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Authors: Gabriel Vicioso

The Dragon Knight Order (5 page)

BOOK: The Dragon Knight Order
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“Hmph, are you lecturing me about what is dangerous and irresponsible? I find that very amusing and if you were half the mage you believe yourself to be, you would have noticed that he didn’t lose all of his energy. He had just enough to survive and in case he was actually in danger I would have supplied him with some of my magic. We dragons need to know if the boy was ready to take on the harder aspects of being a Knight. It is imperative that he learns as fast as he can. Do keep in mind that not only are there 18 Knights left in the world, but the need for more of them is rapidly approaching. Once that time is upon us, they will prove to be our salvation and yours as well.”


“How dare you! If you were half the dragon you pretend to be, Alex won’t be in the shape he is now. To speak of…”


“I think that is enough from both of you. The boy is awake,” said a small voice walking in.


At that point I was fully awake and when I opened my eyes, three faces were looking at me. A tall man dressed in black with dark brown eyes and a strong build, Professor Lirean and the Chairman. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I felt like as if I had been used as a landing pad for a fat dragon. It was certainly not the best feeling in the world. I was struggling with getting up, talking and remembering how I had gotten here but before I could try asking again, the tall man spoke up.


“Well aren't you a lazy one. A whole day wasted on sleeping. If all Dragon Knights were like you they wouldn’t be of much use to anyone. But I suppose it's only fair after what you did.”


"I have to agree with you Sir Shadow," said the Chairman. “I didn't expect you, Alex, to achieve this level of power so soon. It’s all thanks to my wonderful academy!”


“He fainted during one of Lord Shadow's sessions Chairman. We didn't have much to do with that aside from tiring him out. In some ways this is our fault too,” said Professor Lirean, with a troubled look on her face.


“Nonsense my professor. If Sir Shadow here hadn't pushed him so hard this wouldn’t have happened,” said the Chairman, avoiding the blame.


“Mind your manners human. I have the final say in all matters regarding the boy. Now leave. He is clearly confused and has no idea what we are talking about.”


“Well then Lirean and I shall go,” said the Chairman, as he walked away from the side of the bed.


After they left, an awkward silence filled the room and I couldn't figure out how to break it. So I tried with a basic question.


"Who are you?" I asked, remembering he had been called Shadow. “And what was that all about?”


“Have you not been paying attention? I am Sir Shadow the Darkness royal dragon or Master Shadow to you and to my brethren, the Lord of Darkness. In simpler terms, I am your teacher.”


“Sorry, but unless you happen to have a 20 meter long dragon under my bed, you are not Master Shadow,” I said dryly.


“I might look like this, but I am very much the same Shadow you speak of. You thought that one of the three most powerful dragon attributes would only be limited to talking through shadows? I can bend them in any way I want. If that happens to be a tall man because it is more practical than my real body walking into the infirmary, so be it. Or I could just shape shift into a human. I am surprised that after two months you still think within the limited constraints of a regular human mind. As for why you are here... Well … you lost control.”


"Sorry for being small minded Master, I can help it. I am human after all,” I said with a touch of sarcasm and annoyance. “What do you mean I lost control?”


“Simple, you tried something your body could never handle since you still don't have the necessary amount of stamina. Most never will, so consider yourself lucky and talented at the same time. You attempted to create a Vorm out of darkness. Unlike regular Vorms, when using an attribute like light and darkness to create one, it will require a lot more energy and it will also keep draining from you even if it is completely formed. They are far more destructive and easier to control but they consume so much power that most Dragon Knights that can create them can only sustain them for no more than a few minutes at a time. Only those that achieve the rank of Dragon Riders or higher and Naturals who become Knights can do it for prolonged periods of time. You should have done what I told you to do.”


“But I did! I sent the ball at the water Vorm I had created and then I passed out,” I said with shock.


“That is not what I remember. I remember seeing a darkness Vorm about 10 meters long form from the sphere you were supposed to use to absorb the water Vorm. The Vorm then went on to destroy your water Vorm and just about anything that was unfortunate enough to get in its path. Luckily for the stupid kids that had decided they wanted to take a peek at the Sky Dome, you ran out of energy just before it could attack and its form collapsed. Had it not been like that you would have three neighbors here in the infirmary with very severe wounds.”


“I can't remember any of it. But why did the Vorm form if I didn’t intend it to?”


“There can be a number of reasons as to why but in my opinion you were simply distracted, but enough of this idle lying in bed. You will stay here for a few more hours and regain your full strength, and then head back to the Sky Dome and get ready. We are going to test just how long you can last with a darkness Vorm out and see if we can get you to better control it.”


He started to leave when he paused and turned around and said, “Oh and you have your exam in five weeks. So if I were you I wouldn't get too comfortable in that bed. The real training starts now.” With that, he left.


I mentally slapped myself. I will never get back yesterday and today will also be a fruitless day. So I lost two days that could have been used training. And if I had been going through hell just to keep up with Master’s training up until now, what does he mean the real training starts now?












I Don’t Always Get Along with Others




After I was allowed to leave the infirmary I headed straight to the Dragon Hold. But as luck would have it, I passed my least favorite people in the world, Eric and Lester. Serves me right for trying a short cut through the training grounds.


“Well, look who we have here… If it isn't our friend Alex, the Dragon Knight. Where have you been these last two days? Skipping class because you think you are the best? We have been training hard to beat you and that lowlife Adria, in the upcoming exams,” said Eric, getting close to my face.


“Quiet Eric! You don’t want to accidentally spoil our little surprise for them,” said Lester, coming from behind Eric and pulling him a few feet away.


“Whatever you say, you won't be able to beat me, not even if you train for the next ten years!” I replied trying to calm myself. My anger was starting to flare. They were always trying to anger me. I don't care what they say about me but they won't call Adria a lowlife in front of me and leave with all of their teeth. I could sense how the air was starting to condense around us and the wind was picking up. The shadow magic was reacting to my anger.


“Oh?” said Lester. “You really think you can take both of us on in a duel? You can try, but scum like you won't get very far against a Noble, much less two of us.”


The floor became moist as all three of us tried to create a water source for our magic.  I could feel a breeze rising, as well as static electricity in the air. Looks like it wasn't a bluff that they had been training hard. Static electricity was something only competent battlemages could create. All of a sudden a fireball came rushing towards me. My training kicked in and a shield of water formed on my arm just in time to catch it. However, it didn't stop the burst of air that followed, which knocked me off my feet and sent me flying a good four feet. I hit the floor with a hard thump. If I hadn’t been so angry I would have been surprised they could cast spells that fast.


“See lowlife? You can't possibly hope to defeat me and Lester,” said Eric with an evil grin on his face.


“Just stay down and don't get up. Dogs like you should just listen to what Nobles have to say,” said Lester with his 'I am better than you' face.


“Oh really?” was my only response, as I started to concentrate on the shadows around them. I started to gather the breeze in front of me to send an air blast at them much stronger than theirs has been. I could see them struggling to move. It was nice seeing how the two months of Masters training had paid off. I could keep them in place by forcing their shadows to stay, a little trick I had recently mastered. I then let go of the air and watched as it hit them both and sent them flying. Two loud thuds were felt in the floor as they hit it. When they started to get up I was already rushing at them with a water blade.


"Let’s see you block this," shouted Eric.


He suddenly had two fireballs in his hands that he threw at me.


“HA! So desperate that is the best you got?” I shouted back. I raised the water around the body parts he was going to hit. As the first fireball struck, I felt an electric shock that forced me to a stop. When the second one hit it forced me to my knees in pain. Since when did Eric learn electrical based attacks and infuse it into another element? It was a pain but he was indeed getting better.


"I told you a lowlife like you won't be able to beat us! Let’s end this,” barked Eric.


“Eric you stupid idiot. I told you not to let him know anything about our training. You just showed him your electrical attacks. I guess we will just have to send him to the infirmary so he can't tell anyone,” said Lester preparing to form a Vorm.


The moment he stopped talking, I realized I was in big trouble. Five Vorms started to take shape in front of me. It would take only one minute to have two winds, one fire, one water, and one electrical Vorm ready to attack me. At my best I can bring out two Vorms, but even if I did bring them out, it wouldn't serve much of a point. The water Vorm wouldn't stand a chance against the electrical one and the wind one would be destroyed by their wind ones. I had but one choice left.


“Master is going to get mad at me for using it again and without permission,” I whispered to myself.


The darkness sphere started to condense a foot away from me. I thought of a Vorm and I felt the massive pull of energy that Master had talked about. Surely enough, a black Vorm began to form itself in the place where the sphere had been. The moment it was complete I could hear its thought patterns. It won't be correct to call it a Vorm because this creature, whatever it was, had a mind of its own and was very much alive. Its thoughts were on how to destroy the five Vorms standing before it. I couldn't believe my eyes as it sank down into its own shadow. I panicked for a moment thinking the Vorm couldn’t hold its form because of my lack of stamina to maintain it, but I sensed its mind and felt the energy pull moving towards one of Eric’s Vorms. It was moving within the shadows and it was acting completely independent from me which was worrisome.


“Is that all you have to show for yourself? Worthless trash like you can't even make a working Vorm. You are a disgrace to the Dragon Knights,” said Eric as he laughed.


“Eric I don't think it's ov…” The cry of both wind Vorms cut him off. The black Vorm had risen from the shadow of one of the wind Vorms, stepped down on its spine and at the same time striking the other with its tail. The Vorms couldn't sustain their form from the heavy impacts they had just received and disintegrated. Just as the fire Vorm attacked with a jet of yellow flames, the shadow Vorm set out a jet of black flames from its mouth. When they came into contact with the yellow flames, the black ones absorbed them and went on to absorb the fire Vorm. Once the black flames ceased and the black Vorm closed its mouth, I felt the energy pull disappear completely.  I assumed that means it eats the magical power of anything it comes into prolonged contact with like the spheres do and it uses its power to sustain itself. I was starting to feel tired, so it was a welcome relief.


 “How did you do that?” said Eric with a scared voice.


"Keep your cool Eric," said Lester trying to act brave but his voice was cracking. “Let me think of a plan.”


“I think it’s my win,” I said feeling the drain of energy come back. It seemed the fire Vorm didn’t have a lot of power left when it was consumed by the black flames.


No one moved for a good thirty seconds and the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the electrical Vorm and the growls from both the water Vorm and the black one.

BOOK: The Dragon Knight Order
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