The Demure Bride (9 page)

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Authors: Joannie Kay

BOOK: The Demure Bride
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"Thank you for the warning," he said, disappointed. He wanted to buy a really great meal for Amanda, and it might prove impossible to do in this small town.

"Don't worry, Rob. The chocolate cake here is fabulous, and no one, not even Goldie, makes better chicken and dumplings."

"We will not starve, I am positive," he replied, smiling.

"You folks have a seat and I'll be right with you," a young waitress called out as they walked into the restaurant.

Rob picked a table that would give them a bit of privacy. He pulled out a chair and seated Amanda, and then sat down. The waitress came over and gave them a smile as she poured coffee into the cups already on the table. "It's good to see you folks. Miz Whittier has meatloaf or chicken and dumplings today. Or you can get a steak or fried chicken if you're willing to wait a little longer."

"I believe that Miss Chambers and I shall have the chicken and dumplings, Miss."

"Be right out," the waitress said with a smile as she hurried to the kitchen.

"This place is a bit different than what I am accustomed to," Rob admitted, looking around. The furnishings were pleasant, but very functional. He imagined that most of the people living around here were happy to have something this nice in town. He was aware that the saloons offered food, but a man certainly couldn't take a lady there.

"The first time I came in here with Papa I felt as though he was punishing me. What I quickly realized, however, is that Mrs. Whittier runs a very clean kitchen and her food is very good... except for her steaks," she whispered the words in a low voice. "What I considered important, the furnishings, weren't important at all." She smiled. "Have you ever gone to a really fancy restaurant, Rob, only to discover the food was terrible...?"

"Yes, I have."

"The food here is delicious," she said with confidence. "I am surprised Papa brought me here after the first time, however. I threw a major fit," she admitted, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Matt should have handled the situation differently than he did," Rob stated matter-of-factly.

"He didn't want to be hard on me after all of those years apart... and he knew I was grieving for Mama. I have decided it is time to make amends with people, Rob. I started with Ted at the Mercantile, and he was very nice to me."

Rob was impressed that Amanda was doing her best to change her behavior and he told her so. "It takes a big person to admit they need to change, Mandy. I am proud of you for finally hearing what your father had to say and for deciding to give yourself permission to like it here."

Amanda felt special when Rob smiled at her and she quickly turned the conversation to other things she hoped he would find interesting. She was enjoying the day and didn't want anything at all to spoil it.

Their food was piping hot when it was served, and it was as delicious as Amanda claimed it would be. Rob was amused with her banter throughout the meal and relieved that she truly was not upset with him for spanking her so soundly the last time they were together. Amanda was truly growing up and he found her delightful. When the waitress returned to ask them what kind of pie they wanted, he asked if they had any of Mrs. Whittier's chocolate cake. The busy waitress nodded and ran off to do their bidding. She quickly brought the dessert and refilled their coffee cups one more time.

Neither Rob nor Amanda was anxious to see the meal end, but Rob paid their bill and left a generous tip for the waitress. As they left the hotel Amanda spotted Helene by the buggy, and she was obviously waiting for her.

"Amanda, I hope I'm not being a bother?" the brunette asked timidly.

"Of course not! Rob, may I present Miss Helene Patterson? Helene, this is Mr. Robert Thorne."

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance Miss Patterson."

"I'm sorry to intrude, but here is the letter, Amanda," she held out an envelope. "Thank you so much."

"You are welcome, Helene. I'll ask Papa to help." Helene waved goodbye to her as they drove out of town.

The drive home didn't take long enough to suit either of them, but Amanda had to admit that she had a splendid time and she welcomed the goodbye kiss Rob gave her.

At supper that night she gave her Papa the letter that Helene wrote to Ted and explained the matter to her parent. Matt frowned and said he would pass the letter on this one time but told Amanda he didn't want her playing matchmaker. Once she nodded, he wanted to discuss whether or not she had a good time with Rob and seemed pleased to hear she'd had a wonderful day. Matt was also pleased to learn she'd purchased fabric to make some riding skirts.

When Rob visited a couple days later and asked if she would like to go riding, Amanda was relieved she'd finished one of her new riding skirts already. She hastily changed her clothing and by the time she went outside he had Glimmer saddled for her.

Rob was quick to notice that she was dressed a lot more respectfully this time and he was pleased to realize she could be reasonable. They simply enjoyed riding and being together, and when Rob asked if she would like to give the horses a rest, Amanda quickly agreed. They found shade under a tree, and sat on the ground to relax. "You look lovely today, Mandy," Rob told her, his voice husky.

"You like my new riding skirt?" she shyly asked.

"I do," he answered sincerely. "You look like the lady you are, Mandy."

"I had no idea that... well, that the pants were..."

"That is because you are a sweet and modest young woman. You meant no harm, my dear. The fault is with the men who look at you and form their own conclusions. In Boston you wore proper riding habits that are out of place out here. You tried to please your father by giving up the habits you wore back East, and just did not realize that the pants were too revealing. This new riding skirt is lovely on you, and it looks much more comfortable than the habit you wore in Boston." He smiled. "You are an accomplished seamstress as well."

"I learned to sew when I was much younger. It was something that Mama and I enjoyed doing together."

"You miss her very much, do you not?"

"I do, Rob. I realize that she had her faults, but she was very good to me. Loving and kind, and yet firm. My behavior when I arrived here would have shocked her," Amanda said with a sad smile. "Yes, I learned some things that Papa assures me are too 'high falutin'' for this part of the county," she added with a giggle. "But ladies are very proper in Boston. It is expected."

"Are they permitted to kiss in Boston?" Rob asked, lowering his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss meant to tantalize. "You taste so good, Mandy," he told her, deepening the kiss and using his hands to pull her closer.

Amanda loved the gentle persuasion of his lips on hers and she returned Rob's kisses with enthusiasm. Rob moaned and his hand sought her breast and caressed her through the shirt she wore. She knew she should stop such familiarity, but his touch was exciting and she didn't want to stop him. She enjoyed what he was doing to her body and when he deftly unbuttoned her shirt to slip his hand inside, she thrust her breast into his hand. Rob slid his long fingers under the camisole she wore and her bare skin was soft to his touch. He tweaked her nipple and her moan told him she liked what he was doing. It was all the encouragement he needed to untie the ribbons holding the delicate garment together.

Cupping her breast in his hand felt wonderful and Rob was only too aware that his manhood was swollen and straining against his pants. He wanted the pretty redhead. He lowered his mouth to take her nipple into his mouth and he suckled like a babe. Rob undid the fastenings on her riding skirt and within a short time his hand was cupping her mound and learning that her drawers were soaked with her passion. Amanda was enjoying his touch just as much as he was enjoying touching her.

The sudden outpouring of gunshots in the distance called an abrupt halt to their lovemaking. Rob got to his feet and his eyes searched for signs of trouble. There were more shots and he knew he needed to go and investigate. Someone was in trouble, for sure. "I want you to stay right here, Amanda."


"Mind me now," he said firmly. He knew she was armed, but he was not about to permit her to ride into danger. Rob mounted and hurried in the direction of the shots.

Amanda's hands were shaking as she adjusted her clothing. It was shocking for her to realize just how close she came to allowing Rob to do whatever he wished with her person. She knew better than to behave so freely, but when Rob was touching her like that she couldn't think. She felt her cheeks burning with shame, and then she heard more gunshots and her embarrassment at her wanton behavior turned to worry about Rob. What if he got shot trying to help whomever was in trouble?

Amanda knew that he told her to stay put, but she knew how to use a gun, and if there were more rustlers, Rob might need her help. Amanda decided she could deal with his temper better than she could deal with his death. She hoisted herself onto Glimmer's back and rode in the direction of the shots being fired.

* * *

Rob was cautious as he rode toward the gunfire. He knew sound carried for a distance in this county, but the shots stopped, and Rob found nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. He finally decided that someone was probably practicing a fast draw, and had already headed away from the area. He certainly didn't see anyone, and the last volley of shots was some time ago. After one more careful sweep of the area, Rob decided he was wasting his time. He rode back to where he left Mandy, and she wasn't there!

"Amanda!" he called her name. He quickly checked to see if there was any sign of a struggle, and saw none. "Amanda!" Where could she be? He had ordered her to stay right here until he came back. What was she thinking to disobey him? Of course, he had been gone for a while, and perhaps she was frightened and rode back to the ranch for help?

Rob kept his eyes open as he covered the distance to Amanda's house. He was torn between the desire to be understanding if she headed home to get help, and the urge to turn her over his knee for frightening him. He knew that her attitude would seal her fate one way or another.

He spotted Matt as he rode into the yard, but there was no sign of the lovely redhead. "Where is Amanda, Matt?" he asked.

"Goldie told me she went riding with you, son...?"

"She did not return within the last hour or so?" Rob was suddenly frightened.

"No. Was she supposed to?" Matt demanded.

Rob explained what happened, and he and Matt checked the barn for Glimmer. The little mare wasn't there.

"Do you think she chased after you, thinking you might need help?" Matt asked, trying to figure out the possibilities.

"I told her to stay put, Matt, but you know Mandy."

"Yeah. Let's go find her, son." Matt was quickly mounted, and Rob led the way.

* * *

Amanda was furious and her green eyes reflected her anger and agitation. "You won't get away with this, Ted Fox!" The man had abducted her and dragged her kicking and screaming to one of the line shacks on the property. Her only hope what that Rob would come looking for her before the deranged man could carry out his threat to rape her.

"Once I have you, sugar, your Daddy will beg me to marry you... and that snooty Englishman won't give you the time of day."

"If you touch me I will see you dead."

"Is that any way to talk to the man you're going to marry, sugar? I won't put up with any of your sass, you know. I'll teach you your place and you'll do exactly as I say, when I say. When I want you to spread your legs for me, you'll do it, too!"

"I would rather die!"

Ted slapped her hard across the face. "You'd better learn to be careful what you say, girl."

"I don't take orders from you!"

"You will. You'll do what I say, when I say. If you say one word to your Pa about me, I'll see him dead. Do you hear me?"

Amanda just glared at the evil man. "I can't imagine what Helene sees in you?"

"I thought I wanted her Uncle's gun shop until you showed up. Why settle for a gun shop when you can have the largest ranch in the territory?"

"I guarantee you will never have this ranch, Ted. I promise you that. I will see you dead first." Amanda realized her instincts were right all along about the man.

"After I take my belt to you a few times you'll change your tune."

"You are out of your mind. My father is going to kill you!"

"Not if I kill him first, and I promise you I will kill him if you don't do what I tell you to do, starting right now." His hands went to the buckle of his belt. "Your Pa was too soft on you or we could have settled this before now."

"My father loves me and cares about me."

"He's too soft. If he'd let me take a strap to you a few times we'd already be married and you'd know your place."

"What did Helene ever see in you!" Amanda demanded, shaking her head. She was going to keep him talking.

"At least she didn't argue and sass like you do. Once we're married, I'll see to it she comes out here to stay, and I'll have her, too." He pulled his belt slowly through the loops on his pants. "Now you're going to pay for telling Helene to write a love note to me and pretending there was nothing between us. I've told you all along that we were going to be married when the time was right, but here you've been carrying on with that Englishman. I'll take care of him, too, when the time is right."

"You'll be the one taken care of," Amanda told him, her voice filled with derision. "My father and Rob are looking for me right now!" she predicted.

"You'd better hope they don't come here! I'll kill them if they do."

Amanda's green eyes opened wide when Ted doubled the belt in his right hand. He slowly approached the bed, where he had her hands tied above her head.

"You can make this easy or hard," Ted sneered. "Either way, you're getting' a licking with my belt for encouraging Helene and letting your Pa think I'm interested in her when it's you I want."

"I don't want you!" Amanda declared.

"Too bad." He suddenly reached out and flipped her on her stomach, crossing her arms as he did so. In the next instant he brought the doubled belt down across her butt. "I want you to scream, sugar."

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