The Devil Made Me Do It (13 page)

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Authors: Amelia James

BOOK: The Devil Made Me Do It
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Watching him stroking her and feeling it at the same time was just too much. Her eyes fixed on their reflection, burning the image into her brain. The head of his cock rubbed her clit, hard and tingling. Her wet pussy swallowed his shaft, hot and slick. “I can’t decide.”

Then I will.” With one quick thrust, he was deep inside her, and Melissa was thrilled with his choice. Then his fingers slipped between her thighs, massaging the neglected bud. She cried out and arched back, standing up against him. Brian wrapped his arm across her shoulders and held her there, staring into the mirror. Pressing his palm against her clit, he held her lips apart so he could see exactly where he entered her. Shuddering, he watched her warm moist flesh suck his shaft in then cling to it as he pulled out. This was better than any porno movie.

Brian quickened his pace, building the friction between them. Melissa thrust down on his erection, spreading her legs to drive him deeper. A surge of heat roared through them, igniting where their bodies met. Flames engulfed them, licking their tormented flesh, feeding the inferno until it was simultaneously quenched, leaving them weary and trembling.

Sated, satisfied, Brian and Melissa rested against each other. “The pantyhose were a nice touch,” Brian murmured as he nuzzled her neck, meeting her eyes in the mirror.

Melissa smiled. “I knew they’d be easy to rip.” She turned in his arms and kissed him. He tried to zip up his jeans but he had to move her stroking hand first.

Wait till we get home, honey.”

Only if you promise to let me go down on you.” Melissa pulled up his zipper, sliding her hand over his bulging crotch along the way. “We’ll be lucky if I can wait until we get in the car.”

Brian winced, fighting the urge to give in. “I don’t think so.”

Please,” she whispered against his lips. “I want you.”

Oh, why the hell not? “As you wish.”

She smiled and kissed him, demonstrating what she could do with her tongue until he couldn’t take it any more and gently pushed her away.

Brian started buttoning her sweater. “You played your role very well, little miss innocent.”

So did you,” she purred, “bad boy.”

You liked that, huh?” Brian grinned.

Oh yes.”

Me too. I spend too much time being nice.”

I could tell you enjoyed being bad tonight.” Melissa adjusted her skirt, but her pantyhose hung loose below the hemline. Brian was trying to figure out what to do about it when she decided to just go without and flung them into the trashcan.

Someone knocked on the restroom door, but Brian ignored it, lifting his wife’s skirt. “Do you wanna play bad boy meets bad girl?”

Oh baby,” a smile worthy of the baddest bad girl lit up Melissa’s eyes. “You’re so good at playing wicked games.”

The Devil Made Me Do It

Happy thirtieth birthday, Melissa!” Erin Clayton squealed and threw her arms around her younger sister, dragging her through the front door and making sure everyone knew the guest of honor had arrived.

This is so great! I can’t believe you went to all this trouble.” Melissa Mackenzie and her husband, Brian, turned in circles, marveling at Erin’s transformed home. Black and white streamers fluttered from anything vertical, multi-colored confetti littered everything horizontal (including the cocker spaniel), and a bold, bright banner screamed ‘Happy Birthday’ over the sliding glass doors leading to the deck. Shiny balloons floated over the floor, occasionally getting popped by a misplaced step and startling the living daylights out of the unsuspecting guests.

Erin meticulously arranged the overloaded buffet table. “It’s no trouble. You only turn thirty once, and I want to rub it in good.”

Great. Thanks,” Melissa gulped, remembering what she did to Erin at her thirtieth birthday party. Three years later, people were still talking about how Melissa stripped Erin’s bikini top off in full view of the guests and the neighbors.

Where’s the beef, babe? The grill is ready.” John Clayton strolled in from the deck, grilling fork in one hand, a Bud Lite in the other.

I’ll bring it right out,” Erin said, nodding in the direction of the birthday girl.

John got the hint. “Hey! Happy birthday, Mel.” He slapped her on the butt with the backside of the fork.

Ow!” Melissa rubbed her bottom and shot her brother-in-law a dirty look.

Be gentle with her, John.” Brian grinned. “She’s still sore from her birthday spanking.”

John hooted while Melissa blushed and sputtered. “Whoa, Mel! I didn’t know you were that kind of girl.”

Her dark eyes twinkled as an evil smile twisted her lips. “You should. My sister and I both like it a little rough.”

Brian burst out laughing, and John took a quick swig of his beer.

Unseen by the men, Erin gave her sister a sly wink as she brought the marinated steaks to her husband. “Work your magic, grill master.”

John took the heavy tray and hauled Brian out to the deck with him.

I don’t know who’s more embarrassed,” Brian snickered, “you or Mel.” He pulled a beer from the cooler and leaned back against the railing, nodding hello to people he knew.

John grunted and flipped open the grill.

What’s the matter with you?” Brian popped open his Bud and took a deep drink.

Spearing a helpless steak, John flopped it over the coals then finished off his beer. “I just wanted a little affection from Erin this morning, but she said no. She had to get ready for the party.” His whiny imitation of his wife’s excuse drew a grimace from his brother-in-law.

Wow. When has Erin ever said no to you?” Brian decided the poor guy needed another beer.

Thanks.” John opened the bottle and gulped, slapping another steak onto the grill. “That’s what I can’t figure out.”

Maybe she’s just playing hard to get.”

Ya think?”

Melissa did that to me for a while. I got a little tired of it.”

So what’d you do?” John speared another steak.

I ripped her clothes off, literally, and gave it to her good.”

You’re kidding. She liked that?”

A self-satisfied smile flickered across Brian’s lips. “She resisted at first, but she loved every minute of it.”

John stared into the kitchen, admiring his wife’s firm ass as she bent over to check something in the oven. He shook his head. “I don’t think I could do that to Erin.”

Why not?”

What if I scare her? What if I lose control? She doesn’t realize it makes me crazy just to be in the same room with her.” He stared at Erin, his eyes following the sleek lines of her long slim body. Raw lust aroused the erection he was fighting all day. Her lush black hair fell over her shoulder and she flipped it back with a gesture that was second nature to her. The burgundy tank dress she wore complimented her features. Dark colors favored her, creating an exotic contrast between her fair skin and dark eyes. Melissa had the same dark eyes, dark hair, and fair skin as her older sister, but the similarities stopped there. Short and curvy, Melissa’s energetic personality matched her figure as much as Erin’s cool grace matched her statuesque frame.

Brian stared at his wife, having made the same comparisons and contrasts. He wondered how much the sisters thought alike. “Melissa told me something interesting the other night.”

What’s that?” John turned to his brother-in-law and met his eyes.

She told me that one of a woman’s top three fantasies is to be ravished.”

Ravished? Is that anything like rape?”

No way. Ravishing is kinda like romance novel sex where the woman is pursued, captured, and swept off her feet. She might resist at first but that’s part of the fantasy. Mel said that ravishing appeals to some women because, even though she’s a willing participant, she can't be held responsible for her actions because ‘the devil made her do it’.”

John grinned. “I can be a devil.” He looked back at his wife, devilish thoughts filling his mind at the sight of her bending over to take the potatoes out of the oven. Focusing on her hemline, he tried to mentally push her skirt just a little higher. But it didn’t work. The scent of burning meat snapped him back to reality. He moved the steaks away from the flames and glanced over at Brian.

So how much do you think those two have in common?”


Erin waited until the glass door slid closed, then smiled at her sister. “Nice hint.”

Melissa beamed. “Do you think it will help?”

I hope so.” Erin returned to the kitchen and Melissa followed her.

Is your plan working?”

Erin opened the oven door to check the baked potatoes then turned to her sister. Glancing out at the deck to make sure everyone was outside, she smiled and said, “He wanted some this morning, but I decided to play hard to get. You know, drive him a little crazy.”

Good, good. How’d he take it?”

Not well, he’s a little cranky. He can’t figure out why I said no.”

Turn the heat up a little,” Melissa suggested. “Make him want you, but he can’t have you…yet.”

So, encourage him and resist him at the same time?”


That’s going to be tricky.” Erin frowned and watched her husband turning steaks on the grill with his brother-in-law beside him, seemingly offering helpful hints. She could tell John was really listening to what Brian was saying because John’s eyebrows were drawn together with a focused intensity she found incredibly sexy. Of course, there wasn’t much about John that wasn’t sexy. At six feet, he was only a few inches taller than she was, and when she wore heels she could look straight into his gorgeous brown eyes.

A flash of movement caught her attention, and she shifted her gaze to Brian, waving his beer bottle emphatically as if illustrating an important point. Erin stared hard, trying to read Brian’s lips, but found herself distracted by the intensity in his blue eyes and the way his muscular shoulders flexed when he talked with his hands. Oh yes, she could definitely see why her sister found him attractive.

Melissa followed her gaze. “Why don’t you just tell him what you want?”

I probably should, but that would defeat my purpose. Half the fun is in resisting him.”

Yeah, but men don’t always get hints. I had to beat Brian over the head with a clue-by-four before he got it.”

At least you ‘got it’,” Erin sighed.

I still don’t know how I accomplished that.” A schoolgirl giggle escaped Melissa’s lips. “One night he just grabbed me, threw me on the bed, and had his way with me.”

Hmm…. Maybe I’ll just have to grab him and say ‘take me, baby’.”

That might work.”

But that’s so unlike me.” The oven timer cut into Erin’s thoughts, and she quickly turned it off. She pulled the potatoes from the oven and arranged them on a serving tray. “I wish he would just sweep me off my feet and ravish me, take my breath away, and leave me unable to walk.”

Keep working on him girl. You’ll get it eventually.”

I intend to.”


The steaks were grilled to perfection, the potatoes done just right, and the overflowing appetizers were almost gone when Erin and Melissa joined their guests out on the deck. Sunset over the mountains was particularly gorgeous that night, spilling golden twilight into the Clayton’s backyard party. It wasn’t a huge bash; just a few close friends, couples mostly, without their children.

Erin sat beside John and flashed him a beguiling smile, making him wonder just what the heck she was up to. He decided not to question her invitation and reached under the table to caress her thigh. The moment he touched her, she turned away from his grasp to talk to Jenna, Melissa’s best friend. John brought his hand back to the table. Coincidence or rejection? Not wanting to dwell on the possibilities, John raised a questioning eyebrow at his brother-in-law, but Brian just shrugged.

Concentrating on her end of the conversation was not as easy as it appeared. Erin smiled and nodded at the appropriate times, but she was constantly aware of every move her husband made. Even though he wasn’t touching her, she could feel him next to her, and she knew he wasn’t happy about her apparent rejection. She had to make him understand she wasn’t saying no; she was saying not yet. She had to tease him, tempt him, and make him lose control.

Would you like a strawberry, sweetheart?” Erin picked up a strawberry and waited for John to look at her. When she had his full attention, she bit down on the succulent fruit, licking a drop of its savory juice from her lips.

Uh….” What was she saying? As John watched her pink tongue play across her juicy lips, all competent thought fled from his brain. Images of that tongue licking up his juices, those teeth nibbling his flesh, rendered him incapable of putting two words together. “Okay.”

She picked up a strawberry and laid it on his plate.

Not what he had in mind. John scowled as she resumed her conversation with Jenna. His erection came back with a vengeance, and he toyed with the idea of tossing his wife on the picnic table and banging her brains out. He shook his head and blinked as images of screaming guests and scattered food assaulted him. Better to save his carnal urges for when he had her alone. Then, Erin would be the only one screaming. Screaming, writhing, and clawing. John frowned and attacked his steak, just a bit uncomfortable with the nature of his thoughts.

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