The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence (3 page)

Read The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence Online

Authors: Ker Dukey,D.H Sidebottom

Tags: #The Deception Boxset

BOOK: The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence
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“Argh,” I cried out for the millionth time, my throat sore after my screams. My tears had dried but the sting from their path was still alight on my cheeks. I couldn’t count the seconds as they passed, how long I had been left hanging there in the darkness. I didn’t know but it felt like hours.

I was so tired, my heavy eyes wanted to close, wanted to escape into my dreams, but the pain kept me present, albeit lightheaded, and forever in a state of consciousness between the two worlds. My mind still kept my identity captive, thoughts now my only solitude as my memories were locked away tightly, access to them not only forbidden but impossible.

The lights flicked back on, making me squint against the intrusion. My pupils frantically tried to adjust. My heart thumped an unsteady beat against my ribcage, threatening at any moment to go out of control and drown me in panic and fear.

The smell of fresh bread filtered into my nose, making my mouth water and invading my painful body, causing my stomach to growl in hunger.

The men from earlier became visible. The smaller one set a bowl of water on the floor, and a second bowl with fresh bread inside. The fact I was still completely naked made me fully aware of the bigger man who disappeared behind me. I tried to turn but his hot, heavy palm came down on my hip, solidifying me. His touch coiled my stomach, my skin desperately trying to shrink against his contact as I fought to keep the vomit back. I wanted to scream for him to remove his hand but he reached up and unhooked me.

My body immediately went limp, giving way to the pressure it had been under. He grasped me around the waist, keeping me from crashing to the floor. Lowering me down instead and bringing my hands into his, he unlocked the cuffs but refrained from looking at me.

A sigh left my lips as relief poured into me but it was short lived. Pain from the blood rushing back in made me want to scream and cry but my eyes were too sore to produce tears and these bastards didn’t deserve any more.

Before I could stop him, he pulled my hands behind my back and re-cuffed them then pointed to the bowls. The son of a bitch. I wasn’t a freaking dog. I wanted to kick out at him but I could hardly feel my feet.

Wanting to have more pride than to crawl across the harsh floor I looked up at the second guy, hoping he would have some human traits and take pity enough to pass me the water. The tilt of his lips told me he knew what I was thinking. “We are not here to serve you.”

With that they left me with my hands bound behind my back, naked on the cold floor, too far away from the sustenance my body howled out for.

SHE WAS STUNNING, EVEN IN a broken down state. Her body was what others could only dream of achieving, toned and curved to perfection. Her religious workout and diet kept her athletic body performance fit.

Her cries echoed throughout the room. She had been hanging there like a prize for over four hours after waking from a drug induced sleep that had kept her sedated for thirty-six hours. I knew she would be starving and desperate to use a bathroom. My little star was used to her luxuries but was also big into charity and had spent time in under-privileged countries; this cell was a five star hotel compared to some of the living quarters she had endured. Not that she could remember that life, and that made her mind mine to mold and play with.

Watching the horror and shock in her cat-like eyes through the mirrored wall keeping me from her but able to see everything made me smile. Malik locked her hands behind her back. Defeat shone clear in her features when Theo told her they weren’t there to serve her. Her memories wouldn’t let her remember that she did, in fact, have people to wait on her hand and foot.

The door clicked open behind me, alerting me to Theo’s presence. I could smell his suffocating aftershave before seeing him. The heavy footfall that followed told me Malik had entered behind him.

“What do you think she will do?” Malik asked, coming to stand next to me as we looked at my prize biting her lip, gazing longingly at the water and food placed a meter away from her.

I took in a lungful of air then exhaled, studying her before replying with the only answer there was. “She will go to her basic instincts… survival.”

Her body shuffled forward, her face pinching with a wince. The cold floor would be uncomfortable and scrape the soft velvet flesh of her ass. A tiny screech rushed from her chest when her body tumbled forward, her shoulder taking the brunt of the impact and saving her exquisite face.

“Is this necessary?”

I glowered at Malik. “Yes! Now shut up and leave. I don’t pay you to have compassion. It’s a weakness that won’t serve you well.”

He looked to the floor, refusing my stern gaze. “I just meant stage two will give you the same results, right?”

His questioning irritated me. He was the hired help, nothing more. If he hadn’t been with me for over a decade and loyal to a fault, I wouldn’t have tolerated his brazen questioning.

“She’s ignoring the food,” Theo said, dragging my temper back into the dark depths where it lived, waiting to get its hands on its true prey.

She had shuffled her body to the water bowl. Her soft red cheek tipped the bowl so some poured into her open mouth but most dampened her face and hair, trickling down to form a puddle beside her face on the floor. She growled in frustration, making my cock harden. I was an asshole for getting off on her in such a distraught state but I didn’t hide my perversions. I liked to see a woman naked and bound, and this one was special, the pleasure greater than any I had experienced before, and this was just the beginning.

I watched her pull herself into a sitting position then get to her feet, her petite body shaking gently. She was impressive. She made her way to the bed and curled up into a ball. I nodded to Theo; within seconds the light went out and night vision cameras displayed her on the twenty monitors set up against the far wall behind me.

“Once she comes around to eating what’s been offered, we’ll move on to phase two.”

Theo smiled up at me, the little bastard. It’s amazing what people will do for money.

I ran my finger over my bottom lip as I watched her sleep. She’d taken advantage of the time we’d left her alone, and she was deep into a few hours’ sleep. I couldn’t move from the window, watching the soft lift and fall of her chest, her firm tits rising and falling provocatively, taunting me.

My dick hardened as I imagined my teeth biting down on her large dusky pink nipples, making her cry out as she fisted my hair in her fingers and demanded more from me. Because she would, I knew she would demand it before this chapter came to an end.

She stirred, turning onto her back. Her tits stood firm, showing off another of her perfect features as her hands remained clasped behind her back. I groaned and yanked out my cock, giving in to its command. Shivering with the first stroke, I squeezed my fist tight as I slid my grip over the swollen head.

Star frowned, her nightmares twisting her striking features into contorted fear. My sick mind saw only pleasure on her face, how she would look and cry out as I rammed into her tight, wet little cunt. My breathing sped up as I imagined her pinned between me and the wall, my cock slamming in and out of her as she screamed in both pain and pleasure. Her legs would wrap around my waist as she took more and more, until the pain turned into a frenzied want for climax. She would tear at my hair, bite my neck and scratch at my skin with her nails as I rammed into her one last time in a deep, hard final thrust.

Cum shot from my dick and I struggled to contain it in my hand quick enough. I groaned loudly as the echo of Star’s scream filled my ears, her pleasure loud and ferocious.

I yanked a tissue from the box on my desk and cleaned myself up before screwing it up and tossing it into the waste basket.

I sighed and looked at my petite little captive. She needed to eat. I needed her to eat. She would need all the strength she could get. A grin grew on my face when I pictured what was to come. The pretty little princess with the fake smile wouldn’t know what had hit her when it all started. But she’d asked for this. For a long time now, and I wasn’t usually one for patience.

I STARED AT THE SCUFF mark on the wall. I couldn’t divert my gaze from it without pain taking my breath from my lungs. It seemed to aid me as it kept my concentration on something even through the dim light in the room, my mind deciphering images and creating tiny pictures from each grey mark.

Exhaustion had overtaken me hours ago and I’d slept, only to wake once again to the nightmare that had found me. I didn’t have the energy to climb from the bed and attempt to eat or drink what they left me hours ago. For one my teeth were too sensitive, every nerve in my retracted gums screeching in agony as the cold air in the room tingled. And for two, food was the last thing on my mind. I didn’t attempt the water, although I was so thirsty. I couldn’t be bothered. I wanted to die, and I hoped that dehydration took me before the bastards who held me there did. Dramatic? Maybe, but my body lacked the basics to even function and the fear of what awaited me when the men returned morphed my thoughts into horror-filled scenarios, none ending well for me.

A click that sounded louder than it actually was alerted me to company before the eruption of light did. I didn’t move. Although I had essentially given up, fear and dread still held my lungs tight as my muscles twitched in readiness.

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