The Darkest Corners (The Club Book 4) (4 page)

BOOK: The Darkest Corners (The Club Book 4)
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Inappropriately so for an employee.


Saturday night




The suit, the only suit he owned, was still slightly wrinkled. Liam didn’t like it, but he simply couldn’t keep chasing the wrinkles with the iron. Finally he gave up and put the jacket on. Standing in front of the mirror, he was only slightly disappointed.  He had hoped to knock the extremely sexy Beebee off her feet and convince her to…

…to what? He looked around.
Come back here? To his rented room so he could show her what a nomad he really was?

His whole body had reacted to her, while all she did was stand there, serving drinks. She let off a vibration, a thrumming that tripped through his whole body and landed in his cock. He was grateful for the counter as he’d sat there—he was as hard as stone watching her. Not even the things going on around them, but her. He couldn’t turn away.

Liam sighed, looking around the room he was in. This was no way to impress her. Okay, he’d settle for dinner. For now. He could put off anything more until he found a real place. Assuming she liked him that way. He doubted she couldn’t feel the pull between them. It had lit the very molecules of the air around them.

He’d never really had a problem finding a willing bed partner in any place he went. It would inevitably peter out, just about the time he decided to move on. He didn’t understand why, but as long as they were both having fun while it was good, he didn’t mind. Much. So even if Beebee wasn’t it, he was sure there was someone.

It was a kink club after all.

Saturday night proved to be even more revealing than Friday. It wasn’t an open house. This time, the hostess had to first contact someone for his approval and then had him go back to the small desk in the doorway and get a badge. The guards at the desk had him sign another NDA, stating that his employee one wasn’t enough to cover the evenings when The Club was in operation.

was interesting.

He walked back past the hostess, who smiled at him, nodding as he passed her. The club beyond was completely and totally unexpected—Friday had been a teetotaler’s meeting compared to this.

The speakers over the dance floor throbbed with the bass of a club beat he couldn’t put a name to, while lithe, young, mostly naked bodies writhed on the floor in pairs, triples, groups. Hands and legs undulated, entwining, seeking, caressing whatever they could. Passionate consuming kisses were passed between two mouths indiscriminately, and the raw, pure lust that this hypnotic beat induced did not stop at the edge of the dance floor.

Like water, it flowed into the aisle, over the tables, and was caught by the booths that lined the wall and hid the occupants in the back of the club. Strobes flashed, and the hyper colors of laser lights cut through the dark, revealing the scenes at the benches and tables as though the film in an old theater stuttered through the projector—and
what it revealed…

More bodies of all sexes were twined on the benches, writhing, kissing, sucking. Breasts were on display, were suckled, were pinched and pulled. Skirts were hiked up, pants were hiked down. Erect cocks thrust from the lowered zippers, on display, fondled, licked. Women moved over the laps of the men they were with, the women they were with. The air was heavy with desire, and Liam could feel the pull of it.

“What do you think?”

The voice was next to his ear, the words oddly whispered to carry over the noise and the beat. He turned and found gorgeous golden brown eyes staring at him, capturing him. Beebee’s skin was perfect porcelain and her hair was satin in the odd lighting.

“This…is a sex club?” He was stunned.

“This is Saturday Night Freedom,” Beebee answered.

“Sex on display?”

“This is a kink, Liam.” Beebee raised a sculpted eyebrow. “Voyeurism. Watching and being watched. It heightens the sexual experience.”

“This is…” Liam really couldn’t find the words.

“This is the only time we allow this on this floor. For two hours, from nine to eleven, those who wish to may watch or join the voyeurs on the first floor. In just fifteen minutes, this will be over and you will see people leaving. Some will go upstairs to the other rooms, or the roof garden. Some will stay where they are, to watch and revel in the feelings still coursing through their bodies. And still others will go home, well satisfied.”

Liam was transfixed on a booth, a man and woman flanked by two other couples. The couple was kissing, touching, petting--by and large undressed. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. It was the way the other two couples were so casually doing the same touching and petting as they watched the far more demonstrative couple.

Beebee’s breath was there on his cheek again. “Disgusted? Frightened? Horrified?”

Liam watched a moment longer, then turned to catch a glimpse of Beebee’s perfect profile. He answered her simply, “Curious.”

“Oh, but I like you,” Beebee said. “Do you want to stay and watch a moment longer, or are you ready for your tour of the club?”

He was truly torn. He’d never seen anything like this, at all. No porn film had anything like this elegant display of human sexuality enjoyed to its fullest. There was nothing in this room that turned him away.

Or off.

“Ah, um.” He cleared his throat, realizing that his dick was as hard as steel. It made the decision for him. “Let’s do the tour.”

Beebee smirked, seeming to know why he made that decision. “Very well.” She motioned him through the room. He nodded and after a curious pause on Beebee’s part, she took the lead and threaded them through the tangle of bodies. Liam was a little surprised to find there was another bar at the back of the room, and to the right, a door.

Beebee swiped her pass over the lock and the door clicked open. Following her up the stairs, they passed through another door and into a small intimate lounge area with yet another bar. But only the bass remnants of the sounds from the first floor bled through, leaving the room warm and intimate.

“Our Deuxiéme Bar.” Beebee gestured to the area. “Open only to Premiere members.”

There were a few men and women in the area, as well as a single bartender. Two of the men sat at a table with another woman. Next to each of them, kneeling on the floor were two more men and a woman. One man was completely naked. Another was wearing a shirt and pants, and the woman was dressed in a corset and a thong.

Beebee was in his ear again. “I know you were made to sign a non-disclosure agreement and it applies to all areas of this club, Liam.” He turned to her. “I trust you will abide by that?” Without waiting for him to answer, she motioned him to a doorway.

He caught up to her a moment later, and she started to explain the layout of the building. “There is a main hallway on each floor. The rooms are labeled with their primary purpose next to the door. Most rooms have multiple functions. If the door is locked you must check the schedule to see if it’s in use. Despite what you saw downstairs, there are some people who very much prefer privacy.”

Beebee pushed the door open and the lighting beyond was elegant, the rug was plush, and walls were a rich, dark brocade patterned wallpaper. She closed the door behind them and started walking down the hall. “This floor has a lot of private rooms. Down this hall,” she gestured to the left, “are the Shibari rooms. We only have the two rooms for the kinbaku and the people using it must prove they are adept at shibari or the room will not be reserved for them.”

Liam nodded, having absolutely no idea what Beebee was talking about.

“On the right, here, are the member changing rooms. There are lockers, showers, and chairs. They are assigned by rooms.” Beebee made the hard left and followed the hallway down, to make another hard left into the rest of the hallway. She gestured to a corridor that branched off. “Down there, we have a cross room and the group room.” Another corridor branched to the right again. “And there is the training room and another group room.”

Liam managed to find his voice. “Training room?”

Beebee pulled the doors on left open. “Training room, yes.” She finally glanced at him and laughed. “Oh, I’m sorry, Liam. No. Not for employees. You see, when someone wants to learn about the lifestyle, they must be trained. Either as a Dom or a sub. That’s just where it happens. We have a bit of everything kinky in there so that they can fully realize what they are getting into.”

Liam cleared his throat and ran a finger under the collar of his shirt, feeling relieved. They moved through another lounge, where there were couples grouped around tables, clearly flirting and teasing each other. Everyone in this room was completely dressed, but it wasn’t stopping anyone from offering elicit touches and kisses.

After another flight of stairs there was a small waiting area and another door, which they passed through. Beebee stared down the corridor and smiled lightly. “Down there, is the Voyuerisme Magnifique and group room.”

He cleared his throat. “Are you telling me that there are rooms in here for group sex?”

“Yes.” Her answer was unhesitant. “Of course.”

“Holy shit, what am I getting into?”

“It’s a safe place for people who have differing tastes in sexual pleasure.” Beebee studied him, and Liam knew that his face was dead white, overwhelmed. “You don’t have to have an opinion. You just have to install the security system.”

He’d offended her. “Beebee, I’m sorry. I’ve only seen bad porn about these things. I’ve never been this close to anything this risqué. I know absolutely nothing about this. And you’re leading me through what some guys could call a walking wet dream, and others would take a free reign to fuck anything that had a hole.”

“Where do you fall on that scale of disrespect?”

“I don’t,” he stated. “I have no idea how I feel about any of this. I certainly understand the need for non-disclosure, but how I feel personally? I need time. More information. And as you said, I don’t need to understand, I just need to install the systems.”

Beebee stared at him, and Liam couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes. They were welcoming, even with the touch of anger he saw there. The lust he’d felt two floors below bubbled up again inside him, and he swallowed, knowing he was powerless against it.

He found himself pinned against the wall, Beebee pressed against him. He could feel every luscious curve of her body, fitting neatly into his. “Do you want to fuck me, Liam?”

“Yes.” Hesitation would have been the death of him. “Have dinner with me.”

*  *  *

Tally was struck dumb. She could feel his impressive erection against her stomach, twitching, aching for release.

And he’d asked her to dinner?


“Go to dinner with me,” he repeated. “Let me take you out.”

“I…” Tally stared into his eyes, fired with lust.
Why isn’t he acting on that?
“I haven’t been asked out on a date in seven years.”

Liam raised his eyebrows. “Then don’t you think it’s time someone did?”

“You want me…”

“I want you,” he agreed, nodding. “I do. But I’m not a jerk. I’m not going to let what I want to happen between us get in the way of what ought to happen. Gorgeous women should be wined and dined before they are sixty-nined.”

Tally tossed her head back and laughed, hard. “You are a breath of fresh air, Liam. You really are. Your naiveté about the lifestyle is delightful. Just delightful.”

“Are you mocking me?”

“No!” Tally giggled. She hadn’t giggled in years. “No. Not at all. In fact, I’m accepting your offer to dinner.”

“Oh, thank God,” he said, letting out a breath. “You know how to play a guy.”

Tally leaned into his ear. “You have no idea.” As she stepped back, she caught his eye and the look of intrigue and fear there was delightful. But it was good to see him starting to speak and react to the things around them.

“I’m going to bet you have a favorite room in here.” He slipped an arm around her waist, not letting her move completely away from him.

“You like the way I feel against you?”

“Shit yes,” he answered. “But don’t dodge my question.”

“Of course I have a favorite room.” Tally smiled, taking hold of the hand on her waist. “Would you like to see?” He nodded, clearly not trusting his words. “It’s just up here.” She led him just a little further down the hall to another corridor. At the end there were three doors, all slightly cracked open. She pulled him to a halt and pointed to the labels on the door.

“Not the Private room,” he answered immediately. “We’ve passed too many of those. As sexy and open as you are, not the group room.” Liam glanced at her for a brief instant. “Though I suspect you have used it.” He pointed to the last door. “Fessie Privy.”

Tally giggled, again. “Not privy.” She traced the letters with her finger:
fessée privée.
“Fess-ay pre-vay. Private spanking.”

“Oh.” He was frozen again.

She moved to stand close to him. “Still curious?”

“Insanely so.” He barely whispered the words.

Tally reached beyond him and pushed the door open all the way. “Curiosity killed the cat,” she whispered back.

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