The Dragon Legion Collection 9 (37 page)

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He didn’t trust the garden. He didn’t trust it one increment more than he trusted the darkfire. There were no humans in the vicinity of the garden, which seemed to be hidden in a mountain pass, so he had no idea why he was there. There was no one to victimize or use for his own purposes, which made the garden a wasteland in Jorge’s view. He took the form of a salamander and sulked over the injustice of his situation in the shade of rock.

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been there when he felt the spark of a firestorm. He brightened at that, because a firestorm meant there’d be at least one human within proximity. Since he blamed the
for many of his woes, Jorge liked the idea of taking out his frustrations on an enamored dragon shifter. Assassinating the mate of a
would be a perfect way to improve his mood.

He smiled when he smelled the
. It was one of the Dragon’s Tooth Warriors, unless Jorge missed his guess. They had a distinctive scent about them, one that was evocative of the past yet not dusty or rotten. They were less readily distinguished from each other than their modern counterparts, but had firestorms all the same.

He couldn’t smell the mate, even when he saw the shadow of the
in question descending into the garden in dragon form, the heat of the firestorm illuminating him brilliantly.

Jorge crept out from the shade of his rock, cautious but curious.

If a salamander’s eyes could widen in shock, those of the golden yellow salamander that was Jorge would have done so.

Because he suddenly caught a whiff of Viv Jason, the so-called ally of the
Chen. She was here, and he could smell the heat of her fury.

Had the darkfire snared her, as well?

Surely, she couldn’t be this
’s destined mate?

Jorge had to know for sure.


Chapter Three


The apple had shown Aura the truth. Thad believed there would be a son, that the firestorm must result in the conception of a son.

But the apple revealed to Aura that there was no son in her future.

Thad was wrong.

It wasn’t a crime to believe in the tales of his kind, and Aura actually counted his faith in his favor. He liked the story. He wanted it to be true.

She knew it wasn’t, so she could be with him.

And Thad had immediately rewarded her decision with his plan to take their time. Aura had been seduced by more than one man, but they all had a single thing in common: they were in a hurry to satisfy their pleasure. Thad’s intent to prolong the firestorm was wonderful and enticing to Aura.

It was a perfect evening in a perfect garden. The moon was rising and was full, its silver light almost as bright as sunlight in the garden. Aura led Thad to a sparkling fountain that was wide and deep. Stars were reflected in its surface and even better, there were no nymphs who claimed this water.

She would have her dragon all to herself.

Her blood was humming when she turned to face him. She removed her tunic, liking how he caught his breath at the sight of her nudity. She removed her sandals, feeling beautiful and provocative, simply as a result of the heat of his gaze. When she straightened, Thad has shed his strange clothing and was nude beside her. She flicked a glance over him and smiled.

He was everything she could hope a man—dragon shifter or not—could be.

“You undress quickly,” she teased. “Is that anticipation?”

“Training put to good use,” he replied. Aura didn’t understand his words and she guessed that it showed. “We have to undress quickly to hide our clothes when we shift shape.”

She reached to touch his injuries, dipping her free hand into the fountain and stroking away the blood. His wounds were already healing, a sign that dragon shifters were as vigorous as she would have expected them to be. “Can you shift back without them?”

“The story is no.” He grinned, that crazy crooked confident smile that made her heart gallop. “The reality is not something I want to explore.”

“Don’t tell me a dragon is afraid.”

“A wise dragon compensates for his weakness,” he said with a lift of one brow, offering his hand to her in silent invitation.

She put her hand in his and the light of the firestorm flared brilliant yellow between them. “And how will you compensate for that one?”

“By having a partner who can be trusted completely.” He kissed her fingertips, his gallant gesture prompting her smile. The heat in his eyes filled her with anticipation, and the touch of his lips on her fingers made her knees melt. He turned her hand and kissed her palm, folding her fingers over the burning imprint of his lips.

Aura sighed with delight. Thad spared her a mischievous glance, his hair falling over his eyes, then kissed the inside of her wrist. He trailed kisses up the inside of her arm, blazing a trail to her shoulder that dissolved every last shred of her inhibitions. Aura let her head tip back when he kissed her shoulder, her throat, her ear, then gasped as he bent to kiss her breasts.

She had never felt anything so good in her life.

She ran her hands over the muscled breadth of his shoulders, then up his neck, spearing her fingers into his hair. She laughed at the sight of the firestorm’s sparks in his dark wavy hair, like fireflies in a thicket at twilight. She ran her fingertip over the dark blue mark on his skin, the image of a dragon, and the firestorm’s light made it look touched with fire. He straightened and captured her lips beneath his own, claiming her with a kiss.

Thad swept Aura into his arms in one easy gesture. He carried her into the fountain, and Aura felt the water surround her as he sank into its depths. The fountain was deep enough that the water came to his shoulders, and the cascading spray fell all around them like a spring shower. The water, too, turned golden in the firestorm’s light, as golden as Hera’s apples and gleaming just as richly. She felt his hands slide over her beneath the surface and liked that his touch was both firm and gentle.

Thad pulled her astride him and Aura felt the size of his erection. As much as she wanted to feel his heat inside her, she twisted in his embrace. Thad broke his kiss and regarded her with concern, his expression making Aura feel playful. “You didn’t change your mind,” he whispered and she laughed, because it wasn’t possible.

Not now.

“No, but the firestorm won’t burn long this way,” she teased, and his grin flashed. Then she pushed him back so suddenly that he lost his balance. He disappeared beneath the surface and Aura pursued him, seeing how he was holding his breath. She ran her hands over the hard lines of his body with unrestrained delight. She had wanted to touch him before and had caressed him as a breeze, but now she wanted to feel him with her hands. She felt his calves, his thighs, his buttocks, then closed her hands around his erection.

Thad caught his breath and locked his arm around her waist. He lunged out of the water, carrying Aura with him, and caught a deep breath at the surface. “I can’t swim,” he confessed.

“But I can,” she said with a smile. She dipped below the surface and cupped her hands around him, then replaced them with her lips. She felt him moan as much as she heard it. As a nymph linked to the element of air, she was at ease in the water as a naiad. She breathed a stream of tiny bubbles, which frothed against Thad’s skin even as she took his strength in her mouth. She closed her eyes against the brilliant glow of the firestorm and bent her attention to giving him pleasure. She felt his hands close around her head. She heard him catch his breath. When she wrapped her arms around him, she felt the pounding of his heart against her palm. The firestorm glowed with greater intensity, even as she gave him all the pleasure she could give.

She sensed that he was on the cusp of release when Thad seized her by the waist and drew her to the surface. He kissed her deeply and possessively, then lifted her to sit on the lip that surrounded the central pillar. He parted her thighs and kissed the insides of her knees, his playful glance making her blood simmer as much as his artful kisses. When his mouth closed over her, Aura leaned back and moaned from the depths of her being. The water was cascading all around her, the golden glow of the firestorm lit the night and her dragon was determined to make her roar.

Three times Aura found her pleasure that night, each peak higher than the last, before Thad lifted her out of the water, spread her on the lush grasses of Hera’s garden and claimed her, body and soul, forever.

* * *

Chicago—June 1, 2012


Erik, leader of the
, sat vigil.

He had been watching Drake sleep for three days and three nights. The other warrior had been utterly still in his slumber. Only a
could detect the slight motion of Drake’s chest as he breathed, and Erik had leaned close several times, just to be sure. Drake didn’t move or roll around, just remained supine with his hands folded on his chest.

Three days and three nights.

Erik had to wonder if Drake would sleep for months. Forever? He leaned back in his chair and let his own breathing slow. Erik had been sure that Drake would have stories to tell him. He wanted to know what had happened to the other Dragon’s Tooth warriors.

He wanted to ask if Drake knew why Erik’s mind was afire.

Where had they been? Where had they gone? What had befallen them?

The darkfire crystal no longer held a spark. It was dead and empty, the crystal too faceted to even make a good scrying stone. Erik had stored it in his hoard, but he wasn’t certain it had value anymore.

He let his eyes narrow to slits and listened to Drake’s slow breathing. Eileen was maintaining the normal rhythm of their lives, sleeping at night and rising with the alarm clock. She looked in on him and reminded him to eat, even as she hurried to work and took Zoë to daycare. Erik waited with Drake, wanting to be the first one to hear of his experiences.

Wanting to ensure that Drake didn’t slip away without telling him more.

As he sat in the darkened room, Erik did as he always did. He reviewed the locations of the
. He felt a connection with each of his fellow dragon shape shifters, which was how he had inherited the task of leader. He was always aware of them, but when he sat in the dark, the links felt more tangible. There could have been a fine copper wire stretched between him and every individual
who drew breath. Or maybe they were lines made of fire, for they shone in the darkness of his mind like long, thin conduits of flame. At the terminus of each was a larger flame, one that burned in a color or a way that reminded him of the
in question.

There was Quinn, the Smith of the
, charged with the power to heal their dragon scales. Sapphire and steel in his own dragon form, Quinn was staring into the glowing coals on the hearth, in his house outside Traverse City. He was listening, even while his partner Sara and sons Garrett and Ewen slept, and he was turning his challenge coin in one hand as if he sensed danger approaching.

There was Donovan, the Warrior of the
, restless in the middle of the night at his home in Minneapolis St-Paul. Lapis lazuli and gold in his dragon form, Donovan was always learning new fighting skills. On this night, though, he was listening, standing still in his garage by his Ducati while his partner Alex slept. His sons Nick and Darcy slept while their father began to pace.

There was Delaney, Donovan’s younger brother, standing at the front window of the house he shared with Ginger in Ohio. Erik heard Delaney’s awareness that the dairy cows they raised were serene in the barn, and his surprise at that. Delaney was copper and emerald in his dragon form and more wiry than his older brother. He inhaled deeply of the night air, as if expecting to catch a whiff of something in the wind, and listened to the world outside the house while Ginger and their sons Liam and Sean slept.

Niall Talbot, the Dreamwalker of the
, was changing a diaper, his keen sense of smell so affronted by the odor that Erik smiled. Niall and Rox had twin boys, Kyle and Nolan. Erik was aware that Rox was beside Niall, changing the other boy’s diaper, and that Niall was also listening for a sound that had not yet come.

He was not alone in his sense of foreboding.

Erik found that reassuring.

He followed a brilliant and sturdy line of fire to his old friend Rafferty, secure within the line of dragonsmoke that defended his townhouse in London. Rafferty was gold and opal in his dragon form and was humming softly, reinforcing the dragonsmoke even though it was already deep and thick. It was early morning there, and the
abandoned his creation of dragonsmoke when his partner Melissa embraced him. Erik turned his attention away on purpose, not wanting to intrude, but noted that Rafferty also was preparing for a sensed threat.

Stretching beyond Rafferty’s thread of gold was the glittering line that led Erik to Lorenzo, stage magician and chameleon of the
. Lorenzo was staring out of his home at the waters of the Grand Canal in Venice, looking so intently into the water that it seemed he expected something or someone to suddenly appear. Erik felt Lorenzo jump when his partner Cassie spoke to him, a remarkable thing given how observant Lorenzo was.

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