The Darkness of God: Book Three of the Shadow Warrior Trilogy (3 page)

BOOK: The Darkness of God: Book Three of the Shadow Warrior Trilogy
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Kur looked uncomfortable. Athelstan nodded for her to speak.

“Some Federation investigations on Al’ar homeworlds suggested the existence of the ur-Lumina,” she said reluctantly. “The Federation issued orders for a naval patrol to visit the area of interest. We learned of this patrol shortly before it transshipped, and were able to insert one of our agents aboard one of the ships. The agent was equipped with an N-space blurt-transmitter, and was able to report the discovery to us. We had ships standing by capable of capturing the scout-ships, and dispatched them immediately. But when they arrived, they found — ”

“Eleven corpses, two ships, and no Lumina,” Wolfe said. “Your boy changed his mind while he was sitting around twiddling his thumbs, and decided to render unto Caesar instead of the Chitet. And he wanted to be Caesar.”

“So we assumed,” Kur said. “We went in search of the individual.”

“Who is she?”

“How did you know it’s a woman?” Kur demanded.

“Because of the care you’ve taken not to mention her sex,” Wolfe said.

Kur eyed him, then went on. “Her name is Token Aubyn. She was a lieutenant in the regular Federation Navy. All E’s on her quarterly reports. An officer with a great career in front of her. She’d been secretly raised as a member of our culture, and chosen to infiltrate the Federation military.”

“Home system?”

“Vidaury III, although she spent time on VI as well before she enlisted.”

“I assume you’ve toothcombed that system without results or leads?”

Kur nodded.

“Token Aubyn,” Wolfe mused. “Pretty name for somebody that cold-blooded. You have a full dossier on her?”

“We do.”

“I want it. All of it,” Wolfe said. “No dandy little crossouts for Chitet snitches and sources.”

“But — ”

“Be silent, Coordinator Kur. We must give Wolfe every possible aid,” Athelstan said.

“After all,” Joshua said, “it’s not as if you plan on letting me escape with anything I learn here, now is it?”

Athelstan didn’t answer, but his cold eyes held Wolfe’s.

• • •

Joshua went through the fiche on Token Aubyn quickly, letting his senses, his training, reach for what might be in the data. Then he read, viewed everything very slowly, twice.

Security Coordinator Kur and his alternating guardians waited stolidly.

There weren’t many holos or vids. Kur told Joshua that Aubyn reportedly hadn’t liked having herself recorded.

The best holo Joshua could find was a head-and-shoulders cameo of Aubyn in full-dress Federation uniform.

“That was her graduation picture from the Academy of Flight on Mars, taken at her parents’ insistence,” Kur said.

“Where are they now?”

“Dead. In an accident two years ago.”


Wolfe examined the portrait. Aubyn wasn’t pretty, but striking. Dark hair, worn very short. She was the gamin type, with hooded eyes just turned away from the lens.

Other documents said she was slender, a bit over average height.

“What about her love life?”

“Nothing known.”

“Come on, Kur. Everybody plays pinch-and-tickle sometimes.”

“Not necessarily,” the woman protested. “Especially in Aubyn’s case. Her parents were deep-cover types, so she grew up in a house full of secrets, on two planets. Then, when we gave her our long-range plans for her, she would have been a fool to endanger everything by listening to her glands.”

“How romantic you Chitet are.”

Wolfe ran the fiche forward.

“Now here’s something interesting,” he mused. “The final competition for the Academy of Flight broke down to her and one other person. He died just before the final oral examinations. In another accident.”

“We checked into that thoroughly,” Kur said. “It
an accident. Aubyn was half a planet away when this boy died.”

“I say again: convenient.”

He returned to the fiche.

“You either did a good job of programming Aubyn, or else she already had her calling. No zigs, no changes of major. Chosen field of study at the Academy … sociology. And her thesis was on ‘The Dynamism of a One-Party State.’ ”

“I fail to see any significance in that,” Kur said. “When we have convinced the people of the Federation of the benefit of our ways, of course there won’t be any necessity for dissenters.”

“Thus spake Savanarola,” Wolfe murmured. “Did you ever consider that Aubyn was doing research for her own idea of a one-party state? One with Token Aubyn as dictat?”

“Oh,” Kur said. “That’s insane — and of course we didn’t allow ourselves to consider any options that didn’t make sense. Our error.”

“Do you have data on the eleven men and women she murdered who were in her minifleet?” Wolfe asked.

“We do.”

“Then let’s start looking for a hole for me to go down,” Wolfe said.

“I don’t follow.”

“Isn’t it logical that Token Aubyn, once she decided to steal the Lumina and desert both the Federation and your — social circle to boot, had brains enough to know better than to go home, especially with something that would give her the powers it would?”

“Of course. We’ve spent a great deal of time trying to find her throughout the Federation and even the Outlaw Worlds. Do you think you can provide a lead?”

“I do.”

“Since you’re experienced with the Lumina,” Athelstan put in, “what powers will she have?”

“I’m not sure,” Wolfe lied. “But that’s for later, anyway.

“So she went somewhere. If we’re lucky, maybe she didn’t just pick someplace out of an interstellar gazetteer. Maybe she got an idea from her shipmates. There isn’t much to do on those little spitkits but talk, and since Aubyn was a newbie, everybody would’ve been eager to tell her all the war stories everyone else had heard until their eyes turned green. Maybe somebody talked about his or her homeworld, and maybe that sounded like just the place for a woman with big ambition, no scruples, and God in her pocket. Maybe somebody talking about that place was what gave Aubyn the idea in the first place.”

• • •

Wolfe lay in near-total darkness. He’d been moved into a larger chamber, but it was as sterile as the one he’d been revived in.

Across the room Guide Kristin sat in a low chair. A reading light pooled around her head and shoulders, and she appeared intent on her reading matter,
A Consideration of Logic As It Should Be Applied in Daily Circumstances,
written by one Matteos Athelstan.

Wolfe, momentarily exhausted, turned his mind away from his search and considered her. Her blond hair was sensibly close-cropped. He’d seen the thrust of her breasts under her sensible garment, but had no idea about what the rest of her body looked like, other than it was slender.

He found her face somewhat attractive, a curving vee. It reminded him a bit of an Earth-Siamese cat.
At least,
he thought,
she doesn’t have the screeching voice of a Siamese.
He smiled.

The woman looked up, saw Joshua’s eyes on her, and quickly looked down at her book.

he thought. He blanked her, let himself reach out,
through the ship.

A faint direction came to him, as if he were shouting in a wilderness and heard a tiny echo from a hidden grotto. He let “himself” float in that direction.

There the Lumina is. Of course Athelstan would keep it close. In his office safe. Not original. But secure, at least. For the moment. But perhaps …

Now I shall try something.

Reach toward it … touch it without touching … fumbling …

Joshua Wolfe was outside the ship, hanging, floating in N-space.

find the Void again. Let the Lumina take you beyond. Warmth, feeling warmth back toward the Federation. Out there …

He jerked back, feeling the chill hatred of the invader, the “virus.”

No, not there. Not yet.

Look elsewhere. Let the small find the large. Confusion. There are others. But they’re small.
Feel …

Ah! There!

• • •

“Why did you pick Rogan’s World?” Kur said.

“Because,” Wolfe said, “I’m guessing she heard about Rogan’s World from Dietrich, who grew up there. Nice that he happened to be the motor mate on the scout she commanded as well. Looking at his service record — three court-martials, two nonjudicial punishments — I’d guess he was an excellent representative of the planet.”

“You’ve been there?”

“Nope. Always wanted to, though.”


“Because of the delicate aroma of corruption,” Wolfe said. “And money.”

Kur eyed him skeptically.

• • •

Wolfe sat up in bed, yawning, as if he’d just awakened. Kristin was instantly alert. Wolfe took the robe from the chair beside the bed, pulled it on as he stood.

“Ship air dehydrates me,” he said, walking toward the fresher. “Can I get you some water?”

“No,” the Chitet said.

Wolfe went into the fresher, took a metal glass from its clip, filled it, and drank. He grimaced at the cold, completely flat taste, then clipped the glass back in its holder.

“I’m grateful,” he said when he came out, “you don’t insist on watching me

“Even an animal in a zoo is allowed a private area,” Kristin said. “And there is nothing in that fresher that can be used as a weapon.”

Joshua went back to the bed, sat down.

“I’m curious,” he said. “Why do you insist on taking the midnight-eight watch?”

“Because I am in charge of my team,” Kristin said. “Security training dictates an escape attempt is most likely going to be made in the early hours of the morning.”

“I’m not planning to escape.”

“Good,” Kristin said. “Then you shall continue to live.”

“Another question,” Wolfe persisted. “Does your camera, or pickup, or whatever it is, transmit sound to whoever’s sitting on my personal doomsday switch?”

Kristin looked at him, slowly shook her head from side to side.

“Just curious,” Wolfe said, pulling the robe off and lying down again.

No. I am not trying to escape. Not yet.

• • •

“I understand most of these requests, and agree with them,” Master Speaker Athelstan said. “They certainly fit what I would romantically expect a master rogue and gambler to have. But we may not be able to acquire the exact model of ship you’ve specified, since the operation must be mounted immediately.”

“A yacht’s a yacht,” Wolfe said. “Something big, impressive, ultra nouveau, that’s all we want. Oh yeah, something I forgot — Pick some kind of uniform for the crew to wear. With gold braid.”

Athelstan considered, decided Wolfe wasn’t making a joke, nodded. “One question,” he said, “and this is to satisfy personal curiosity. You specify the ship’s library must contain an edition of the complete works of this Earth-poet Eliot. Why?”

“Eliot does more than Hume can,” Wolfe said, “to justify God’s ways to Man.”

“I still don’t understand. But then,” Athelstan said, “I’ve never been much of a one for poetry. Utterly illogical.”

“It’s interesting you should say that,” Joshua said. “Most poets think they’re more logical than the rest of us.”

Athelstan smiled tightly. “Amusing conceit. Do you agree with them?”

Wolfe shrugged. “Depends on how bad my hangover is.”

Athelstan frowned.

“By the way,” Joshua said. “We’ll need some kind of linkup with an expensive comp-catalog. I’ll take care of outfitting the rest of the crew myself. You might be too — logical.”

• • •

“That one,” Wolfe decided. “And that one, and — not that one. Too virginal. Not that one either. Makes you look too available. For too low a price.”

He touched sensors, and the next set of catalog holographs swam into life. He kept his eyes away from Guide Kristin, whose face was red with embarrassment.

“You find this quite amusing, don’t you,” Kur said, her voice showing a trace of anger.

“Lady,” Wolfe said in exasperation, “you’re the one who says I’ve got to go looking for Token Aubyn with gun-guards
these three mad bombers. So I’m going to be standing out a little. That’s fine, because that’s the quickest way to get Aubyn to notice us. But don’t tell me how to dress the set, goddammit. I could’ve used Lucian or Max for my main companion, but I don’t think I can fake being a manlover for long. And I’ll be suiting them up as soon as I finish with Kristin anyway. You want all of us to mouse in like good brown Chitet? Won’t that make Aubyn wonder why her fellow bow-and-scrapers happen to be on Rogan’s World? Wouldn’t she maybe send a couple dozen goons to check matters out?”

“If she’s even there,” Kur said skeptically. “I find it hard to accept that one man can put a pin on the map after hundreds of our best minds have analyzed the situation over the years. And I find your continual insults of our culture rather distasteful.”

“Funny. I find your continual attempts to kill me the same,” Wolfe said. “You’re bitching about wearing an expensive gown, and I’ve got a bomb up my ass. Now shut up and let me keep on with my frills and bows. One other thing. What about the ship?”

“You’ll have it in time,” Kur said. “It offplaneted Batan this E-day.”

“Good,” Wolfe said. He looked at Kristin and decided to take pity. “You pick the next two outfits.”

“No,” the woman said. “I have no experience being a — a …”

“Popsy is one of the old words,” Wolfe said helpfully. “But give in to your worst impulses, woman, and go crazy. Even Chitet have been known to smile and dance in the moonlight. I know. I saw a couple of them.”

He thought for an instant her face flickered, but decided he’d been wrong.


Dear Scholar Frazier:

I’m sending this brief note via a completely trustworthy graduate student of mine, with instructions to hand-deliver it to you, and no one else, for I fear to trust it to conventional means, even if it were coded.

I would strongly recommend against your continuing to seek funding for the expedition to the Al’ar homeworld of Sauros we spoke of at the last seminar. I know this must surprise you, because of my initial enthusiasm, and I’m fully aware of your need to reestablish your credentials, particularly in the field you first became well known in.

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