The Double Rose (16 page)

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Authors: Lynne Erickson Valle

BOOK: The Double Rose
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Chapter 17


A New Thought


Independence, Missouri

Monday, 6 August


“Marie, stop crying,” Anne insisted. “You've been sulking around the studio for the last three days.”

“I can’t stop.” She blew her nose with one hand as the other cradled a tissue box.

“Tell me what happened.”

“I am so confused.” Marie leaned back on the couch below framed photos of Grandfather Misai’s art which had replaced her own. “My life has been crazy since the Fourth of July.” Crossing her legs, she nervously bounced her foot.

“What happened?”

“I said, we were
just friends

“You said that to Josh?!”

“No,” Marie irrationally whispered. “I said it to Ashley and Alyssa when Josh and I were on a date last Friday night..”

“What? And stop whispering. I can hardly hear you and saying it softly won’t make it any less real.”

“That night, after dinner, he took me on a tour of the Plaza in a Cinderella carriage.” She yanked a pile of tissues out of the box, patted her eyes, then tossed them aside, littering the floor. “While he tipped the driver, I noticed a bunch of my friends on the sidewalk. I figured there would be no harm in saying hello.”

Sobbing and speaking mixed as well as oil and water, resulting in hyperventilating. Marie knew she had to calm down. She took several deep breaths, composing herself. Tears retreated, allowing her to articulate coherently.

“The girls were shocked to see me with Josh Ryan and wanted to know what was up. I mean . . . I did not even think . . . it just came out of my mouth on its own.” Marie’s eyes welled up, threatening another invasion of tears. Fed up with herself, she managed to stifle them before she continued. “That was when I saw Ashley’s eyes bug out. I turned around and there he was–about one foot behind me. He heard me!”

Her hands stroked her forehead as she curled up in a fetal position against the corner of the couch. “Oh, Anne, there was such intense pain in his eyes. Never before had I seen such pain in any human being’s eyes. I do not know how I will ever face him again. He saved my life, rescued me from a fire, but his love for me is something I am not prepared to latch hold of. I need time.”

“It is going to be okay.” Anne’s voice was reassuring. “Have you talked to him since then?”

“He has tried to call me several times every day, but I never picked up for him because I didn't know what to say.”

“Josh is an exceptional man, and, from what Aaron tells me, he has it bad for you. Did you know he has loved you all his life?” Anne made the same clownish, goofy-looking face she always makes when the need to accentuate the ridiculous nature of the obvious arises. “Sounds crazy, but according to Aaron, before they went to bed the night when you were five and Josh broke the pitcher–landing you in the ER–Josh told Aaron that he was especially sorry about hurting you because he was going to marry you someday.”

Marie took a double-take. Had she heard her sister correctly? For whatever reason, Josh felt that she was destined to be his wife.
He has been pursuing me as I have been pursuing the man in my double rose dream.
She finally understood his relentless efforts to win her love. “Anne . . . ”

The doorbell rang.

“You are not in any condition to answer the door. I will get it.” Anne stood to leave. “By the way,  you look terrible,” she teasingly remarked. “Why don’t you go fix your face?”

Five minutes later, Anne tiptoed into the bathroom. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” But not even a fresh coat of makeup could hide the red puffs around Marie's eyes.

“I am glad to hear it because you will never guess who is here.”



A sudden stream of thoughts burst into Marie's mind, and she knew exactly what she wanted to say to Josh. She dropped her blush brush into the sink and flew down the stairs, anxious to make up with him.

“Hi.” She approached him, searching for any indication of his feelings.

* * *

“Hey, you really ought to return your calls.” He greeted her without a kiss. “You never know which ones might be important.” After hearing her define their relationship to her girlfriends, he had felt stifled. He desperately looked for a sign, even a small one, from her tone or body language, to indicate he had a green light to touch her.

* * *

“I'm sorry I didn't return your calls. I turned my cell phone off.” She was alert to the fact that he was not his normal, affectionately aggressive self.

“It is not my phone calls I am talking about. The F.B.I. tried to contact you seven times over the weekend.”

Marie peered into his eyes trying to read where he stood in their relationship. Two fears tugged at her heart–the fear of committing to a man she was not sure she could trust and the fear of losing him. Then God's grace swept a small wave of bravery over Marie. “I'm glad you are here. There is something I want to confess
 . . . I mean explain . . . about what I said last Friday night. I did not mean to hurt you . . . ” She gulped.

* * *

“It is okay, I understand,” he cut her off, sympathetic to her painful effort to apologize.

* * *

It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off Marie’s shoulders. Last month she could not have cared less about his attention, but today the thought of losing it made her feel ill.

“Thank you, but I want to say this, and you deserve to hear it. You've been pursuing me with all your heart, but, at times, I have been less than gracious to you. My mother said I had always been blind when it came to you–she was right. The truth is I am afraid, not of you, but of the risk of being hurt
 . . . and in the process, I hurt you. I'm sorry.”

* * *

Her apology was enough of an invitation. Beneath the sincerity in her eyes he saw a desire—for him. He briskly traveled the four-feet distance to reach her. Putting his arms around her, he gave her a reassuringly firm, but affectionate hug.

“And you have endured so much to protect me between getting shot
 . . . and the fire . . . ”

Drawing her close to his chest, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Marie, you are so worth it. I love you.” He hugged her for what felt like forever, then kissed her on the lips. “The report I received from the F.B.I. is very serious. We need to talk about it.”


They settled down on the couch. He held both of her hands in his before he spoke. “The F.B.I. belief that the organizational structure of the P.D.A. and its general membership are non-violent. But, a secret cell group within the organization is dangerous. The president of the P.D.A. has denied any knowledge of such a cell and claims he would ban any person involved in illegal activity. Agent Willis said that members of this cell are believed to be responsible for the assassination of a political activist in Europe and the attempted assassination of  a spiritual activist in South America. They suspect at least twenty people are being targeted, and you are one of them.”

Marie was shocked. She had suspected Heff to be a lone crusader. The idea that there were evil people specifically trying to prevent her from accomplishing her goals as a visionary artist should have caused panic and fear to capture her heart. Yet, a tranquil sense of safety covered her like a blanket as she looked into Josh's eyes and saw his confident resolve. He would never allow anyone to hurt her.

Chapter 18


The Great Switch


Kansas City, Kansas

Saturday, 25 August


Josh insisted on temporarily moving into Marie's studio and hired an armed bodyguard, Antonio, to protect her. The two men shared the guest room that had been set up for her sister's children. It had pink walls fully covered in murals from storybook scenes. The two masculine men looked out-of-place amidst the parade of princesses.

Marie knew it had to be agony for Josh to sleep in her nieces' room. Is it possible for a boyfriend to go overboard with his protection instincts? When he installed surveillance monitors in every room of her studio, she certainly thought he had gone off the deep end. The bathrooms were the only sanctuary of privacy left in the studio.

Josh confiscated Marie's drafting table to use as a make-sift desk during working hours. Spending time with him during everyday living conditions was different from the time they shared in France. Marie was beginning to understand her man. He was a firm, but fair negotiator during business calls, and was void of prejudice or favoritism toward anyone. She worked on a commissioned piece for the new downtown theater only eight feet from where Josh worked. Periodically, he would take a break to sit in a chair beside her and watch her paint. The expression on his face glowed from pride in her.

The clock struck four and Marie sealed up her palette. “It's time for me to get ready.”

“Antonio and I are ready to go whenever you are.”

Marie changed into professional attire appropriate for lecturing at the Kansas City Art Institute. They had contracted her to teach a series of five Saturday lectures. Today was the first class. It did not start until 7:00 p.m., but Marie needed to meet the administrator at 6:00.

Josh and Antonio scoped out the immediate area before she was allowed to exit the studio. Finally her cue came, and with briefcase in tow, Marie set out for what she hoped would be an impacting experience for the students at KCAI.

They arrived at the campus on schedule. “Thanks for getting me here safely. Now, you two need to dial it down a notch. Remember, these are college art students, not assassins. They are on my side.”

Josh gently secured Marie's arm. “We're not going to assume anything. And you need to remember that the P.D.A. have probably infiltrated this campus. Don't take any chances. If we get separated for any reason, call me immediately. Double check to be sure your cell phone is in your pocket and not your purse.”

Marie removed her cell phone from her purse and slipped it into her pocket. “Happy?”

Josh nodded and then kissed Marie's hand and caressed it with his thumb. “I only want you to be safe.”

Marie was greeted by a school administrator and then introduced to faculty and a few honor students. All seemed to be going smoothly, and she hoped Josh would relax and enjoy her presentation.

There were over three hundred students and faculty seated in the lecture hall. Josh sat in the front row. Where was Antonio?

Marie was ending her lecture on “The Art of Making Art” when the fire alarm rang. With the exception of the light from exit signs, the hall turned dark and then she was hit with the full force of the sprinkler system.

* * *

Josh had strong intuition and always listened to it. When he felt prompted to hire two more bodyguards, he immediately did so, but thought it best not to inform Marie about the additional security, Peter and Dale. It comforted him to know all three bodyguards were able to track Marie's cell phone. At the moment, he sensed a danger far more threatening than a fire, and therefore, restrained himself from calling out Marie's name in order to avoid giving his location away.

Antonio was stationed at the front entrance to the hall because any covert surveillance done by the P.D.A. would have seen him with Marie and Josh. The other two men had arrived in two cars and blended in with the faculty. Dale was watching the side entrance to the hall, and Peter was hidden backstage.

The three men had served together on a special ops team. They were eager to take the job, especially after learning Spain had posted a $500,000 reward for capturing the ringleader of the P.D.A. cell group.

Where is Marie?
Father, send her peace and give her, me and the bodyguards the wisdom to know what to do. Amen

* * *

A strong hand secured Marie’s forearm and forcefully led her backstage. “Slow down, Josh, and lighten-up your grip. You are hurting me.” When another hand instantly covered her mouth, Marie realized she was in trouble.

Thinking quickly, Marie slipped one hand into her pant's pocket and turned her phone back on. If this worked, she would have to apologize to Josh for making such a fuss when he insisted on adding a tracking device to her cell phone.

Marie used all her might to try to wrestle free from her captor, but he was a large, strong man. He held her backstage while the assembly exited the lecture hall.

Father, please help me escape.

“This way,” a female voice said.

“Move and don't make a sound,” the man said. “Your boyfriend is waiting for you to join him.” He placed a heavy hooded cloak over Marie's body.

Josh! Oh Lord, please save him!
Marie was about to lose hope of being rescued and then it occurred to her that the abductor could be lying about having captured Josh. But he could be telling the truth. She knew she couldn't panic and needed to listen for God's guidance more than ever before. A peaceful Presence lifted her fear and left her calm.

* * *

Josh checked for a tracking signal from Marie's cell phone. She couldn't be more than forty feet away, but every second the distance between them widened. She was moving south down a blackened hallway. At that moment he desired nothing more than to sweep her into his arms. He moved south as stealth as possible, but paused momentarily to read a text from Peter
: 1 F 1 M. F in lead has gun.

Five seconds later, Dale replied
: Behind them. F plans 2 X building 2 move van 2 S exit

Antonio immediately replied:
Waiting for them. Bait and switch.

Josh, Peter and Dale silently converged in the hallway. The plan was for the four men to overtake the male abductor after the woman exited the building. Antonio would switch places with the man and Dale would switch with Marie while Peter secured the villain. The F.B.I. would tail the woman to wherever they had planned to take Marie. Hopefully the night atmosphere was dark enough to conceal their deception.

The men waited in silence for the door to open. A faint clank was heard and then the bodyguards advanced at stellar speed.

The hard frames of three guns met the man's body. He quickly released Marie and surrendered. Peter swiftly removed the abductor's ski mask and cloak and tossed them to Antonio and then led the man north down the dark hallway.

Josh ripped the cloak off Marie and flung it at Dale, then firmly clasped Marie's hand. They followed Peter from a safe distance.

Campus security guards were stationed at the front exits. The flashing sirens from
fire trucks and KCMO patrol cars lighted the front lobby.


Josh and Marie turned around and met the barrels of two police officers' guns.

“Put your hands on top of your head. And you,” one officer gestured to Peter, ”slowly place your weapon on the floor and take three steps back.”

Everyone complied with the officer's orders.

“I am Josh Ryan, this woman is Marie Fitzroy, the renown artist. The man who had the gun is her professional bodyguard, Peter Saunders. And the other man is a member of a dangerous cell group with the P.D.A. He and his partner created this crisis in order to abduct Marie, but we intervened.”

“Officer, I have no idea what he is talking about. I am a doctorate student who came out for Ms. Fitzroy's lecture. I got lost in the confusion and was assaulted by this man. My ID is in my wallet. You are more than welcome to verify my identity.”

* * *

Marie gasped!
A doctorate student?

The lights came on. Marie, Josh and Peter turned their heads to see the face of the abductor. He looked like a perfectly harmless, innocent, thirty-something man in exceptionally good shape.
Looks can be deceiving.

All Marie wanted to do was to throw her arms around Josh and bury her head into his chest. She had no idea where Peter Saunders and the other bodyguard had come from, but she was glad they were there, and she knew she had Josh to thank for it.

Marie, Josh, Peter, and the abductor were each escorted by two police officers down separate hallways for interrogation.


“My ID is in my purse, which is beneath the podium on the stage in McCarthy Hall.

A third officer was dispatched to retrieve Marie's purse. In the meantime, Marie explained the sordid details of the gun shooting at the KC Event Center last month and the attempted abduction earlier in the evening.

After her purse was retrieved, its contents inspected and her identification verified, Marie was escorted to the front seat of an unmarked police vehicle where she sat and waited.

* * *

“Agent Willis verified your story, Mr. Ryan. He'll meet us at the station.”

“We're they able to follow the abductor's partner?”

“He won't say.”

“Can you tell me anything about the man who attempted to abduct my girlfriend?”

“Sorry. He has rights. And I don't want to be the one responsible for a mistrial.”

Josh knew frustration was a useless waste of his energy. He would rather spend it comforting Marie. “Can I see Marie now?”

“Yes. An officer will drive you to the station.”

A police officer led Josh to the car where Marie had been waiting. The sight of her was bittersweet. She was safe, but it was obvious that she had been emotionally wounded. He slid in the backseat next to Peter.

Marie twisted around to look Josh in the eyes. “Thank you! Peter filled me in on the special ops security team. I don't want to think about what would have happened to me if I didn't have you and the bodyguards to protect me tonight. I'm grateful to be alive.” Tears cascaded from her eyes without restraint.

Josh leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I love you. If you will let me, I'll be by your side through thick and thin.”

* * *

Agent Willis, Antonio, and Dale met them at the police station.

F.B.I. agents took their statements, but were not forthcoming with information about the abduction or those who perpetrated it.

Josh, Marie and the three bodyguards returned to the privacy of Marie's studio.

“The fake Marie and I were stashed in the back of a cargo van. The driver never spoke. I followed our location with my GPS and Dale texted our movement to Agent Willis. She parked the van at a grungy motel near KCI airport. When she opened the back of the van, Dale's gun was pointed at her head, and I pounced on her. An easy restraint. We didn't wait for the F.B.I. because we want the reward money, and as trained bounty hunters, we have the authority to capture any person with a price on their head.”

“I found the motel room key in the driver's sweatshirt pocket, then threw the cloak I had been wearing as the fake Marie over her head. Antonio led the driver to the motel room while I kept the gun on her from a few steps behind. As soon as the door opened, the woman yelled “run” and tried to run herself. I shot her in the leg four feet from the door.”

“There were seven men and one woman in the room and the only place they could run was past us. Three of the men pulled guns and began to fire. Dale broke the window and returned fire. I fired from the door. Within three minutes, five of them were down–three were dead. The other two may or may not make it through the night. The last two surrendered, of which one was a nineteen-year-old woman. She quickly confessed their plot. Marie was to be transported on a Cessna to a location unknown to her. They planned to use Marie for a bargaining chip. The kid claimed the entire US cell was in that room.”


“What about the ringleader?” Josh would not rest until he knew for sure what happen to the mastermind behind this diabolical cell group.

“Among the dead.”

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