Read The Devil in Her Heart (Heartless Devils Motorcycle Club Book 2) Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
“Will! Jenny Carter, Asher’s…uh…old lady. Asher wants to know if you’ve put the word on the street.”
Asher listened to Jenny and Will converse, consisting of mostly “okays” and “uh-huhs” from Jenny as he piloted the car through Miami traffic on the way to the
Demonios de Sangre’s clubhouse. “Okay. Thanks, Will. I owe you one.”
“So?” Asher asked.
“The word is out. The Demonios are rounding everyone up for their lockdown. How are we going to know who our guys are?”
“Once they lockdown, if any three or more leave in a group, we’ll follow. See where they go and what happens. I will tell you, Jenny, this is a long shot and may not work. You realize that, right? They may go into their clubhouse and hole up. Or the three may go on the run without ever going into the lockdown. There are more ways for this to go wrong than to go right.”
“I understand. But they wouldn’t just turn over the three guys, right?”
“No. We would never turn on a brother like that. They won’t either. And we need to be careful. We can’t go pumping Demonios members full of bullets, either. If we kill the wrong guys, that shit will get bad in a hurry. It will look like retaliation and that will start a war for sure. We’re going to have to be smart about this, got it?”
She looked at him and could the seriousness of what they were contemplating. “Yeah. I got it. But I can’t give this up, Asher. I can’t.”
“I’m not asking you to. I’m just telling you now that we are
going in with guns blazing. I want you to understand that. Because if we do this wrong, we can start a shit storm like you have never seen. Only the Devils and the Trifecta are bigger than the
Demonios de Sangre, and they are a hell of a lot more vicious than either of us. They would start a war they
they can’t win just to prove how big their dicks are, and that is going to get a lot of people killed.”
Jenny nodded solemnly. “I understand.”
“Okay. You do what I say, when I say it. Got it? I’m not fucking around this time, Jenny. I have to know you are with me on this.”
“I’m with you.”
Asher gave a small smile to lighten the mood. “Okay, good. Dealing with these three assholes is going to be a big enough pain in the ass without me worrying about what you are going to do next.”
“This sucks!” Jenny spat. “I bet they aren’t even in there!”
“Could be,” Asher agreed quietly. His head was back against the headrest with his eyes closed. He was feeling the romp last night and he would hear the motorcycles of the Demonios long before he would see them.
“How can you sit there so calm? I’m about to go bat-shit crazy over here.”
“What would you have me do?” he asked calmly just to annoy her.
“I don’t know!”
“Want to blow me? That’ll give you something to do to pass the time,” he asked with a ghost of a smile.
That broke her mounting irritation and she giggled. “I might. But it’s a little public here, isn’t it?”
They had been parked in the parking lot of a convenience store next door to the Demonios’ clubhouse for over four hours. The club’s compound was surrounded by a security fence with plastic strips woven through the chain-link to prevent prying eyes from seeing what was going on inside.
“Maybe,” he agreed, his head still back, his eyes still closed, the ghost of the smile still there. “But I won’t say anything if you won’t.”
She reached across the console and softly massaged his cock. “You sure you can get it up?”
“Why don’t you find—” Asher began, but then stopped when several motorcycles roared to life, instantly making him alert. “Here we go,” he said as he started Jenny’s car. Her car stuck out in this rundown section of Miami, but if they were lucky, the
Demonios de Sangre wouldn’t think anyone would be stupid enough to tail them in a bright red Porsche Cayman.
They waited, car idling, until they heard the bikes move out. The group turned away from their location and they had to hurry a bit to catch up, Asher driving the car with speed and skill. They were behind a group of five bikers and kept their distance. It wasn’t like the
Demonios were hard to spot on their bright red Harleys with outrageous ape-hanger handlebars and extended forks.
Because of a quirk in traffic, they ended up sitting beside the men at a stoplight. While Jenny flirted shamelessly through the closed window, Asher intently studied a liquor store on the other side of the street to hide his face.
They followed the five men to a house-trailer located outside of town. Most clubs had a hidey-hole, and the Demonios were no exception, theirs was just rattier than most. Asher drove past the forlorn looking trailer, sitting with a half-dozen or so like trailers arranged in a semicircle around a common parking area, before turning around and finding a place to park. It wasn’t much, the Porsche, once again, sticking out among the other cars at the grocery store.
“We have
to get a better tail vehicle,” Asher bitched as they exited the car. “This thing sticks out like rat shit in a sugar bowl.”
“What wrong with it? I see lots of them around.”
“Where you live, maybe. Not in most places.”
“Well, I like it,” she said, coming to the defense of her little car.
“I’ll remind you you said that when the shooting starts after we get made.”
It was almost a mile back to the trailer park, and they were sweating from the south Florida heat by the time they reached their destination. They stepped into the shade of an abandoned gas station and Asher sank to the ground, his back against the cinder block wall. From this location they had a good view of the trailer park but weren’t so close that they could be easily seen. Jenny stood for a bit, not wanting to sit in the dirt or lean against the peeling paint on the wall, but after thirty minutes, she joined him on the ground.
“I hate all the waiting,” she said for the third time.
“Want to blow me?” he asked again just to tease her.
She smiled. “Why are we waiting?” she responded, ignoring his comment.
“Five against two, remember?”
“Yeah, but you said we would have the element of surprise.”
“Which is why we’ll go for it when it’s only three against two.”
Jenny sighed and leaned her head back against the wall as Asher was doing.
They spent the next hour sitting in the shade against the wall, talking little as they watched the trailer and five bikes.
“Movement,” Asher whispered, pulling her back down as her eyes popped open and she started to stand.
“Not yet. Let’s see how many leave.”
“What if they
leave? There is no way to get back to the car in time.”
“I know. I told you there were more ways this could go wrong than right.”
They watched, but only two members of the
Demonios de Sangre mounted up and rode away.
Asher smiled as the bikes pulled out on the road and accelerated back toward Miami. “Show time. Let’s go.”
Chapter 7
“Here’s the plan,” Asher whispered as they furtively crossed the opening between the abandoned gas station and the trailer. “You have your weapon?”
Jenny patted the side of her purse.
“You go about back. Stay back about ten, fifteen, feet. If anyone comes out, you point the gun at them. If they don’t stop, you shoot them. Got it?”
“I assume you’re going in the front?”
“Yeah. If you don’t hear anything for a couple of minutes, come around the front and come in, okay? If shooting starts, you run like hell, got it?”
“What about you?”
“If shooting starts, you had better be hauling ass or I will run you down.”
Jenny snickered. “My brave knight.”
Asher chuckled. “No, really. There is no way I’m getting into a three-on-one gunfight. Assuming I’m not dead, I will be right behind you. So you
Get to the car and be ready to go. If I’m not there within a minute or so, you go. No arguments!” he said, holding up his hand when she opened her mouth. “This is one of those
do what I say
“Okay. Just don’t get shot.”
“Not on my list of things to do today.”
They arrived at the trailer and Asher motioned Jenny to the back. He pulled his own weapon from the holster tucked in the small of his back as Jenny reached into her purse and pulled her own weapon. He smiled and nodded in approval as she sat the bag on the ground well out of her way and took up a loose shooting stance as he had taught her. Her weapon was at low ready and she looked ready to kick some ass. With another nod of approval, he moved to the front of the trailer and carefully stepped up the rickety-looking wooden steps that were in desperate need of paint.
On the top step he took two deep breaths and kicked at the door with all his might. The door opened so easily he nearly fell into the room.
“Freeze!” he roared, his gun dancing from one man to the next as they sat around a table, a beer and a hand of cards in front of each of them. The three Demonios members looked at him with stunned expressions, but none of them moved. Sure, they had an understanding. Asher stepped into the trailer and away from the door, just in case. A moment later, Jenny arrived, her purse over her shoulder but her weapon still in her hand.
“Close the door and then watch them. If they even twitch, kill them all,” he muttered. As soon as Jenny had her weapon trained on the men, Asher lowered his and moved farther into the trailer.
“What do you want?” one of the men demanded.
“Your undivided attention,” Jenny sneered. She was quaking in her shoes, but she would be damned if one of these assholes would see it.
A moment later Asher returned with an extension cord. He quickly cut the cord into three approximately equal lengths with his knife and bound each man’s hands. Task complete, he stepped up in front of the first man, pulled a suppressor from his pocket, screwed it on the end of his gun, and put it to the man’s head.
“Now, you are going to answer some questions. If I don’t like your answers, I’m going to hurt you. I’m going to hurt you a lot, understand.”
“Fuck you, gringo!” the middle man said.
Asher hit the man in the mouth so hard with his gun, a vicious backhanded slap, that the man spit out a couple of teeth. “See, you didn’t even wait for the question and I already didn’t like your answer. Anyone else have anything to say?” Asher waited a moment, the room quiet except for the man gasping in pain and spitting blood. “That’s what I thought.” He walked slowly about behind the men, building the tension. “I know the three of you were involved in the murder of Melissa Carter. One or more of you will die here today for that. So here’s the question, who did the job? Point him out and I will let the other two live. You don’t point him out, or can’t agree on who it was, you all die. Understand?”
He waited about five seconds for someone to respond. “Too slow,” Asher growled as he quickly stepped around to the front of the men then shot each one in the foot with three quick pulls of the trigger, the weapon’s bark reduced to not much more than a clap of the hands.
All three men bellowed in pain, a far louder noise than the report of Asher’s Glock.
As the men whimpered in pain, Asher waited a moment. “Now, who killed Melissa Carter?”
The three men gasped and panted in pain, but wouldn’t give up the killer. Asher waited about thirty seconds, then pulled the trigger three more times. This time the men screamed as one of their knees exploded into a bloody pulp.
Jenny had to turn away. She needed justice, but this was torture, pure and simple. How Asher could do this in such a cold-blooded way appalled her.
Asher gritted his teeth, not in anger, but in disgust. He knew going into this it was going to get messy, and he intended to carry through, but that didn’t mean he had to enjoy it. He took a moment to steel his will before he continued. “Shit…that must have hurt – you, of course. I can do this all day. I have pocket full of shells if you last that long. Now, who killed Melissa Carter?” He kept his voice calm, even, level, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
One of the men sobbed briefly, the first show of weakness and Asher seized on it.
“You. What’s next? The other knee? Maybe the hand. You right handed or left? I don’t want to shoot you in the hand you use to jack off with. What’s it going to be? Melissa Carter’s killer or a forty-five slug through the hand?”
“Tomas!” the man sobbed again. “Tomas killed her!”
“Shut up, you fuck!” the man farthest from Asher growled.
“Yes! Tomas killed her. Valentino and I, we were just lookouts!” the third man agreed.
“That Tomas at the end?” Asher asked with a jerk of his chin.
“Yes!” the first man cried.
“I didn’t do it!” the man shouted in panic. “Pablo did it! Tell him, Valentino. Tell him!”
Asher watched, but he could see the fear in Tomas’ eyes. There was no way to know for sure the other two weren’t lying, but they had fingered the man. “You want to do this?” Asher asked with a nod at Tomas.
Jenny pursed her lips but stepped up and took the big handgun from Asher. “Do you know who I am, you fuck?” Jenny sneered as she placed the gun to Tomas’ head. “I’m the daughter of the woman you killed. And now, I’m going to kill you.”
“I’m sorry!” the mad cried again, his eyes wide with fear. “It was just a job! It was nothing personal! They told me to do it, so I did!
Jenny made a face, grinding her teeth. She wondered if her mother had begged for her life. If she had, they hadn’t spared her, as she wouldn’t spare this worthless piece of shit. Her mouth worked as her finger tightened down on the trigger. She relaxed the pressure, took a deep breath and then tried again. She needed this! He needed to die for what he had taken from her. Her eyes filled with tears as she again tightened her finger on the trigger. “I can’t,” she sobbed as she pulled the gun down from the man’s head.
“Shhh…” Asher said, taking the weapon and turning her away. “I’m glad.”
She turned away, ashamed of her weakness. The first tear had just started its journey down her cheek when she heard Asher’s gun cough. She spun back to see the man falling forward, a large hole in the back of his head.
“The other two?” Asher quietly.
Jenny looked at them and saw the fear and pleading in their eyes. “No. I think justice has been served here.”
“Okay,” he murmured as he tucked the gun away out of sight. “I should kill you both, and I would, except she has chosen to give you your life. It stops here or I track you down and finish what I started. Do we have an understanding? If any member of the
Demonios de Sangre come looking for me, or if I even see a member around her, you will wish I had killed you here and now.
Both men nodded frantically.
“Asher! Listen!” Jenny hissed.
It took him a moment, but then he heard it, the rumble of Harleys. “Fuck! We need to go! Now!”
They started out the front door just as three members of the
Demonios turned into the parking area. They quickly shut the door again. “Out the back!” Asher growled as he pushed Jenny along in front of him.
They were running across the parking lot of the station where they had hidden when they heard the shouts and the loud report of a gun. He thought about turning and firing back, trying to cover their retreat, but decided the safest course of action was to run like hell until they reached the car.
It’s too far!
his fear countered.
There were three more sharp reports of gunfire.
he yelled to keep Jenny moving. “Don’t stop! They can’t hit us from that far away!” Then he heard the roar of a couple of bikes starting.
They were out in the open, but they had a significant lead and the store was close. “Don’t stop!” he yelled as he stopped hard, turned, and drew his weapon. The suppressor made the gun unwieldy, but he didn’t have the time to remove it.
The moment the two bikes turned onto the street he took a deep breath, held it, and squeezed. The gun popped quietly, but the riders knew he was shooting at them. They braked to a stop, pulled their own weapons and opened up. They were lousy shots, and the distance was far, but it did what he needed done. It had bought them some additional time. He risked a glance over his shoulder and could see Jenny still pounding away down the road.
He waited, standing on the side of the road as a car whizzed past, his weapon up and at the ready, daring them to come. They were at a distinct disadvantage and they knew it. A man in a shooting stance could shoot far more accurately than a man on bike could, but if they abandoned their bikes, they had no hope of running their quarry down.
Asher glanced over his shoulder again. Jenny had almost reached the car. He began backing up, never lowering his gun. The third member of the Demonios appeared to Asher’s left, on foot, weapon in hand. Knowing his advantage had just evaporated, Asher spun, fired twice at the man on foot and he went down. If he had been hit it was just a lucky shot, but Asher took the opportunity to turn and run after Jenny.
Jenny arrived at the car and tried to open the door.
Locked! Fuck…Asher has the keys!
She turned, her breath coming in bellows like pants, and watched as Asher turned and began to run toward her. The bikes behind him roared and she could tell they were going to be on him before he could reach her.
She pulled her gun, dropped her purse, and ran to the side of the road. She was panting so hard she could barely hold her gun still, but she called on the training Asher had given her and took a deep breath, held it, and squeezed off four rounds, two at each of the approaching bikes.
Asher saw Jenny take up her stance then heard two cracks of her gun. He doubted she could hit anything at the distance she was shooting at, but he appreciated the help. Her gun barked twice more, and this time he heard the sound of the bikes change. He risked a look over his shoulder and saw the bikes skidding to a stop.
I might just make it!
he thought as he began to weave slightly to make himself a harder target.
Jenny didn’t know why the two motorcyclists stopped, and she didn’t care. All she knew was Asher was running hard and weaving. She watched as the two men looked toward her, then she heard another gun pop, but she didn’t know from where. Asher looked to his right and then crossed the road on the angle.
There’s another gunman!
Asher crossed the road, trying to put a little more distance between him and the man on foot before he stopped, turned, and fired once, once again driving the man into the dirt. It was clear to him now that the other man was dropping to the ground each time he pointed his gun at him.
What a chickenshit! But I can use that!