Read The Dead And The Gone Online

Authors: Susan Beth Pfeffer

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fantasy, #Young Adult, #Adventure, #Apocalyptic, #Dystopia

The Dead And The Gone (30 page)

BOOK: The Dead And The Gone
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Alex knew he should pray for Harvey’s soul, but the only prayer he could utter was “Please God, let me find some food.” He stepped around Harvey and began to search.

The storefront was completely empty. Desperate, Alex opened the door to the bathroom. He found a couple of candles on the sink, and two boxes on top of the toilet.

The first box held nothing but clothes, so filthy Alex could barely make himself touch them. He threw the box onto the floor, took a deep breath, and opened the second one. It was half full with food. Two bags of rice, six cans of red beans, two of black beans, four of spinach, two of split pea soup, one of lentil, one of carrots, three of mixed vegetables, and one of sardines.

If they were careful, the food could last until the twenty-sixth. They’d save the sardines for Christmas.

Alex knew he’d have to move fast. He wasn’t the only person on the Upper West Side praying for food. He pulled out one of Harvey’s shirts, loaded it with the cans and bags and candles, then tied the sleeves together. He unbuttoned his coat, slid the bundle next to his chest, and buttoned the coat back up. It wasn’t much of a disguise, but it would have to do, on the off chance he saw another human being between Harvey’s and home.

He went back through the storefront, glancing briefly at Harvey. “I’ll pray for your soul when I get home,” he promised, then unlocked the door, looked around at the empty street, grabbed the sharpest shard of glass for protection, and began the journey back to safety.



Chapter 18

Saturday, December 17

“Alex, what are you doing?”

“Taking off my coat,” Alex said. “It’s awfully hot in here. I think I’ll open a window.”

“Alex, it’s freezing in here. Alex? Alex, answer me. Bri! Bri, come in here now! Alex’s collapsed!”


Sunday, December 18

“Alex, drink this. Alex, you have to swallow this.”

“Mami?” When did Mami come home? She was at work, at her new job. How could she be home? And why wasn’t he at school? It was too hot to be a snow day. It must be a hundred degrees.

“He’s kicking the blankets off again. Julie, help me.”

“No!” Alex said. “Mami, no. I’m too hot.”

“Alex, it’s all right,” Mami said, but she didn’t sound like Mami. She sounded like Bri. Only Bri was coughing. Bri coughed too much. Papi never coughed. A man didn’t cough. Alex was going to be a man just like Papi. He would never cough.

“Julie, hold him while I get the soup down.”

Alex laughed. How could Julie hold him; Papi could hold him, but not Julie. Where was Papi, anyway? He’d gone away a long time ago, but he should be back by now. Apartment 12B had a problem with plumbing. Papi had to fix it. Papi could fix anything. Papi could fix the moon.

“Do you think he got any of the aspirin down?”

“Yeah, I think so. Alex, keep still. We’re trying to make you better.”

No one ever tried to make Carlos better. Carlos was just fine the way he was. He never had to work for anything. Neither did Bri or Julie because they were girls and no one expected anything from them. No, just Alex had to get better. Whatever he did was never good enough. Vice president. Assistant editor. Second in his class. Never good enough. How-could he be president of the United States if he was only second in his class?

He was tired of being second best. He was tired of trying and failing. He was too hot. He must have died and gone to hell. Only hell could be this hot.


Monday, December 19

Mami washed his face with a cold washcloth. “Don’t fall asleep, Alex,” she said. “Stay awake now.”

Sleep? How could he sleep? He was freezing. Why wasn’t the radiator working? “Papi, I’m cold.”

“Put another blanket on him,” Bri said. “Take one of ours.”

One of their what? Who threw him into a snowbank? Carlos must have. Carlos thought he was a big baby. He’d show Carlos. He’d climb out of the snowbank himself.

“Julie! He’s trying to get up. Hold him down.”

Julie couldn’t hold him down. No one could hold him down. Not even Chris Flynn could hold him down. He was the first Puerto Rican president of the United States. Chris Flynn wasn’t. Carlos wasn’t. Not even Papi was the first Puerto Rican president of the United States. Why would anyone throw the first Puerto Rican president of the United States into a snowbank? Why wasn’t there any heat in the White House?

Kevin respected him. “Hello, Mr. President,” Kevin said.

“Hello, Mr. Vice President,” Alex said. That didn’t seem right. Alex was vice president, not Kevin. What was Kevin? Was he Secretary of State? It was hard to remember.

“Heaven’s not too bad,” Kevin said. “Better than I’d imagined. Lots of copies of
in heaven. Harvey gets me all the latest issues.”

Harvey had opened a newsstand. “Wanna copy of
he asked Alex with a leer. Harvey had lost all his teeth. “Two copies for a can of tomatoes and a spitfire.”

Hell had been so hot, but heaven was even colder. Somehow Alex had thought heaven would always be at seventy-six degrees. Maybe warmer if you wanted to go swimming.

“You might as well die, Mr. President,” Kevin said. “We’re all going to die soon enough.”

“Not I,” said Father Mulrooney. “I will never die.”

Alex was pleased to see Father Mulrooney. “I think you should be Chief Justice,” he said to the elderly priest.

“I’d rather be ambassador to the Vatican,” Father Mulrooney said, shooting his eyebrows so high they bounced against the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

“Want to go body shopping, Mr. President?” Kevin asked. “Look at this nice big pile.”

Alex walked over to the pile of bodies. There must have been a hundred of them. Kevin brought him a ladder so he could climb all the way to the top to look for shoes and watches.

Papi was on top of the pile. Alex picked him up and threw him down to Kevin. “Good catch!” Alex cried.

Next came Mami. “Here we speak English,” she said as he tossed her to Kevin.

Somehow Kevin himself had gotten to the top of the pile. He grinned at Alex and said, “I’m dead, Mr. President. Remember?”

“No you’re not,” Alex said. “I pulled the branch off of you. Kevin! Come back here! Kevin!”

“He’s calling for Kevin,” Bri said. “Do you know where he is, Julie? Maybe he could help calm Alex down.”

“Kevin’s dead,” Julie said.

Alex laughed. Kevin was the only person on earth who hadn’t been a fluicide. Kevin hadn’t waited around to die of the flu. And he hadn’t risked his immortal soul by killing himself. No, Kevin was too smart for all that. He found a tree limb to stand under.

“Good thinking, Mr. Vice President,” Alex said. “We need more men like you at Vincent de Paul.”

Vincent de Paul. It was a school day. Even the president of the United States had to go to school if he wanted to get into Georgetown.

“Bri, help me. He’s trying to get up.”

“Alex, lie still. Don’t struggle so. Alex, it’ll be all right. Just relax.”

Relax. Like the leader of the free world could relax when he was being held down on a snowbank. Where were the Marines when you needed them?

“Here we are!” Carlos said, looking very handsome in his Marine uniform. Aunt Lorraine was standing by his side, sobbing hysterically, but Carlos didn’t seem to mind. “Stay where you are, Mr. President. I’ll take care of Bri and Julie. You’re just a baby.”

“Am not,” the president of the United States protested. “Mami, Carlos is teasing me. Mami!”

“A real man doesn’t need a mother,” Papi said. “Look at me. I’m a real man. I don’t need a mother.”


“Alex, it’s me, Bri. I’m here and so’s Julie. Alex, take another swallow. Do it for us.”

“No! I’m the president of the United States. I don’t have to swallow.”

“Julie, stop laughing. Alex’s delirious.”

“I know,” Julie said. “I just think he’s funny.”

Funny? The president of the United States funny? She should be arrested for treason. Alex decided to make a list of all the reasons why Julie should be arrested for treason, but he was too cold to look for a pencil. He’d take a nap instead. Maybe when he woke up, he’d be warm again.

“Alex. Just one more swallow,” Bri said.

But the president didn’t hear her.


Tuesday, December 20

“Bri! Come here. I can’t get Alex to wake up! Alex! Alex!”


Wednesday, December 21

“What?” Alex said, struggling to sit up.

“Julie, wake up. I think Alex is awake.”

“Of course I’m awake,” Alex said, but he had a feeling all that came out was “Wugga wugga.”

“Alex, look at me,” Bri said. “Do you know where you are?”

That was a tough question, but he’d answered harder ones at school. “Home,” he said. That didn’t sound like “wugga wugga” at all.

Bri smiled. Alex could see Bri smile. Alex smiled back.

“Alex, we want you to drink some of this soup,” Julie said. “Here, take a sip. It’s split pea soup. It’s your favorite.”

Alex was too polite to tell Julie that minestrone was his favorite. He took a sip of the soup. It tasted awful. “You’re a lousy cook,” he said.

“Take another sip,” Bri said. “It’s yummy.”

Alex did as he was told, but the soup was anything but yummy. “Where are my arms?” he asked.

“They’re right by your sides,” Bri said. “You’re in the sleeping bag.”

That made sense, he supposed. “The sun is shining in my eves,” he said.

“The sun doesn’t shine anymore, Alex,” Julie said.

“Santa Madre de Dios,”
Bri said. “The electricity’s back on.”


Thursday, December 22

“What time is it?” Alex asked. “What day is it?”

Julie laughed. “It’s close to three,” she said. “And it’s your birthday.”

His birthday. There was a reason why that was important, but Alex couldn’t concentrate enough to think why. “How long have I been sleeping?” he asked.

“You got sick days ago,” Julie replied. “Saturday night. Today’s Thursday, so you’ve been sleeping all week. You were delirious at first, but since yesterday I guess you’ve been more normal.”

“Fluicide,” Alex said.

“What?” Julie asked.

“The flu,” Alex said. “I must have had the flu.”

“You still have it,” Julie said. “But now I don’t think you’ll die.”

“Was I that sick?” Alex asked.

Julie nodded. “Especially Sunday and Monday,” she said. “You were really crazy on Monday. Then you went to sleep and we couldn’t wake you up and we were terrified. But you woke up on your own, and you’ve been awake a little bit at a time ever since.”

“Did I eat soup?” Alex asked. “I seem to remember soup.”

“We found a bottle of aspirin, so we dissolved pills in the soup,” Julie said. “You hated it, but we got some of it down each time. How do you feel?”

“Awful,” Alex said. “Like a truck ran over me. And I’m wet. How come I’m wet?”

“Well, you sweated a lot,” Julie said. “And you wet yourself. You were in the sleeping bag, and we figured it was better to keep you in it, because you kept trying to get up. When you’re stronger, you can get out of it, and we’ll let it dry.”

Something about the sleeping bag made Alex think of Kevin. “Kevin?” he said.

“He’s dead,” Julie said. “That’s what you told me on Friday.”

Yeah, that was right. Harvey was dead, too.

“I’ll be better soon,” Alex said. “I promise. I’ll be strong enough to take care of you soon.”

And with those words, he fell back asleep.

When he woke up again, it was dark, the only illumination coming from a single candle. “What’s happening?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Julie said. “Go back to sleep.”

But Alex felt more awake than he had in days. “What time is it?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Julie said. “It’s not that late. It’s just dark in here, that’s all.”

“I’m hungry,” Alex said.

“You haven’t eaten very much the past few days,” Julie said. “We still have food, if you want some. Would you like some spinach?”

Alex thought about it and shook his head. “I want something sweet,” he said. “Do we have anything sweet in the house?”

“I don’t think so,” Julie said.

Alex tried to focus. His whole body ached and the throbbing in his head was close to unbearable. “Could you blow the candle out?” he asked. “It hurts my eyes.”

“I don’t think I should,” Julie said. “It’s the only light we have. But I can move it farther away.” She got up and carried the candle to a table behind the sofa so Alex’s back was to it. “Is that better?”

“Yes, thank you,” Alex said. “I know this is crazy, but did the sun start shining while I was sick?”

“You thought it did,” Julie said. “That was yesterday. The electricity came on. It was on today, too, but you slept through it.”

“Electricity,” Alex said. “That’s a good sign.”

“I guess,” Julie said. “The microwave sure made things easier.”

“I don’t suppose Mami or Papi came back,” Alex said. It felt like he’d spent a lot of time with them lately.

“No,” Julie said. “It’s just us. Same as always.”

“Where’s Bri?” Alex asked. “Is she all right?”

“Bri was great,” Julie said. “She and I took turns watching after you. She was really amazing. It’s like she didn’t even care she had asthma. She said we just had to keep our faith that the Holy Mother would watch over you, and she did.”

“And today’s my birthday?” Alex asked. “I’m eighteen?”

“Yeah,” Julie said. “Happy birthday. Sorry there’s no party.”

Alex closed his eyes, trying to remember why his birthday was so important. But before he could come up with an answer, he’d fallen back asleep.


Friday, December 23

His throat was parched. He groped for the glass of water he always kept on the end table, but he couldn’t find it.

“Julie!” he said. “Julie, I’m thirsty.”

“I’ll get you some water,” she said. “And a couple of aspirin.”

Alex waited for her to bring the water to him. When she did, he took a gulp, then swallowed the two aspirin, washing them down with more water. There wasn’t enough water in the world, he thought. Or maybe there was too much. Whatever, he was still thirsty.

BOOK: The Dead And The Gone
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