The Disappearing (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Torres

Tags: #Fiction, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Disappearing
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I'm thankful for so many things.

A late night chat years ago under a sea of stars when my son Timmy and I began to dream up a story about a place called Briny Deep.

My daughter Emily who believed in the story and told me to write it now because the laundry could wait.

My daughter Isabelle who agreed (begrudgingly) to take a break from her Movie Star Planet computer game so I could actually use
computer to write.

A horrible boss and soul zapping job that made me realize I had to send out what I wrote because my dreams were not going to come find me.

My editors: David Dilkes for believing in me and being the original champion for this story—and the funny, patient, inspiring David Mulrine for all the pep talks and ego boosting emails.

Supportive family members like my dear mother for reading each and every word the minute I wrote it, my Dad, Jim, Danny, Stacey, Matthew, and my sister Natalie.

And finally to my wonderful husband—and fellow dream chaser—John, who refused to hear any more of my “great book ideas” until I actually wrote one to completion. I love you.

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Copyright © 2015 by Jennifer Torres.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Torres, Jennifer.
  The disappearing / Jennifer Torres.
        pages cm. — (The Briny Deep mysteries ; book 1)
  Summary: “Tim, Max, Emily, Luke, and Nina learn that their quiet town of Briny Deep isn't as safe as they once thought. With children vanishing, they need to find answers before all their friends disappear”—Provided by publisher.
  ISBN 978-1-62285-172-0
  [1. Mystery and detective stories. 2. Missing children—Fiction. 3. Friendship—Fiction. 4. Science fiction.] I. Title.
   PZ7.T645648Di 2014
  [Fic]—dc23             2014000875

Future editions:
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-62285-173-7
EPUB ISBN: 978-1-62285-174-4
Single-User PDF ISBN: 978-1-62285-175-1
Multi-User PDF ISBN: 978-1-62285-176-8

This is the EPUB version 1.0.

Speeding Star
Box 398, 40 Industrial Road
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Cover Illustration:
© Johan Swanepoel/

Read each title in The Briny Deep Mysteries

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for more information!

The Disappearing

The Briny Deep Mysteries Book 1

Tim and his four best friends learn that their quiet town of Briny Deep isn't as safe as they once thought. With children vanishing, they need to find answers before all their friends disappear.

ISBN: 978-1-62285-172-0

The Return

The Briny Deep Mysteries Book 2

The search for the missing children has now intensified. But when Tim seeks out the truth, he learns those closest to him have been keeping secrets from him. Briny Deep is no longer the place that Tim and his friends once knew.

ISBN: 978-1-62285-181-2

The Battle

The Briny Deep Mysteries Book 3

With the secret of Briny Deep finally exposed, Tim and his friends must travel far away to a strange land. And with a war between two distant worlds about to erupt, Tim must have the courage to dig deeper than he ever has before

ISBN: 978-1-62285-186-7

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