The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 (MC Chronicles #1) (4 page)

BOOK: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 (MC Chronicles #1)
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“You think I don’t know why you hired, Bink? You don’t
think I don’t know your play? I know everything, motherfucker!” Big Dick booms
as Gunz casually leans his shoulder against the hallway wall, ankles crossed,
picking his nails like he’s got all day.

“You’re not going to do anything?” I frown at Gunz,
urgently pointing my finger toward Big.

“Naw.” Gunz lazily shakes his head and resumes picking
his nails, unclipping the knife from his hip and using its tip to dislodge the
grit and grease from under his nail beds.


Watching the biggest man I know towering murderously
over my boss, I take in a deep breath and try to approach the scary man in the
softest way possible. Although on the inside, I am itching to lay into him, and
grab him by those giant balls of his and twist until he falls to his knees in
agony and apologizes profusely for being such a jerk. One could only hope.

“Big.” I take a short step.

“Big.” I take another step, inching closer. Doctor
Jagger is watching me from the corner of his eye. Big Dick is twitchy as his
rock solid body stands firm, but the dark, deep, feral noises he’s emitting are
coming out louder, stronger. His breathing shoots out in rapid surges, fueling
that rage I know he’s battling with inside. You can’t grow up with a man like
him your entire life and not know the telltale signs.

“Big,” I sweetly mutter, reaching out and faintly
touching his side with the tips of my fingers.

A sharp inhale is his only response, as the chest
bellowing noises of the animal deep within tries to break free, transfixed on
eliminating its target.
why he’s the president of the club and has been since before I was born. It’s
his devotion and intensity to his club, his members, or in this case the
daughter of his VP, that makes him perfect for the job. Even if his tactics are
a bit over the top, to say the least.

“Big.” I place my other hand on his thick side,
smoothing it over his leather cut to his stomach. My tiny hand takes up little
space on his abs, but I hold it there, feeling his rapid pulse pounding against
my palm, the taut muscles of his faint eight-pack contract with each breath, as
the heat of his flesh radiates through his t-shirt, soaking into me. One more
step and I’m flush against him. My breasts brush his side and I lean in,
nuzzling my nose into his leather cut. Just like I’ve done since I was a child.

“Big, put the gun down and let’s go. Don’t shoot him.
It’s not worth it,” I whisper and feel his entire body respond this time,
loosening up, and the feral noises dissipating. Somehow bringing the tension in
the air from a rolling boil down to a simmer.

Lowing the gun to his other side, he turns his head
and gazes down upon me, my body still wrapped against his. I smile up at him.

“Hello there, big man,” I wink, and he flashes me that
sexy dimpled half smile, half grin.

“Close your eyes, Doc. If you look at her tits, I’ll
shoot ya.” He speaks with little weight behind his threatening words, never
taking his eyes off me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Doc comply by
shutting his eyes tight, and Big shifts so I’m standing flush in front of him.

“I’ll be outside,” Gunz states, walking down the hall,
the heels of his shit-kickers scuffing my boss’s pristine floors.

“Did he touch you?” Big tucks his gun into the back of
his faded jeans and runs one of his knuckles gently down my cheek, ending at my
chin, where he cups it and tilts my head up, so I am forced to look him
directly into those penetrating ice-blue eyes of his.

“Did he?”

I carefully shake my head. “No, I passed out at the
bar and woke up here.”

“So your pussy’s been left…you know…fully intact?”

I nearly laugh at how uncomfortable I can tell this is
for him. My guess is my daddy told him he was to watch over me since he’s gone
on this run. And I know for certain if anything happened to me, there would be
one helluva fight between the two of them.

“Big.” I pat his thick pecks with both hands and
chuckle. “That ship sailed long ago.”

“Fuck.” He scrubs the stubble on his face with both
hands and looks up to the ceiling. “F-uh-uh-ck.” He groans louder and I glibly
laugh, dismissing myself back into the bedroom for my clothes.

“Fuck.” I hear him repeat over and over again as I
dress myself with the clothes I had been wearing last night. Poor guy, I know
me talking with him about having sex probably feels like he’s talking to his
daughter about it. I’m surprised he’s taking it so well. The first time my
daddy and I spoke about it, he turned into a fire-breathing dragon, wanting to
slowly maim then murder every man I’d ever bedded. That’s a long list, and even
longer if you include the men who I didn’t actually fuck, but fooled around
with. I never said I was a saint.

Finishing up by sliding on my shoes, I meet him in the
hall, where my boss hasn’t moved a muscle.

“Sorry, Doctor,” I whisper, slumping my shoulders as I
walk past him toward the front of his house, feeling helpless and deeply sorry
for Big’s savage interruption of my day and certainly his. He was the one who
picked me up last night, even though I don’t remember it, and has been the one
to care for me since this morning. Pretty awful when you do a good deed and are
faced with a gun to the head in return.

Fuckin’ Big!

I don’t speak as I open his front door and walk down
the stairs of his quaint modern home. It’s set in what seems to be one of the
higher end communities on the outskirts of our smaller city. Bikers rumbling
through these parts is sure to stir up some suspicions with the snooty folks of
the town. Speak of the devil, here comes a deputy now.

“Don’t you even think of leavin’ my sight.” Big
glances at me over his shoulder, loudly stepping down off the curb.

The cruiser pulls up next to us, with the passenger
window already rolled down.

“Found her, I see,” the deputy states.

“Yep,” Big replies with an obvious air of boredom.

“Any more problems?”

“Nope, we’re good here,” Big replies evenly.

“Just checking. Gentlemen associated with Ms. Cummings
seem to turn up beaten more times than not, figured I might as well stop by to
make sure this one was left unharmed.”

“Listen.” Big takes two large strides to the side of
the cruiser and bends forward, resting both of his hands in the open window of
the deputy’s car and tucking his head inside. “I do what I gotta do to take
care of mine. This fuckstain didn’t touch, nor harm, what’s mine. Therefore,
he’s free to go. Nobody gets dealt a beatin’ without the justification to do
so. Now why don’t you grab yourself some donuts and coffee on your way back
into town, piggy.”

Standing up with attitude, Big tugs a thick wad of
cash from his pants pocket and tosses a twenty into the car. “It’s on me.”

Turning away from the cop, Big’s eyes instantly find
me, stern and hard as always. “Bike, Bink. Now.” He points to his hog. “Later,
piggy.” He offers the deputy a two finger wave as he powerfully saunters over
to his Harley.

“Don’t cause any more trouble, Big,” the deputy calls
out his window, pulling away.

I don’t argue with Big’s order. I have to leave
somehow. So I walk over to his bike, stand next to it as he slings a leg over,
and then I climb on behind him.

“Where’s your leather?” he asks, turning over the
engine and kicking up the kickstand with his heel, as Gunz does the same thing
from across the street.

“It’s at my apartment.” I know that isn’t what he
wants to hear, that I rode Black Betty yesterday without it. To be honest, I’m
not a huge fan of wearing it. It’s a club jacket with the club’s patch on the
back and my name on the breast. Looks almost like one the brother’s cuts. Bad
enough people can just look at me to know I'm with the Sacred Sinners. I don’t
need to offer them the constant reminder when I’m riding on my motorcycle too.

“You can’t be riding without leather, baby doll.”

“Don’t you
call me baby doll,
,” I
snap, speaking his real name, making his back turn ridged as he walks his bike
into the street. I’ve hit a nerve.

“My name’s not Richard, you tiny bitch.”

“Sure it is
Richard Darcy
. Don’t pretend like I don’t know you. I know more than
most of your brothers.”

“Why? Because you saw me fuck my fist in front of you

he does remember that night. I was beginning to think with all of his bangin’
dirty bar whores, recalling that I’ve seen him jack off would be the last thing
he’d remember. Not sure if his recollection of that night is a positive thing
or not. I’ll get back to you on that at a later date.

“No, but I remember it too,” I whisper into his ear
and wrap my arms around his stomach, pressing my breasts firmly to his leather
clad back.

He growls once and takes off, out of
white-collar-doctor-country, and into the world we all know and love. Turning
onto a main road, he picks up speed on his Harley and the constant rumbling
under my ass vibrates straight into my pussy. The dull sexual ache that forever
resides within me, turns into a deep, hardcore burning as the walls of my pussy
clench with its desperate need to be filled. Hitting a rough bump forces my
nails to claw at Big’s cut, and I bite down on my bottom lip as a wave of
pleasure spikes through me. I’m close, I’m so fucking close. I’m going to come.
I’m going to come hard on the back of Big’s bike.

Jerking to a slow roll at a stop sign has me leeching
forward, my pussy grinding harder into the leather of my seat. Shit! The
pressure that I’ve been trying to hold off releases, and I hug him tighter as
the edge of my orgasm dangles on the precipice. I know at any second I’m going
to explode, and there isn’t going to be a damn thing I can do about it.

Big forces his hog to rumble louder
as he guns his bike forward, and its powerful vibrations set me off. I bury my
face into his cut as my body shudders uncontrollably, grinding my pussy into
his leather seat. I silently scream as a devastatingly delicious orgasm wracks
my body. Pulse after pulse of ecstasy devours me, and I’m lost in sensation, as
another wave peaks and I’m forced into another earth-shattering climax. My
heart furiously pounds, as my toes curl in my shoes, wetness soaks my panties,
and my hands stay glued to Big’s cut, lost in orgasmic delirium. My body coils
and uncoils with each post climatic shockwave that jolts my oversensitive
system. Slowly, I come down from my high. I’ve never, in all my life, come so
hard on a motorcycle.

“We’re here,” he announces, coming to a stop, by
placing both of his feet on the ground and shutting down the engine.

There’s no way I let go of him right
now. I’m lost in the world of quaky knees and heart palpations. I can’t see a
damn thing straight. Fuck…that was amazing!

“Where?” I whisper into his cut, my face buried
between his shoulder blades.

“Let go of me and get off the bike. We’re at the
clubhouse.” His shoulders move, and I feel his hands fall to his sides.

“I don’t want to be here. I need to go home.” I
breathily explain.

“I didn’t just pay a shitload of cash for a female
pussy doctor to come check your shit for you to go home.”

What. The. Hell?

“What!?” I yell, sitting up and catapulting myself off
the bike. Left standing, wobbly legged on the dirt driveway with my hands on my
hips, as I scornfully stare down the big controlling jerkhead.


,” he speaks slowly, treating me
like a moron, “I gotta be sure he didn’t drug and rape ya last night.”

“Are you insane?!”

Climbing off the bike, he shakes his head, coming to
stand beside me. “Get in the fuckin’ clubhouse and get that pussy checked,
before I make you do it. So do us both a solid and shut your mouthy trap and do
what you are told for once.”

“Nope,” I blurt.

He grabs hold of my upper arm. “Yes. I’m your fuckin’
Prez, Bink. Now get inside.”

“No.” I jerk my arm back, trying to break his hold,
which doesn’t do me any good.

“Listen, you go inside, you have her get all up in
that tight, pretty, pink, and probably shaved shit. Then I’ll have Gunz take
you home. But nobody’s gonna take you home until I know for sure you weren’t

“How’s she gonna know if I was or not? I might have
had sex yesterday.” I look up at him.

“Did you?” He speculatively glances down at me,
raising a brow, with a knowing smile curling up from the corner of his smart


He curtly nods. “See, just do it.”

Dragging me unwilling me by my upper arm, not actually
hurting me but pissing me off further, he pulls me through the front doors of
the club. Standing in the main part of the clubhouse is an ancient looking
doctor in a white lab coat and a wrinkly smile. Three brothers are seated at
the bar drinking and not paying a bit of attention to the doctor or us.

“Doc, here she is. She’s all yours, and if she gives
you any trouble, call me.” Big releases his grip, staring down at me, with an
unyielding expression on his face. “Do. It. Bink.”

Fine! I’ll do it, you overgrown, blue-eyed, steroid
boosted control freak. Who I’d like to knock the sexy right outta, asshole!

I leer at him as he stalks away. The loud scuffing of
his boot heels forces me to shiver, and a flare of goose bumps appear across my
skin. I think I might actually hate him!


BOOK: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 1 (MC Chronicles #1)
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