The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (4 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“Christ, son. I hate this shit. And your mother. It’s killing her not to take that woman by her hair and beat her ass. You know she would do it if we were anywhere else but here.” That comment gets a chuckle out of both of us. She would do it too.

He pulls me in for a hug then releases me to catch up with the women. I walk slowly in the same direction. My head is clear. I got this shit. I know what I’m doing.

The less my parents know, the better for them.

My uncle has provided me with the help I need. It’s not from the ones I care about the most. Not that one life is more important than another. It’s not. Never will be. But Roan, Cain, and Aidan have all been through enough. Their women too. I’m not about to inflict any more worry or heartache on any of them.

If they knew the shit I put up with while inside that damn hellhole from Juan Carlos’ men, they would all be standing by my side.

I took many beatings from those fuckers. One of them being the notorious Miguel Angel Verdoza. One of the Mexican Cartel’s hitmen. He claimed it was us who set him up when he was caught. It was his sloppy work. We had nothing to do with it. Our family doesn’t work that way. We stay loyal to ourselves first. Loyal to other families second. Our paths never cross, unless you fuck with one of our own. They fucked with me in there. I will seek my own deliverance on those who broke the seal of treaties amongst our families. They will pay. My way.

No, they will never know how he left me for dead. The guards doing nothing but letting his men hold me, while he pounded his fist into my face until I lay bleeding out of every goddamn hole in my face. Orders from the outside. From none other than Jazmin’s brother. The man I’m going to kill with my hands. I don’t want anyone to stop me from killing him. This is where Jazmin comes in. Not only is she a killer herself, she’s also the ex-wife of Miguel Angel Verdoza, who will spend the rest of his life ruling the inside of that prison. She divorced him shortly after he was sentenced, leaving him bitter. Angry. You would think he would want revenge on her, knowing she’s out here, walking free. Doing his job by killing people. I guess they stay loyal no matter how much someone else fucks you over. It wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit if they did set him up themselves. Not my problem. Thank fuck he never knew about her stupid visits to see me. Thank god the guards who were on my side were easily persuaded to keep their mouths shut. Another favor I need to return to my uncle. The woman was smart enough to hide her identity too. She knew the entire time what was going down in there. She wants me for herself all right. The conniving cunt. She had the power to stop it. To have the bastard killed in there. Like I said, she’s on the other side of fucking crazy. I’d also be a man on a suicide mission if I didn’t think she has an agenda of her own. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if it has everything to with my family and me. Nah. She’s using me as much as I’m using her. Only this time when we play the game of hangman, I’ll be prepared.

And her ex-husband, who tried everything he could to kill me. To disgrace me. To have his men beat me and try to rape me in prison. The key word here being try. Shortly, his life will come to an end.

Today, I’m here to congratulate my cousin and to make one more request from my uncle this evening. I need the help of the best hitman out there. Well, he’s technically not anymore. He’s retired. Still the best though. I know without a doubt he will help me take these fuckers out. I need the help of John Greer.





I would give anything to not be stuck in my own head. To see him with someone else when it should be me by his side. It’s obvious to me now I was wrong about him. Those bitter words he said to me were true. I should have believed him. Tried to move on the entire time he was gone. And yet I couldn’t. Something was holding me back. The instant his eyes glared into mine like he hated me, sending that hatred straight to my heart. If he cared about me at all, he would have made some sort of effort to contact me these past months. I realize now he’s not the man I thought he was. As much as it crushes me, it’s true. Dilan Levy is not the man for me. Aidan tried to tell me not to wait for him to pull his head out of his ass. To live, have fun. I’m stupid for not listening to him. But how can you go on when your heart tells you to wait? To not give up, to hold on, because when the time comes, he will open his eyes and see that what he needs is standing right in front of him, postponing her life? I’ve been holding on to that flicker of fire I’ve seen in his eyes. I wasn’t blind. It was there, but now that fire has smoldered. All that remains is a pile of ashes. Dust.

Right now, though, as I walk with my mom and the rest of the wedding party, including the bride and groom, over to the reception after pictures were taken, I’m angry with myself. Angry because I let him get to me. Angry because I had to try to concentrate on the beautiful wedding in front of me, when all I could focus on was him, with her. I’m an idiot. Jealous. Envious of that woman. She has the man I want. For me to even think that makes me sound pathetic.

He deserves nothing from me. And now as we enter the hotel with the bright lights, the black and white tiled floor, and the gold trim, I watch the love between two people I care about, and I hold my head up. It’s time to let go of someone who was never mine. He doesn’t want me like I want him. I can and will get through this night, not only for myself but for my family.

“Anna, you’re quiet. What’s going on?” Aidan asks quietly, his face serious.

One thing I’m not is a liar. Mom always told me I could never hide my feelings well anyway. So even though I don’t want Aidan to worry, I tell him the truth. “Did you see Dilan?” I bite the side of my lip, palpably obvious in showing my defeat. Aidan’s like a brother to me. We’ve become close. He knows how I feel. Hell, they all do. Especially the girls.

“I did. Come here.” He pulls me off to the side. Deidre glances over her shoulder. A sad smile slowly dances across her face. Then her smile fades. Knowingly. She nods and walks into the room where the reception will be, leaving the two of us alone. We wait until the noise from inside from the whistles, the clapping, and the loud congratulations quiets down. He puts his arms around me, planting my face into his chest. I let out a strangled breath. The need to cry slides its way up my throat. My head is shaking back and forth. It hurts when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can put it back together.

“He’s with someone else.” His grip on me loosens. Strong fingers coax my chin, lifting my head until he has me looking at him.

“I love Dilan and I love you. But Anna, he’s not worth it. Let him go. Enjoy your night. Don’t let him or anyone take away the real you. I can’t speak for him. But if I could, I would say he’s a giant asshole. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m fucking starving. So come on. Let me see that beautiful smile.” I smile, although it is hard. But it is real. As real as it can get.

“Thank you,” I whisper. “You may not thank me tomorrow morning when you wake up with a big, fat hangover. Deidre can’t drink. I need a drinking partner tonight. Come on. Plus, I know damn well she’ll be on the phone with Evie every half hour, checking on Diesel.” Evie is Beth and Stefano’s housekeeper. She adores both Justice and Diesel. One of the few people Deidre trusts leaving her son with.

Aidan helps me guide off my coat and hands it to the gentleman standing outside the door. Then he opens the doors for me to enter. I gasp, right along with him, when we enter. “Jesus Christ. Small wedding, my ass,” he mutters. This time when he talks, I smile and laugh right along with him. It’s not hard at all. No. It is easy. Very easy. Until I look over to one of the bars. My laugh dies instantly. Dilan has a menace of a scowl on his face as he stands there, talking to Salvatore and John. The conversation appears to be heated. Fury is coming from the two men as they glare at Dilan, whispering quietly. Not my problem. I turn away from them, my expression blank. My mind saying ‘Fuck him’.

“Two Jim Beam on the rocks. Please.” I roll my eyes at Aidan when he asks the bartender for his famous drink. He has me liking it though. Especially tonight.

I sit my small clutch on top of the bar and turn to admire the room. Aidan is spot-on. There are more people here than there were at the church, sitting at round tables with the most intricate centerpiece in the middle I have seen. They’re small trees with green and white lights. Candles in the same colors sit at the foot of them. Lights hang from the ceiling. I feel like I’m in a winter wedding wonderland.

“Fuck. Look at this place.” Aidan hands me my drink. “It’s beautiful,” I say truthfully. “Yeah, it is.” He sips his drink. When I look up to him, his stare isn’t on the scenery in front of us. He’s looking at Deidre, who’s standing by the woman Dilan is with, along with Calla. They seem to be in an uncomfortable conversation. Both of them are tense, pretending to listen to whatever this woman is saying.

I sip my drink casually, my eyes staying on them. I lean in and whisper to Aidan.

“So, who is she?” He jeers his head down close to me, his eyes never leaving them at all.

“You really want to know?” I study this man I’ve become close to. His jaw is contracting, twitching in a way I’ve only seen once before. In the dead of the night, in the back of a dark van with only the headlights of oncoming cars shadowing across his face. He’s nervous, upset, and something tells me it’s all directed towards this woman.

“Yes,” I tell him.

“She’s… fuck. The idea of her even talking to them makes me want to rub my skin raw. She’s poison. And whatever Dilan is doing with her, I don’t believe for one damn minute it’s because he likes her. In fact, I know damn well he doesn’t.” I have no idea what he’s doing with her if no one seems to like her. I do know the impact it’s having on me right now. I’m trembling. The glass in my hand shakes. The sound of the ice is rattling over the background music. What is he doing with her if he doesn’t like her? What does Aidan mean?

“You need to elaborate, Aidan.” I set my glass down on the bar and lean into him more.

“She’s the enemy. That’s what I fucking mean. Her brother and Royal had everything to do with why Dilan went to prison. He’s up to something, and I don’t fucking like it. If you see her, stay the hell away, do you get me?” That’s it. He offers up nothing more. He places his hand on my elbow, nudging his head toward my drink. I pick it up along with my clutch. “Come on. I want her away from them.” I follow quickly behind him, not understanding what the hell is going on. Confused. I make it halfway before I’m suddenly stopped by my mom and Ramsey.

“Go ahead without me,” I say to Aidan, irritation clear in my phrase. “No problem there,” he comments as he keeps on walking. We all stare at him. He’s a man assuredly on a mission to save people he cares about from the clutches of someone he obviously despises.

“What’s going on?” Ramsey asks. I clear my throat, my hands becoming clammy, sweaty, even though I’m holding a glass filled with ice. With my stomach in knots, I force my eyes away from them. “I’m not sure,” I half lie. “He was looking for Deidre, and now I guess he found her.” I shrug. My mind is whirling with information I’m not even sure what to do with.

I know Dilan went to prison. He told me during one of our many talks. He said he was set up. I had no reason not to believe him. With everything going on at the time in my own life, I just tucked it away. Forgot it, really. Until now. Until her. I wish now, I would have asked more questions when he told me. If I did, I would know what’s going on, would know exactly who she is, maybe try and put some sense into why he would be with her. Dilan having been to prison doesn’t matter to me. Even if he were guilty, it still wouldn’t matter. He’s a good man. Stupid as a damn squirrel running out into the middle of the road, but he’s loyal.

I stand there for several minutes, pretending to listen while mom and Ramsey talk about how beautiful this place is. The wedding. The honeymoon. My gaze shifts back and forth between them and this woman, who is now standing alone. Aidan said something to them all, then guided the women away from her. Now, she’s alone.

There’s something about her that has my suspicions rising, the hair on my arms standing up, a cold chill racing up my spine.

Her head veers back and forth. I intently watch her every move. She picks up a drink, takes a sip, sets it back down. Then she picks up another one. My eyes bulge. What the hell is she doing? My brows shoot up in horror when her head drops, and her fingers dip inside of her silver clutch and pull something out. Her head shoots in Dilan’s direction . I don’t dare look away. Fear has to be etched across my face. She takes what I assume is a pill and drops it in the drink then pushes if off to the side of her on the table. Whoever she is, I do believe her intentions are to poison Dilan.

Oh my God. Aidan’s words hit me. “She’s poison,” he said. A sick feeling seeps into my gut. I glance around the room. No sign of Aidan at all. I spot Cain, who is now standing with Dilan. I look back to her. She’s smiling as she glances around the room, her eyes finding Dilan. She picks up both glasses and weaves her way through the crowd. I move too, my veins thick with anger.

My mom calls my name behind me. I may look like a complete fool doing this, but I really don’t care. I slam into her just a few feet from the two of them, the clear liquid from the glasses spilling all over her dress and hands. Her eyes shoot me the look of death. “You careless bitch,” she spews. “I’m so sorry,” I say maliciously, my defiance obvious to everyone around us. All I want to do is claw her goddamn eyes out with her own fake nails.

“Anna, are you all right?” Cain and Dilan approach. It’s Cain who asks. That thickness I have settles right in my throat as I watch Dilan step up by her side. That makes me even more furious with him. He won’t even look at me, and it hurts. God, does it hurt. Aidan seems to think Dilan is up to something. Well, whatever it is, he can carry on with it. My job is almost done here.

I try and stay calm when all I want to do is ask him if he has lost his goddamn mind by bringing someone, who by the sounds of it, is not welcome here.

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