The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy (92 page)

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Kuzminskaya, Vera Alexandrovna (1871–1940s), daughter of A.M. and T.A. Kuzminsky: 76, 138, 200, 203, 267

Kuzminsky, Alexander Mikhailovich (1843–1917), husband of T.A. Kuzminskaya, lawyer: 34, 36, 103, 125, 127, 239, 450, 452, 464, 533

Kuzminsky, Dmitry Alexandrovich (“Mitechka”) (born 1888), son of A.M. and T.A. Kuzminsky: 119, 130, 238

Kuzminsky, Mikhail Alexandrovich (born 1875), son of A.M. and T.A. Kuzminsky: 130, 242

Kuzminsky, Vasily Alexandrovich (1882–1933), son of A.M. and T.A. Kuzminsky: 116, 127

Kuzminskys, the: 104, 116, 123, 159, 238–9, 433, 435, 450–2, 458, 470, 475, 477, 567


La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), French writer: 459

Lamansky, Vladimir Ivanovich (1833–1914), historian and academician: 320

Landau, L.A.,
Moses: An Analysis of His Psychic Life
: 460, 571

Landowska, Wanda (1879–1959), Polish pianist and harpsichordist: 355, 444, 447, 558

Landowski, Lev Genrikh, husband of W. Landowska: 444

Larionova, Maria: 544–5

Lavrovskaya (married name Tserteleva), Elizaveta Andreevna (1847–1919), singer, professor at the Moscow Conservatoire: 251, 256, 259

Lazursky, Vladimir Fyodorovich (1869–1943), literary historian, in 1894 coached Mikhail and Andrei Tolstoy: 434

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich (1870–1924): 142, 480, 537, 574

Leontyeva, Maria Yevgenevna, wife of M.M. Leontyev, governor of Vladimir: 212

Lermontov, Mikail Yurevich (1814–41), poet,
A Strange Man
: 126, 464

Leskov, Nikolai Semyonovich (1831–95), writer,
No Way Out
: 131, 471, 545

Levenson, A.A., owner of a printing firm in Moscow: 460–1

Levitskys, the, family of P.I. Levitsky, neighbours of the Tolstoys: 233

Levshin, Lev Lvovvich (1842–1911), professor at Moscow University

Linev, member of the Tolstoy Museum: 451

Liszt, Franz (1811–86), Hungarian Composer: 217

Litvinov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1861–1933), opera producer: 281

Litvinovs, the: 225

Lodyzhensky, Mitrofan Vasilevich (born 1855), writer: 322

Lodyzhenskys, the: 381

Loewenfeld, Rafail (1854–1910), German literary critic, translated Tolstoy's works into German: 118, 121, 169, 543

Lombroso, Cesare (1835–1909), Italian psychiatrist and anthropologist: 176

Lopatin, Lev Mikhailovich (1855–1920), philosopher, psychologist, professor at Moscow University: 182

Lopukhin, Nikolai Sergeevich (born 1879), friend of Mikhail Lvovovich Tolstoy: 162, 186

Louÿs, Pierre (1870–1925), French writer,
: 549

Loyson, Paul Hyacinthe (1873–1921)
Le Droit de vierge

Lvov, Yevgeny Vladimirovich (1817–96), Tula landowner: 32

Lvov, Georgy Yevgenevich (1861–1925), Prince, Tula landowner: 113

Lyassota, Yuly Ivanovich (born 1868), violinist, music teacher to Mikhail and Lev Evovich Tolstoy: 70–1


Makarov, A.A. (1857–1919), Minister of Internal Affairs: 452

Maklakov, Alexei Alexeevich (1870–1918), occultist, professor at Moscow University: 186, 192, 198, 223, 264, 429, 435

Maklakov, Vasily Alexeevich (1869–1957), Moscow lawyer: 322

Maklakova, Maria Alexevna (“Marusya”) (born 1877): 210, 318, 379, 442

Maklakovs, the: 209, 248, 275, 318

Makovitsky, Dushan Petrovich (“the doctor”) (1866–1921): 200, 297, 349, 367–8, 372, 387, 408–9, 422, 424, 427, 437, 442, 444, 447, 450,
452–4, 468, 470, 474–5, 481–2, 484, 551, 556, 563–4, 572

Makovitsky, Dushan Vladimirovich, nephew of D.P. Makovitsky: 484

Malikova, Elizaveta Alexandrovna (“Liza”) (born
.1845), adopted daughter of V.I. Alexeev: 50, 52–3, 55

Malinovsky, Ioanniky Alexeevich (1868–1932), historian, professor at Tomsk University,
Blood Revenge
: 398, 561

Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–98), French poet: 190

Malyutin, Yevgeny Nikolaevich, assistant professor at Moscow University: 212

Mamonov, Misha: 264

Mamonova, Sofia Emmanuilovna: 430, 525

Mamonovs, the: 91

Maria Fyodorovna (1847–1928), Empress, wife of Alexander III: 433, 566

Martinov, artist: 451

Martynova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, friend of Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya: 147

Martynova, Sapho: 524–5

The Martinovs: 232

Marukhin, Andrei (“the Romanian”): 563

Marx, Adolf Fyodorovich (1838–1904), proprietor of a publishing house: 326

Marx, Karl (1818–83), German political philosopher and economist: 22, 40

Maslov, Fyodor Ivanovich (1840–1915), president of the First Department of the Moscow Palace of Justice: 232, 246, 267, 290

Maslova, Anna Ivanovna, landowner in the province of Oryol, friend of S.I. Taneev: 214, 421–2, 431

Maslova, Varvara Ivanovna (died 1905), sister of A.I. Maslova: 275, 280

Maslovs, the: 245, 256, 280, 457

Maude, Aylmer (1858–1938), translator of Tolstoy's works into English and writer of his biography: 172, 324, 375, 381–2, 384–5, 417, 434, 548, 550

Maupassant, Guy de (1850–93), French writer: 460

“Mavrusha”, Ilya Tolstoy's wet nurse: 31–2

Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805–72), Italian patriot and writer,
On Human Duty
: 301, 556

Medvedev, Vasily Vasilevich: 460

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix (1809–47) German composer: 113, 154, 156, 161, 192, 198, 207, 262, 277

Mengden, Baroness: 527

Menshikov, Mikhail Osipovich (1859–1910), pamphleteer and journalist, ‘On Sexual Love': 190, 526

Merenburg, Sofia Nikolaevna (1868–1927), granddaughter of A.S. Pushkin, wife of Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich: 104

Merkurov, Sergei Dmitrievich (1881–1952), monumental sculptor: 437

Meshcherinovs, the: 91

Mey, Albert Ivanovich (1840–1913), Moscow photographer: 144, 435, 438, 547

Michurin, Alexander Grigorevich, music teacher with the Tolstoys: 535

Mikhail Mikhailovich (1861–1929), Grand Duke: 104

Miserbiev, Sado: 350

Molochnikov, Vladimir Aifslovich (1871–1936), carpenter from Novgorod, fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 380, 560

Molostvova, Elizaveta Vladimirovna (née Behrs), (1875–1936), author
of a number of books on the history of sectarianism: 406

Morozov, Nikolai Alexandrovich (1854–1946), revolutionary and politician: 353–4, 558

Morozov, Savva Timofeevich (1862–1905), influential Moscow factory owner, friend of Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy at Moscow University: 227

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), Austrian composer,
Don Giovanni
: 50, 70, 77, 146, 264, 318, 320, 333, 335, 456, 461, 478, 483

Muravyov, Nikolai Konstantinovich (1870–1936), lawyer and political figure: 427, 560

Muromtseva, Maria Nikolaevna née Kilmentova) (1857–1946), singer and teacher: 243, 266, 286

Myasoedov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1839–1908), lawyer: 263, 553


Nagornov, Boris Nikolaevich (1877–99), Tolstoy's grandnephew: 127, 180

Nagornov, Ippolit Mikhailovich, violinist: 50

Nagornov, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1845–96), V.V. Nagornova's husband: 41, 534, 577

Nagornova, Varvara Valerianovna (née Tolstaya), (1850–1922), daughter of V.P. and M.N. Tolstoy: 40–1, 87–8, 198, 218, 223, 225, 309, 311, 352, 379, 420, 449, 458–9, 464, 471

Nagornovs, the: 75

Nakashidze, Ilya Petrovich (1866–1923), Prince, Georgian pamphleteer and fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 266, 275, 460

Naryshkin, Yury Alexandrovich (“Yusha”), acquaintance of Tolstoy's: 277

Naryshkina, Elizaveta Alexeevna, lady-in-waiting: 433–4

Naryshkins, the: 264

Navrotsky, Alexander Alexandrovich (1839–1914), editor-publisher of the journal
Russian Speech
: 52

Nazhivin, Ivan Fyodorovich (1874–1940), writer: 403

Nekrasov, Nikolai Alexeevich (1821–78), poet and journalist: 491

Nelyubov: 117

Nesterov, Mikhail Vasilevich (1862–1942), artist: 435

Nief, tutor of Tolstoy's elder sons: 49–52, 56

Nikiforov, Alexei Alexandrovich: 98

Nikiforov, Lev Pavlovich (1844–1917), collaborator and translator for the Intermediary: 263

Nikitin, Dmitry Vasilevich (1874–1960), the Tolstoys' resident doctor 1902–4: 319, 321–2, 329, 337, 374, 420, 422, 563

Nikolaev, Sergei Dmitrievich (1861–1920), economist, translator of Henry George into Russian, fellow thinker of Tolstoy's: 372, 379

Nikolaeva, Larisa Dmitrievna (born 1875), wife of S.D. Nikolaev: 418

Nikolaevs, the: 350, 417

“Nikolai”, cook with the Tolstoys: xv, 221

Nikon, (1605–81), patriarch: 72

Nobel, Alfred (1833–96), Swedish engineer, and Nobel Prize founder: 153, 181–2, 550

Nordman, Natalya Borisovna (1863–1914), writer (pseudonym “Severova”) wife of I.E. Repin

Novikov, Alexei Mitrofanovich (1865–1925), teacher with the Tolstoy family in 1889 and 1890: 540

Novikov, Mikhail Petrovich (1871–1939), peasant from Tula province: 285, 407, 562


Obolenskaya, Alexandra Alexeevna (née Dyakova) (1831–90), founder of a private girls' secondary school in St Petersburg: 30

Obolenskaya, Elizaveta Valerianovna (“Lily”, “Liza”) (née Tolstaya) (1852–1935), daughter of Maria Nikolaevna Tolstaya: 91, 131, 188–9, 218, 246, 262, 297, 307, 324, 329, 351, 375, 379, 439, 440, 467

Obolenskaya, Katya: 512

Obolenskaya, Maria Lvovna (“Masha”) Tolstoy's daughter (1871–1906): xix, 39, 41, 50, 52–4, 56–7, 65–7, 75–81, 83–85, 91–98, 101–2, 115–6, 121–2, 127, 135–6, 138, 143–4, 146–8, 150, 153–5, 157, 164–5, 167–9, 175–7, 179–80, 182, 188–9, 192, 206, 208–9, 216, 225, 235, 238, 241–2, 252, 254, 260–1, 273, 284–5, 295, 302, 306–10, 312, 318, 322, 325–6, 328–9, 331, 334, 336–7, 344, 347, 382, 413–5, 438, 493, 522–4, 534, 537–9, 541–4, 548–9, 556

Obolenskaya, Natalya Leonidovna (married name Abrikosova) (1881–1955), grandniece of Tolstoy: 295, 327

Obolensky, Dmitry Dmitrievich (“Mitasha”) (born 1884), Tula landowner: 419, 440

Obolensky, Nikolai Leonidovich (“Kolya”) (1872–1934), husband of Maria Lvovna Tolstaya): 153–4, 157, 168, 175, 188, 192, 216, 235, 273, 303, 326, 334, 336–7, 493, 525, 539, 548

Obolenskys, the: 161, 173, 246

Odoevsky, Prince: 431

Odoevsky, Princess: 431

Ogranovich, Mikhail Petrovich (1848–1904), neuropathologist: 151, 548

Olga Fyodorovna (née Cäcilie of Baden) (1839–91), Grand Duchess: 104

Olsufiev, Adam Vasilevich (1833–1901), close friend of Tolstoy: 219, 308, 556

Olsufiev, Alexander Vasilevich (1843–1907), aide-de-camp general to Nicholas II: 337, 551

Olsufiev, Dmitry Adamovich (“Mitya”) (1862–1930), son of A.V. Olsufiev, friend of Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy: 370, 434

Olsufiev, Mikhail Adamovich (1860–1918), son of A.V. Olsufiev, friend of Sergei Lvovich Tolstoy: 146, 370, 430

Olsufieva, Elizaveta Adamovna (1857–98), daughter of A.V. Olsufiev, friend of Tatyana Lvovna Tolstaya: 541

Olsufievs, the: 84–5, 144, 146, 267

Orekhov, Alexei Stepanovich (died 1822), bailiff, later chief steward of the Yasnaya Polyana estate: 537

Orekhov, Vasily: 447

Orlov, Nikolai Vasilevich (1863–1924), artist: 426, 431, 443, 449, 478


Paderewski, Ignaz Jan (1860–1941), Polish pianist and composer: 266

Panina, Sofia Vladimirovna (1871–1957), Countess, owner of an estate in Gaspra, in the Crimea: 294

Pankratov, Alexander Savvich (1871–1922): 454, 570

Parshin, Alexander Nikolaevich, engineer: 482

Pascal, Blaise (1623–62), French religious philosopher, mathmetician and physicist;
Discours sur les passions de l'amour; Pensées
: 449–50,, 457, 566, 569

Pasternak, Leonid Osipovich (1862–1945), artist, illustrator of the works of Tolstoy: 249, 290, 553, 558

Pasternaks, the: 141

Perevoznikov, Fyodor Semyonovich (“the peasant”) (born 1888), peasant from the village of Yasenki: 562

Perfilev, Vasily Stepanovich (1826–90), friend of Tolstoy: 30, 513

Perfileva, Praskovya Fyodorovna (née Tolstaya) (1831–87), second cousin of Tolstoy: 30, 513

Perfilevs, the: 30, 513

Persidskaya, Elena Mikhaikovna (born 1865), doctor's assistant: 136

Peshkov, Alexei Maximovich, see Gorky, Maxim

Peshkova-Toliverova, Alexandra Nikolaevna, see Toliverova, A.N.

Peter the Great (1672–1725): 38, 42, 428, 565

Petrovskaya, Darya Nikolaevna (née Marinina) (born 1862), wife of A.G. Petrovsky: 145

Phillips, Anna (“Annie”), governess with the Tolstoys and Yasnaya Polyana: 49–50, 53, 56, 535

Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1810–81), scientist, physician, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences: 239

Pirogova, Anna Stepanova (1837–72): 578

Pisaryov, Rafail Alexeevich (1850–1906), landowner in the Epifania district of Tula province: 134

Plato (
), Greek philosopher: 165, 328, 567

Plehve, Vyacheslav Konstantinovich (1846–1904), Minister of Internal Affairs: 138, 339

Pobedonostsev, Konstantin Petrovich (1827–1907), Chief Procurator of the Synod: 152, 184, 213, 287–8, 551, 554

Pogozhev, Vladimir Petrovich (1851–1933), manager of the Office of Imperial Theatres and theatre historian: 106

Pokhitonov, Ivan Pavlovich (1850–1923), artist: 436

Polin, M.Y., revolutionary: 562

Polivanov, Mitrofan Andreevich (“P”) (1842–1913), guards officer: 59, 114, 135, 532, 536, 577

Poltoratsky, Vladimir Alexeevich (1828–89), major-general: 350

Pomerantsev, Yury Nikolaevich (“Yusha”) (1878–1934), composer, conductor, pupil of S.I. Taneev: 185–6, 193, 210, 232, 245, 248, 250, 281

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