The Day Kennedy Was Shot (94 page)

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Lodge, Henry Cabot, 137–138

Long, Joe, 562

Los Angeles Times
, 42, 654–655

Love Field (Dallas), 9, 50, 51, 68, 75, 76, 84–85, 87, 97, 109–110, 120–125, 131, 305–313, 314–315, 560–561, 686

Lovelady, Billy Nolan, 60, 128, 154, 162–163

Lumpkin, Deputy Chief George L., 130–131, 133, 134, 157–158, 161–162, 165, 178, 221, 228, 333, 364, 386–387, 638–639

Lunday, Deputy Chief Ray, 333


MacNeil, Robert, 184, 265

Mafia, 91–93, 135–136

Malley, James, 469

Mamantov, Ilya A., 493–496

Manchester, William, xv–xvi

Manning, Robert, 212, 214–215

Mansfield, Senator Mike, 238, 311, 411, 414–415

Markham, Helen, 257–259, 333–334, 378–379, 389, 421, 462

Martin, B. J., 134, 181

Martinell, William, 514, 549

Marx, Karl, 13, 15, 535

Mathis, Jim, 42

McCabe, J. A., 436, 445, 477–479

McClellan Rackets Committee, 43, 91, 213

McClelland, Dr. Robert, 201, 284, 352

McCormack, John, 199, 239, 248, 337–338, 522–523, 668

McCurdy, Danny Patrick, 651

McDaniel (Dispatcher), 113, 155

McDonald, Nick, 260, 264–265, 277–279

McGee, Bill, 265, 385–386

McHugh, Brig. Gen. Godfrey, 6–7, 23, 78, 105, 108, 286–287, 307, 310, 315, 316, 328, 355, 358, 395, 396, 398, 408, 410, 412, 437, 439–440, 452, 453, 485, 513, 550–551, 647, 665, 682

McIntyre, Bill, 132, 179, 195

McKinley, William, 249, 338

McLendon, Gordon, 650

McNally, Col. George, 97

McNamara, Sec. Robert, 137–138, 239–240, 273, 283
, 398, 409, 411, 414–417, 430, 485, 512, 557, 669, 670

McWatters, Cecil, 208–210, 456–460

Means, Marianne, 206

Mearns, David C., 551

Melcher, Byron, 156

Metzler, James, 453

Metzler, John, 384

Miller, Henry, 147

Miller, Herbert J., Jr., 521

Miller, Lt.-Col. Paul, 384–385

Mills, Thomas, 514, 549

Mindszenty, Cardinal, 346

Mitchell, Willie, 162, 177

Moellenhoff, Dr. Paul, 322, 481

Mollo, Silvio, 135

Monroe Doctrine, 25

Montgomery, Major General, 107

Mooney, Luke, 254

Moorman, Mary, 163–164, 176

Morgenthau, Robert, 135–136

Morse, Senator Wayne, 239

Moyers, Bill D., 296, 307, 318, 330, 337, 354, 396, 455, 464, 531–532, 543, 560, 595–597, 663, 665

Murphy (Officer), 112–113


National Archives, 689–690

National Broadcasting Co. (NBC), 184, 297, 385–386, 548, 607, 616

National Security Council, 91

Nedbal, Maj. Charles, 121

Neiman Marcus, 141, 143, 335

Nelson, Calvin E., 155

Nelson, Nurse Doris, 190–191, 203, 217, 226, 244, 297

Newman, Edwin, 548

magazine, 42, 159, 310, 315, 355–356

New York Times, The
, xvi, 42, 265–266, 298, 333, 606–607

Ngo Dinh Diem, 136–137

Nichols, Alice, 427

Nichols, H. Louis, 639

Nixon, Richard M., 14, 24, 26–27, 68, 230–231, 371

Norman, Harold (Hank), 154, 172, 180–181, 193

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 81


O'Boyle, Archbishop Patrick, 419, 420

O'Brien, Lawrence (Larry), 7–8, 21, 46, 61–62, 82, 87–88, 100–101, 103–104, 107, 108, 118, 130, 158, 159, 286, 290, 298–299, 306–308, 311–313, 315, 316–317, 327–328, 356, 356
, 396, 398, 408, 410, 439, 599, 607–611, 670, 678–679

O'Connor, Paul K., 453

O'Donnell, Kenneth (Kenny), 7–8, 20–22, 24, 27, 29, 45–46, 61–62, 75, 82, 83, 86–89, 101, 104, 108–109, 118, 123, 132, 134, 148–149, 158, 175, 196, 199, 231–233, 238, 242, 246–250, 261, 261
, 268–270, 286–287, 290, 298–299, 307, 311–313, 316, 321, 327–328, 357–358, 396–399, 408, 410, 412, 439, 485, 599, 607–611, 620–621, 637, 670, 678

O'Dowd (Nurse), 237

Odum, Bardwell D., 480–481

Olds, Gregory Lee, 602–606, 627–628

O'Leary, John J. (Muggsy), 8, 60, 453, 607–611

Olsen, Harry, 660–662

Oneal, Vernon B., Sr., 231–232, 269, 288–289, 297, 298–299, 306, 352–353, 480

O'Neill, Francis X., 452, 453, 471, 477, 501, 560, 583, 640

Organized Crime Committee, 91–93, 135–136

Osborne, Capt. David, 453

Oswald, June (daughter of Lee Harvey), 12, 13, 14, 67–68, 74, 363, 391, 421, 493, 505, 528, 537

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 11–16, 39, 67–68, 143, 150, 534–542

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)and, 303, 304, 553, 602–606, 656–657, 686

arrested, 273–280

assassinates President Kennedy, ix, xiii, 172–179, 185–187, 462–463, 686–688

as Alex Hidell, 184–185, 281, 291–293, 334, 421, 473, 552–554, 570, 587, 676

investigation, interrogation, and imprisonment, xvi–xvii, 290–295, 313–314, 318–320, 323–327, 334–335, 344, 349, 359–364, 366–369, 378–380, 386–393, 399–401, 404, 407, 420–425, 456–463, 471–474, 491–498, 503–505, 518–525, 551–555, 581, 582, 600–602, 611, 638–643, 646–647, 649–650, 653–658

killed by Jack Ruby, x, 658
, 689

kills Patrolman Tippit, 256–260, 263–264, 334, 473, 484–485, 504–505, 523, 585, 630, 646, 689–690

as O. H. Lee, 14, 235–236, 282, 314, 320

Oswald, Marguerite (mother of Lee Harvey), 9, 13, 15, 282, 367–369, 373, 495–498, 505–508, 511, 537, 566–568, 674, 688

Oswald, Marina (wife of Lee Harvey), 12–15, 67–68, 73–74, 115–116, 150, 185, 228–229, 283, 304, 327, 331, 359–364, 375, 390–393, 405, 406, 421, 436, 473, 491–498, 505–508, 528, 536–538, 539–541, 566–568, 633, 674, 688

Oswald, Rachel (daughter of Lee Harvey), 12, 14, 363, 373–376, 391, 421, 492–493, 495–496, 505, 508

Oswald, Robert (brother of Lee Harvey), 494, 498, 507, 509–511, 527–528, 567–568, 581–582

Owens, Sgt. Calvin, 149–150, 279

Oxford, J. L., 361


Paine, Michael R., 363, 390, 392–393, 436, 491–492, 497, 538

Paine, Ruth, 11–14, 33, 67–68, 73–74, 115–116, 150, 228–229, 283, 304, 325–327, 331, 359–364, 390–393, 406, 424, 436, 491–498, 505–508, 536–538, 553–554, 566–568, 633, 646

Pappas, Icarus M., 634–635

Parades, Providencia, 512

Parkland Memorial Hospital (Dallas), 10, 116, 177–178, 190–192, 194–204, 215–217, 221–227, 231–233, 241–251, 261–262, 265–271, 281, 284–290, 296–299, 322, 331–333, 352, 372–373, 376–377, 406, 435–436, 440, 477, 480–481, 502, 516, 531, 572, 572
, 583, 584

Paterni, Paul, 514–516, 549, 641

Patman, Dr. , 352

Paul, Ralph, 525

Paul VI, Pope, 666

Peace Corps, 345, 383, 419

Pearson, David, 419, 556, 579, 636–638, 681

Pepsi-Cola Corporation, 27

Perry, Dr. Malcolm, 191, 201, 233, 284–285, 440, 517
, 572

Peters, Dr. Paul, 201

Phil's Delicatessen (Dallas), 573–576, 651, 659

Pic, John Edward, 367, 373, 498

Poppelwell, Jim, 399–401

Postal, Julia, 273–276

Powers, David (Dave), 21–22, 108, 118, 132, 148–149, 175, 196, 268–269, 286, 289, 290, 312–313, 316, 327, 358, 396, 398, 408, 410, 599, 607–611, 637, 670, 677–678

President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, xvi, 656
, 686, 690–691

Price, C. Jack, 196, 231, 245, 297, 406

Procathedral (Washington, D.C.), ix-x, xi, 384, 419, 487, 558

Profiles in Courage
(J. F. Kennedy), xv–xvi, 346

PRS (Protective Research Section), 38–39, 47, 65, 342, 489

Puterbaugh, Jack, 130


Radio Free Europe, 281

Radziwill, Princess Lee, 559

Radziwill, Prince Stanislaus, 559

Ragio, Greer, 628

Raihe, Lloyd, 453

Randall, Linnie Mae, 33–34, 362, 435, 463, 478–479, 544–545, 579–581, 639

Rayburn, Sam, 337, 543, 597

Ready, John, 132, 158, 178

Reardon, Ted, 383, 432

Reed, Edward, 453

Reed, Julian O., 268

Reid, Mrs. Robert, 183–184

Revill, Jack, 95, 295, 301–302, 323–324, 399, 444, 472, 586

Richards, Joe, 196

Richardson, Sid, 9

Riker, Audrey, 299

Roberts, Charles, xvii, 42, 159, 310, 315, 321, 355–356, 356
, 397, 407, 409

Roberts, Earlene, 234–236, 313–314, 462, 463, 553, 586

Roberts, Emory, 132, 179, 194, 198–199, 202–203, 216, 245–246, 248, 251, 531–532, 542, 561

Roberts, Juanita, 432, 455, 531

Robertson, James I., 551

Robinson, Thomas, 609, 647–648

Rogers, Congressman Walter, 158

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 432, 547, 597

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 411, 616

Roosevelt, Theodore (Teddy), 249

Rose, Dr. Earl Forrest, 285–290, 322, 330–331, 480–481

Rose, Guy F., 291, 359–364, 435–436, 445, 477–479, 492, 544–545, 579–581

Rosen, Alex, 469

Ross, Barney, 578

Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, 164

Rowley, James J. (Jim), 38–39, 41, 75, 97, 188, 342, 416–417, 489, 514, 522, 525, 551, 561, 572–573, 689–690

Rubenstein, Jacob, 484, 564

Rubin, Harry, 104

Rubin, Louis, 86, 248–249

Ruby, Hyman, 525

Ruby, Jack, x, 98–100, 120, 145, 150–151, 282, 323, 331, 349–352, 380, 425–427, 465, 482–484, 525–526, 530, 561–566, 574–576, 593–594, 611–612, 625, 627, 631, 633–636, 643–644, 650–652, 657–658, 658
, 660–663, 674, 689

Ruby, Sam, 564

Rudnicki, J. G., 453

Rundle (Agent), 446

Rusk, Sec. Dean, 137–138, 212–215, 248, 282, 340–344, 398, 428–430, 615–617


Saccu, Peter, 19–20, 31–32, 72

Saffron, Don, 426

St. John, Reverend George, 73

St. Matthew's Procathedral (Washington, D.C.), ix-x, xi, 384, 419, 487, 558

St. Patrick's Cathedral (Washington, D.C.),xi

St. Peter's Basilica (Rome), 666

Salinger, Nancy, 138

Salinger, Pierre, xiv, xvii, 43, 103, 137, 138, 211–215, 341, 343, 398, 616, 620, 637

Salyer, Dr. Kenneth, 201

Sanders, David, 232

Sanders, H. Barefoot, 284, 330

San Duval, Elaine, 60

Santa Fe Building (Dallas), 65–66, 187–188, 229–230

Sawyer, Herbert, 207–208, 255

Scherer, Ray, 518

Schlei, Norbert A., 523

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 398, 414–415, 490, 551

Schwartz (Asst. Sec. of State), 524

Scoggins, William, 257–259, 462

Scott Foresman & Company, 60, 126

Senator, George, 658

Senkel (Detective), 436

Shanklin, Gordon, 65–68, 187–188, 222, 301, 344, 428–429, 455, 469, 520, 522, 618, 640, 645

Shaw, Maude, xvii, 18–19, 149, 236–238, 338–340, 381–383, 451, 465–469, 577

Shaw, Dr. Robert, 242–243, 352

Shelley, William H. (Bill), 60, 127, 154, 228

Shepard, Capt. Taz, 383–384

Sheraton Hotel (Dallas), 97, 131, 133, 190, 273

Shires, Dr. George T., 352

Shires, Dr. Tom, 190–191

Shriver, Eunice Kennedy (Mrs. Sargent), 310–311, 383, 451–452, 463–464

Shriver, Sargent, Jr., 345, 356, 383–386, 411, 418–420, 486–487, 550–551, 556–558, 577–579, 596, 598–599, 636–638, 679–680, 681

Sibert, James W., 452, 453, 471, 477, 501, 560, 583, 641

Sidey, Hugh, 266

Silverman, Rabbi Hillel, 563–565

Sims, R. M., 93, 292, 304, 379, 460, 574–575, 611, 614, 626

Sindelar, Robert, 574

Sinkle, Billy, 130

Skelton, Royce, 171

Skinner, Sgt. Darrel, 214

Slack, Liston, 4, 7

Smith, Merriman, 42, 109, 132, 181–182, 194, 196, 197–198, 211, 266, 310, 321, 355–356, 397, 407, 409

Smith, Stephen, x

Sorensen, Ted, 346, 383, 398, 431

Sorrels, Forrest V., 75–76, 131, 159, 166–167, 170, 175, 221, 252–253, 318–320, 342, 459–460, 474, 552, 585

Souter, Capt. James, 155

Southland Life Building (Dallas), 97, 142

Southwest Automotive Company, 311

Springer, Pearl, 165

Squires, Harry A., 28

SS-100-X, 97, 490, 514–516, 641–643, 674–675, 688, 690

Stalin, Josef, 341

Standridge (Nurse), 190

State Department, 39, 413–414, 428–430, 471, 540

Statler-Hilton Hotel (Dallas), 529, 581–582, 689

Stemmons, Mr., 189–190

Stevenson, Adlai, 11, 118, 146, 282–283, 343, 577, 578, 644, 650–651

Stevenson, Deputy Chief W. W., 9–10, 94, 155–157, 205, 654

Stewart, Robert, 94–95

Stinson, William (Bill), 203, 243, 268

Stoner, Capt. James, Jr., 452

Stoughton, Capt. Cecil, 5–6, 311, 312, 316–318

Stout, Stewart, 299

Stovall, Richard, 291, 301, 359–360, 363, 445, 544, 579–581, 639

Stringer, John T., Jr., 453

Stroble, Edwin B., 609, 647–648

Styles, Sandra, 167

Sullivan, William C., 469, 471

Sweig, Dr. Martin, 522–523

Swindal, Col. James, 6, 97, 107, 110–112, 116–117, 121, 131, 295–296, 299, 307, 315, 320–322, 353–359, 393–395, 409, 411–412


Tague, James T., 166, 171, 174, 192, 503, 641
, 688

Talbert, Capt. C. E., 330, 444, 504

Taylor (Agent), 490

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