The Deception (22 page)

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Authors: Marina Martindale

BOOK: The Deception
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"I understand, but you need to understand this. Maggie Andrews already knows where you work. You're in there by yourself most of the time and I know you keep your front door open during business hours. What's to stop her from walking through your door one day and simply blowing you away?"

"Oh my God," she replied. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"For starters, I want you to have those armed security guards, like I suggested to you before. I also think you should consider changing your business name and moving to another location."

"That's easier said than done, Alex. I've signed a multi-year lease. I can't just move out."

"Didn't you tell me that you're starting to outgrow your office space?"

"I think I did."

"There you go," he said, matter-of-factly. "Let me have a look at your lease, and I'll see if I can negotiate something for you. But in the meantime, I don't want you going back there without the security guards, nor do I want you going any place else alone."

"But Alex--"

"Damn it, Carrie! Would you please, for once, just do as I say and not argue with me? Are you not getting this? I'm not trying to run your life, okay. What I'm trying to do is keep you from getting hurt--or worse. You're the best friend I've ever had. Do you have any idea, any idea at all, of what my life would be like if anything were to happen to you? I don't think I could handle it."

"I'm sorry, Alex."

"Don't be sorry, dammit. Just do what I say, please."

"Okay." She wrapped her arms around him. "I didn't mean to upset you. I'm scared too. I just didn't want to let it show, because I didn't want to worry you."

"I'm okay, Carrie-Anne. I'm your friend, and sometimes worrying comes with the territory."

"Don't worry, Alex. Nothing's going to happen to me, I promise."

They held one another in silence, while Alex pulled himself together. A few moments later he spoke up. "It's quitting time. Let's head out and get you packed."



sure hope I'm not imposing." 

Alex had just deposited Carrie's bags in the guest room.

"Again, will you knock it off, please?" At least he had a smile. "You're not imposing. Truth be known, I kind of like having you around. It gets lonely sometimes rattling around this big house all by myself. Sometimes I wonder why I even bought the place."

"You said you got a good deal."

"Yeah, I suppose. I figured if it would be a good place to raise a family someday, but so far..."

"I understand completely," she replied. "But at least you don't have a biological clock that's ticking. You could wait another twenty years and still have kids. Me? I turn thirty-one on Saturday. It's not like I have all the time in the world. Maybe I'm just not meant to have a family."

"Oh, come on. You hardly fit the image of a lonely old spinster, and you can still have kids well into your thirties, maybe even your early forties. But since you've dropped your not-so-subtle hint I may as well let you know that no, I didn't forget your birthday. In fact, I have something really special planned."

"Really? Like what?"

"You'll just have to wait to find out."

"Oh, come on, you mean you're not going to give me a hint."


"Aw, c'mon, Alex." Her voice was somewhat flirtatious. "Not even just a little teeny-weeny hint?"

"Okay, one little hint. Road trip."

"Really? So, I have to know what to pack..."

"Nice try, but all I'm saying is road trip. No further information will be divulged at this time." He turned to leave. "Meantime, it's been one hell of a day. I'm going to go do a few laps around the pool. Feel free to join me, if you'd like."

"I don't have a suit."

Alex's face turned red. It took him a moment to find his voice.

"Well, then, you might want to pick one up. You'll need it this weekend. In the meantime, I suppose you could go skinny dipping."

Now Carrie's face turned red.

"I think I'll pass, for now, if that's okay. I'll just change into a pair of shorts, grab a glass of wine, and hang out on a chaise lounge in the shade. Meantime, you just dropped another little hint. So, we're going somewhere where I'll need a swimsuit. Where oh where could that possibly be?"

"You know, Carrie-Anne, one attorney in the house is quite enough, thank you, and I'm not telling you anything else. I'll be out by the pool."

Alex stepped out and Carrie changed into her shorts. He was all ready in the pool by the time she got her wine and took her seat on the patio. The house sat on a good-sized lot, and he'd once mentioned that if he ever did have a family he'd have the backyard redone. The desert landscaping would be replaced with trees and grass for his kids to play in. As she looked around the yard and imagined his future children, she felt an unexpected tinge of jealousy. Who might their mother might be? She took a sip of wine as she watched him swimming laps across the pool. He'd turned into a handsome man, with a successful career and a beautiful home to boot. He most certainly wouldn't remain a bachelor forever. Some lucky woman was bound to find him. The day she'd have to step aside for her would be a sad one indeed. She was starting to realize she'd allowed herself to become much too emotionally attached. She let out a sigh and took another sip of her wine.


* * *


Carrie hopped into the passenger seat of the white Camaro, while Alex loaded their bags into the trunk. She waited as he climbed behind the wheel and fired up the engine.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"Nope." He backed the car out of the garage and they headed down the roadway. "It's a surprise, remember."

"Well, it can't be that far away if we're leaving town during the Friday evening rush hour."

"Maybe, maybe not. We might have to drive all night to get there."

Carrie kept asking questions, but Alex remained tight-lipped. They made their way to the freeway and then to the Interstate where he took the eastbound ramp, heading toward Tucson.

"Aha! You're taking me to that resort near Tucson that you told me about. What was it called? Oh yeah, I remember. The Double-Diamond."

"Maybe, maybe not," he replied with a grin. "You'll just have to find out, won't you?"

They stopped at a diner in one of the little towns between Phoenix and Tucson shortly after sundown. Carrie kept asking questions, but Alex remained tight-lipped over their meal. Before long they were back on the highway. They were getting close to Tucson when he exited the freeway and took a road heading toward the mountains.

"Aha! We're going to the Double-Diamond, aren't we?"

"Maybe, maybe not," he replied with a smile. "This could be a back road to someplace else. You never know."

Carrie laughed as she relaxed in her seat. After driving for another half hour they came around a bend and she finally saw the welcome sign.

"Back road my Aunt Fanny." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

The Double-Diamond was a huge resort, surrounded by tennis courts, a pool and spa, a riding stable and hiking trails. The main building resembled a mission-style adobe mansion. As they pulled up to the entrance, a bellhop appeared to unload their luggage. Carrie marveled at the lobby as they stepped inside. The spacious room was wood-trimmed art deco furnished with southwestern decor. It was rustic yet elegant at the same time. She took a seat on one of the sofas, waiting patiently while Alex checked in and got their room keys.

"Ready?" He handed her a key and walked her toward the elevator. "I got adjoining rooms, and mine even has a Jacuzzi. We'll hop in as soon as our bags arrive, and I'll have room service send up a bottle of wine."

"Alex, you shouldn't have."

"Hey, it's my treat. It's my best friend's birthday, and she was living in the poorhouse for far too long. Now it's time for you to relax and enjoy a weekend of pampering. We'll get up early tomorrow morning and do a short hike, before it gets too hot. After that I've arranged for you to get a full treatment at the spa."

"Alex, I don't know what to say."

"It's your birthday. I want it to be special."

The elevator arrived and they headed up to their rooms. Carrie couldn't believe her eyes when she opened her door. She had a small suite, with two king-sized beds and a huge garden bathtub. There was also a balcony with a spectacular view of the mountains. She knocked on the door that connected her suite to Alex's.

"Oh my." He unlocked his side and she stepped in.

His suite indeed had a hot tub. It too had a view of the mountains, along with mini refrigerator and wet bar. There was also a balcony, right next to hers.

"With a room like this, you really don't need to go out, but where do you sleep?"

"Over here."

He led her around a divider, revealing a beautifully furnished sleeping area with two king-sized beds. She was completely memorized.

"This place is so amazing it doesn't even seem real. You know, it's been eleven months since I ended up homeless. Now I can't believe I'm actually in a place like this. I must be dreaming. I'm afraid someone's going to pinch me and wake me up."

"Well, believe it, Carrie-Anne." He wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes. "This isn't dream. It's real. From this day on, your life is going to be better, I promise."

He was about to give in to his instincts and kiss her, when they heard a knock at the door. Their bags had arrived and Carrie returned to her room to change. After Alex tipped the bellhop, he chastised himself.

"Are you out of your mind, Montoya? You're still her attorney, and she's still your client."

He let out a sigh as he changed into his swim trunks. He'
d barely gotten his bathrobe on
when room service delivered the wine. He uncorked the bottle, stopping to savor the distinctive bouquet of a perfectly aged cabernet sauvignon. He filled the two glasses, setting them next to the hot tub as he switched on the jets. He'd just settled into the water when he looked up to see Carrie entering the room, clad in a blue and purple Hawaiian print bikini. For a moment, he was speechless.

"Can I join you?"

"Come on in, birthday girl."

He handed her a glass of wine once she'd settled in the water.

"This feels like Heaven," she said, "especially when you consider that my life has been more like Hell lately. The last time I was in a Jacuzzi was at Louise's house. It was right after we'd finished that damn photo shoot. It was early December and she had me out by the pool, wearing nothing but a pair of earrings. It felt like my buns really were freezing off."

An interesting visual began popping into his head. Once again, he had to silently chastise himself.

"I remember back when we were kids, and you'd take me along on some of the photo shoots you did for Mercer's Markets. It always amazed me just how unglamorous of a job it really was."

"You got that right. The only good thing that came of it was that I was able to pay for college, but it sure wrecked my childhood. How different my life might have been if I could have just been a typical, average kid. But, I can promise you one thing. If I ever am lucky enough to have kids, they won't be child models or go into any other kind of showbiz until they're eighteen."

She took a few sips of wine and leaned her head on Alex's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close. It wasn't long before she became so relaxed that she started dozing off.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Alex gave her a gentle shake. "Why don't we call it a night? It's getting late and tomorrow morning I'll be knocking on your door, bright and early."

"Sorry, Alex," she said, yawning. "I guess between and wine and the hot tub I should sleep well tonight."

They climbed out of the hot tub. Carrie grabbed a towel and gave Alex a goodnight kiss on the cheek. He stood by and watched as she headed back toward her room. She turned to say one last goodnight before closing the door behind her.

"Damn it, Carrie. Why did you have to buy that swimsuit? And why do you have to look so damn good in it?"

He headed off to shower, but once he went bed he couldn't make himself comfortable. As he tossed and turned, he realized the time had come to stop denying his feelings. Somehow, he'd become careless and he'd allowed himself to fall hopelessly in love with his best friend.




he sun was barely up when Alex knocked on Carrie's door. She looked positively radiant when she opened it. She was already dressed and had her hair swept back into a ponytail.

"Rise and shine, birthday girl."

"I'm ready. I just need to put my camera in my backpack."

A minute later they were waiting for the elevator. They decided to postpone breakfast, stopping just long enough to grab a couple bottles of water before heading out. The hot Arizona sun would soon be bearing down on them, and they wanted to get in as much of a hike as they could before that happened. Carrie stopped a few times along the trail to snap photos, saying that she also enjoyed art photography, and that one day she hoped to be able to get some of her work into an art gallery. Two hours later, the sun turned up the heat. It was time to head back to the hotel for breakfast.

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