The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2) (28 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Danger (Shattered Series Book 2)
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     “And Olivia?” he rasped, and it hurt to breathe. “Will she make it out of here alive?”

     “I wish that I had the answer to that, bro,” Marc sighed with regret. “But, I don’t.”

     “The hostage negotiator is here,” one of the officers proclaimed.

     He and Marc both turned and looked back towards the road. The dust flew in the air as the brown sedan rolled down the dirt road before stopping. Pushing the door open, the hostage negotiator climbed out.

     An African-American gentleman strode up the dirt road with intent, and he reached them in record time. “Whose Sabatino?” the man asked sternly when he’d met the crowd.

     He faced the man with a tight look. “I’m Jarrod Sabatino.”

     “Just the man that I’ve been looking for.” The man clasped his hand in a firm handshake. “Jack Gaston. I’m the hostage negotiator, and I’ve never lost anyone yet. Tonight’s not going to be the first. I will make sure that Ms. Lange makes it out of this situation alive. Follow me.”

     A moment later, they’d entered the trailer where other agents were working. Upon entering, they strode towards the computer monitor, and everything just looked like a series of dots, he mulled, peering over the agent’s shoulders.

     “Do you have a vantage point yet?” Jack frowned in concentration.

     “Yes, sir, we do,” the agent rapped the words out quickly. “There’s a possible entry point at the rear of the cabin, and there’s a window on each side. We’ve been able to establish where the hostage and perpetuator are located inside.”

     “Send me in,” he quipped tightly, looking from Jack to the agent. “I’m the one that the bastard wants.”

     “No,” Jackson said quickly, shaking his head. “It’s too risky, and we’d have two dead people on our hands rather than one.” The man sighed. “I’m not sure what I’d do if I were standing in your position. Hell, I’d probably be like you and want to charge in head first. But, we have to keep it in sight that this is a volatile situation. Addison has already murdered his father in cold blood, so there’d be no reason in him not killing Ms. Lange. He has nothing to lose.”

     He released a frustrated breath. “So, what am I supposed to do? Just stand here and do nothing?”

     “What do you mean do nothing?” Jack asked, looking at him pointedly. “The fact that you’re here means everything. You are the first person that Olivia needs to see when she makes it out of there. I know that it’s difficult, but you’re going to have to trust us.” The empathy placed on his face. “We will get her out of there alive.”

     No longer able to speak, he just nodded.

     “Simmons?” Jack called out, facing the monitor again. “Grab some coffee for Sabatino.”

     “Yes, sir.”

     After the man returned with the coffee, he sat down in the only vacant chair. But, the coffee went from hot, lukewarm, and to cold as the hours progressed. For hours, Jack had been negotiating with Matt, and his nemesis’s mood had ranged from hostile, weepy, and downright crazed at times.

     And Olivia, he mulled, struggling to hold onto his stormy emotions. What he wouldn’t give to just to hear her voice and know that she was unharmed.

     “We’ve made a breakthrough,” Jack replied, whirling around in the chair, and couldn’t disguise the relief in his voice. “Addison is ready to negotiate.”

     He sprang from the chair. “What happened? What does he want?”

     “In exchange for Ms. Lange,” Jack said quickly. “$10,000,000 and a private jet plane. Unfortunately for the bastard, he’s not going to receive either one. But, he doesn’t need to know that.” He looked at him. “And I have good news, we’ve convinced him to put Olivia on the phone so that she could talk with you. He should be contacting us at any minute.”

     The phone shrilled on the table.

     Watching him, Jack lifted the phone before responding. “Yes, he’s here. I know--- 5 minutes is all that he gets. I’ll put him on.”

     His hand shook violently as he accepted the phone from the agent, but the man gave him a reassuring nod.

     “Hello,” Jarrod said, barely able to breathe.

     Her tearful voice met his from the other end. “Jarrod,” she cried, breathing into the phone hard. “I’m so happy to hear your voice.”

      He closed his eyes against his own tears. “I’m happy to hear yours, too. Are you okay?”

     “I’m okay,” she sniffled. “Just a little tired that’s all.”

     “All of this will be over soon,” he said, staring unseeingly across the trailer. “And when it is, I’m never going to let you out of my sights again.”

     She fought to hide the fear in her voice. “I’m going to hold you to that promise,” she whispered, and finally broke down. “I love you so much.”

     “I love you, too,” he rasped, and his breath caught on a hard sob. “I’m not going to lose you, do you hear me? I am not going to lose you.”

     “Do you know how happy you make me? Loving you has been the greatest joy of my life,” she sobbed into the phone. “I’ll love you forever.” Her words were nearly indecipherable. “Please tell Meghan----tell her how much I love her.”

     “Don’t talk to me like this is the end. You’re not leaving us. I don’t want you to give up. I want you to fight,” he said, finally finding his inner strength. “You are the strongest woman that I know, and I know that you---”

     The phone went dead.

     “Your five minutes are up,” Jack said with regret. “We’ll have to wait and see what Addison wants next.”
     The phone shrilled again.

     “Yes, Jarrod is still here,” Jack muttered, looking at him again. “I’ll put him on.”

     The anger surged through him as he grabbed the phone, but then forced himself to calm. Rattling Addison’s cage would be the wrong move to make right now. “Hello,” he muttered, nearly crushing the phone in his hand.

     “Look who’s in control now, you son-of-a-bitch,” Matt laughed nastily. “After all this time, you’re still being one-upped by me.”  

     “I suppose that I underestimated you,” he replied, forcing the words out. “That was my mistake, wasn’t it?”

     “Yes, it was,” Matt snapped. “And now you’re going to pay up big time.”

     The cold dread filled his chest. “What do you want? There’s no price that’s too high.”

     “$10,000,000 from that fat bank account of yours and a private jet plane that’ll take me straight to Columbia,” Matt snapped. “That should be enough to get me started, and I will rise to power again. Believe that.”

     He willed himself not to curse. “I’m sure that you will,” he quipped tightly. “Everything that you ask for, it’s yours. The $10,000,000 is being safely packed in a black suit case, and they already have the jet fired up and ready for take-off.” He stared at the darkness through the trailer window. “Now, things are up to you. When do we make the exchange?”

     “I want you to bring it, just so that I can see the look of terror on your face when I haul this cunt out the door,” Matt laughed maniacally. “It’s fortunate for you that I’m a bigger lover of money rather than whores. But, you, on the other hand, you’ve sold your soul for this one.”

     Once more, he forced himself to keep his cool. “You’ve made your point. Now, when is the drop-off? Where do I come, and when will our exchange take place?”

     “Be here in thirty minutes and not a second over. There’s a trail that leads directly to the cabin off Highway 23. Follow it. It’ll bring you straight here. Come alone. If you don’t, this bitch dies on the spot.”

     The phone went dead.

     “He wants me to make the drop in thirty minutes,” he quipped tightly, facing everyone in the room. “If I don’t, I’m going to lose her.”
















Chapter 16




     Hugging the pillow against her body, she huddled closer to the wall and fought the rising misery.

Be strong
, she reminded herself, clinging to Jarrod’s earlier words. If she didn’t remain strong, they’d all lose.

     “What time is it?” she asked quietly, staring at him from across the room where he slumped in the chair.

     “Does it really matter?” Matt snapped, rearing up fast, and gripped the gun tighter. “Especially since you or your lover won’t grace this earth for too much longer.”

     She fought to stay the tremor in her voice. “If you kill Jarrod or me, you won’t get anything. And aren’t you the one that proclaimed that you loved money more than anything?”

     He stared at her in his confused dazed state. “Shut up.”

     “Considering that you’re saying that I’m about to die, shouldn’t I at least be able to have some last words?” she mumbled, sitting up higher on the bed.

     “If you were actually spewing anything that made sense from your lips, I’d say yes. But, since you’re not, just shut the fuck up,” Matt said as he stood, and then waved the gun at her. “Get your stinky ass up and come over here.”

     She hesitated. “Why?”

     Giving a crazed laugh, he began skipping around the room in a circle. “Your lover’s about to come up the lane,” Matt said, singing a little rhyme. “Too bad he’ll never see daylight again.” His mood changed in a flash, and once more, his attitude was cold as he stopped. “What are you waiting for? I said get up!”

     Shoving the pillow aside, she climbed from the bed.

     Suddenly growing impatient with her, Matt strode across the room before gripping her by the elbow. When they reached the room’s middle, he stopped and pressed the nuzzle of the gun against her temple.

     “Yeah, now you finally see who’s in control, don’t you?” he sneered, gripping her arm tighter. “What would you do if I were to just blow your fucking brains out right now, huh? Tell me, are you willing to beg for your life.”

     “Matt, think about what you’re doing,” she insisted, breathing fast. “Killing me is not going to get you what you want.”

     “You know for once, you’re right,” Matt said, keeping the gun cocked, and led her to the window. He pushed the curtain back. “Well, well, looky here---look who’s skipping down the bunny trail.”

     She looked out at the dark night.

     With a black suitcase in hand, Jarrod strode down the trail alone. Even from this distance, she sensed his open distress, though he fought to hide it.

     “Isn’t it amazing what some of these damn fools will do for love?” Matt asked with disgust, still watching as Jarrod approached. “They never realize how degrading the emotion is. I mean, look at Sabatino. The bastard is one of the richest men in the world. But, he’s willing to do anything to hold onto you.” He gave her a lewd glance. “You must have a snapper between those legs because he’s willing to die.”

     Ignoring his nasty comments, she continued to look out the window. The closer Jarrod drew, the more anxious she became.

     But, her fear only mounted as Matt forced her to the door, and she could no longer control her emotions as he kicked it opened. Her sobs left her as he led her onto the porch.

     Distraught, weeping, she watched as Jarrod approached.

    “Please, don’t hurt him,” she pleaded, throwing Matt a desperate look. “I’ll do anything that you ask---”

     “Don’t beg, Olivia,” Matt said dryly, and didn’t take his eyes off Jarrod. “It’s rather unbecoming of you.”

     Crying softly, she fell silent, realizing that there wasn’t any reasoning with him.

     As Jarrod neared the porch, she fought to breathe.

     Would she actually have to stand here and watch him die?

     “Stop right there,” Matt ordered, holding her firmly. “Drop the suitcase on the ground, now!”

     “Take it easy, Addison,” Jarrod murmured, but complied, and kept his eyes steady on them as he did so.

     “I don’t want to take it easy, damn it,” Matt snapped unkindly. “Open the case slowly and show me what you have. One wrong move and I’ll splatter this bitch’s brains all over this place.”

     Jarrod squatted down before opening the case. “It’s all here---$10,000,000,” he said, displaying the stack of green backs that’d been carefully packed in the case. His expression was unreadable as he looked at his nemesis. “And you asked for your ride out of here.”

     “Tell Gaston I need a ride out of here and fast. I’m done playing with you two fools,” he spat, and then sneered. “Oh, and one more thing, I think that it’s only proper that I allow the two of you to say goodbye. Your love story is so grand, you know.”

     “Addison, you have your money. Just let Olivia go,” Jarrod said, tensing while trying to stall him. “If you want to kill me, go ahead.”

     “No,” she broke in, shaking her head, and her desperation was palpable. “That can’t happen. I can’t lose you.”

     “Even in the end, she doesn’t have the good sense to bargain for her own life,” Matt said with disgust, digging the gun into her temple, and then cocked the hammer back. “It’s over, Sabatino. Say bye bye bitch--”

     Everything seemed to happen in both fast and slow motion. As the bullet hit Matt squarely in the chest, she cried out before falling to the ground. All dressed in black and protective gear, the snipers swarmed out from their hiding places and moved in fast.

     Her mind was confused and dazed as she was lifted from the ground, and by whom, she didn’t know.

     “Jarrod!” she screamed, looking around, crazed, and struggled against the officer’s gentle hold. “Where’s Jarrod?”

     “It’s okay, ma’am,” the officer soothed. “It’s over.”

     “Please, I need to see Jarrod,” she pleaded, sobbing, and distraught. “Please take me to him.”


     Gasping, she turned towards the desperate cry, and at the sight of Jarrod bawling unashamedly as he charged towards her, was enough to do her in.

     She didn’t breathe again until he swept her up in his arms. Broken, devastated, they held onto each other as they sank to the ground.  





     Three weeks passed.

     They were spent with her visiting her dying uncle, attending grief counseling, and delving into her past. Back at Widow’s Pointe, they’d settled back into some form of normalcy. Yet, still, in the dark hours of the night, sometimes, she’d wake up screaming and Jarrod fought to chase her demons away.

     But, today, things seemed right with the world, she smiled, carrying the glasses of punch on the tray, for today they were celebrating Meghan’s eighth birthday. She swerved before giggling as the unruly girls ran around her and then headed for the bar. After placing it down, she turned around.

     Having a pool party had been a brilliant idea, she smiled again, and her heart turned over at the sight of Meghan’s mega-watt smile as she played in the pool with her friends.

     “You okay?” Rosa asked, once reaching the counter with a tray of food. “You looked as if you were a thousand miles away.”

     “I suppose I was,” she sighed with a contented smile. “I was just thinking about how happy Meghan is.”

     Rosa patted her hand. “It’s all because of you and Jarrod. Her happiness is due to the both of you.” Then, her concern turned to her. “What about you?”

     Her brows knitted with a confused frown. “What about me?”

     “I know that you’ve been attending counseling and everything. How’s that going?”

     “Some of my memories are more vivid than others,” she admitted. “But, I’m remembering the most important things. Jarrod and I paid my uncle a visit last week, and I wish that I could say that he was getting better. But, it’d be wrong.”

     “I’m sorry to hear that,” Rosa said, squeezing her hand. “God is in control of his destiny now. He will handle it to his greatest abilities.”

     “I know,” she agreed. “I’m also worried about Jarrod. Since everything happened with Matt, he’s been holding back.” Her face flamed red. “He hasn’t made love to me in weeks.”

     Rosa had her own embarrassed flush. “I certainly wouldn’t worry about him not wanting you. I’ve seen the way that he looks at you, and heaven knows that I’ve heard the two of you making enough sounds and racket around this house when you go at it.”

     She couldn’t stay her helpless giggles. “I know that we aren’t that loud.”

     “Pssst,” Rosa said playfully, raising a brow. “Trust me you are.”

     “Where is Jarrod anyway?” she asked, smiling as she passed a glass of punch to one of Meghan’s friends.

     “When I left the kitchen earlier, he was on his way to the study.”

     She wiped her hands on the hand towel. “Do you think that you can handle things here for a few minutes while I go and find him?”

     Rosa nodded. “Take your time. Besides, the other ladies will be around to help out. Now, go.”

     “Thank you, you’re a Godsend,” she said, hugging her fast.

     As Rosa had proposed, he was in the study. His back was turned to the door as she entered, and his thoughts were evidently heavy as he stared out the window. Like usual, the very sight of him thrilled her, she thought, appreciating how well the blank tank top and white board shorts fit his body.

     “Hey,” Jarrod murmured, whirling around to face her. But, still, he didn’t move away from the window. “Has all the excitement downstairs done you in?”

     Watching him, she twisted the lock. “I was hoping that I’d find my own brand of excitement up here, and you’re just the man to give it to me.”

     “Is that so?” he asked huskily. “Maybe we should find out.”

     A dangerous gleam shone in his eyes as she crossed the room. With her every step, she dropped an article of clothing. First, the wrap came off, the bikini top came next, and the bikini bottoms followed. By the time she reached him behind the desk, she was completely nude.

     Grabbing hold of him, she pulled him in for a deep kiss, and didn’t allow him the opportunity to think of anything else but her.

     Their kiss ignited fire, and all the weeks of their suppressed desire burst free. Breathing harshly, he whipped the tank top over his head before removing the rest and then grabbed hold of her again. They both gasped in pleasure at the feel of their naked flesh, and the heat between them was hotter than the flaming Georgian sun. Tangling his hands in her thick long tresses, he kissed her hard, so much so that she lost her breath. But, she met each thrust of his tongue with an eagerness that couldn’t be staved.

     She held onto him as he placed her on the desk, and he cursed under his breath while shoving paperwork and other items to the floor.

     As he stepped closer to her, she opened her thighs in invitation, and she dispelled a deep moan as he entered her. “Jarrod,” she gasped, breathing against his nape. “Please make love to me.”

     He drove into her hard.

     She rode his every thrust.

     Soon, their harsh breathing and breathless cries filled the study. Their pace was fast and frantic, yet, they still couldn’t get enough.

     She begged and pleaded.

     He fought to appease.

     Along the sensual horizon, they found the paradise that waited. They both cried out in ecstasy as they claimed it.

     When they came back to themselves, he lifted her in his arms. She stared at him lovingly as he crossed the room. As he took a seat on the leather sofa, he pulled her naked form onto his lap.

     “Wow, that was wonderful,” she murmured, rubbing a finger across his lip. “It always amazes me that I only want you more as time passes.”

     “I totally agree,” he said huskily, nipping the tender digit with gentleness as it grazed his bottom lip. “I’ll never stop wanting you nor will I ever get enough.”

     “Then why haven’t you made love to me until now?” she whispered, trying not to let her hurt show.
     “Baby, I wanted to give you time. I didn’t want to rush you into things. With all the stuff that happened with Addison, I didn’t want to add to your troubles.”

     “You could never add to my troubles,” she said shyly. “You’re everything to me.”

     “And you are everything to me.”

     He pulled her close, only to kiss her with a tenderness that made her melt.

     She smiled into his eyes. “I love you.”

     “And I love you,” he murmured, and his green eyes simmered with something else.

     “Tell me what’s wrong,” she implored, and her voice softened. “I know that something his. You’ve been hiding out and avoiding me all day, it seems.”

     He stared deeply into her eyes. “I’ve just been trying to figure things out.”

     She caressed his face gently. “Like what?”

     “I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you that I want to spend my life with you,” he said huskily. “Not a day, not six weeks, but a lifetime. I know that I’m fucked up in a lot of ways. But, the one honest thing that I can offer you is my abiding love.”

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