The Day We Went to War (57 page)

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Authors: Terry Charman

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Great Britain, #Military, #World War II, #Ireland

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Thanks are also due to Laurence Burley, Ann Carter, Paul Cornish, John Delaney, Philip Dutton, Brad King, Emily Macarthur, Andrew McDonnell and Jane Rosen.

Lastly, it gives me immense satisfaction to acknowledge all the help, support and encouragement that I have had from my own colleagues in the Research and Information Department at the Imperial War Museum. Nick Hewitt willingly gave me the benefit of his immense knowledge of naval warfare for the chapter on the War at Sea, as well as shrewd advice on other sections of the book. I am most grateful to him. Sarah Batsford’s contribution to the book has been, at all times, ‘above and beyond the call of duty’. Her extensive researches in the IWM’s collecting departments yielded much in the way of valuable source material that I might otherwise have overlooked. In so many other ways, Sarah’s enthusiasm, support and practical assistance in the book’s preparation have proved invaluable, and I owe her a great debt of thanks. Finally, since the book’s inception, James Taylor has once again proved to be all that a friend and colleague should be, and it is to him that I dedicate
The Day We Went to War

Terry Charman
Imperial War Museum
May 2009




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