Read The Deputies: 3 Novella Box Set Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Anthologies & Literary Collections, #General, #Short Stories, #Anthologies, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Westerns, #Romance, #Bad Boy, #Western

The Deputies: 3 Novella Box Set (8 page)

BOOK: The Deputies: 3 Novella Box Set
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Alyssa wrapped her legs around him trying to pull him closer. His cock was trapped between them and it seemed to swell even larger from the heat of their combined bodies.

He slid down her torso and traced her belly button with his tongue feeling her shudder and quake under his ministrations. A sense of power surged through him as he absorbed her responses. She’d told him when they first met that the sex they shared was the best she’d ever experienced. Now that they were back together, their lovemaking had entered into another stratosphere altogether. He wanted to ruin her for any other man. He wanted to be sure she could only feel this with him.

“Do you want me, Lis? Do you?”

He continued to tease her by running his tongue up and down her abdomen barely skimming her more sensitive areas. She slid her legs further apart in sweet surrender and sighed.

“Yes, Hank. I want you.” Her voice was soft and dreamy and he knew she was already close to coming from the trembling of her thighs.

He rewarded her capitulation by pressing two fingers inside her hot pussy, the muscles tightening on him instinctively. He lapped lazily at her clit while he rubbed her G-spot and watched as her toes curled and a flush ran up her chest. She was on the edge and it wouldn’t take much to send her over.

He pulled his fingers from her and she mewled in protest, but he replaced them with his painfully hard cock, filling her in one hard thrust. Her nails scored the flesh on his shoulders and she hissed in pleasure as he stayed still, letting her get used to being filled once again.

“Yes!” she breathed. “Give it to me. I need it.”

“I know what you need, Lis.” His voice sounded rough but she seemed to understand him perfectly. He began to move, starting slowly, letting the pleasure build excruciatingly slow. Her eyes were half-closed, her lips parted as he fucked her hard, building up speed until they were wrapped around one another, their breathing ragged. Muddled words that were barely intelligible fell from their lips as they urged and praised each other.

His world had narrowed to just the two of them and this bed. At some point they’d rolled to the other side of the mattress, Hank still deeply embedded inside Alyssa. She was hot, wet, and tight and his brain switched into a primitive mode that cut off all normal thinking. Words pounded inside of his head like conga drums.

Fuck. Hard. Fast. Lis. His.

When her body exploded around him, her cunt clamped down on him and she cried out his name. Her entire body shook and he tried to hold back his own completion but it was far too late. The pressure that had been building in his lower back was simply too much. It seemed to detonate from his balls and out his cock.

He could feel his dick swell and jerk inside of her as he dragged air into his starved lungs. His eyes seemed to roll back into his head and the room spun like a Tilt-A-Whirl at the carnival. When it was finally over he rolled to his back, taking her with him and tucking her head on his shoulder.

Her fingers idly stroked his sweat covered chest and a feeling of peace and rightness came over Hank. This was how it was supposed to be. Deep in his heart he knew it. Lis was his, and damn it, he was hers. Denying it hadn’t gotten him anywhere. Everywhere he’d turned, there she was, giving him her love.

Besides, they had a son to think about. Hank needed to open his mind to the very real possibility of a reconciliation. He’d been giving Alyssa a hard time about things and perhaps it was time to see if this could really work.

It didn’t mean he had to bare his fucking soul or anything. Talk of love could come later. He could admit their marriage had a future without giving her a chance to hurt him again.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” Alyssa’s fingers smoothed his brow. “You’re frowning.”

Hank chuckled at the question. Why did women always want to know what a man was thinking? Especially after sex. Usually he was thinking about getting something to drink, sleeping, or having sex again. Not necessarily in that order.

“I’m thinking that I’m tired.”

He wasn’t ready to talk to her about his thoughts of the future he was finally admitting they might have. He was better with actions anyway. He would show it by not bringing up the past all the time and by making plans with her past this vacation.

Alyssa yawned and settled more comfortably against him. “It’s been a big day, I guess, and we only have a few more. Are we still planning on leaving Sunday?”

“I think so. The guy I borrowed the cabin from said I could have it for the full two weeks of my vacation but I’m about fished out. Maybe we can take Luke on a few day trips next week while I’m still off of work.”

“That’s a great idea. It’s your vacation so we’ll do whatever you want.”

All he could think about was spending time with her and Luke. He shook those too disturbing thoughts away, not ready to deal with them.

“I’d like to get some sleep,” he teased. “Unless you can convince me otherwise.”

Her small hand slipped down his belly and encircled his cock, jerking it awake. Despite coming hard minutes ago, it was inflating in her hand and sending electric sparks to every part of him. Maybe he wasn’t that tired after all.

He lifted her so she was on top of him, her thighs straddling his hips. “Looks like you have the magic touch, sweet wife. You’ve awakened the beast.”

Laughter bubbled from her pink swollen lips and she situated herself so her already wet pussy was on top of his dick, making it swell even larger.

“Beast? Does that make me a beauty?”

He growled and rolled her underneath him, trapping her with his big body. He grinned in delight at her shocked expression.

“It makes you dragon fodder. Prepare to be devoured.”

They didn’t get to sleep until the wee hours of the morning, intent on playing a few games of Damsel and Dragon. Neither could agree on whether the damsel or the dragon won but both went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

Chapter Seven

hey’d been back from vacation for over two weeks and things were going well. Kind of. Hank had stopped reminding Alyssa that there was no future for them every time they had sex, which was progress.

But he still hadn’t told her he loved her.

Every day before he left for work, she would hug and kiss him at the door, telling him how much she loved him and would miss him all day. He would smile and kiss her back.

“I’ll miss you too, sweetheart. See you tonight,” was all he would say. Every day it hurt more than the day before until yesterday she’d watched him drive away while her heart was breaking into a million pieces. It was time for Hank to let go of his anger and tell her how he felt. If he didn’t love her, well, she wasn’t sure she would survive hearing that. But if he did love her and he wasn’t telling her so he could
her…it was downright cruel.

As much as she wanted to make a life with him she couldn’t stay married to him if he didn’t love her. Her gut said he did indeed love her but Hank was so damn stubborn he might not admit it. How long was she supposed to pay the price for her stupidity?

She’d woken up this morning filled with determination. It was time. He couldn’t have all the benefits of marriage with none of the cost. He either needed to forgive her or cowboy up and admit he wasn’t ever going to. She couldn’t take this living in limbo any longer, waiting for him to decide her fate. It was time to take it back into her own hands.

They murmured polite conversation through breakfast, Hank seemingly oblivious to her mood. By the time she kissed him goodbye, her nerves were stretched to the breaking point. Her husband wasn’t going to like the next few minutes much but she couldn’t back down now.

“I’ll miss you today. I love you,” she said, holding her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. Every morning she hoped that it would be the day he said it.

“I’ll miss you too, sweetheart. What are we having for dinner?”

Swallowing her disappointment, she took a deep breath and gathered every ounce of courage she had. “Is that all you have to say to me, Hank?”

He drew his brows together, his expression perplexed. “I’m not sure what you mean by that.”

Needing some distance, she took a step back and wrapped her arms around her torso as if to ward off the coming blow. “I’m asking if that’s all you want to say. I told you that I love you. Do you have anything to say to me about that subject?”

Hank’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Is this an ultimatum? I don’t take kindly to those, Alyssa.”

Hot anger churned inside of her, twisting her stomach into knots and making her nauseous. She couldn’t back down now. This was important. This was her marriage and family. She had to be brave and not let him guilt her into accepting the scraps he was throwing her way. She’d been paying the price long enough.

“This isn’t about an ultimatum. This is about us. You’ve been happy so don’t deny that you have. The question is really simple, so don’t derail it. Do you love me, Hank? Can you try to forgive me?”

A lump the size of Montana was lodged in her throat and she barely choked out the words, scared to death he was going to say that he didn’t love her and he could never forgive her.

Hank looked down at the ground, a muscle working in his jaw. He finally looked up and any hope she had was gone in that instant. There was no love in those eyes. If anything they were as wary and guarded as if she was one of his suspects he thought might pull a gun out of nowhere and shoot him.

“I was happy but you’ve ruined that. It’s never enough for you, is it?” he accused, his tone biting. “You have to have it all your way. Well, I won’t play that game. If what we have isn’t enough for you then you know where the door is. You sure as hell didn’t have a problem using it the last time, did you?”

And with that he turned and swung up into the cab of the truck, slamming the door and revving the engine. His tires squealed as he pulled out of the driveway and she stood there until his truck disappeared over the horizon.

Walking back into the house on shaky legs, she took stock of what had happened. She’d gambled and lost. Hank didn’t love her. He might want to make love – scratch that – have sex with her, but only if his emotions weren’t involved.

She sat down on the living room couch where Luke and Hershey were lying on the floor watching cartoons. Blinking back hot tears that blurred her vision, she gave her son a shaky smile.

“What do you want to do today? A picnic at the park? Anything you want.”

Luke frowned and came over to where she sat. “You look sad, Mommy. Do you need a hug?”

“You have no idea how much I need one.” She held out her arms and pulled her son close. He smelled like baby shampoo and the peanut butter he’d had on his toast this morning. Soon he would be too old for this and he wouldn’t want her fussing over him. “I love you so much. You’re the most important thing in the world to me.”

Luke wriggled away as Hershey jumped up on the couch and began to lick them both on the face. “I love you, Mom. Hershey does too.”

They were both giggling as the puppy tried to chew their ears and noses. “With this much love in the house it’s amazing it doesn’t burst wide open.”

Luke laughed and scratched the dog behind the ears. “Dad says dogs love unconditionally.”

The words almost took her breath away. Apparently Hank’s love was completely conditional.

“That’s true. Dogs have the purest love.”

“What if someone hurts a dog, like on those TV commercials? Do the dogs still love those people?”

“They try to stay loyal but eventually if the only thing they know is pain they withdraw. They’ll protect themselves from being hurt again and not trust humans. It takes time and patience to win back their trust.”

“But it’s worth it, right Mom? To have a dog’s pure love?”

Alyssa reeled as if she’d been hit on the head with a two by four. Hank, her wonderful beloved husband was afraid of being hurt again, and when she made demands he withdrew, not ready to extend trust. That had been the look in his eyes she’d seen, not hate or rejection. It was fear. She needed to have more patience. Hank wasn’t ready yet.

BOOK: The Deputies: 3 Novella Box Set
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