The Discovery of Genesis (55 page)

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Authors: C. H. Kang,Ethel R. Nelson

Tags: #Religion, #Christian Life, #General

BOOK: The Discovery of Genesis
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If the venerable inventor of the Chinese writing were to pictographically represent the very first sword in the history of mankind, he would have to recall the story of the two-edged or
sword in the hand of the angel guarding the gate of Eden after Adam and Eve had been expelled. The ancient calligrapher must have greatly enjoyed putting together this symbol for
two-edged sword
; for he could not only describe the original fiery weapon with its two “biting” edges but at the same time represent the unfortunate first couple by two figures:
, also representing the two sharp edges of the sword; and
(modified from
because they had just lost their original glorious robes of light); yet
is still used to represent the flaming aspect as noted above in

Man did not suffer alone in the disobedient act that separated him from God’s presence. God also sorrowed and planned a remedy: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). The day will come when believing man will be delivered from the curse of Adam. At that time Christ will forever remove the “thorns and thistles” and, having provided the repentant sinner with a perfect robe of righteousness, will bring him once more to the renewed paradise Garden of God.

Chapter 8: The Seed of Rebellion


At the time when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, they had no children. As a result of her disobedience God told Eve that she would have sorrow and pain in childbearing. But God had also given this first pair hope with the promise of a Redeemer, for He had said to Lucifer, who had beguiled Eve in the guise of the serpent, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and
her Seed
; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel” (Genesis 3:15). So despite the pain of childbearing, Adam and Eve eagerly desired a son, who they hoped would be
that Seed
, the promised Deliverer.

The first human conception is recorded in the Chinese written language as a son. The word
is made up of two symbols,
, and a
. This character even looks
, with the son contained within the larger figure!

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