The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) (31 page)

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Authors: Allen J. Johnston

BOOK: The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)
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“We have work to do.  We must bury those that have given their lives for this noble cause.  Then, we prepare for a feast in Crayken’s name,” Kade said. 

They cheered again.  Several long moments later, the cheering ceased as all eyes turned to him once more.  Kade stood, staring out over the spiders.  None moved to collect the dead as he had instructed.  Kade glanced down at Darcienna and then the queen.  Her voice echoed in his head. 

They wait for you to descend from the dragon’s back.  It is considered disrespectful for them to move while you may have more to say.

Kade jumped down and found himself face to face with Morg.  He sneered at the fallen Chosen.  Morg grinned back.  Kade gripped the staff and envisioned crushing the man’s skull with it.

“Go ahead,” Morg said, taunting him.  “Kill me so I do not have to listen to your drivel any longer,” he said with contempt.  “Besides, it won’t be long until he tries to take the staff,” Morg said as his eyes darted toward Doren.  He let out a knowing laugh as his eyes shifted back to Kade.

The Apprentice Chosen tightened his grip on the most powerful weapon he was to ever hold.  His muscles flexed as he fought to control his emotions.  Hate filled him.  His mind clouded as his desire to end this man’s life grew. 

So Morg thinks this is the easy way out?
Kade thought malevolently. 
Let’s see how bad he wants it.

“Then I shall send you to those who wait for you,” Kade barked as he raised the staff high over his head in one swift motion.

“Kade, no!” Darcienna yelled, but Kade showed no signs of hearing her words. 

Hate filled him and the block melted away.  The Divine raged in him, but it would not be the power he would be using to end this man’s life.  Morg clenched his teeth as he held his ground, but there was no mistaking the fear behind the false front.

A tick developed in Morg’s right eye as the evil Chosen watched the staff, waiting for it to descend.  Kade let the man suffer for several long seconds as he held the most powerful weapon in the world over his head.  The air was thick with tension as all looked on, waiting for the execution that seemed imminent.  There were several sighs of relief as he relaxed and slowly brought the staff down to his side.  Morg let out the breath he was holding and would have collapsed to the ground if not for the webbing that was providing support. 

“Remember this the next time you decide to speak your mind so freely,” Kade said as he stepped up to glare directly into Morg’s eyes.  “I will send you to them and you will know suffering greater than anything you could ever imagine.  Do…you…understand…me?” Kade asked dangerously.

Morg’s lips formed a tight line as he desperately tried to stand his ground in defiance.  Sweat was beading on his forehead but his composure was slowly slipping under Kade’s hard stare.  Morg swallowed hard.

Kade clenched his teeth as he spun on his heels and marched away.  While still encased in the webbing, Morg sank to his knees and his eyes fell to the ground.  He was a broken man through and through.  For just a second, Kade thought the evil Chosen was on the verge of tears.  Kade felt a momentary sense of compassion and then the image of his parents on the towers sprang into his mind.  The compassion evaporated as quickly as it had come.  Kade had no doubt that if the man was to get his hands on the staff once more, he would quickly return to the evil Chosen he was.

“You were not planning on killing him, where you?” Darcienna asked.  Kade stood, looking at her without saying a word as he clenched his jaw in anger.  He turned and started walking away without saying a word.  “You were just trying to scare him, right?” she asked, as crease lines of concern formed in her forehead.  She had to walk quickly to keep up with him.

“Would it be so bad?” Kade asked as he rounded on her.  She flinched hard and staggered backward, her eyes coming open wide at the sudden reaction.  He cast a glance back at the man still on his knees.  Even though they had already had this conversation, all the evil deeds Morg had done sprang into his mind, feeding his desire to kill.  “Would not the world be a better place without him in it?” he asked heatedly as he resisted the desire to send a blast of lightning to end this miserable man’s existence.

“What would it serve to take his life?” Rakna hissed as she stepped up to the couple.  “Kade.  You must show that you do not rule with your emotions or you run the risk of losing the respect of the clutch,” she said as she indicated the many spiders close by.  “If you kill this man while he is helpless, you will appear as a tyrant.  You must think when making decisions this critical,” she implored him.  “It is your decision, but you must consider every decision you make, or it could have disastrous consequences.”

Kade paused and turned slowly to see that many spiders were, indeed, watching the scene.  He clenched his jaw as he pressed his lips into a thin line.  He took a deep breath in through his nose and then out again through his nose, still not able to unclench his jaw.  He found it almost impossible to let his hate go.  It was not anger or rage that he felt but a pure hate for the man.  After a moment, and with considerable effort, he let the fury go.  The queen was right.  With that, the Divine melted away.

“Your words are wise, Rakna.  I shall need your council or I fear I shall stumble along blindly,” Kade said as he tried his best to speak calmly.  “I have much to learn,” he said humbly, feeling embarrassed at his rashness.  In a flash, the image of the helpless, old man in Arden popped into his mind.  His head whipped around to look at Morg.  Kade’s eyes lost their focus as his mind worked.  After a moment, he took another deep breath and let it out once again, nodding to himself.

“And, I shall do my best to guide you,” the queen said humbly.

“Kade?” Darcienna asked hesitantly.  He looked at her with curiosity.  She rarely used that quiet tone.

“Yes?” Kade asked as he turned and gently took her hand, all the anger gone from his voice.

“Would it be possible?” she asked as she cast a glance at the cave and then paused to collect herself.  Kade waited patiently for her to finish the question while she formulated her thoughts.  He could feel the emotions in her growing by the moment.  “Would it be possible…for me to see Jorell?” Darcienna asked.  She smiled up at him but the tears forming in her eyes betrayed her true feelings.  Kade knew that the wall she had worked so hard to keep around her heart was starting to crumble.

“I would not know.  I can attempt to contact Zayle and ask.  There may be a way,” Kade said gently as he leaned down to look her in the eye.  Darcienna swallowed gently and nodded her head, unable to speak.  “I need to talk with him anyway,” Kade said as he turned to face the queen. 

“Would you please keep an eye on him while we go into the cave?” Kade asked, indicating Morg.

“You are sure he is not a danger?” the queen hissed.

“He is almost as helpless as a baby,” Doren said, “even if he were free,” he added.  Clearly, Doren knew something they did not.  He waited for them to ask so he could impress them with his knowledge.  Kade decided not to play the game.  Doren could show how smart he was another time.

“You will have Rayden to help,” Kade said as he patted the dragon on the side.

“Then we shall keep watch over him,” Rakna hissed.

“Rayden, keep an eye on Morg.  We are going into the cave,” Kade said.  Rayden acknowledged by way of turning to face the evil Chosen and lying down to stare at him.  Morg tried to find some of his lost bravado and failed.  With the dagger-long teeth flashing into view, the man would have to be a complete and utter fool not to be afraid.  Morg was definitely not going to be a problem while they were away.

“Let’s go,” Kade said. 

Doren was close behind as they walked into the cave.  No one talked as they worked their way down the tunnel.  Kade brought his light up and the darkness fled.  As they got closer to the arch, Kade could see a soft glow emanating from the walls.  He smiled, recognizing the plant-like material from the spiders cave.  They stopped in front of the arch.  Darcienna was fidgeting as she stared hard into the darkness, trying to find the image of her teacher.  Doren was suspiciously quiet.  Kade turned to study the Master Chosen, expecting some input from him, but the man stood, waiting.  The apprentice turned his back on Doren and studied the staff.  His eyes shifted toward the Master Chosen, but he did not actually turn to look at him.  His grip tightened on the powerful artifact.  Kade glanced at Darcienna as an idea came to him.

“I am going to try to make contact with Zayle,” Kade said.  Doren gave the slightest hint of a smile and then it was gone.  “So I would like you to use your shield to ensure nothing can get to me,” he said as he let his eyes flit toward Doren and then back again.

“I will keep you safe,” Darcienna said as she nodded her head in understanding.

“I can keep you safe,” Doren said as he stepped close.  “There is no need for her to drain her already weakened abilities.”

Kade flexed his fingers and then wrapped them tightly around the wood.  He could feel the Divine flowing into him as he feigned his lack of understanding for Doren’s motives.  His mind struggled with how to proceed.  If he refused, it would surely be considered an insult.  Doren gave the slightest hint of a smile as he looked on confidently, waiting.  Kade was sure that, at any moment, Doren was going to pull rank and demand to stand by his apprentice.  Or, maybe he would just cut to the chase and demand Kade hand over the staff.  His mind whirled as he frantically searched for an answer to this dilemma.  There was no way out, with the exception of flat out refusing to capitulate.

“Thank you so much for your consideration,” Darcienna said as she put a hand on Doren’s chest and pushed him back.  “You are too kind,” she finished as she turned and casually, but quickly, raised her shield around herself and Kade.

Doren opened his mouth to protest but Darcienna was a bit too quick for him.  He eyed the staff and his smile turned to a scowl.  He locked eyes with her.

“Just make this quick,” Doren said flatly.

“It will be,” Kade said as he laid down in the spot he had used previously, letting the light fade from his hand.  He gave Darcienna a serious, hard look to which she nodded once.

Doren looked on intently, turning his head ever so slightly as he stared at the staff.  Darcienna could see the hunger as his fingers worked, eager to feel that power.  She envisioned another Morg and put a little more strength into her shield.  She was still weak, as she had not been able to meditate yet, but they had no choice.  The shield was mostly just for show.  She knew she was not strong enough to withstand more than the lightest hit.  Hopefully, it would serve its purpose.

Kade closed his eyes and called on the Divine.  The power flowed through him easily.  He grabbed on and was quickly pulled out of his body.  He turned slowly in the air and studied Doren for several seconds.  The small voice deep down inside warned him to be cautious.

“My Grandson,” a familiar voice said to him.  Kade turned and could not help but to smile broadly as Zayle stepped through the blackness.  But, he was not alone.  Jorell stepped out, also, and looked upon him wisely.

“Grandfather,” Kade said happily.  “Jorell,” he continued, smiling broadly as he cast a glance at Darcienna.

Zayle came through and wrapped Kade in a tight hug.  If he did not know better, Kade would have thought that his grandfather was on the verge of tears.  After several long moments, Zayle grabbed Kade by the arms and pushed him back just a little.  He glanced over Kade’s shoulder and then quickly back to Kade.

“Okay, here is what you must do,” Zayle said as he lifted a finger to point at nothing.  “You must see this symbol,” he said as he drew an image in the air.  Kade was stunned to see Zayle using the Divine.  The faint outline of the power hung there.  “Picture this and then repeat this word as you work the calling,” Zayle said as he cast a quick glance past Kade.  He smiled briefly as if something funny occurred to him.

“What calling?” Kade asked, completely at a loss as to what Zayle was planning.

“Just do as I say, and you will understand.  Picture this calling,” Zayle said as he traced the symbol over and over to keep it from fading.

“Okay, I think I have it,” Kade said cautiously, still confused.

“Now repeat this word,” Zayle said as he spoke in the ancient language.  It was familiar to Kade, but he could not place it.  He repeated the word over and over until Zayle nodded in satisfaction.  “Now, when you use this calling, direct the Divine here,” Zayle said as he indicated the spot on which they stood.  “Hurry, quickly, go and do as I said.  Picture the symbol, say the word and direct the Divine here.”

“Okay, give me a second,” Kade said as he turned back for his body. 

For a moment, Kade froze.  Doren was right next to the shield with his hand on it.  Darcienna was smiling but the smile was forced.  Her arm shook slightly.  Doren turned his head this way and that way as he studied her.  There was a look in his eye that Kade did not like.  He quickly slid back into his body.  His grip on the staff tightened until his knuckled turned white.

“Apprentice,” Doren started to say. 

Kade knew that the Master Chosen could not contain himself any longer.  Doren craved the ancient staff so badly he could taste it.  Kade’s eyes widened as it hit him what the ancient word meant that Zayle had given him to say.  He grinned and spun as he raised the staff.  He envisioned the symbol and then drew in the Divine.  Doren growled.  Kade aimed the Divine at the place Zayle had indicated and then said the word “empower” in the ancient language.

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