The Darkslayer: Book 02 - Blades in the Night (35 page)

BOOK: The Darkslayer: Book 02 - Blades in the Night
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YOU are tormenting me with those beautiful lips.

Now skimming in Three isn’t the same as skimming in Bone or elsewhere. If you got skimmed here, you were just ignorant for admitting to it, so you take your losses and go. Fogle Boon wasn’t setting you up for coin; he was setting you up for humiliation. The tavern only had room for one big shot and that was him.”

Venir interrupted with a finger. “Hey, where is that waitress? I’m empty.”

The story, food, and mead managed to take off a lot of the edge that had been building up for days, and Venir was beginning to feel himself again.

Don’t overdo it,” Kam said, “or you will forget the story

Maybe I want you to tell it to me again, then. It
off your tongue and into my heart so well.”

Settle down,
boy. We’ll get to that later,” she said with a wink. “I remember the scene, right over there by that fire.” She pointed with her lips. “And Fogle Boon, a man not even half your size with a head just as big, sits down at your table for a challenge. You laugh at him and ask him if he wants to arm wrestle.”

She shook her head.

Well, we all knew that Fogle Boon, the most
dominant will
in the room was eager to teach you a lesson. He just gave you a deceptive little smile and laughed. I’d seen big men take on small halflings before, but the differences between the two of you couldn’t have been more vast. You were in a white cotton shirt, bulging at the seams, and I could see that tattoo through it on your knotted back.”

He could hear the excitement in her voice.

The bets were quiet, discreet, and quick, as you could not have known who you were up against, but nothing was in your favor. I just hoped you would walk out of here and not be carried, because Fogle Boon was notorious for having killed a man the likes of you before. You both sat there, smiling, confident, and proud. Another mage was casting the cantrip while you both locked your eyes and waited for the wills to connect.”

She took a sip and wiped her lips.

Normally matches last maybe a minute or two before someone yields and breaks out. But the opponents of the Tormentor were usually undone in seconds. The crowd was quiet and tense, and there was a lot of snickering going on all around. It was clear when both of your wills locked as both of your faces grew taut.” She paused.


I was just making sure you were still listening?”

I couldn’t stop listening if a dozen orcs were breathing down my neck.”

He winked, and she blushed and continued on.

The first few seconds brought sweat to your brow like raindrops but Fogle Boon’s head was bone dry and just as white.
, then
more seconds past and the people started to stir in alarm as they were astounded you were still locked in. No one had ever even gone
seconds with
before. Then the betting became intense to see if you could go ten more and make it to thirty. And you did!”

Venir hadn’t noticed the small crowd that surrounded them as Kam was retelling the story. Her voice was distinct as well as alluring, and her enthusiastic crescendos sucked them in like she was a singing gypsy.

Now the people were talking and word was spreading, and minds were signaling that Fogle was fighting over thirty. But then someone said, ‘He’s just toying with the ape; it’ll be over soon, you’ll see’ but you made it to
. You were snorting like a wild brush hog and breathing heavy like the fever was on you, but you still hung in there.
seconds took and people started cheering for
I don’t think either you or Fogle heard a thing, though, but I know he sensed he was in for a fight and he turned it on.”

Someone in the crowd gulped behind Venir.

You could see it because suddenly his faced reddened and a tiny blue vein rose across his prominent forehead and at
sixty seconds
gone, you sat there and your nose started bleeding something awful.”

She stared at him.

Do you remember all that blood, Venir? I don’t think you would have bled less if someone had cut your nose off.”

He shook his head and motioned for her to continue.

All right. All right!” She waved her hands. “Now over a
had passed, and you both were sweating and shaking. You began to pale, and I was certain that the blood loss and Fogle were finally wearing you down. You slumped down in your chair. I thought you were dying. It scared me to death.”

Her voice began to rise and she spoke faster.

Fogle must have sensed that too. He went for the throat. You shook
in your seat like a possessed man and you began to stammer and stomp. Then your bloodshot blue eyes popped open. You screamed a bloodcurdling scream the likes no one ever heard. Your eyes rolled up into your head. Blood covered your shirt and dripped on the floor. I swore I could hear your mind roar when it happened.”

She took a big drink; they all did.

What happened?” someone shouted.

Something amazing! I don’t know how else to explain it but it looked like a giant invisible fist smashed Fogle Boon’s nose straight into his face with a nauseating
Blood sprayed and the crowd screamed in bewilderment and horror, and Fogle Boon’s eyes opened wide as he fell back to the ground and lay still like a poisoned rodent. We thought he was dead, but his heart was clearly pumping blood out of his body and onto my floor. The stain is still there, by the way.”

Everyone, it seemed, looked to the spot, and, indeed, a large dark spot stained the stones inlaid over the floor.

You could always put a nice rug over it, Kam,” Venir said.

Ha. That would just cost me money. Anyhow, everyone looks at you as Fogle’s men took his limp body away. Your white cotton tunic is soaked in sweat and blood. Your rugged face is no longer sun-browned, but ashen instead. Your eyes are blazing like a rapid wolf and you are shuddering. It was a pitiful sight and my heart went out to you.”

It did? Aww …”

I felt bad for you, that was all. I didn’t want someone dying in my bar. Your big grave would be costly,” she said.

He nodded.

The people were settling over the rules of the bets then and trying to decide if it went the full two minutes, longer or shorter. The girls and I grabbed some towels and covered you up with them and tried to clean you up. Your body was ice cold, but after a few minutes, your face came back to color and you looked at me and said, ‘You sure are pretty. Can I have a kiss?’ I said, ‘No,’ and then you asked me if you could have a drink instead. I turned to fetch it and you pinched me on my rump.”

Now that I remember!” Venir said.

The audience laughed and patted him on the back and congratulated him as if he had just completed the feat again.

Kam’s eyes were showing him fondness when she said, “That was one amazing event that night, but I enjoyed the one from later on far better.”

Me, too. It was certainly more memorable.”
she said, rubbing his hand, “are you going to ever tell me what you saw when you locked with Fogle Boon? I know how those battles go. You see things like dreams and flashes. Can you tell me more?”

I can’t really say for sure, Kam. It was the first time I ever did a mind contest. I have seen so many things, it’s hard to tell the difference sometimes. All I can say is that Fogle Boon played the wrong hand and I must not have liked it.”
Kam pouted a bit. He knew she couldn’t stand not knowing. She always wanted to know more about his inner man. He didn’t understand why. She always told him that men tended to darken as the world of Bish wore them down, but not him. That was why she put up with him. He didn’t mind.

So, Kam, whatever happened to Fogle Boon anyway? Did he ever come back to the Magi Roost again?”

No, and neither did any of his cohorts, either. That was a lot of good business you cost me that night. He was my best customer.”
“You know that people have been pouring in here ever since.”

It’s not the same. Fogle Boon wasn’t the most charming man, but he kept things in order. Ever since he left and you left, it’s been without character. It’s like the greatest night that could ever happen here happened and no one thinks something that exciting could ever happen again.”

Venir clasped her hands in his and said softly, “I bet we can achieve another a great thing.”

No doubt you want to try.”


Stop,” she said, pulling her hands away. “I don’t have time for old flames, lover boy. I have things to do—”

Her words dropped off and she gave a puzzled stare as she glanced behind him.

What is it, Kam? And don’t act like something urgent has happened and you are needed elsewhere. I know how you girls cover for each other whenever a fella gets too close to getting his mitts on you.”

He was agitated now, as he didn’t want to stay up all hours of the night trying to woo his former love. His needs needed met.

It’s not that, Vee,” she said, still looking over his shoulder.

Really, I suppose it’s something else more ridiculous then. Look, Kam, it’s been a long time. I really can’t explain how badly I want you now.
Soon. Now.

Stop. It’s not that. Really,” she said, her eyes still looking past him.

He tossed his hands in the air in question, slumping back in his chair.

Remember when you were asking me what happened to Fogle Boon?” she said.


He rolled his eyes and began finding the bottom of his decanter.

Well, if you really want to know, you might want to turn around.”

Why would I do that?” he said after a gulp.

Because he’s right behind you.”





I bet you didn’t expect to see me here?” Fogle Boon said.

Kam studied the serene face of the mage. The scholarly man of similar age gingerly pulled a chair alongside their table, sat down, crossed his legs in good manner, leaned back, and stared Venir directly in the eyes. She swallowed deep. Venir’s hard gaze met the man across from him with a curious look. She didn’t know what to think. She waited. Time seemed to stop as she looked back and forth between the two, but more so on the man she thought had disappeared. He made her very nervous inside.

Fogle Boon was adorned in a set of green and white robes, laced in extravagant patterns that only magi understood. His small frame and slender shoulders seemed mismatched compared to his large head with small enigmatic features. His shoulder-length hair was thick, black, and wavy. She remembered it as being short, the transition more pleasant.

His clasped fingers were large and refined, decorated with rings of expensive and mystic designs. His countenance was bright and intelligent, and his pale blue eyes shone like sprinkling waters. Something was different but she tensed up as he opened his mouth to speak.

I am glad to see that you recounted the story of my demise so well, Kam. I found it rather enjoyable, despite my upending,” he said, without taking his stare from Venir.

Was this the same bitter little man who never once tipped a waitress? Offered courtesy? Or courted a woman? She looked to Venir, who sat there, arms crossed over his big chest, seeming bored.

Her mouth was dry as she said, “It is good to see you, Fogle. I must say that I am very surprised, however, as your timing couldn’t have been less predictable.”

Fogle chuckled, something Kam never recalled him doing.

Ah … well, word gets around, and so long as I am not dead then I am not likely to miss out on any pertinent news. I knew this man had arrived long before he was here. I have been waiting for his return … for quite some time.”

Venir shifted in his seat. She was bewildered.

This Fogle Boon was different from the man she’d known before. He was similar to Kam herself in the sense that he was a Royal rebel of sorts, but more renowned. His tight lips, which spat dissatisfaction in the past, now were soft in tone. His pale skin had color and his face was more pleasant to look at. She did a double take. An illusion may be afoot, but she sensed nothing. She poured him a glass of wine, and he nodded, almost smiling.

Let me get to the point,” he said. “I am not here for another contest.”

She let out a deep sigh. The thought of the two men almost killing each other in a mental bloodbath was erased from her mind.

But I am here to talk to this man, for the first time. May I?”

Fogle made an subtle motion that Kam understood as a mage herself. She nodded and said, “Venir, he is going to give us some privacy.”

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