoughts.”

“Mayhap he is trying to decide whether or not to separate your head from your shoulders. We should leave now, before the barons reach London. We can sneak out the garden gate, and no one will be the wiser.”

“You know I cannot do that. If there is even a small chance of convincing the king to accept the charter, I must remain and do what I can to help the barons. With his barons aligned against him, John doesn’t have the manpower to go to war. He depends on the barons behind the charter to fight his wars. He enjoys being king too much to risk his throne.”

“Can the barons succeed should the king remain stubborn?”

“Aye. They have manpower and determination on their side.”

Rose sighed. “If you feel so strongly about it, then of course we must stay.”

A sennight passed before Dominic heard from the king again. It was a time fraught with tension and anxiety. He tried to conceal his apprehension from Rose, but she could read his feelings as easily as if they were her own, and in the end he was glad for her support. With each passing day he realized how lucky he was to have his wife. Giving him Rose was probably the kindest thing King John had ever done, for John was not a man given to humane acts.

The day Dominic received King John’s summons, he knew something momentous was about to take place. Rose was with him when the summons came, and Dominic tried to allay the worry that darkened her lovely blue eyes.

Try not to worry, love. I truly believe the king is beginning to see that the barons are not going to give up, nor will they disappear.”

“I wish we were home,” Rose said on a sigh.Think you he will let us leave after this is resolved?”

“I am sure of it. We are neither prisoners nor hostages. John wants me here to help during negotiations. Kiss me for luck, love.”

Dominic hugged her tightly as she kissed him and sweetly clung to him. Her fervent kiss reminded him of the nights they had spent passionately loving one another and falling asleep in each other’s arms. He could hardly wait to take Rose to Pendragon to meet his parents and brother.

Though Dominic had left home to make his own way many years before, he was still very fond of his family and had never completely lost touch.

Dominic became aware of the unusual number of people milling about and talking in hushed voices as he strode along the passageways toward the king’s chambers. Something of import was afoot, and Dominic’s intuition told him that the king was finally ready to accept compromise.

Dominic was ushered immediately into the king’s privy chamber. King John was not alone. With him were the archbishop and the powerful William Marshal, the Earl of Pembroke. They seemed to have been arguing but fell silent when Dominic entered the chamber.

“Lord Dragon,” the king said, “I do not believe you know Pembroke or our good archbishop.” Introductions were made, and Dominic waited for the conversation to resume.

When the king began to pace, Dominic knew an important decision was at hand. What he did not know was where he fit into the scheme of things. Suddenly John stopped before Dominic, staring pugnaciously into his face.

“The barons’ army is camped in the meadow at Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines. They threatened to batter down London’s gates if I did not negotiate with them. The archbishop and Pembroke have been dealing with the barons on my behalf.”

“A wise move, sire.”

“To your way of thinking, mayhap,” John said sourly.

“There are some extremists among the barons who cling to the original demands and refuse to negotiate,” Pembroke interjected. “They want to fight, and the moderate barons cannot change their minds.”

“I am prepared to grant the barons’ general demands, but the more militant of the barons are not satisfied with my concessions,” John groused.

“The negotiations have broken down,” Pembroke explained.“Ashford asked for you specifically, Dragon. He thinks you may be of some help in resolving the standoff. The barons respect you, and Ashford believes the militant faction will listen to you.”

“Humph!” John snorted.“My champion is now the champion of my enemies.”

“The barons are not your enemies, sire,” Dominic responded. “They want to be treated fairly, and you have not been fair to them in the past.”

“I am the king. I do not have to be fair,” John thundered.

“You do if you wish to keep England from civil war,” the archbishop reminded him.

“I see I am outnumbered. Very well, return to Runnymede and take Dragon with you. Mayhap he will be of some help with the negotiations.”

Dominic had but a short time in which to explain to Rose why he had to leave. He found her sitting on a bench in the herb garden she had become so fond of. Her face held an anxious expression as he joined her.

“What did John want? Did he give us leave to return home?”   .

“Not yet. He is sending me on a mission with the archbishop and the Earl of Pembroke.”

“What kind of mission?”

The barons’ army is encamped at Runnymede, near Windsor. Negotiations have broken down, and Ashford asked that I meet with them and try to convince the more recalcitrant barons to return to the negotiations table.”

Rose clutched desperately at his arm. “I do not want you to go.”

“I have no choice, Rose. If I can prevent a civil war, my time will be well spent. Then we can go home.”

“I want to come with you.”

Dominic stared at her. “What?Impossible. You are a woman.”

Rose sniffed disdainfully. “I am well aware of my gender, my lord, but that does not make me any less capable than a man.” Her eyes brightened as she warmed to the subject. “Raj is gone; you have need of a squire;.”

Dominic leaped to his feet, an incredulous expression on his face.“You are with child! This conversation is at an end. You will wait here for me, is that understood?”

Rose forced down a stinging reply. Angering Dominic was definitely not the wisest thing to do. Giving him the slightest hint of what she intended would probably result in having him lock her in her chamber and throw away the key.

“Understood,” Rose answered. Oh, aye, she understood, but she just did not agree.

Later that day, Dominic left for Runnymede with the archbishop and Pembroke. Their squires followed behind, one of whom was Lord Dragon’s new squire, a fresh-faced lad with smooth, beardless cheeks and a pair of legs that would put some women to shame.

Rose felt no qualms about disobeying Dragon. She had given no promise and therefore felt no guilt. She was heartily sick of being held hostage. She missed riding and hawking and hunting, and going where she pleased when she pleased. Rose had told no one but her mother that she intended to follow Dragon to Runnymede, and she had only told Nelda because she knew her mother would worry after she disappeared.

Once she had made up her mind, Rose had asked Lillian to find her the sort of clothing a squire would wear. At first Lillian had been reluctant, but Rose had placated her by saying she intended to surprise Dragon by dressing as his squire and riding with him to Runnymede. Lillian had thought it a great lark and joined in the game. The clothing Lillian had procured for her fit reasonably well, and when Dragon left the palace, she joined the ranks of squires accompanying their lords.

It was not difficult for Rose to remain anonymous in the group of men and youths riding to Runnymede, for in addition to squires, several knights and their pages rode with the group, providing escort as well as protection. Once they reached the meadow where the barons’ army was encamped, Rose was just another face among the crowd.

Dominic greeted Ashford, then followed him to a grassy area that was large enough to accommodate those involved in the negotiations. After listening to some of the barons speak, Dominic decided that Pembroke had been right in his assessment of the extremists who clamored for war. None of the concessions the king offered seemed to satisfy them. Time passed. Negotiations were at a standstill when Ashford asked Dragon to address the barons.

Not quite sure of what he could say to change their minds, Dragon surveyed the sea of expectant faces. His gaze traveled beyond the barons to the group of squires and pages gathered nearby. His gaze returned to the barons, then abruptly returned to a group of youths standing off to his right. His brow furrowed and his expression grew incredulous as recognition dawned. He would recognize her face anywhere.

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