Read The Devil's Good Intentions Online

Authors: Kari Miller

Tags: #historical romance, #erotica, #light bdsm

The Devil's Good Intentions (30 page)

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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Taking both of her hands, he placed them on her breasts.

Keep your nipples hard for me” he grunted out as he started to pump his fingers in and out of her.

She felt her face heat and looked away in embarrassment. She had never touched herself in that manner and felt that was the final straw that would push her over that edge of being a complete wanton. His thumb landed on her nub and she gave out a gasp. When she felt a slap on her rear, she leapt back but couldn’t manage to dislodge his fingers from within her. Using those fingers, he pulled her back to where he wanted her to be.

I told you to keep your nipples hard for me.” He growled out.

She closed her eyes and shyly tweaked her own nipples. He rewarded her by increasing the pressure on her nub, bringing out an involuntary moan.

Peeking through heavy lids, she was stunned to see that he was stroking himself with his free hand while his eyes were intently focused on her fingers around her nipples.

He increased the pace to which he pumped his fingers in and out of her. Her mouth parted in a moan and her head fell back. The ends of her hair tickled her bum and she could feel his gaze burning into her breasts as she fondled herself. He brought her to near climax a couple of times and each time he would take his thumb away from her nub.

When she was reaching her climax again, she felt her knees starting to give from beneath her and released her breasts, falling forward and placing her hands on his shoulders for balance and support.

Please Salvador, no more” she pleaded with him between gasps of air.

Instead of giving her release, he pulled her forward - making her stumble onto his lap.

Positioning her so she was straddling him, he held her over him for a moment before impaling her with his cock when he set her down. As he sucked a nipple into his mouth, he thrusted upwards - causing her to cry out at the severity of the thrust. She felt the sudden need to feel him deeper inside of her. Lifting herself up so that his crown was just at the entrance of her core, she then quickly lowered herself. He groaned into her breast as she repeated the movements. Shifting her hips and grinding herself into him, she took all of him inside of her. She panted and groaned as the muscles inside of her gripped onto him and tried to pull him in deeper. As she gyrated her hips against him, she saw stars as the orgasm rocked its way through her. He clamped onto her nipple and she felt his own release spilling into her and filling her up, making her feel whole again when her orgasm had ripped her apart. She rested her head on top of his and gently ran her fingers through his hair. His fingers were gently caressing themselves up and down her spine in a way that made her feel cherished.

Without a word he stood up with himself still firmly planted within her. She automatically wrapped her legs around him and hugged his neck as he moved them to the bed. Placing her on the bed, he started to make love to her again. She was less than coherent by the time he blew out the lantern and spooned her into him.


The next morning Salvador ordered a bath to be brought up. He made sure that Katherine was covered up to her chin before letting the male servants in with the tub and then sat next to her patiently while they hulled in the water. By the time they left, Katherine was awake and grumbling about wanting to sleep. He loved her grumpiness in the morning; she was like a sleepy kitten just woken up from its most favourite nap. He flung back the covers and scooped her into his arms and made his way to the tub.

Salvador” she protested weakly in her grumpy morning voice.

He simply kissed her on the forehead and lowered them both into the tub. She slowly came alive as he ran the cloth over her skin and then proceeded to wash her hair. When he had finished rinsing her off, she mumbled her thanks and took leave of the tub so he could finish washing himself. As he did so, he felt his shaft thicken even more at the site of her rubbing the towel against herself. From the corner of his eye, he watched her walk over to the chair and put on her robe. By the time she turned around again he was already out of the tub and drying himself off. She walked over and held his robe open for him. When he slipped in, she moved to the front of him with the ends of the tie in both of her hands. She pulled him forward and placed a kiss on his chest.

His cock leapt when she slowly lowered herself to her knees and her hands parted his robe, placing a kiss on his shaft.

Involuntarily, his hands threaded through her hair and then fisted as he felt her hot breath over his crown. He cried out her name when she expertly took him into her mouth and teased his cock with her tongue. Wrapping her small fist around his cock, she stroked it into her mouth while her tongue traced erotic patterns on the sensitive skin beneath his crown.

Soon she was taking him in deeper and deeper. His fists gripped her hair tighter and he his hips thrusted to meet her strokes. When she moaned in response, his toes curled and a grunt escaped between his clenched teeth. Her beautiful voice vibrated up his shaft and into every part of his body.

He felt himself swelling under her ministrations and his muscles tightening. When she felt it too, she stroked and sucked at him at a faster pace and her tongue stroked his cock from beneath as she moaned at each stroke - as though she was ingesting her most favourite snack.

Her tongue flicked across the crown of his cock and he lost himself in her. His body twitched as feral grunts escaped his lips. As she sucked out his cum and greedily swallowed it, stars burst from beneath his eyelids and when he opened them, he saw Katherine’s sweet mouth licking at his shaft and again he felt the shockwave of his second orgasm rage through his body.

When his sanity returned, Katherine was already halfway dressed and he was sitting on the floor with his knees bent upwards and his arms behind him supporting his upper body. He couldn’t even remember hitting the floor, more or less anything else after glimpsing upon his wife’s lips around his cock. This was the first time he had experienced anything like this from oral sex and wasn’t entirely sure he liked that loss of control. Katherine didn’t look smug or overly proud of herself, she simply looked happy as she finished dressing.

He slowly got to his feet and felt a small bought of dizziness as he straightened up. His shaft was for once completely satisfied and seemed to be pleasantly sated. He looked at it in astonishment as it lay there limp while his sweet Katherine was not more than ten feet away and the feel of her mouth was still embedded on him. But still it lay dormant.

He heard soft laughter come from her. He looked over to see her chuckling at him while brushing her hair.

Do I amuse you?” He asked dryly.

You’re looking at yourself as though you don’t know what it is!” she chuckled out as a blush coloured her lovely cheeks.

Dear Lord woman, that’s a mighty weapon you have there!” He teased her as he shook off the after effects and made his way to his clothing.

She simply chuckled again and started to braid her hair.

He loved it when she braided her hair while it was still damp, it assured him that when he took the braid out later that night, her hair would be a mane of luxurious curls.

When they were both ready to go, they made their way down to the dining room. Salvador was still feeling the effects of his wife’s morning gift to him and couldn’t stop his eyes from continually wandering to her throughout the meal.

Everyone was relatively quiet except for Simon and Peter who chided each other in good fun. Afterwards they all went for a ride. Charles and he looked on in disapproval as Katherine requested that the stable boy switch out her side-saddle for one that she could ride astride.

Most of the brothers including himself kept close to her just in case she tumbled, but to their surprise she managed the ride rather well. When they realized she was not new to riding in such a manner, they galloped off at a pace that suited themselves, leaving her and Salvador alone.

You ride rather well Kat, but if I ever catch you pulling any crazy stunts I will throttle you.” Salvador warned her in friendly conversation.

Don’t worry my Lord, my circus days are behind me” She grinned back to him.

Whatever do you mean?” Angel piped up from behind them.

Salvador is uncomfortable with the fact that I used to race horses when I was younger.” Kat informed her.

Race horses!” Alex bellowed out in disapproval.

It was in my younger and wilder days…I’ll assure you I value my neck and will not risk it.” She assured him.

Salvador remembered the first discussion they had about racing horses and at that time she was far from wanting to retire from that hobby. What Alex didn’t know was that the only reason she put that behind her, was her fear of him breaking her neck rather than the horse.

She looked to him with mischief in her eyes and before he could decipher the meaning, she kicked her horse into gear and raced off after Rachel and Charles, who were well a ways from them.

Bloody hell” He cursed out as he raced after her.

He could tell by the control she had on the horse that she was holding back for him, which he was grateful for. His horse was a much faster horse than hers so had no doubt he could overtake her, however he didn’t want her going any faster than she was.

She was clever in the matter where she kept herself at a pace that bordered along the line of unacceptable and acceptable.

They flew by Peter, Ed and Simon. He could hear Simon’s “What the…” As they passed them and Peter and Ed giving out a war cry as they joined them.

When they all caught up to Charles and Rachel, she looked more alive and vibrant than she ever had - minus the times he had her in the grips of desire. Charles and Rachel laughed as they all dismounted their horse. Rachel rushed up to Kat and hugged her then took her by the hand and raced off with her to meet up with Angel.

Good show old man” Ed teased Salvador as they all watched the women gather together and race down the hill.

Katherine brought out the kid in them and the men bellowed out in laughter as the women dropped to their sides and rolled the rest of the way down the hill - while laughing hysterically.

She’s good for us.” Charles commented as he admired his own wife from a far. “Angel and Rachel have always had a great time together, but Kat has brought innocence and laughter into our lives that have been missing for some time now.”

I agree, but I worry about the trouble they can get into together. I’m not so worried about Angel, but Katherine and Rachel are like evil twins plotting their next mischief.” Alex piped in.

Evil?” Peter asked in confusion.

Well, not evil but possibly nymphs?” Alex amended.

Both Charles and Salvador grinned at that one.

Nymphs…yes, that will do.” Ed finished off.

Salvador’s grin turned into a smile of affection as he saw the girls tumble into each other at the bottom of the hill and laugh themselves silly as they tried to get up but couldn’t.

How long do you suppose it will take them to untangle their skirts?” Simon chuckled out.

A while I suppose, but I think it serves them right and I’ll be bloody damned if I’m to go rolling down the hill after them just to act the gentlemen.” Alex chuckled back.

The brothers waved at their women which only sent them into a greater heap of laughter.

Simon, have you had any progress on finding Lady Emily a new suitor?” Charles asked.

Yes, weren’t you going to speak with Lord Rupert?” Ed chimed in.

No, Lord Rupert turned out to be a very close friend of Lord Pennington and as much as I want out of this arrangement, I don’t have it in me to subject her to that kind of life.” Simon replied.

Pity” Salvador responded.

It is really. Lady Emily may have looks but is not favoured among most of the Lords. She needs an attitude adjustment. I do have a lead on a wealthy Lord just outside of Oxford. I plan to visit him in a fortnight. I’ve even considered adding on a dowry of my own as an added bonus.” Simon informed them.

The men chuckled at that but all knew this was no laughing matter. They had been through enough growing up and they all deserved happy marriages. Simon was not neglected growing up like most of his brothers – he was severely abused. His Father was a mean alcoholic and his Mother was addicted to opium. He was brought up by nursemaids until the age of eight and when his parents finally pissed their money away, they had to let the nursemaids go. Simon learned quickly to stay out of site for if his father caught even one glimpse of him, he would beat him severely and throw him into his room so he could heal himself. Once when Simon was fifteen, he thought to bring his Mother a tea and when he arrived, she was so high that she didn’t know who he was. She had grabbed him to her and continued on to molest him as though he was a common servant. He tried to fight her off without causing injury, but when she grabbed his hand and placed it on her bare breast; he knew that he had no choice. He fought her off with vigour and ran away. That was the last time he saw his parents. Simon went to live with his Uncle who only took advantage of his presence. Simon was used as a servant boy and worked him from morning to night. When Simon turned seventeen, he received word from the solicitor that his parents had died in a carriage ride. His Father had sobered up for a year and managed to turn his business around to a profitable one. They knew that Simon was with his Uncle but never bothered to retrieve him or ask him why he left. Being the sole heir of the estate, Simon inherited everything. Thank God the creditors had already been paid off and a substantial nest egg was put aside. He left his Uncles house and moved back into his estate, running it quite well until the age of twenty-two. He then sold the estate and purchased the one he resides in now. He had also taken over his fathers shipping business and to this day has made it very profitable. Simon needed a wife who would make him want to come home at night, to give him the love that he never received growing up - like the rest of the brotherhood.

BOOK: The Devil's Good Intentions
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