The Dog Cancer Survival Guide (85 page)

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Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler

BOOK: The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
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I Wish I Had Kept a Journal

“Per Dr. Dressler’s suggestion, keep a journal with every little bit of information and observation. I did not and have wished many times that I had. Don’t give in or give up. Be hopeful and determined. Put in the time and effort and try the things Dr. Dressler recommends. Do this. Do it with 100% commitment because you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if you can’t implement everything, implement all that you can.”

– Kim Gau, Stow, Ohio



I Have Referenced My Journal Countless Times

“I have a lot of advice for the reader. Become your dog’s personal advocate. Research, research, research. Combine what you’ve found and learned into a program that you believe intuitively is best for your dog. Think positively. Consult experts, but make your own decisions. Never let a vet/other animal professional push you into treatment or a lifestyle change or otherwise, that you are not comfortable with or don’t believe in yourself. Read this book cover-to-cover. Find an integrative veterinarian, and/or a veterinarian that is open to options above and beyond surgery, harsh drugs and radiation. Feed your dog the best possible diet you can afford. Stay up-to-date with research and information. KEEP A MEDICAL JOURNAL SPECIFIC TO YOUR DOG - I can’t tell you how many times I’ve referenced mine for my dog. Love your dog. Be grateful for the time you have together. Ask the universe, friends and family for positive thoughts and prayers – every little bit helps. Most of all, enjoy every minute you have with your dog and try really, really hard not to dwell on the illness or diagnosis. Positive thinking works miracles!”

- Tammy McCarley, Sacramento, California



Chapter 24:
Financial Help

onventional cancer care costs an average of $5,000 to $8,000, and if all three treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) are used, the bill can easily exceed $10,000. For many guardians this is a real financial burden, and for many others, the price tag makes any treatment prohibitive. Whether that number makes you gulp or yawn, spending your dollars wisely is important. Every dog deserves the best care her guardian can provide and, luckily for all of us, every kiss, hug and caress you give your dog makes a difference.

Unfortunately, kisses and hugs don’t pay the vet bills; if you need help, there are several organizations that may be worth contacting.

Organizations That May Help With Medical Bills:

These links were all operational at the time of this writing, but, as you know, things can always change on the internet. I cannot guarantee any of these sites will help you, but they give you a place to start your search. There may be other resources available, too; common search terms include your breed’s name, ” cancer bills, ” “vet bills, ” and “help.”

Clinical Trials

Veterinary schools and research facilities are often actively conducting clinical trials for new techniques or medications. Participating in these can be a good way to get new treatments, at reduced costCalling organizations or schools in your area directly is the best way to find out about local trials, and you can also check the Veterinary Cancer Society’s website for an index


An old-fashioned practice has regained popularity: barter. Although not everyone is a fan, I have heard from some readers that this solution worked for their vet and other caregivers. Perhaps you can work off your bill by trading your professional services, such as accounting, building contracting or consulting. The owner of a corporate chair massage business traded a day’s worth of chair massage, for the veterinarian and his employees, in exchange for an equivalent reduction in her medical bill. Another reader bartered a reduction in the bill for cleaning and repainting the vet’s parking lot, shampooing the carpets and waxing the office floors. An owner of a popular restaurant gladly fed her vet and his family, without charge, until her bill was paid down.

If you suggest barter to your vet, I strongly recommend a dollar-for-dollar trade to avoid quibbles over how much is owed or paid. You should also consult with your accountant, because bartered services may be taxable.


Some veterinarians and oncologists accept CareCredit, which is a healthcare credit card that can be used to pay off your veterinary bills in monthly payments, over time. As long as you pay your bill according to the terms of your agreement with CareCredit, there are no additional costs, upfront fees or pre-payment penalties. CareCredit can do this because practices pay fees to participate, plus, the bank’s penalties for late or missed payments on your part are hefty. Depending upon your needs and which promotional packages your veterinarian offers, this could be a good option for some guardians. Although there is an application process, and your credit history will be reviewed before you get approval, even guardians with less-than-great credit may still be qualified. You can have a co-applicant with better credit scores apply with you or for you, also. If you have ever purchased furniture or electronics on a line of credit, this is a very similar process. You can find out more online


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