The Divine Unleashed (Book 3) (18 page)

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Authors: Allen J. Johnston

BOOK: The Divine Unleashed (Book 3)
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“You better not,” Darcienna said as a new stream of tears started down her cheek.  Kade was not sure why, but he believed that these were the good kind of tears.  He was only a guy, so what did he know?  She reached her hand around behind his head, wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss.  After several long, heart pounding moments, she broke contact.  Breathless, she pushed him to arm’s length.

“You need rest,” Darcienna said before the passion could build past her self-control.

“You may be right,” Kade said as he regretfully let her go and walked over to fall heavily into the bed.  He put his hand to his chest and felt his pounding heart.  His self-control was completely and utterly shattered.  He might be unfamiliar with how to interact with females, but his body needed no lessons.  The hurricane of emotions slowly ebbed as his body returned, ever so slowly, back to normal.  He spread his hands out to his side and noticed the plush feel of the bed.

It was the most luxurious, soft bed he had ever felt in his life.  It was as if it were made of the same stuff his clothes were but thicker and lots more of it.  Kade slid toward the headboard and laid his head on the pillow.  He motioned for Darcienna to join him as he patted the spot next to him.  She hesitated momentarily as she studied him. 

“It’s safe,” Kade said with a chuckle.

They laid in bed for quite some time, talking.  Kade took that time to explain the game of The Taking in Plain Sight.  She, of course, thought it was completely foolish that they did not just share their knowledge and said as much.  Kade explained why it was like it was and even repeated some of what he had already said, but in the end, she still believed the ways of the Chosen to be devoid of sense.  The conversation turned to more lighthearted topics and Kade started to drift off to sleep.  She snuggled into his shoulder, afraid to move for fear of losing this moment.  As she lay there looking at the door, she pretended that nothing existed beyond this room.  For now, this was the extent of their world, and she was more than good with that.

The night was quiet as all activity died down.  Darcienna laid there with her head on his chest, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat.  She closed her eyes, listening, waiting for the next strong beat to hit.  The room had a soft glow from the algae on a small spot here or a crevice over there.  It was just enough to see the shadow slip into the room and glide toward them soundlessly.  Darcienna barely saw it in time.  She screamed and threw her hands up just as the black mass bounded at them.















“What?” Kade yelled as his hand shot out.   The Divine raced through him, setting his nerves on fire.  Light exploded into the room just as the black shape smoothly bounded off the shield to land cat-like next to the far wall.  The sack of books it was dragging landed with a thud.   Kade rubbed his eyes with his free hand and focused on the animal.  “Chance?” Kade asked as he reached for Darcienna’s arms and pulled them down.  The shield faded.

The silky creature calmly got up, padded over to the bed and leapt up gracefully.  Darcienna just stared, still trying to get her heart to slow.  Kade knuckled his eyes and reached over, scratching behind Chance’s ears.  The animal leaned into his hand, enjoying the affection.  After a few minutes of scratching Chance’s head and back, Kade climbed out of bed.  He picked up the sack of books and dropped them next to the bed.

Kade fell heavily to land next to Darcienna and turned to face her.  Chance fidgeted and squirmed until he had himself pressed against Kade as tightly as possible behind his knees.  As soon as the Mordra was content, he quickly slipped off to sleep.  Darcienna propped herself up on her elbow and looked from the Mordra to Kade and then back to the door.

“I thought Ven was watching the door,” Darcienna said suspiciously.

“I am sure there is a simple explanation,” Kade said as he sighed and slowly climbed back out of bed.  Chance opened his eyes and watched Kade walk to the door.  After a moment, the silky creature got up, moved up to the pillow and then fell as if his legs had given out.  

Kade lazily opened the door.  Peeking into the hallway, Kade now saw that it was Vell standing guard.  The shapeshifter was surprised to see Kade and showed as much in his questioning look.  Kade gave him a lazy, tired smile as he glanced back at the animal covering his pillow, wishing it were him in the bed.

Turning and facing Vell, Kade said, “Darcienna was wondering…how the animal got in.”

“I was informed that this creature belonged to you,” Vell said hesitantly.  “Was I mistaken to let it in?” Vell asked as he shimmered and changed form.

“No.  You did the right thing,” Kade said to Ven as those beautiful, brown eyes looked back at him. 

It was obvious that she liked being herself while in his presence.  Kade was very conscious of the fact that he had no shirt on when she was in this form but could have cared less if he was buck naked while she was in the form of Vell.  He had to get this worked out in his head, or he was going to drive himself nuts.  It was only a fluke that he even had pants on.  He gave her a smile and slipped back into the room.

“Well?” Darcienna asked tersely.

“Well what?” Kade responded, sliding back into bed, eager to slip back into his dreams.  Chance had moved to the middle of the bed and was waiting for Kade to get situated. 

“How was Chance able to get in the room?” Darcienna asked, tight lipped.

“She let him in,” Kade said, feeling irritation of his own growing.  “She was told that Chance belonged to me so she let him in,” he said as he looked at her.  “I am glad she did.  He has my books,” he said as he glanced over the side of the bed at the sack, conscious of the fact that he, once again, forgot about them.

“Oh,” Darcienna said, all the heat gone from her voice.

“You need to get over this thing with Ven,” Kade said firmly.  He was not going to tolerate this kind of irrational behavior, and he meant to make sure she understood.  “You know how I feel about you.  That is clear for all to see.  You are the one who lies here next to me,” he said with conviction as he looked deep into her eyes.  It was best to quell this before it got out of control.  Darcienna squirmed slightly under that gaze.  “She is not you.  But, I have accepted her, and she is a part of our lives.  You need to find a way to accept that.  Sooner would be much better than later, but you must.”

Darcienna deflated.  She was like a flower wilting right before his eyes.  Kade waited, giving her all the time she needed to work through this.  Her eyes shifted back and forth occasionally as she considered the situation.  It was the only evidence that she was even still paying attention.

“She just seems so attached to you,” Darcienna finally said, her voice small and helpless.  “I want that for me,” she said, not able to bring herself to look him in the eye.  “I can’t help how I feel.  It makes my stomach twist in knots.” 

Kade felt himself go soft inside.  He put the crook of his finger under her chin and lifted her head gently until he was looking deep into her blue eyes.  The anger he had seen earlier was nowhere to be found.

“I wish I had all the answers, but I don’t.  All I can do is tell you over and over how much I love you, and that she will never…,” Kade was saying when she inhaled sharply. 

Kade flinched and looked at her questioningly.  Her eyes went wide and tears started to well up. 
Now what?
Kade asked himself, frustrated that she was upset again.  He sat with his mouth gaping, completely at a loss as to what was wrong now.  His ten years in seclusion were definitely working against him. 
Women are so bloody confusing
, he thought, exasperated.  It was so easy to say the wrong thing and not even know it.

Darcienna lunged at him.  He was too slow to duck what was sure to be a stinging slap.  He tensed, waiting with his eyes shut tight.   Before he knew what was happening, she had her arms wrapped around his neck tightly and planted a kiss so passionately on his lips that he completely forgot what they were arguing about.  From a slap to a kiss in no time flat.  Crying and then kissing him was beyond his understanding, but he was not going to question it.  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.  His muscles relaxed and his body molded with hers as the passion exploded.  His logical mind shut down and his body took over.  There was no stopping where this was going, and neither one tried.

Kade fell onto his back, sweat glistening off his chest.  Darcienna’s eyes were half closed, a slow smile spreading across her face.  She was still breathing hard from the exertion, but she was more than ok with the workout.  It took a solid ten minutes before her heart returned to normal.   She gazed at the glowing algae on the ceiling as the pleasure of the last hour brought a smile to her face.  Neither said a word as they relaxed more and more, letting the memory of their togetherness drift though their thoughts.  He reached for her hand.  She held on tightly for a second and then relaxed her grip but did not let go.  They lay there for quite some time as the passion faded, their muscles turning to water.

“Where did that come from?” Kade asked while his eyes followed the pattern of lights on the ceiling.  Darcienna did not answer.  He wondered if he had said something wrong, but her grip had not changed.  She was not digging her nails in so she could not be mad.  Maybe she did not hear the question.  Not letting go of her hand, he turned to ask her again and stopped.  Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was deep.  She wore the most peaceful smile he had ever seen on her.  He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it as though it were one of the most precious things he had ever held.  As carefully as possible, so as not to disturb her, he laid her hand on her stomach.  He was too wide awake now for sleep and decided that a nice walk in the cool night air would be just what he needed.

Kade climbed out of bed and took his time dressing, making sure to keep quiet.  He moved to the door and slipped into the hallway.  As he slowly closed the door, Ven turned toward him, watching curiously.

“Is there a problem?” Ven asked.

“As a matter of fact, right now, everything could not be better,” Kade said, the memory of his activities still fresh on his mind.

“Would you like me to accompany you?” Ven asked.

“No.  You stay here and guard the door,” Kade said as he turned to go.

“Are you sure?” Ven asked, a little more insistently.  Something in her voice caught his attention and brought him to a stop.  He turned back toward her, curious.  “She does not really like me much, does she?” Ven asked.  And then, Kade understood.  Ven did not want to be at the mercy of Darcienna’s wrath without Kade there to protect her.  It was not as if Darcienna tried to hide her ire.

“She just does not share me very well,” Kade said.

“I mean her no harm,” Ven said innocently.  Kade had no doubt that she spoke the truth.

“She will adjust,” Kade said confidently with a smile.  He considering giving her a reassuring hug and mussing her hair to lighten the mood, but with his luck, Darcienna would choose right then to walk out the door.  He left it at just a smile and turned to walk down the tunnel for the exit.

He worked his way up the stairs and out into the night air.  He was still overheated from his activity so the cool air actually felt good.  No, not just good, but great.  The dragon raised its head and looked over at him, happiness drifting through the link.  Kade walked up and scratched under the dragon’s jaw.  Rayden radiated pleasure.  Kade could not help but to smile.

“How is my friend doing?” Kade asked.

Rayden let out a deep rumble of pleasure as Kade found that one spot that made the dragon purr.  Kade smiled as his friend stretched out his neck and twisted his head to the side.  Rayden’s eyes closed as he soaked up the affection.  Kade stifled a laugh as he watched the dragon start to bob its head.  He scratched until his fingers started to cramp and then patted his dragon to indicate the spoiling was over.  He leaned against Rayden and looked up at the sky.

The stars were out by the thousands.  Both moons were on the other side of the planet, leaving the stars to shine brightly.  The world seemed peaceful and quiet.  Kade put his back to the dragon and slid down.  He pulled his knees to his chest and let the peacefulness of nature seep into his soul.  The sounds of the night were calming and helped his mind slow.  This was a welcomed change.  He knew it was going to be short lived, but he enjoyed it, nevertheless.

“You are a better friend than I could have ever hoped for,” Kade said as he laid his head back against the dragon, turned his head and looked into its eyes.  “You have put your life on the line and saved me more times than I can count.  I will always cherish you.”  Rayden shifted to curl around him.

“May I join you?” Darcienna asked, causing both dragon and man to jump.

“Blood and Ash, woman!  Don’t sneak up on us like that!”  Kade exclaimed as he settled back against the dragon, his hand clenching his chest over his heart.

“Was that a yes?” Darcienna asked with a grin.

“Of course,” Kade said, as he slid over a little.  “I thought you were asleep,” Kade said as she slid down next to him.

“I was until you got out of bed,” Darcienna said as she glanced sidelong at him.  “It felt lonely without you in there so I got up and was going to join you.  I saw you talking to Ven through the crack in the door and thought I would give you some time to chat with her,” she said as she looked out over the open plains.  Kade swallowed hard, feeling he had just barely dodged another disaster.  He was very happy he passed on that hug.  “I did lie back down after you walked out, but it was too quiet so I came to find you.”

“And, you found me,” Kade said as he placed his arm around her.  She turned toward him, leaning into his embrace, pulled her knees up and let them fall over his legs while putting her hand on his chest.

“You don’t have any regrets, do you?” Darcienna asked. 

Kade was about to ask her what exactly she was talking about when his inner voice screamed at him. 
She is a woman
, it reminded him. 
If you ask that, she will assume that there is something that you do regret and she will have all kinds of suspicions that will take you a day, if not more, to recover from.  Just assume it is about everything.  Be smart here.  There is only one safe answer.

“No.”  He said casually.  He was paying very close attention to her to make sure it was the right answer.  So far, it seemed that it was.  “Do you?” he asked.

“Of course not,” Darcienna said with a smile.  After a long pause, she looked up at him.  “Did you expect something different?” she asked sweetly. 

Kade felt alarm bells going off.  He felt he was walking through a field riddled with callings.  This was supposed to be relaxing, so why did it feel, as though at any moment, this could end in disaster.  Maybe not saying anything was best.  No.  If he said nothing, she would assume the worst.

“What else would I expect?” Kade asked, proud that he had come up with a clever response that was going to keep him out of trouble.

“Why did you take so long to answer?” Darcienna asked innocently as she looked him in the eye.  “You…meant what you said…right?”

“Absolutely,” Kade said with conviction.  This was an easy one.  Now, if he could only bloody well figure out what he had said that seemed to matter, he could work this out.

“Good,” Darcienna said as she leaned into him again and took her hand from his chest to hug him around the waist.  “I would not want you to say that if you did not mean it.”

“I meant it or I would not have said it,” Kade said, still feeling like sharks were circling his life raft.

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