The Devil We Don't Know (21 page)

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Authors: Nonie Darwish

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Phase Five: Seizing power to establish the Islamic Nation under which all parties and Islamic groups are united.

The previous scheme has been tested and has proved successful over and over against many great nations, much more sophisticated than the Arabian Peninsula was when it was conquered. A much later example was the 1947 partition of India when Pakistan was carved out of India and made into an Islamic state. More recent examples are Kosovo and Chechnya; the latter is still demanding secession from Russia. Islamic power is measured by how many countries Muslims have conquered and controlled. Like Dracula, Islam needs to suck new blood in order to survive. This is also how the Islamic Dracula circles its prey, right on U.S. campuses. A video posted on the Internet caught an Islamic chaplain at Vanderbilt University promoting bizarre ideas to predominantly Muslim American students.
The chaplain, Awad Binhazim, said the following:

1. Muslims should work to institute sharia law in the United States.

2. Muslims should not become Westernized and must confront the West.

3. The Torah and the Bible have been falsified by corrupt rabbis and priests.

4. Islam doesn't allow for personal choice.

5. Islam demands that homosexuals be put to death.

6. Muslims discovered America before Columbus did.

Note that number six is a serious claim by many Muslims who, in their minds, want to justify jihad to their students and to jihadists—to encourage them to feel victimized by the American culture that was taken away from Muslims, who are the original discoverers of America. The same dynamic is at play regarding Jerusalem, which Muslims claim is a Muslim holy land and that Jews came and took it from Muslims. This kind of education is now being accepted on U.S. campuses as a religious right. The infiltration has succeeded, and Islam is now sucking the new blood that will keep it alive for a few more centuries. Western democracies are now feeding the needs of Islam and engaging it, which can only result in extending the lifeline it desperately needs. Without the extension in its lifeline that the West is providing to Islam, it is doomed to die exactly the way that Mohammed himself predicted.

If new blood is not available, Islam will turn inward against itself. Islam cannot live with itself for long, because whenever the temperature of human pain and suffering rises, the political system gets infected with revolutions, counterrevolutions, and assassinations, which is what is happening internally to Islamic states now.

Again, the success of Islam is measured by how many countries it controls—not by how many hearts it has touched and blessed. Islamic society rejects citizens who want freedom and democracy, and it covers up its true intentions toward protesters and revolutionaries by lying to numb the brains of its own Muslim citizens, to keep them from thinking for themselves, and to keep them occupied as the foot soldiers they must be for the purpose of holy jihad. Engaging in truly democratic and peaceful diplomacy with the rest of the world will not bring Muslims the glory that Islam has convinced them they deserve. Muslims who are moving the wheels of jihad realize that if they engage the world in a policy of live and let live, they will lose their power and will implode.

Like a Ponzi scheme, Islam must expand to survive. The Ponzi scheme works as long as it keeps expanding. In that sense, Islam works only when more and more people join the pyramid of Islam. As long as the supply of new Muslim believers can empower the pyramid, it will convince the other suckers, the naive Muslim followers, that they are right. Muslims are always eager to report on the masses in the West who are converting to Islam because they believe that it will encourage Muslims to stay in the religion. Yet when the light of truth reaches the pyramid, especially the majority on the bottom, who are not benefiting from the system and who are being sacrificed to preserve and perpetuate the fraud, then the whole system will collapse, and the colossal deception will be exposed.

Totalitarian, political, legal, and jihadist Islam has defied all odds with its extraordinary revival in the twenty-first century. It has received an enormous degree of tolerance and respect from Western democracies. Yet could that revival be Islam's last gasp that will end its fourteen-hundred-year tyranny? Or will the West provide Islam with its much-needed blood transfusion, in the form of acceptance and inclusion, which will further prolong the life of the Islamic Dracula? That is the challenge Western democracies must eventually face. The right choice will be to reject Islam as it is practiced today, to contain it and discredit it. For that to happen, the West must undo many of its policies toward Islam and Muslim countries.


The epidemic of Islamic terrorism, civil unrest, wars, and revolutions is nothing but a symptom of panic over Islam's downfall. It is a desperate cry for help, for new blood to rescue it. If it were not for petro-dollars, Islam would have died a natural death after World War II, together with the Nazi ideology. Petro-dollars have come to the rescue and sustained it. Yet despite their wealth from oil, Muslim countries have again reached an alarming level of stagnation, poverty, and demoralization, similar to that of seventh-century Arabia, when Islam burst out of the Arabian Peninsula searching for new blood. The Arab street will never admit to a Westerner how desperate Muslims are, but many former Muslims, I among them, can sense the desperation. The situation is truly scary, because Arab media and Islamic leaders are directing all of the rage seen in Arab capitals toward the evil great Satan and the little Satan, the United States and Israel.

Muslim jihadists have their plans set on the greatest prize of all—to conquer the United States—and they won't give up easily. As I have described, it is their lifeline. The West is a great land for expansion that could revive a dying religion. Without this rich lifeline from America, Muslim nations will continue to be plagued with revolutions and bloody civil wars, until ultimately they self-destruct, together with as many other civilizations as they can take down with them. That will be an Armageddon.

Western civilization has no idea that it is entrusted with the enormous responsibility of saving humanity. This is much more important than saving endangered species and more essential than stopping climate change, because if Islam wins, all such Western efforts will cease, because they are not Islamic values. The West must never be tolerant of an intolerant ideology that seeks to destroy it. Western countries must trust and use their basic “survival instincts” to neutralize an enemy made up of jihadist killer robots. The West can go down in history as the civilization that saved the world and gave our children a brighter future, or it can be remembered for having revived and prolonged the life of the most morbidly dysfunctional ideology that humanity has seen.

Islam will collapse like a house of cards and crumble under its own weight if the West does not provide it with a life line. Once the Western “infidels” learn about the secret life of Islam, it is simply a matter of watching Islam implode, liberating more than a billion people. Islam is the biggest lie in human history and cannot survive a confrontation with the truth. Nevertheless, it is a lie that 1.2 billion souls have fallen for. Yet Islam has sown the seeds of its own collapse, because it must repeatedly suppress the truth and promote lies and propaganda against individuals and cultures that promote the truth. The more that Western ideas penetrate into Muslim society, the harder and faster Islam's propaganda must come. How long can Islamists sustain such lies and illusions in this day and age? It all depends on how hard we make it for them.

The ideology of Islam has had too many victims, mostly Muslims themselves. The primary beneficiaries of the fall of political and legal Islam will be Muslims themselves. Tyrannical Islam will collapse when the civilized world exposes it for what it is and rejects it; when its leaders get tired of their lies, fabrications, and incitement against innocent victims; and when Islamists are discredited and disrespected and no longer given funds to enable terror groups and jihadist individuals.

Islam dictates that victims at the bottom of the Muslim heap must never be allowed to communicate or have access to free inquiry. Islamic borders must shun, repel, and defeat any exposure to the truth. Islam's borders with non-Muslim countries pose a threat to its need to withhold exposure to the truth. No religion or ideology can survive if the truth is not on its side. Islam has succeeded in surviving for fourteen hundred years by repeatedly hiding from the truth. It has become a dinosaur that cannot survive in today's environment; it has no solutions to modern problems and will eventually go extinct. Yet as it moves toward its demise, will it bring the world down with it or will it go quietly? This depends on the courage of free societies.

If the United States and Europe continue to embrace Islam, bloody wars will be inevitable, both externally against Muslim nations and, worse still, internally in the United States, in the form of a civil war after Muslims strengthen their grip on the U.S. political system. Tahrir Square can happen in the United States fifty years from now. A Chechnya-like scenario, with a country controlled by a separatist movement, can occur in Western Europe in ten or twenty years. If nothing is done, we can merely delay it. Sooner or later, there will be a deadly war if we fail to do something now.

I dreamed and still dream of a real Arab Spring, where the majority of the people will stand behind an enlightened leader at Tahrir Square in a magical moment of truthful courage and say, “We need to change course and to change ourselves. What we suffer from is not imposed on us by Mubarak, but by Islam controlling the state and the legal system, and this must end. It is time for the snake of sharia to retreat back to Mecca, so that we can liberate beautiful Egypt, Persia, and the rest of the Middle East from this Arabian cultural curse.” If Muslim nations reject such an enlightened leader and continue to seek an Islamic Ummah, then the future of stability and peace in the Islamic world will be grim indeed.

The world is eagerly waiting to embrace a new and better relationship with the Muslim world. Unlike conventional Arab wisdom, it is in the West's strategic best interests to cultivate the stability it seeks in the Middle East through the development of free and democratic political systems. No Western nation wishes to see or support Islamic dictatorships that oppress their people, because that dynamic sooner or later blows up in everyone's face. The West has treated Muslim countries with kid gloves and has shown extreme self-restraint, understanding, and patience, in light of the last three or four decades of worldwide Islamic terrorism and jihad. Western countries are ready to admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions, to forgive and forget and even accept the Islamic excuses, instead of apologies. Yet is the Muslim world ready to do the same?

The Muslim masses are yearning for truth and respect for their dignity, humanity, and rights. They deserve all of this. Arab children are the face of the future, and they, above all, deserve it. When will Muslim leaders realize that they must back away from the game and peacefully allow Islam to be only a religion, a relationship between man and God that should never have become God's punishment on earth?


2. Why Islamic Revolutions Are Doomed to Fail

Al Kamra TV, May 8, 2011,
, translated by Nonie Darwish; minor changes in the order of some words to make it comprehensible.

“Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: Muslim Brotherhood ‘Largely Secular',” February 10, 2011,

Reliance of the Traveler
, al-Misri, o25.5, p. 644.

Ibid., o9.9, p. 603.

Ibid., o9.0, p. 599.

Ibid., o25.3, p. 640.

Ibid., o25.5, p. 644.

Imam Abu Hanifa,
Codified Islamic Law
, vol. 3, 914C.

Walter Isaacson,
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2003), p. 56.

3. A Muslim's Burden: How Islam Fails the Individual

“Egyptian Shaykh: Jihad Is Solution to Muslims' Financial Problems,” May 31, 2011,

& and Raymond Ibrahim, “Raped and Ransacked in the Muslim World,”

“American Peace Commissioners to John Jay,: March 28, 1786, Thomas Jefferson Papers, Series 1, General Correspondence, 1651–1827, Library of Congress, March 28, 1786.

Reliance of the Traveler
, al-Misri, R10.3, p. 784.

R8.2, p. 745.

Ibid., R2.16, p. 737.

Ibid., o9.0, p. 599.

Ibid., o16.5, p. 617.

Hava Lazarus-Yafeh,
Some Religious Aspects of Islam: A Collection of Articles
, (Leiden: Brill, 1981), p. 48.

Syed Abul ‘Ala Maudoodi,
Towards Understanding Islam
, trans. and ed. By Khurshid Ahmad (Falls Church, VA: World Assembly of Mulsim Youth, 1980), 78.

Reliance of the Traveler
, al-Misri, w29.3, p. 915.

Ibid., o25.3, p. 640.

4. Israel amid Islamic Tornadoes

Pew Research Center, New Global Attitudes Project,

“Why Jimmy the Dhimmi Hates Israel?” May 30, 2008,

“Muslim Brotherhood's Egyptian Leader Mohammed Badie: ‘Waging Jihad Is Mandatory,'”

“After Fall of Mubarak, Group Announces Intent to Form Nazi Party,”


“Muslims Believe U.S. Seeks to Undermine Islam,” April 24, 2007,

Qatar TV, January 9, 2009.

Al-Rahma TV, January 17, 2009.

Abdul Malik bin Hisham, ed.,
Authoritative Islamic History: The Life of Mohammad “Sirat Rasul Allah” by Muhammad bin Ishaq (d. 773 AD)
, trans. Alfred Guillaume;
The Life of Muhammad
, p. 461; see also Tabari VIII, p. 27.

Bin Hisham,
Authoritative Islamic History
, p. 461.

Ibid., p. 464.


Sirat, p. 463; Tabari VIII, p. 33.

Tabari VIII, p. 116; Ishaq, p. 511.

5. Exodus: The Rise of Islamic Apostasy

“Translating Jihad,”

“Source of the Punishment for Apostasy,”


Translation of fatwa,

Ali Sina, “Islam in Fast Demise,”

“Magdi Allam Recounts His Path to Conversion,” letter to the editor,
Corriere della Sera
, March 23, 2008.

6. Will the Arab Spring Usher In a Feminist Movement?

“Kuwaiti Politicians Debate Why Women Were Not Elected to Parliament,”

Interview aired on Al-Hurra TV, January 13, 2008,

Leila Ahmed, “Veil of Ignorance,”

See Jihad Watch,

7. Western Vulnerability

“Kuwaiti Prof Suggests a Biological Attack on White House, Prays for Bombing of Nuclear Plant on Lake Michigan,”¶m=APT

“The American Psyche, Post-9/11,”


“Terror in America (26) Muslim Leaders: A Wave of Conversion to Islam in the U.S. following September 11,” November 18, 2001,

Thomas Kaplan, “At State Senate Meeting on Threats to City, a Tense Debate over Islamic Terror,”
New York Times
, April 8, 2011,

“U.S. Muslims Honor Imam Khomeini Legacy,” June 4, 2011,

“Remarks by the President on a New Beginning,” June 4, 2009,


Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack, “Weiner's In-laws and the Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections Revealed,”

“U.S. Government Support for Gulen,”

Erick Stakelbeck, “The Gulen Movement: A New Islamic World Order?” June 4, 2011,

8. House of Cards: The Downfall of Islam as We Know It

The Life of Muhammad
, pp. 71–72, 106–155.

“Would the Earliest Quranic Manuscripts of Sana's Spell the Downfall of Islam?” June 28, 2009,


Undated Muslim Brotherhood paper titled “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan,”

Bob Unruh, “Muslim Student Advisor, ‘Death Penalty for “Gays,”' ”
World Net Daily
, January 29, 2010,
; Grace Aviles, “Vanderbilt ‘Muslims in the Military' Event Goes Viral,” January 28, 2010,

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