The Deception of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Kellz Kimberly

BOOK: The Deception of Love
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I may be the flavor of the month, but Nick is loving this flavor cause he been fucking with me for about five months.” I told her standing up and getting in her face.

Bitch, please, Nick doesn't want that shit.” her friend said rolling her neck like the bird that she was.

Both Diamond and Elle was standing next to me, so I t
old them there was no need to stand up cause I got this.

I'ma tell y’all ugly asses this, and I'm only going to tell you this once, call me another bitch, and your gonna meet my bitch .22.”

They looked at me and starting laughing.  I was so over this shit
that I told Diamond and Elle to come on, so that we could find Nick and Trey cause the game was now over.

That's right, bitch, walk away.  You don't want none of this, but trust your man does.” Mya yelled.

The second the words left her mouth, I had my .2
2 in her face.

I could have sworn I told you that I wasn't going to be any more of your bitches.” I told her.

By now we had a little crowd around us.  Elle and Diamond was just standing back letting me do my thing.  I guess Big and Que wanted to see this
shit play out cause they wasn't trying to do shit either.

Bitch, you ain’t shit without that gun.” she said, trying to save face.

I could tell that she was nervous but didn't wanna be embarrassed.  Her two friends even snuck away during the whole thing.

“Your one of those bitches that have to act tough cause the whole hood out.  But cool, you say I ain’t shit without my gun, right?  Let me show you what my hands could do.”

I tossed my gun to Diamond and turned around and punched Mya right in her face.  I f
igured when I gave Diamond my gun that Mya had enough time to get ready for what was coming for her, but obviously not.  This chick wasn't even bout nothing.  I was on top of her like white on rice, giving her blow after blow.  Right before I could kick her in her face a pair of strong arms came and picked me up moving me away from the crowd.

Get your hands off of me!  Do you know who my man is?” I yelled at the person lifting me away.

Yea, I know who he is, cause I'm that nigga.” Nick said, sounding like he was pissed off.

I guess I was so hyped up that I didn't even notice that Nick had came and pulled me off that chick.

“My bad, baby, I didn't know that was you.”

What the fuck you over there pulling out guns and fighting for?”  he asked.

Your little bum bitch had the nerve to step to me once again.  I tried to walk away, but then she called me a bitch.”

I hated that word when it was used in a hateful context.  Yea, my friends would call me a bitch, but they said it with love.  This bitch said it just t
o be hateful.

Man, what is up with you and this bitch shit.” he asked sounding frustrated.

That's a story for another day.  Now, come on, so we can go and celebrate.” I said as I kissed him on his cheek and walked over to Elle and Diamond.

I knew he was
upset, but he would be just fine after I put it on him.



Man, I didn't know what was up with Ny and this bitch word, but I was definitely gonna find out.  She thought she got out of talking about it cause I let her ass walk away, but little did she kn
ow, as soon as she got her ass in that house she was gonna start talking.  Since my team won the game, and niggas was hungry as fuck, we decided to go to buffalo wild wings.  Ny left with Elle, Diamond drove herself, and I had my niggas with me.  On the way there niggas wanted to talk about Ny and that stunt she pulled.

My nigga, Ny got over to that girl so quick that I could have sworn she flew.” Que said causing everyone to laugh.

As soon as that gun came out them other two girls that was with Mya was ghost.” Big said, throwing in his two cents.

Y’all was sitting right there and didn't try to stop her or nothing.” I said.

Shit wasn't gonna pop off, man, you know us better than that.  We just got to BK, and you wanna bring us to a damn basketball game? Nah, fuck that, we wanted some action, and your girl tootin’ that gun like she bout it was my action.” Que said like there was nothing wrong with that shit.

Fuck all that shit, drive this car faster, a nigga is hungry, plus I'm trying to get close to my boo.” Trey shouted.

We all laughed and enjoyed the ride.  I did fill Que and Big in on what was going on, and that we was going to Florida to handle some shit, and that they were in charge until we got back.  When we got to the restaurant, the girls alread
y had a table and was seated.

Nick, you drive like an old lady, what took y’all so long?” Diamond asked.

Trey, get your chick before I pop her in the mouth.” I said causing everyone to laugh.

Trey, you ain’t gotta do shit cause I’ma take a page out of Ny's book and whip my pistol out on your bitch ass.” Diamond said.

Y’all gonna keep me out of this shit,” Ny responded.

The waiter came over and took all of our orders.  We continued to laugh and have fun while we ate and drank.  Even Elle was pretty cool
the whole time.  This was something that we all needed.  Once we was done, we all went our separate ways.  Big, Que, and  Elle got in a cab, Diamond and Trey left together, and I left with my baby.

Nick, wake up, we here.” Ny said, waking me up.

I guess o
n the ride home I fell asleep.

Ma, I'm tired, carry me up the stairs.”

Nick, you are too big for that, but you can carry me up the stairs.” she said as she got out of the car.

I hopped out of the car and swooped her up in my arms.

“Put me down, bay, chill.” she said laughing as I carried her through the door.

You said you wanted me to carry you, so when I pick your ass up you wanna get down.” I said placing her on the floor.

I didn't think that you would actually do it.”

I don't know why, but you know we need to talk though, right.” I told her as we went upstairs to her bedroom.

Nick, if you’re trying to talk about what I think you wanna talk about, then just drop it.” she said like she was annoyed or something.

Ma, come on, when anyone calls you that word, you just flip out.  Like for real, what is up with that shit.”

Nick, just drop it, please.  Now I am getting in the shower, you are more than welcome to join me if you want.” she said before she walked away.

I wasn't feeling this shit at all.  Ther
e was a reason why she always spazzed when someone called her a bitch.  Sooner or later she was gonna have to talk about it cause I'm not into playing games, and if we are going to be a couple then there can be no secrets between us.  Instead of jumping in the shower with Ny like I know she wanted me to, I just sat back and watched, “Think Like A Man” before I dosed off to sleep.



Since I rode with Nick to Buffalo Wild Wings, I had Diamond drive me home.  The last time me and Diamond was in a car alone
she spit some real shit.  That's why tonight I was gonna step to her like a man.  When she pulled up to my house, we just sat in the car really not saying anything.  I guess we was just deep into our own thoughts.

So, Diamond, you wanna come and chill with me for a little while?” I asked her hoping she would say yes.

Now, why should I do that?” she said staring me right in the eyes.

So I can show you that I am the man that you been waiting for.”

Really, and just how are you going to do that?”

If you need someone to just listen to you, I'm here.  If you need a someone to just cry to. I'm here.  If you need to get dicked down then, shit baby, just call me the pipe man.” I said laughing.

Trey, you a fool, you know that?” she said laughing with me.

Nah, seriously though, I never been in any real relationships, I'm not saying that as an excuse for if or when I fuck up.  I'm saying it as a way of telling you that you got me hooked.” I told her.

I know I sounded soft, but fuck it, I wanted Diamond.  I wasn't
getting any younger, and chilling with a new chick every night is getting old.  I wanted what Nick and Ny had, and more.  I felt as though Diamond could be the one to give me babies and shit.

Trey, if this is what you want, then I'm all yours, but I'm not for all the side chick shit.  If you want me, then you should only want me cause if you go and dip into something else, I'm leaving; no ifs ands or buts.”

Diamond, I got you, ma.” I told her as I grabbed her hand so that we could go in the crib.

I gave
her a tour of the house, and she seemed like she was enjoying herself.  When she got to the bedroom, she damn near jumped on the bed.

I'm gonna love this bed.  It is so comfortable.” she said laying down, looking like she is ready to go to sleep.

And I'ma love having you in this bed, but I'm bout to jump in the shower.  If you want to change clothes, there are some t shirts in the top left draw over there.  Make yourself at home, ight.”

After she nodded yes, I walked away to get in the shower.  I was lett
ing the water run down my head when I felt a small pair of hands running up my back.  I turned around to see the prettiest naked body ever.  Diamond's body was one to die for.  She had nice thick hips, a small waist, and perky b cup titties.  I rubbed my hands up and down her body.  I kissed her full lips with so much passion that it scared me.  My mouth then found its way to her nipples.  She let out a soft moan and started stroking my dick.

I lifted her up so that she could hold on to the shower rod.  Yea
, your boy got himself the Mimi rod.  As she was holding on, I was beating that pussy up.  With every stroke she was getting wetter and wetter.  Diamond had my head all fucked up right now.  All I knew at that moment was that this was the best pussy a nigga ran up in.

Damn, Trey, right there, ohhh, I'm bout to cum.” she said with lust in her voice.

That's right, D, cum for this dick, let that cum run down daddy’s dick.”

Fuck, I'm cumming,” she yelled.

At that moment her walls gripped my dick pulling me i
n deeper.  That shit felt so good that I came right after her.

Damn, Ma, that shit was good.” I told her.

Trey, tell me you didn't cum in me without a condom.” she said, as I let her get down.

Ma, it's cool.  I told you, I got you.”

She just looked at m
e, kissed my cheek, and started to wash up.  I wasn't worried about not wearing a condom cause if a baby came out of that, then I would step up and do what I have to do.  We got out of the shower and went to bed.  At first Diamond wasn't trying to be near a nigga, but I pulled her next to me.

Diamond, don't worry about it, ma, your mine now, and I got you.” I whispered in her ear.

I guess what I said made her relax because her body loosened up, and she snuggled into my arms.


Chapter 8



Everything been going good, I finished my finales last week, and I ended my summer classes with a 3.8.  Nick said we was leaving for Miami on Friday and was gonna stay out there for two weeks.  I was getting ready to go have lunch with Elle and Diamond when I realized that I haven't talked to Nick since earlier yesterday morning.  I called him up, and his phone went straight to voice mail, so I shot him a text to let him know where I was going to be at.  I grabbed my keys and hopped in the car to meet Elle and Diamond at Joe's Crab Shack.  When I pulled up to the restaurant Diamond pulled up right behind me, and Elle text me letting me know that she was already inside.

Hey, girl, why you look so down?” I asked Diamond.

Girl, I'll tell you when we get inside.” she said walking in the door.

We found our table, greeted Elle, and sat down.  Me, Diamond, and Elle have been hanging tight since the basketball game.  I was glad that me and Elle put what happened between us in the past, cause that short time we wasn't talking, I
was missing my best friend.

So, Diamond, what’s wrong with you?” I asked her once again.

Man, what’s not wrong?  For one, I found out that I am pregnant.” she said just as our waiter came over.

We placed our order and waited for the waiter to walk away
before we continued our conversation.

Wait, what you mean you’re pregnant, and by who?” Elle asked.

I'm pregnant by Trey.” she said, like it was nothing.

The look that was on Elle's face was the same look that was on mine.

“When did you and Trey start messing around?” I asked.

Since that night at your house, Ny, we been just talking, texting and hanging out.  But when I drove him home after Buffalo Wild Wings, he said some things, and I said some things, then next thing you know we was fucking in the shower.”

Well, damn, when did you find out?” Elle asked.

I found out today, I'm about a week late, so I just took a test, and that shit came back positive.”

The waiter came with our food, and we started to eat and continue our conversation.

“Are you going to tell him?” I asked her.

I'm not sure.  I haven't heard from Trey for three days now, so why I should I be the one to pick up the phone and talk to that nigga, when he can't even pick up the phone to say wassup how you doing?”

Shit, I haven't spoken to Nick since yesterday morning.” I told them, feeling some type of way.

They probably out looking for who hit their spot again.” Elle said, like she knew what our men were up to.

What are you talking about, only one of their spots got hit, and that's why Big and Que came down here.” I told her pissed that she knew what was going on with my man.

Well, word is that two more spots are getting hit, and no one knows who is doing it.” she said.

How do you know all of this?” Diamond asked.

I just said that that is the word on the street.” she said with an attitude.

I was just asking, no need to be in your feelings about it.” Diamond said.

I'm bout to go to Nick's house and see what’s up.  Diamond, you coming to see if Trey is there?”

I wanted Diamond to come
so that I could talk to her about this shit.  Something about Elle knowing what was going on wasn't sitting right with me, but until I found out why, I was gonna play her close.

Yea, I'm coming with you.  Elle, you rolling with us?” Diamond asked her.

Nah, I'ma go home and crash.  My new boy toy is supposed to be coming over, and you know what means.”

You so nasty, but I'll talk to you later.  Diamond, let’s go.” I said and walked out the restaurant.

Diamond jumped in her car, and I got in mine cause nei
ther one of us wanted to come back later and pick up our cars.



I could tell that those bitches was feeling some type of way about me knowing what was going on with their mans.  But it was really the word on the street, everyone was talking about.
I think it was the fact that someone who has never been seen or heard of was fucking with Nick and Trey.  It was like a ghost was coming in and taking their money.  I know them niggas was stressed.  When I pulled up to my apartment I saw a car parked in front of my house.  I got out of the car and went into my building.  When I got upstairs to my apartment my door was open and my boy toy was waiting for me with no shirt on.

Hey, how you know I was coming up?” I asked him.

When I looked out the window I saw your car pull up.” Jacob said as he followed me into the kitchen.

I was still fucking with Jacob because he played a major part in me getting Ny.  So, for now I was getting some good dick and using him until I was done with him.

“Oh okay, what you been up to for the day?” I asked him just to start a conversation.

Nothing.  Waiting for you to get here, so I can get up in this,” he said.

Before we get into all of that.  Did you do what I asked?”

It was always business before pleasure when it came to me.

“Yea, we got at all the spots you wanted us to.”

That's wassup, now come and get some this wet wet.” I told him.

After that incident with Nick, Jacob had been dead set on getting at him, but I told him that it was going to take time to get at a nigga like
Nick.  He said he was down for whatever, as long as he got rid of Nick and got Nylah back.  Little did he know he was gonna get rid of Nick, but he would be getting rid of his self in the process, and the only one that was going to get Nylah was me.



I couldn't believe that this nigga wasn't talking to me because of some shit that happened in the street.  I mean, I understand he has to handle shit in the street, but just a month ago he was telling me that he would be there for me when I needed him,
and right now I need his ass.  I pulled up to Nick’s house right behind Nylah.  I was surprised that she wasn't pregnant.  As much as she and Nick had sex, her ass should have been knocked up months ago.

You see this shit?  Both they asses here cause they cars are here.” I said to Ny.

She was looking just as mad as I was.

“Come here so I can find what the hell has been going on.” she said and stormed in the house.

When we walked in, we got hit with a cloud full of kush.  These niggas was smoked out withou
t a care in the world.  I'm not sure where Ny disappeared to, but I knew that she went to go find Nick cause she wasn't in the living room with these other niggas.

Yo, Trey let me talk to you,” I said while standing in front of him.

Ma, what are you doing here?”

Can you just come outside, so I can talk to you, please.” I said getting annoyed.

I turned around and left out of the house.  When I got to my car Trey was right behind me.

“Wassup, Diamond, what you wanna talk about?” he had the nerve to ask me.

Correct just a month ago you was sitting here telling me not to worry about nothing cause you got me, but I haven't heard from you in the last three days.  I heard more from you when we wasn't dating, so what the fuck is up.” I yelled.

First off, I'm sorry for neglecting you.  You’re right, I said I was going to be there for you, and I should have been.  Second off, lower your voice.  I know you upset right now, but watch your tone of voice when you’re talking to me.  Third and lastly, shit has been hectic in this street shit.  Our spots keep getting hit, and no one has any word on whose doing it.  On top of that, we have to fly out to Florida tomorrow to meet up with the connect and explain what is going on.”

The only thing I heard him say was that he wa
s flying to Florida.

When was you gonna tell me that you was flying to Florida, huh?  What if I would have never came over here with Ny?  Then what?  Was you going to call me when your ass landed in Florida?  You know what, don't even answer that shit.  Just know that me and my baby will be just fine without you.”

I stormed off and got in my car leaving.  I didn't really wanna hear shit that he had to say cause everything he told me that night was starting to prove to be a fucking lie.  I got home and real
ized that I didn't tell Ny I was leaving.  I figured she was going to be okay cause she hasn't called about Nick yet, so I guessed everything was cool.  All I wanted to do at that moment was lay down and go to sleep.


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