The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6) (9 page)

BOOK: The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6)
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I have no idea who is on
whose side. I need to find Jubbler!

Wind rushing past his ears, Lefty made his way to the docks that had become the battleground of the bloody revolt. Somewhere in the throng, a deep eerie voice rang out.

“I am Zorth! Vanquisher of all evil!”

The pleas and cries of men came to an abrupt halt.

“Get that halfling!” someone cried. “He’s responsible for this!”

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw two men and one dwarf coming his way. Behind them was the orcen Quarter Master.

The big orc cracked his lash over his head. “Bring that little blond head to me!”

Lefty dashed down into the Quarters, wedged himself between the crates, and began pushing himself to the other side. Booted feet rushed over the planks.

One. Two. Three
. He counted as they passed by his spot.

That was close!

“That’s a dead end, rogues!” The Quarter Master yelled. His broad back blocked the narrow space between the crates. “Wait
a minute. I smell something.
Sniff. Sniff
. I smell fear!” The Quarter Master turned and peeked into the space.” Ah, there he is!” He reached inside the space, fingers clutching, catching hold of Lefty’s shirt. “I have you now!”


He pulled away, but the grip of the orc was strong.

Come on
, Lefty!

He dug
his little fingers into the next crate and held on for dear life.

“Hah! Hah! Hah! You aren’t going anywhere, little halfling, except
into the murk when I’m through torturing you!”

The orc’s pimply and pitted face was pale, merciless. Lefty never imagined facing death would be so horrible. Desperate, he bit down on the orc
’s finger with all his might.

The orc roared, but held tight, yanking him out from between the crates with one powerful tug, skinning his face. The Quarter Master held
him up by the scruff of his collar and stuck the long yellow nail of his finger in his face. He bared the canines of his teeth.

“You bit me like a yellow
-headed rodent; now I’m going to bite you!”

The three other thieves gathered round.

“Take a hunk off his leg!”

“No, bite his ear off!”

The dwarf pulled out a long knife and said, “Let me cut off his toes.”

kicked and flailed.

The orc laughed.

“What’s the matter, rodent? Are you offended that I won’t cook you first?”

! I’m offended by the smell of sewage in your mouth.”

“Hah! Ha—

Lefty drove his foot into the orc
’s throat.

The orc hoisted him over his head and slammed him into the ground.

He saw bright spots and felt his shoulder pop out of place. His eyes watered.

The orc stood over him, rubbing his greasy neck.

“Ooo, that little fit cost you, didn’t it, Halfling? Hah! The little bird cannot fly away with a busted wing. Tie him up. Once this fight is over, we’ll put him on a spit!”




Three burly figures leapt from the crates over them, each landing on a different thief.

One was Jubbler
. The crusty dwarf drove a short sword into the neck of the dwarf. The other men’s bellies were run through with spears.

Huffing, three dwarves stood there, squaring off on the Quarter Master
. The orc ripped his swords from his scabbards.

“Come on then,” the orc said.

Lefty scooted back behind Jubbler. The dwarf with pig tails in his beard stepped between him and Jubbler.

“The revolt is over
, Quarter Master. Palos’s reign is done. Drop those blades of yours, if you want mercy! Huh!”

“Huh!” the orc
said. “Fool babbler! Think you I’ll surrender! Think I want mercy?” He beat his chest. “The only thing I’m going to do is skin the hide from your thick dwarven necks, you loon, Jubbler!”

The Quarter Master sunk his blade in the nearest dwarf’s chest.

“Hah! I’m a warrior, not a thief!”

The other dwarf jabbed his spear at the orc
’s knees. The Quarter Master spun away, knocked the shaft aside, and stuck his other blade into the dwarf’s skull. The orc flashed them a nasty grin. “I’m gonna carve you both into troll food. Tiny little bits that are easy to swallow.”

felt like he was going to vomit.  Jubbler was dragging him back, but the dock was running out of room.

“I’ve a confession to make. Huh. Lefty. Huh. I can’t swim,” Jubbler said
. The dwarf eyed the lake and the orc.

“Everybody knows dwarves can’t swim. Don’t feel bad. I don’t think I can now either,” he said
. He was wincing and holding his shoulder. He could maybe run if he had to. Dash right past the Quarter Master. He couldn’t leave Jubbler though. But he needed to find Erin.

What to do!

The orc wrenched his dripping blade from the fallen dwarf’s skull.

“I’m going to enjoy this

Can life get any worse in this world? I’ve failed at everything!

“Tis a shame, Lefty. Huh. We have this thing won! Huh. Huh. Palos’s rule is over!” Jubbler said. He shuffled back another step. Only a few feet of planks left between them and the water. “Tell you what. Huh. I’ll fight. Huh. You run. Huh. Tell them I need help. Huh. They’ll run this pile of pig slat through. Huh.”

“Bravery, the blood
-letter of fools,” the orc said. The Quarter Master was within striking distance.

bbler stopped, stood up and wrapped both hands around his sword.

“Nice knowing you
, Lefty. Huh. And remember. Huh. Master Gillem would be proud. Just make sure you master those absidium chains.” He raised his sword. “My hide and skull much thicker than my brother’s, Orc!”

The Quarter Master bang
ed his steel together. “We’ll see about that!”

Lefty’s heart
sank. He didn’t have many friends left. The last one he’d lost, Gillem, he wasn’t close to getting over yet. Something swelled inside his chest. With his magic feet, he might be able to run right past the orc and find safety. After all, he had to find Erin. But the thought of another friend dying tore at him.


The orc swung.

Jubbler parried.





Jubbler’s sword skidded over the deck and plopped into the waters.

, Lefty!” the dwarf said.

Fight or die!

On magic feet he charged.
“NOOOOOOOOO!” He slammed into the Quarter Master’s chest, barreling him over.

“What!” the orc cried out.

Lefty kicked. It was all he could do. His shoulder was useless.

Jubbler did the same.


A steel pommel hit
Lefty in the head. Blood oozed over his eyes.


Jubbler fell face first onto the deck.

The Quarter Master gathered his feet under him and stood over them.

“Nice try, little people.” He snorted and licked his lips. “But now it’s time to die. Mmmm. I’m going to be eating good tonight.” He raised his swords over his head.

Exhausted, Lefty couldn’t move an inch. Beside him, Jubbler lay face first on the
deck. Out cold. Lefty spit blood. He’d fought with all he had in him.

It was the right thing to do. Save a friend a little longer. It had to be.
Fight or Die.

He closed his eyes.

I’m sorry, Kam and Erin.

“I am

Lefty’s weary eyes snapped open.

Thorn’s face and haggard figure quickly approached, wielding a gleaming sword as long as a man in his hands.

“Vanquisher of Giants
! Dragons and Evil Doers!”

“What! Thorn!”

The Quarter Master roared and charged.

ll not be robbing me of my—”


Thorn swung through the big orc, shattering his blades with one stroke. Blood spilled from the slit in his waist. The orc gawped.  The great sword sung again, ripping the head from his shoulders. It bounced off the deck and splashed into the waters.

“I am Zorth! The end of all evil is at hand!”

Lefty leered up at the tall and rangy man. His face was charred and pink. His eyes black. The man he’d known as Thorn was gone and wouldn’t be missed. But now, whoever had him possessed was a far superior threat. Lefty lost his breath when Zorth looked down on him with burning black eyes. Blood was dripping from the blade.

“I am Zorth! No evil shall remain!”

Am I evil?

Lefty watched the blade go up like it was a mile high in the air.

Or is he insane?

Blue eyes wide as saucers
, he watched the blade descend.

Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip!

Crossbow bolts ripped into the big man’s body.

Thorn turned and face
d his agitators. Filled with bolts in his chest, legs and neck, he stormed up the deck.

“I am Zorth!
Avenger of Good. Vanquisher of Evil!”

dozen thieves greeted him. Crossbows rocking.

Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip!
Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! Clatch-Zip! ...

Zorth crashed into the ones at the top of the
bank. A dozen bolts in his chest. The Sword of Zorth rose and fell. Bones were splintered. Cries went out. Many rogues twitched on the bloody deck. Others searched for their limbs.

“I am Zorth! Destroy—


A bolt went inside his
one temple and stuck out the other.

The great sword
clattered to the deck. The remaining rogues chopped Thorn into ribbons.

Lefty wiped the blood from his eyes.

Thank Bish!

A strong hand squeezed his bad shoulder. He flinched.

It was Jubbler. “You alright, Huh!”

“Aye!” Lefty said, swallowing.


“Jubbler! Do you know where
Erin is?”






The world of Palos was dark, sadistic, perverted and dreary. Kam was choking in the man’s darkness with only his laughter echoing inside her ears.

“Kam,” he taunted. “I told you that you’d be my whore forever. Now I have you.”

Light of a candle flared, illuminating a small wood paneled room with no doors. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she sat on her knees, now a little girl with all the insecurities in the world. Bugs the size of her fist scurried over the room. Each with a different facade of Palos for a face. One crawled up her bound arms and spoke with antennas twitching.

“Are you afraid, litt
le girl? Do you fear the night?” He shape-shifted into a rat. “The rodents. The creatures that slither across the floor!” He turned into a burning green snake and coiled his tail around her neck. “Shall I burn your mind the same as you did my belly?” He hissed. “Hmmm… you lactating witch!”

She could
n’t tear her gaze away. She was hypnotized with his power.

“What am I doing here?” she cried out. “Where am I! Where am I!”

The candle went out. Everything was gone. Only the sound of her sobs remained.

hat am I doing inside the mind of Palos?

She had to find him. Find something. Find a way out of his maze.

“You never should have come here, Kam!” His voice screamed. “I’ll never let you out!”

The sound of a heavy metal door bang
ing closed. She found herself inside a room, her full adult body bound up in chains. It was freezing. She shivered without control. Her chin quivered. Her teeth clacked.

Palos appeared before her, dressed in warm white clothes, handsome and captivating. He lifted her trembling chin into his soft hands and looked her straight in
the eye.

“Kam, swear yourself to me. Be my slave
, and I’ll end this misery,” he said.

She tried to look away, but his words, his warmth, w
ere so inviting.

But I hate you

A tear dr
opped down her cheek and froze on her chin.

He kissed her forehead.

“You don’t hate me, Kam. You desire me. You want me. Give in to me, and all will be well again,” he said.

Why am I here?

She shook her head
and looked down at the frosty chains that covered her naked frame. Her breath was frosty.

“So cold
… I can’t think,” she said.

She was disoriented, lost and frozen. All of her memories, her passions, feeling and anger were gone. If she had an issue with Palos, she couldn’t remember it. Why would she be angry with Palos? He was such a charming man.

Isn’t he my friend?

Of course I’m your friend,” he said. He stroked her hair with the back of his soft hand. “I’m your only friend now. I can save you. Just swear yourself to me. I’ll protect you and your daughter.”

…” she said, fighting against her dream-like state, “daughter?”

The one you are looking for …
A dark, powerful voice spoke.

?” she said. She looked around.

“Who are you
?” Palos demanded, jumping back from her. “Who is this, Kam? Who are you?”

There was fear in
the voice of the Prince of Thieves now. It was an alarming sound. An awakening. The cold chains that bound her faded away into her green mage’s gown. She shook her head.

The dark voice spoke again, more demanding this time.
Where is her daughter, Palos?

“Erin!” Kam

A dark figure of shadows emerged between Kam and Palos. Its eyes were two burning rubies
, and it had a hooked nose. Its gaze sent a chill straight through her.

Palos’s face filled with horror.
“Get away from me!” He drifted back into the metal door, panic in his eyes. He turned and pulled at the handle. It would not open.

“Where’s my daughter
, Palos!” Kam shouted. Her strength was returning.

“I’ll never tell! I’ll never—AYEEEEEEEE!”

The black figure’s fingers stretched out like tendrils, filling Palos’s nostrils and mouth, burrowing into his ears.

Where is the girl, deceitful one?

Palos shook his head. He ground his teeth.


Then I shall dig it out myself!

The black figure
reached deeper into Palos’s mind.

The Prince of
Thieves screamed.

The black figure ripped out his mind.

Kam’s eyes popped open. She was gasping. Lying in a pool of her own sweat by the fireplace on Palos’s apartment floor. Rubbing her head, she looked up and found the Prince of Thieves still bound to his chair. His eyes were rolled up inside his head. He babbled. Drool spilled from his mouth onto his chest.

“What happened?” Struggling to her feet
, she scanned the room, worried. “Where are you? Where is Erin?” She looked down at her hand. It was glowing like fire. The red gems she no longer held. They were now embedded inside her hand.

“No! What madness is this
?” She tried to rake them out on the chair. On the table. She screamed. “You said you’d help me find my daughter. Tell me what you found out from Palos!”

His mind did not escape the inquiry. Time to serve, Kam!

Exhausted, Kam fell to her knees, gaping at her hand. What had she done? She’d wanted to live so desperately that she would have done anything to see her daughter again. Now she was bound with a force she couldn’t have dreamed of. Only moments ago, she was going to be the slave of Palos, and now she was the slave to something else. And she still didn’t have Erin.

Wiping her sweaty locks from her face
, she said, “What would you have me do?”

BOOK: The Darkslayer: Chaos at the Castle (Book 6)
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