The Dragon Guardian (7 page)

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Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Sword & Sorcery, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

BOOK: The Dragon Guardian
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“And how do the Guardians relate to the human female?”

Standing up tall, Fergus answered, “I want to bring the practice back and be Gina’s Guardian. For the first year, I will guarantee her safety and watch out for her and the bairn. At the end of the year, we’ll see if she still requires my protection.”

His clan leader studied him a second before finally replying, “How often did the Guardians of old take their charges as mates?”

“Not often. Leaders weren’t as concerned about true mates and happiness as they were survival in those days. Alliances were often more important than love.”

“Aye, but this is the 21st century, Fergus. You say your dragon wants the lass, yet you want to protect her. The most important question is if you can protect her from yourself?”

His dragon growled.
We would never hurt her.

Clenching his fingers, Fergus took a step toward Finn’s desk. “If I feel my dragon seizing control, I will tell you. In that instance, I’m sure Faye and my mum would look after her. Faye may no longer be a Protector, but she still has all of the training.”

“I’m sure this sounds fantastic inside your head, but what if the lass rejects you? She’s been hurt and may not open up for quite some time. Hell, for all we know, she might still love the father of her child. Even if fate decrees you as true mates, there is the possibility Gina will fight it and deny you.”

Only through sheer force of will did Fergus keep his dragon in check at the mention of Gina loving the bastard who hurt her. “Did you let that stop you with Arabella?”

Finn smiled fondly, no doubt at the memory of pursuing his mate. “Good point, cousin.” His clan leader paused a second and continued, “Before I even attempt to convince the DDA of allowing the human to live here long-term, I want to meet this Gina MacDonald and assess if she’s a threat to the clan. If she passes my check, then you still need to convince the human to accept you as her Guardian.”

“I’m fairly sure I can convince her. But, if I can coax the lass to agree, BroadBay might try to take her back. Can the clan handle another threat?”

Finn waved a hand. “You always worry too much about the clan. In this, you focus on Gina and I will deal with BroadBay if they show up.” His clan leader gripped his shoulder. “You are one of the hardest working and least recognized clan members, Fergus. You deserve a chance to seize your own happy ending. And not just because you’re my cousin. You’re a fine male, Fergus MacKenzie. Any female would be lucky to have you.”

Fergus had never been good with praise, so he didn’t acknowledge it. “So when will you have a decision?”

“That anxious to have the female to yourself, eh, Fergus?”

Fergus frowned. “Not all of us think solely with our cocks. She’s alone and on the run. I bet she wants to know what her future holds for both her and her son.”

Finn sighed dramatically. “You always were the logical and noble one, Fergus.”

Grinning, Fergus winked. “Well, someone had to be. My mum needed an ally to help with the responsibilities, and you and Fraser weren’t about to do it.”

“We were a bunch of wild teenagers, weren’t we?” Finn’s mobile phone beeped with a text message. “Sorry to cut short our walk down memory lane, but that’s probably Grant wanting to talk about Gina’s background check. Go home and put on some clothes. I’ll let you know when and where to meet Gina after I talk with her.”

Fergus nodded. “Okay, but just don’t scare the human too much. She’s quite pregnant and Arabella will have your hide if she finds out you scared a pregnant woman.”

“Hey, now, I don’t scare people. I just hint that it’s in their best interests to behave.”

The door opened before Fergus could reply. Arabella stood in the doorway. “Grant’s pestering me to the point I had to get off the couch. Call him, Finn, so I can take a nap.”

Finn’s expression turned concerned as he walked to his mate’s side. “Are you okay, Ara? Do I need to call Dr. Innes?”

Arabella sighed. “No, for the tenth time today, I don’t need the doctor.”

Placing a hand over the small bump of Arabella’s abdomen, Finn whispered, “Come on, babies. Give your mum a rest. Otherwise, she’s cranky.”

“Finn,” Arabella growled.

Having heard Finn and Arabella’s back and forth over the triplets before, Fergus motioned toward the door with his head. “Call me when you’re ready, Finn.”

His cousin nodded and Fergus rushed out of the cottage. Breathing in the cool winter air stirred his dragon.
I wish he’d stop being overprotective with Arabella. It’s really irritating me.

Fergus snorted.
As if you’d be any better. If we can convince Gina of the Guardian idea, you’ll be just as protective.

Maybe. But it won’t matter because then she will be ours.

Not quite, dragon. Protecting her and winning her over are two different things.

If you say so.

Despite the possible danger to his clan and the very real chance Gina would tell him to fuck off instead of agreeing to his being her Guardian, there was a small flicker of hope in his chest. The thought of waking up next to Gina in his bed and feeling the kick of a child under his palm sent a rush of warmth through his body. He’d nearly given up hope he’d ever have a family of his own. And now, he might have one.

The trick would be in convincing the headstrong American to stay with him.

Chapter Six

Gina waited inside the Protector’s security building at the main gate and willed herself to sit still.

Yes, she was a tad nervous about meeting Lochguard’s clan leader, Finlay Stewart. But being surrounded by the well-toned, imposing forms of Lochguard’s Protectors made her want to run out the door and never look back. Not because they could snap her in two without breaking a sweat. No, it was because it reminded her of Travis and his buddies back in the US.

No. Forget about him.

If only Fergus had made an appearance, she might be able to do that. Yet the dragonman had yet to walk through the door and she doubted if he ever would or not. She was still torn between her fear of him using her and being interested in the dragonman who was able to coax her kitty into the house.

Flexing her fingers, Gina wished she had her pet right now. She’d adopted Coal from a neighbor shortly after arriving in Scotland, but the large black cat with golden eyes had won her heart quickly. The very first night, he had cuddled at her back as she fell asleep and purred. Her hormones had made her cry and snuggle with the cat for comfort. With Coal, she’d never be completely alone in Scotland.

Since one of the Protectors in the room was allergic to cats, her pet was at home with Fraser. However, Holly hovered at her shoulder. Looking up, Gina smiled. “It’s okay. I haven’t had another contraction. I think I can handle sitting in a chair.”

Holly frowned. “It’s not the sitting I’m worried about. Keeping you here is causing unnecessary stress. I’m going to have a word with Finn later. Failing that, with Arabella.”

Lowering her voice, Gina whispered, “But can you do that? If anyone had challenged Steven Roberts, the dragon leader back in Virginia, they would’ve been punished accordingly.”

One of the Protectors stopped studying his tablet and met her gaze. The dragonman’s dark brown eyes were full of hatred. “Roberts is a right bastard and gives dragon-shifters a bad name. Don’t ever compare Finn to him.”

Gina blinked. “Okay.”

Holly squeezed her shoulder and glared at the black-haired dragonman. “Leave her alone, Shay. If BroadBay is all she’s known, then we should do everything in our power to change her opinion. Barking at her isn’t going to help.”

Before the dragonman could reply, a tall, blond dragon-shifter walked into the room and everyone fell silent. Gina debated standing up or not when the man smiled at her. The kindness in his eyes helped to ease her tension. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn’t place it.

The blond dragonman stopped in front of her. “Sorry to keep you waiting, lass. How about you come with me and we can chat a bit?”

“You’re the clan leader?” Gina blurted out.

“Aye, although you don’t have to sound so surprised about it.” He lowered his voice. “After all, attracting flies with honey is far easier than with vinegar.”

Before she could stop herself, Gina asked, “What the hell are you talking about?”

Slapping a hand over her mouth, she held her breath. If she’d done the same back in Virginia, she would’ve been reprimanded or banished from the clan’s lands. Would the Scottish leader do the same?

Then Finn winked at her and put out a hand. “I prefer not to dance around an issue, and I admire the Americans for doing the same. Come, lass. We’ll talk in private.”

Holly spoke up. “I want to come with you.”

Finn shook his head. Holly opened her mouth, but he beat her to it. “You can sit outside the door, Holly. If anything happens, I’ll shout for you, aye?”

Holly looked about ready to argue and Gina didn’t want to risk upsetting Finn.

Standing up, Gina turned toward the midwife. “It’s okay, Holly. If Finn tries to harm me in any way, I have a few moves to stop him.”

Amusement danced in Holly’s eyes. “Oh, aye? Someday, I’d love to see them.”

Finn muttered, “What is with the females tossed my way over the last year?”

Holly flashed a grin at him. “You love a challenge and I think the universe is testing you.”

“Aye, well, let’s see if I pass this test.” Finn offered his arm. “Come, Gina. The sooner we chat, the sooner we can decide your future.”

As she took the proffered arm, Gina held her tongue. There was no reason to risk blurting out something that could ruin her chances.

Finn guided her out of the room and Gina made sure to keep her chin high the whole way. While she didn’t have a churning stomach as she’d done with Steven Roberts in Virginia, she no longer trusted her own gut. Travis had been a good actor and she wasn’t about to be duped again.

Once she and Finn finally entered a small office at the end of the hall, Finn released her arm. He motioned to a chair and she took a seat. Finn propped his hip on the desk before he spoke up. “So, Gina MacDonald. Tell me why I should allow you to stay here despite the risk to my clan.”

Clenching the material of her stretchy, tunic-style shirt, she kept her voice even as she explained her situation to Finn. “I slept with a dragon-shifter and ended up pregnant. Afterward, he reported the pregnancy to the DDA in Washington, D.C. I was required to give up my child willingly or by force; I couldn’t keep him. Not liking those options, I fled.”

“Which means you can never return to America. At least, if you want to return with your son in tow.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice to remain steady. Just thinking about how she’d never see the Virginia coastline or William and Mary’s campus ever again made her heart ache.

Finn sighed. “I’m truly sorry for what happened to you, lass. If any Lochguard dragonman acted that way and took advantage of a female, he’d be exiled or worse.”

Gina wanted to believe Finn’s kind eyes, but she needed much more than that to secure her future. “The past doesn’t matter. I need to know if my son and I are welcome here.”

“Aye, I know you do. Your preliminary background check came back clean. Provided the rest of your story checks out, you need to prove yourself and contribute to the clan before I can guarantee any long-term future here.”

She frowned. “But I’m not a dragon. How can I contribute to a dragon-shifter clan?”

Amusement tinged Finn’s reply. “Humans have their uses, too. Holly is human and she nearly runs the show when it comes to pregnancies and deliveries. I’m sure we can think of something.”

She bobbed her head. “And? What else? News of the attacks on Lochguard last year made it to the US and I imagine you don’t trust someone that easily, even if she’s a pregnant woman.”

Finn chuckled. “Clever lass. That will be helpful too.” The dragonman’s expression turned serious. “Trust takes time, as I’m sure you well know.” Gina nodded, not expecting anything less. “Good, because it might make this next part easier to accept.”

Dread pooled in her stomach. “What does the next part entail?”

“If you wish to stay, then you must accept Fergus MacKenzie as your Guardian.”

She frowned. “What? Like an adopted father?”

Finn snorted. “No, not in the human way. He will watch over and protect you. For the most part, you will become his responsibility.”

“Like a bodyguard? If it means I have to follow his every order, then I might take my chances back at Loch Shin.”

Finn shook his head. “It’s not safe for you there. And trust me, if BroadBay’s leader is determined to have your child, then he’ll find a way. I’ve never met Roberts in person, but I’ve heard enough to appreciate the ocean between us.”

“How do you know about BroadBay? I never mentioned the American clan by name.”


Placing her hands over her stomach, Gina leaned back in her chair. If she were back in the US, she would merely agree to the clan leader’s words rather than risk a backlash. Yet as she studied the kind yet steely Scottish leader, Gina decided to roll the dice and speak her mind. “Assure me that I don’t have to obey every word he says, and I’ll agree to it for now.”

Finn raised an eyebrow. “For now?”

She smiled slowly. “Fergus may just have a change of heart after a few days with me.”

Chuckling, Finn put out a hand to shake and she took it. He added, “Give him hell, Gina MacDonald. But I warn you, Fergus is one of the most stubborn, patient males I know. He most likely won’t give up unless he’s dead.”

“Well, that makes it all the more fun. I always did like a challenge.”

Finn barked out a laugh. “I hope everything works out with you, lass, because I think my mate might like you.”

The word “mate” sobered her up. But she quickly hid it with a smile. “Then what’s next, Mr. Stewart?”

“Call me Finn, lass.” He motioned toward the door. “It’s time to meet with Fergus. He’ll take you to your new home and you two can settle in.”

Her heart thumped harder. “I don’t have to live with him, do I?”

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