The Deception (28 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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"Sorry to keep you waiting, Jonathan."

"It's quite all right." He stood and picked up his case. "In fact, I've been admiring your work. You're very talented."

"Thank you. Once upon a time Louise Dickenson was my mentor and she taught me everything I know. Who knew that someday we'd end up as adversaries?"

As she led him into her office she mentioned that she'd brought in her laptop.

"You'll need to examine it too. That way I can prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that I had no contact whatsoever with Scott Andrews for several weeks prior to those photos being uploaded, and that I had no knowledge of any diabolical plot to infringe upon Louise's copyright."

"I understand, and believe me, I'm here to help you."

He opened his case and began to take out his equipment. Carrie excused herself, explaining that she'd be in the next room cleaning up her studio. She returned a short time later to find him still hard at work.

"So, how's it going?"

"So far, so good. I don't see anything that Louise could possibly use against you."

"That's because it doesn't exist," she said, gleefully.

"I know that, and while I've never doubted your innocence I've wondered one thing."

"What's that?"

"Well, this may be none of my business, but I've wondered what it was that could have possibly happened to you to put you in this mess in the first place."

"Short story long, it all began a few years ago when my mother had a stroke that should have killed her. But, thanks to modern medicine, they managed to keep her alive, although she was more or less a vegetable."

She went on to explain that once her mother's insurance ran out she was left penniless, then homeless, once Doug dumped her.

"I was camped out here, in the back room, for about two months, and it wasn't if, but when, I got caught by my landlord. So when Louise called and offered me that damn photo shoot, I didn't have a choice. It was either sell my virtue and have a roof over my head or live out on the streets, so I had to sell my virtue. Doing that shoot was one of the most unpleasant experiences of my entire life. I honestly felt as if I were being raped by the camera. All I wanted to do was get it over with, as quickly as possible, so I could put it behind me and not have to ever think about it again. Who knew I'd have to live with the unintended consequences for the rest of my life."

"What a horrible position for anyone to find themselves in, and how awful that someone would use it to exploit you in such an ugly way. So what about Alex, your attorney friend?"

"Alex and I go back to our childhoods," she explained, "but then we lost touch with one another for a number of years. This all happened before we reconnected. The real irony is that if I hadn't done the photo shoot, and if I hadn't gotten involved with Scott Andrews, Alex and I probably would have never reconnected. I guess it just goes to prove that every dark cloud really does have a silver lining."

"I suppose, but what about the rest of your family? Didn't any of your siblings try to help you out?"

"No, I'm an only child."

"I see. So what about your father?"

"Dead and buried."

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm not," she replied, coolly. Jonathan appeared to be taken aback by her attitude. "One day he simply vanished from my life, never to be seen or heard from again. I was only five years old when it happened and my mother rarely spoke of him after that. Once I got older I figured out that he must not have given a damn so I quit asking about him. Mama passed away a few weeks ago. After she was gone, Alex went through her papers and found some old court records. Turns out my father got busted for drugs so my mother divorced him. He was killed about a year or so later. Stabbed to death in a parking lot. Case closed and mystery solved."

"So you would have been what, about six when that happened?"

"Yep. After he and my mother separated he could have called me, or written to me, but he never bothered. Apparently, I wasn't worth his time."

"I see." Jonathan let out a sigh. "Carrie, I hope you'll take what I'm about to say in the spirit in which it's intended, and that is to please not judge the man so harshly. Cocaine was all the rage at the time this would have happened. Eric Clapton even recorded a song about its evils. It's a bad, bad drug. It's highly addictive and it destroys people's lives. I should know, because it nearly destroyed mine."

"You're joking."

"I wish I were." Jonathan looked her squarely in the eye. "I'm a recovering cocaine addict, Carrie, and I'll be a recovering addict for the rest of my life. I guess that means we both have our demons that we have to live with. I was a young man when it happened and I didn't think I had a problem until the day I got busted, because I was in complete denial. Going to jail was a life-changing experience for me, because that's what finally woke me up. Luckily for me, my story has a much happier ending. I went into a drug treatment program and I started taking computer-programming courses. I discovered a talent I never knew I had, and once my sentence was up I never looked back. I came to Tucson so I could have a fresh start. That's when I started up my computer business. I got in at the right time and I've done very well, although I have to admit there were times when having money was a real challenge to my recovery. Later on I met a beautiful lady, who I ended up marrying. She's been my inspiration to stay clean and sober, as is our sixteen-year-old son."


"Yes, indeed," he replied, beaming. "Danny plans to go to Arizona State, when he finishes high school. He wants to study business administration and take as many golf classes as he possibly can. His dream is to play golf professionally someday, but even if that doesn't happen, he says most business deals are made on the golf course and I suspect he's probably right."

"Well, he's made a good choice for college. Arizona State is my alma matter."

Jonathan finished running his tests on Carrie's office computer and started working on her laptop. The guard stepped in a few minutes later with her mail. Carrie took a seat at her desk and started opening it. Moments later she let out a blood-curdling scream. Jonathan quickly turned around to find her shaking and whimpering. He saw a cryptic note, made from hand-cut letters, on top of her desk. It read, "I'm not finished with you yet, bitch. Bang. Bang. You're dead."

The security guard burst into the room.

"Call nine-one-one," barked Jonathan. "Now!"

The guard pulled out his cell phone and quickly summoned the police. Jonathan reached over and took Carrie by the shoulders, gently raising her from her seat.

"Come with me, Carrie. I'm taking you to the restroom so you can wash your hands. We don't know if there's strychnine, or arsenic, or some other poison on that paper."


She seemed dazed and confused as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her away. He quickly found the bathroom and walked her up to the sink. He turned on the faucet, once again telling her to thoroughly wash her hands. She was in a mild state of shock, so he had to help her through the process. Once she finished drying her hands, he led her back to her office, pulling her chair away from the desk before sitting her back into it. He heard the sound of approaching sirens and quickly grabbed his phone, placing a call to George.

"We've just had another incident with Carrie Daniels. I need you to come down to her office, as soon as you can."

"What's wrong?"

"She just got a death threat in the mail. I'll fill you in as soon as you get here."

"On my way," said George, "but I may have to make a stop first."

"What for?"

"Alex Montoya, her attorney. Has anyone called him yet?"

"No. I don't have his number, and she's gone into shock."

"In that case, I'll call him and let him know. Just hang on 'til I get there."

"I'm not going anywhere. In fact, the police have just arrived."

He disconnected the call as two uniformed officers rushed into the room. He pointed to the note. One of the officers tried talking to Carrie, but she still seemed dazed and confused.

"I'm working with a private investigator on her civil case," explained Jonathan to the other officer. "You should have a file on her. In fact, there was an arrest made in her case this past weekend."

"What's her name?"

"Daniels. Carrie Daniels."

As the officer radioed his dispatcher for more information, the paramedics arrived. Jonathan stayed with her as they began to check her vital signs. She appeared to be coming out of her fog, but as she did her body began shaking even harder. She started crying and babbling, asking over and over why anyone would want to do this to her. Jonathan handed her a tissue and tried to comfort her as best he could so the paramedics could do their job. The guard soon opened the door. This time Billie Hughes entered.


Carrie stood and pushed her way past the paramedics to embrace her friend. She began sobbing in Billie's arms.

"Calm down," said Billie. "It'll be all right."

"It came in the mail," explained Jonathan. "She was seated at her desk, opening her mail, when I heard her scream."

Billie led her back to her chair. As the paramedics went back to work, she stepped over to the desk to take a closer look at the note. Jonathan stayed with Carrie, once again trying to comfort her.

"It has a Phoenix postmark," explained one of the police officers. "And naturally, there's no return address."

"Bag it," said Billie. "We'll have to turn it over to the Postal Inspector."

"How much you wanna bet the perp was wearing gloves and they won't find any prints?"

"It's still worth a shot, Johnson."

Billie pulled out her phone. Scott Andrews would have to be brought in for questioning. As she was talking, George and Alex entered the room. Alex stepped past the others, making a beeline toward Carrie. She stood from her chair as they wrapped their arms around each other and she began crying again. For the moment both seemed oblivious to the others in the room.

"Scott Andrews didn't do this. My money's on his estranged wife, Maggie," George told Billie as she disconnected her call.

"Really?" She turned to the Phoenix police officer. "Johnson, what's the date on the postmark?"

"It was mailed yesterday."

"You're sure about that?"

"It's right here." He pointed it out as she took a closer look.

"Well what do you know? I guess you're right, George. According to my sources, Scott was arraigned late Monday afternoon. As soon as he posted bond, he left town with his sister, who lives in Payson, and he's been up there ever since."

"Which means he has an alibi. You've got the wrong guy, sister."

"Not according to my supervisor. This could also be the work of someone else who wants to start trouble. For all we know it could even be Louise Dickenson herself."

"So what the hell happened?" asked Alex.

"Someone mailed her a death threat." As Jonathan filled him in on the details, Alex walked over to the desk to take a closer look.

"Son of a bitch! And did I just hear someone say that Scott Andrews has an alibi?"

"Yes, you did," said Billie.

"Hey, guys," said Carrie, "I appreciate everything you're doing here, I really do, but I have to agree. Scott isn't the one who's doing this. It's Maggie. I've paid my penance for whatever sins I've committed. I just wish you all would go do whatever it is that you have to do in order to get the witch locked up and kept as far away from me as possible. This has gone on far too long and I've had enough."

Alex stayed with Carrie while Billie and the two police officers gathered the evidence. They left once Billie finished questioning Jonathan and the security guard.

"She's not showing any signs of being poisoned," said one of the paramedics. "You did the right thing, sir, when you took her in to wash her hands."

"I was just being cautious," replied Jonathan.

The paramedics wanted to take Carrie to the hospital so she could be more thoroughly checked out, but she refused.

"Are you sure?" asked Alex.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken, that's all."

"Okay then," said the other paramedic, "but if you should start feeling ill get to an emergency room right away."

"I'll keep close watch on her," said Alex, "and thank you again."

After the paramedics left, George waited with Alex and Carrie while Jonathan finished testing Carrie's laptop.

"That's it," he finally said. "I'm all done."

"Did you find anything?" asked George.

"Not a thing. The lady's telling the truth, not that I ever doubted her. She had no contact with Scott Andrews. Not by email, instant messaging, social media, or even by letter for several weeks prior to the photos being uploaded to the magazine. I'll send you my report as soon as it's ready."

"Thank you, Jonathan." Alex extended his hand. "And thank you for taking care of her until I got here."

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