The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“As you know, they both just have rooms in the main building and my house is tiny. So I was looking on the top floor of the main house, wondering if we might move in there.”

“You found the family apartment, I gather. I’ve never known it to be used in all the time I’ve been here.”

“Yes, I did. I want to ask you about the electricity there since I use computers all day long for my translating job. But the main question is, can you knock a doorway from the inner room into the bathroom? Is that possible?”

“I can’t remember that much detail about the rooms, to answer you right off the cuff. Come back to the maintenance barn and I’ll pick up a couple of things and we’ll look.”

“Is it okay to do that now? You were on your way somewhere.”

“Now’s a good time. I haven’t got any big projects going on, just the never-ending maintenance,” JB replied.

Carey watched him grab some things and put them into a crate standing nearby, then they walked back to the main building and up the stairs. Carey stood beside the window, out of the way, as JB bustled back and forth muttering numbers.

JB penciled a few marks on the wall and said, “Your door will be here. We’ll use the existing hall door to the bathroom as the new door and put up drywall in the hallway to make it your personal bathroom. Now what did you want to ask about the electricity?”

Carey had to think fast. He couldn’t help smiling. “That’s wonderful. I’m so pleased. I need eight electrical outlets for my computers and so on. There’s only two here. Is it okay to use power strips for the rest, or will that trip the building’s circuit breakers?”

“I can change the plates, make each one a multioutlet for you. No problems.”

“Great! Thank you so much. I haven’t said anything to Jubilee or Larry yet. I wanted to make sure it was all possible before I said anything.”

“That’s not a problem, either. Just let me know when you’re ready to start. It’ll only take a day to redo the doorway and another day to repaint the walls. That interior wall’s not load bearing. I’ll go get the new electrical outlets and the drywall and I’ll be able to do it pretty much as soon as you’re ready.”


Carey felt happiness welling up inside him. They would be together like a real family. Now all he had to do was plan a ceremony that would honor his partners and arouse them to new and exciting heights.


* * * *


Sam was planning something, Larry just knew it. The old panther was as evasive as hell, and even though he was complying with his court-ordered instructions, he wasn’t actually doing anything to change his attitude. The counselor had given up on him because although he attended the appointments, he remained completely silent, refusing to answer any questions or say anything at all.

Omar always had one of the panthers with Sam, watching him, but Larry was convinced something was going on in the old man’s mind and there’d be trouble sooner or later. Larry wished the old man had been issued an electronic bracelet so they could track him by GPS, but they were forced to do it the old-fashioned way at the moment. Still JB’d planted a bug on the old man’s car, so if Sam drove off at least they could follow him.

“I wish I knew what was going on in his head, though,” said Larry.

“What’s going on in whose head? Carey wants to see you. Can he come in?” asked Lucy.

“Sure. Hey, Carey.” Larry ignored the start of Lucy’s sentence and hoped she’d forget what he’d said.

“Hi, Larry. I’ve been planning the commitment ceremony and went looking on the top floor of this building. There’s a nice little apartment there that’ll fit the three of us. JB said he can cut a doorway from the inner room into the bathroom and block the bathroom off from the hallway so it’s part of our apartment. If we all give back to the community our existing rooms, I reckon it’s a fair swap. Do you agree?”

Wow. Where did that all come from? Let me think.
” Larry dragged his mind away from his worries about Sam and pictured the top floor of this building. It’d been a while since he’d been up there, not since the trouble with the rogue panthers first began and he went counting rooms to see how many people they could take in. But there were far more male panthers than female and the unmated men all shared an apartment out n the grounds, so most of the guest rooms hadn’t been needed.

“That’s a damn good idea. Those rooms are ideal. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it first.”

“Likely because I’m more aware of just how tiny my house is. I’d use the inner room for working and there’s a lot of closet space as well.”

“There’s storage bins out in one of the barns if we need more space. Quite a few of the panthers have got their winter gear stored out there and we could do that as well. It’s not like we need snow boots or skis in our bedroom really.”

“Not on the top floor, no.”

“So when are we going to commit to each other?” As soon as he’d said that, Larry’s dick hardened and he thought of Jubilee’s naked body. Jubilee’s mouth circling his dick. The loud stomp of Carey’s boots on the stone floor of the dungeon and the crack of the cane before it landed on his ass. Damn, he was ready for a good fucking.

“I’m planning to book the dungeon next Wednesday. We’ll do the commitment ceremony in the barn with everyone watching and give Jubilee her collar then move into the dungeon for our own private celebration.”

Larry’s dick was doing its best to drill a hole in his jeans. His balls ached with need. He forced himself to ignore his cock and answer Carey. Then he caught a glimpse of Carey’s cock and knew the Dom was just as aroused by what he was planning as Larry was.

Wednesday couldn’t come fast enough.

Chapter Seven


Long ago Carey had seen the perfect collar for Jubilee on a website and bookmarked it. He’d known for a very long time that she wanted to be his, and he loved her deeply, but until now, he couldn’t make the decision that would tie her to him because he’d always known he needed more. Larry was that something extra that fulfilled him, and he knew Jubilee was coming to love Larry as well. He’d seen the love in her eyes when she looked as Larry, just as when she looked at him. And he knew the last time she’d been baking cookies for the community she’d taken some to Larry’s office, just as she’d delivered some to him. She was a generous, loving person and deserved something special.

He sat at his computer and pulled up the image of the collar. It was as beautiful and as suitable for Jubilee as when he’d first seen it. The collar was a mixture of intertwined strands of copper and gold wire and copper and gold chain—the wire joining the chain in almost tribal swirls, reminiscent of the band of the dagger tattoo on her leg, and the collar chains were lockable. It was completely pretty and feminine, yet anyone in the lifestyle would instantly know that Jubilee was taken.

He also knew what he wanted the three of them to do as their celebration, and he booked that as well before settling down to plan their actual commitment ceremony and time in the dungeon.

By the time Wednesday dawned, he knew everything was ready to make the day truly memorable for them all. He walked into the barn and looked around. Carey nodded at Larry, who knew what part he’d be playing in the program. Carey walked up to Jubilee and gave her a gentle hug. He could tell she was nervous and excited. This was a day she’d waited a long time for, and he wanted it to be special for her, so he kissed her lips softly and whispered, “I love you.”

Her eyes went wide as she leaned against him and nodded, understanding everything his body was saying to her. He loved that about her, too. She was very quick to understand what was happening, with body language as well as words.

Larry joined them, and the threesome crossed the room and stepped up onto the small stage.

“Thank you for joining us today. This is a very special time for us as we publicly state our love for, and commitment to, each other,” said Carey.

He nodded to Jubilee and she kneeled down in front of him, facing the crowd. Her dark-blonde hair was piled on her head in an updo, and the scoop-necked shirt she wore left her neck bare. She had dressed so that everyone could see her new collar and fair enough, too. She’d waited very patiently for a long time for this day.

Larry handed him the box. Carey opened it and held the collar high then clasped it around Jubilee’s neck, locking it and putting the key on his own key ring. He hoped the little ceremony had adequately demonstrated Larry’s position as switch, neither sub nor Dom.

They each extended a hand to Jubilee, and she stood between them, holding their hands as exchanged their vows.

“I, Carey Williams, promise to love, care for, and protect you, Jubilee Thompson and Larry Jones, respecting your needs and desires, as your Dom and your life partner.”

“I, Jubilee Thompson, promise to love, serve, and obey you all my life, Carey Williams and Larry Jones.”

“I, Larry Jones, promise to respect you Carey Williams, and to love and care for you, Jubilee Thompson, for the rest of my life.”

The community clapped and cheered, then Lucy and Bill handed around glasses of champagne as everyone drank a toast to their future happiness.

“Threesomes are becoming quite the in thing here,” said Lucy.

“I like that idea,” said Autumn.

“No big surprises there. Everyone knows Nicholas and Curtis are inseparable,” said Ramona, laughing. Autumn blushed but didn’t attempt to deny Ramona’s insinuation.

Carey gave a little push on Jubilee’s shoulder and caught Larry’s eye, and they began to move through the crowd toward the door. “Where’s your change of clothes?” he asked Jubilee softly. She pointed to a backpack against the wall, and he nodded and went over to collect it. When he reached the barn’s stoop, Jubilee and Larry were standing there, and Larry had a duffel bag in his hands. Carey nodded to them again, and they walked across the parking lot to his truck.

He was really looking forward to the next part of the day’s program. He hoped he’d guessed right and they liked it, too.


* * * *


“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Jubilee chanted, one hand resting on her beautiful new collar, as the truck slowly climbed to the top of a hill on a narrow, bumpy, one-lane dirt road.

“Ice Cube, 2005,” grunted Carey, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

“Huh?” asked Larry.

Jubilee grinned. “It was a movie in 2005 and also won picture book of the year around then. But the movie is different from the book,” explained Jubilee.

“The movie’s often different from the book. Sometimes they totally change the ending and I really hate that. I’m invested in the movie or the book the way it was, then—bam. Everything’s changed,” said Larry.

Jubilee was bursting with happiness that she’d finally been claimed—claimed!—and collared—collared!—by the Dom she loved and worshipped, and the man she was coming to love more and more every day. She could hardly believe all her dreams had finally come true. Even touching her collar sent sparks of joy racing through her veins. For once, she could scarcely concentrate on winning the next point in their ongoing trivia competition.

Jubilee was just about to explain that in this case the book and the movie were two totally different things when the truck rounded the last curve in the road and reached the top of the long hill they’d just climbed. Ahead of them was an incredible view of miles and miles of countryside way down below them.

“Wow! Now that is really stunning. Did you bring us a picnic?” asked Jubilee.

“No picnic,” said Carey as the truck bounced along the track. About a half mile farther along they saw a small metal storage shed with an older man leaning against it, chewing a long strand of grass, just like something out of an old movie. As their truck pulled up, he opened the shed door and wheeled out a motorcycle.

“Huh?” said Larry.

“You’re repeating yourself,” joked Jubilee.

“I do that a lot when I’m confused.”

The man wheeled out a second motorcycle, then a third.

“We’re going dirt-bike riding? That would be cool,” said Jubilee.

“Oh yeah. It’s been a long time since I rode a motorcycle. They’re great fun,” agreed Larry.

“I’ve never ridden one. I hope I don’t fall off.” Jubilee remembered motorcycle riding was one of the things Gaynor had done in movie scenes for the company she worked for. The same company that Nicholas and Curtis, who Autumn was attracted to, worked for.

“I can guarantee you’ve never ridden bikes like this before, and neither have I,” said Carey, half hiding a grin.

“What evil thing have you planned for us, Carey?” asked Jubilee.

“Wait and see.”

The man was now rolling out bundles of fabric on ropes and attaching them to the motorcycles. Jubilee was fascinated watching him but didn’t have the faintest idea what he was doing. Fortunately, the man’s hands worked swiftly and familiarly, so he’d obviously done it many times before.

The man stood up straight again and nodded to Carey.

“Come on.” Carey led them over to the motorcycles.

“Get changed in there and I’ll fit your parachutes,” said the man.

“Huh?” asked Larry.

Jubilee laughed, and Carey slapped Larry on the shoulder.

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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