The Deception (3 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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She told her to turn sideways, bend down and grab her ankles.

"That's good. Now, turn your head toward me, look into the camera, and smile."

Since nothing was really showing from that position, Carrie quickly began to relax. Before long her smile began to look genuine.

"That's my girl." Louise took a few more shots. "Now, I need you lie down on the floor, facing me, with one leg in front of the other."

Carrie immediately lay down on her side, placing her top leg out in front. 

"Good. Now prop yourself up on your forearm, just like you're doing now, and rest your other arm on your hip."

As Carrie put herself into the pose, she felt the cool air on her naked breasts. She looked down, realizing they were now fully exposed. She started to tense up.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I'm sorry, Louise. I really thought that I could do this. Now I'm not so sure."

"Wait right there." She quickly stepped out, returning a moment later with a glass of white wine. "I was saving this for later, but I think a few sips right now might help you to relax."

Carrie sat up and took the glass while Louise popped a CD into a player. The soothing sounds of a Beethoven symphony filled the room. She raised the glass to take a whiff of the wonderful aroma. It was a fine chardonnay, her favorite wine. She took a sip, savoring it in her mouth for as long as she could before she swallowed. She drank more of it.

"Not too much," said Louise, as she took the nearly empty glass back. "I want you relaxed, not loopy. Now, close your eyes, breathe in deep, and just listen to the music for a little while."

Carrie closed her eyes. She soon began feeling the effect of the wine as her back and shoulder muscles started to unwind. She resumed the pose, and Louise began to take the photos.

"There you go, that's my girl. Now look up at me and smile. There, that's perfect. I need you to move your front leg out a little more toward me. There you go. Perfect. Now, turn your head and look this way. Follow my finger with your eyes. Good."

Now that Carrie had finally loosened up things were starting to go more smoothly.

"Let's take a short break. I want to redo your hair and touch up your makeup. Then I want you to put on some different jewelry."

"Can I see?" asked Carrie, slipping her robe back on.

Louise handed the camera over and waited while Carrie scrolled though the shots.

"Oh my." Her face turned red. It was a bit of a shock seeing herself bare breasted, but the photos were tastefully shot. "They sort of look like Renaissance paintings, don't they? Too bad there's no man at home to appreciate them."

"Give it some time, Carrie. You're still young. There are plenty of men out there."

She handed back the camera and headed off to the dressing room where Louise restyled her hair and touched up her makeup. This time she wanted Carrie's hair to be long and flowing. After selecting different jewelry, she went to set up the lighting in another room. She returned a short time later and led her into the guest bedroom. Inside was a queen-sized four-poster bed, with the coverlet turned down.

"I'm going start by taking some shots of that beautiful backside of yours, so I want you to go stand by the foot of the bed. Grab hold of the bedpost with your right hand, with your back to me. Then, when I say, ready, turn your head and look over your left shoulder."

Carrie removed her robe and walked to the bedpost, turning her head back and smiling as Louise clicked away on her camera.

"You know, I just don't understand why women get so uptight about their rear ends," said Louise. "A nice, round, curvy bottom is a beautiful sight to behold. Now, keep holding on to the bedpost and turn towards me, just enough so I can see the side of your breast. There you go. That's perfect. Now, turn your head back, look toward me, and smile."

After she finished, she told Carrie to climb up on the bed.

"Don't worry about your shoes. I'm not concerned about the bedding. I just want you to look good. Now, I want you to go over to the corner at the foot of the bed."

Carrie began crawling toward the corner. She was trying to keep her shoes from touching the bedding, so her movements were a little awkward. She giggled as she crawled.

"Let's see if I can do this without falling on my fanny. You know, Louise, that wine is really starting to kick in."

"I'm glad you're finally starting to relax. This really isn't that different from the shoots we did all those years ago. Now, turn to face me and balance yourself on your knees. No, not like that."

Carrie started giggling again.

"Come on, work with me, Carrie."

"Sorry, Louise. For a moment there I was recalling the good old days, and how I sometimes used to horse around, just to see what you would do."

"I remember it well, and you have no idea all how many times I was seriously tempted to bend you over my knee and paddle your butt."

"But you didn't."

"No, I didn't, but that's only because you were the best child model I ever worked with. Now let's get back to work, young lady. I want you to face me and raise yourself up on your knees, into a kneeling position. Yes, just like that. Now, I need you to hold onto the bedpost with your left hand. That's right. Turn your head and the top part of your body toward your right and look up toward the ceiling. That's good. Now, lean back just a little and raise your right hand up to your forehead, like you're brushing the sweat off your brow. There, you've got it. That's perfect. Hold it right there."

"But Louise, this is full frontal nudity." Carrie was starting to feel uncomfortable again.

"You have a beautiful body, Carrie. Trust me, this pose is sexy and classy."

Carrie took a deep breath. Holding the pose, she thought about the times back in history when women were told to lie back and think of England. As soon as Louise was finished, she told her to lie down on the bed, facing the camera as she was positioned into a more sexually suggestive pose. Laying there, fully exposed, she realized she'd just sold her virtue. The only thing left for her to do now was to put on her best face, act like a professional, and do whatever it took in order to get the job finished as quickly as possible. Her only consolation was the fact that once it was over she'd no longer be homeless.

"Carrie, hello? Did you not hear me? I said go have a seat in that leather chair."

"Oh, sorry."

She walked over to the leather chair in the corner of the room, where Louise photographed her in several more erotic poses, none of which held anything back from the camera. She felt as if her body was no longer her own. Even the most intimate part of her was now being put on display as Louise instructed her to lean back into the chair and spread her knees as far apart as she could. She could feel more of the effects of the wine. It all felt like a strange, surreal dream.

"I don't know what's gotten into you all of a sudden," remarked Louise, "but you've finally relaxed. Keep it up. You're on a roll."

As soon as she finished, she announced that it was time to break for lunch. Carrie slipped back into her robe, suddenly realizing that she was starving. At least it would be a day when she'd get to have a decent meal. She took her seat at the kitchen table.

"Well, Louise, it's certainly been an interesting morning working with you. I guess by now there's isn't any part of me that you haven't had a good, close look at."

"Indeed I have." She poured Carrie another glass of wine. "For awhile there I was worried that you were really a man in drag. Now I know for certain that you're not."

Carrie's face turned red at her attempt at humor, while Louise hoped that whatever had happened to finally put Carrie's mind at ease would remain for the rest of the day. They had several more sessions to go, and having to stop for her occasional bouts of discomfort had taken up precious time. She watched as Carrie eagerly ate her chicken salad and drank more wine. Hopefully her good appetite was another sign she had calmed down and would be easier to work with.

"As soon as we finish our lunch I want to photograph you taking a bubble bath. Later on I'll be taking some shots of you outside, by the pool. The sun should be at just the right angle in a couple hours."

"What was that?"

"Don't worry," assured Louise. "There's a block wall, and our patio was designed for maximum privacy. I'll only put you in those areas where no one else can see you. After that we'll be all done and you can jump into the hot tub if you'd like. By then, you'll have earned it."

"Thanks. Those photos may look sexy, but most of the poses you've put me in so far sure didn't feel very sexy. My back is starting to ache a little. I'm looking forward to the hot tub."

Louise offered to get some aspirin, but Carrie refused. Once lunch was over they headed back to the dressing room. Louise decided to put Carrie's hair up, again leaving some loose strands around her face, which she touched up with the curling iron. She also redid her makeup.

"Put these on." She pulled a pair of long, dangly earrings out of the wooden box. "This time you won't need any other jewelry. And take your shoes off."

As soon as Carrie was ready, Louise led her into the master bathroom where she turned on the faucet to draw a bubble bath in the large, garden bathtub. As the tub was filling, she adjusted the blinds and moved the light reflectors around.

"This is the time of day when the sunlight comes directly through the windows and it makes for some interesting light and shadows."

Once she was satisfied with the lighting, and the tub was filled to the right amount, she had Carrie step into the water.

"Jeez!" she exclaimed as she tried to settle in the tub. "The water's a little on the cool side, Louise. You know, I'd forgotten just how unglamorous the world of modeling can actually be."

"You're right, so quit being such a wimp. I didn't want the water to be too warm, because I don't want your face to sweat. Besides, it's making your nipples hard, which is what the client wants. Now, if you'll just cooperate with me, young lady, I'll get you out of there as quickly as I can."

Once again, Carrie followed Louise's instructions as she leaned back into the tub. The cool water, however, made the time pass much too slowly. It seemed like forever before Louise told her stand up and place a few clumps of the foamy bubbles around her hips and stomach. As they slowly ran down her body, she explained she was doing her own interpretation of Botticelli's famous painting,
The Birth of Venus
. Carrie was greatly relieved when Louise finally announced they were finished and handed her a towel. Dried off, they headed back into the dressing room for yet another hairstyle change, and then it was time to go out to the pool. The afternoon sun was making some interesting shadows. Carrie stood by, trying to warm herself in her robe, as Louise set up the light reflectors and laid a beach towel down on the deck at the edge of the pool.

"Okay. As soon as you're ready, I need you to come lie down on the towel."

Carrie removed her robe. The outside air was a little chilly, but the warmth of the sun on her skin felt soothing. She felt a tremendous sense of relief knowing it would be their final session. She prayed that after today she'd never have to pose in the nude again.

"I'm proud of you, Sweetness," said Louise. "You got the hang of this and it's really not so bad. Now turn on your side, facing me and prop your head on your elbow. Move your other arm back so it's resting on your hip and bend your top leg, pointing your knee up toward the sky. There you go. Now, look at me and smile."

Louise took a number of shots of Carrie next to the pool and just like before, each pose became more sexually explicit. Finally, she said she was finished, but Carrie's sense of relief quickly faded as Louise moved the light reflectors and told her to step into the shallow end of the pool. At least this time the water felt pleasantly warm. Louise mentioned it was a heated pool and told her to stay at the pool steps. Just like before, many of the poses she was positioned in were very erotic.

"Okay, my dear, that was the last one," she announced as she put the lens cap back on her camera. "Now I'll go turn on the bubbles and you can relax in the hot tub."

Carrie let out a big sigh of relief as she eagerly stepped out of the pool and jumped into the hot tub. Louise soon appeared with a fresh glass of wine. It had been a long day, and Carrie's back, shoulders and legs were all feeling tired and sore. It felt good to finally unwind in the hot, swirling water. Trying to relax, she decided it would be best to not ever think about who would see the photos. Throughout the day Louise had reassured her she would remain anonymous and that anonymity would go both ways.

"I guess I shouldn't allow myself get too comfortable in here." She paused to take a sip of her wine. "I need to head back to my studio soon. You're right, Louise. It's not in the nicest neighborhood, and I try to avoid going in and out after dark."

"Then why don't you stay here tonight, in the guest bed? You drank quite a bit of wine over the course of the day and I don't think you should be driving right now. Besides, you've got your makeup with you, and since you hardly wore your clothes they'll still be fresh and clean tomorrow. I've got some steaks in the fridge that we can cook out here on the grill, and Karl's only known you since you were ten. He's not going to feel uncomfortable with you hanging out in your bathrobe. If he should come home while we're still out here, I'll make sure that he steps inside whenever you decide to get out of the hot tub."

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