The Darker Side of Trey Grey (3 page)

Read The Darker Side of Trey Grey Online

Authors: Tara Spears

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Gay, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Psychological Thrillers, #Genre Fiction, #Psychological

BOOK: The Darker Side of Trey Grey
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He shuddered, clenched, and rolled his hips around my cock causing me to drive in hard before I remembered who was wrapped around me.

“I need a condom... Ahhh... shit... I need a condom,” Scotty stuttered while squirming against me, making my stomach clench in a good way. A way I hadn’t felt in awhile.

“Fuck, Scotty, you’re gonna come on your first time?” For some reason that had “IT” jumping for joy.

“Sorry, I know—
Ohh God
— it kinda freaks you out.”  His hips rocked again, and I couldn’t help picking up my tempo. He began to shiver as if cold. “Condom, condom, condom,” he breathed over and over.

“Shoot your wad, Scotty— fuck...” I fisted a hand in his dark hair and tugged much harder than I intended.

He cried out, his hands never leaving the wall as he came. His whole body clenched and I lost it, pounding through the tightness of him, and finding release myself on a loud growl. 

It wasn’t spectacular, or
gut wrenching, or anything of the sort. It didn’t leave me shaking or sweating. It was just a means to an end. A release of sexual tension. 

As the last surges wracked my balls, I fell against his back and let loose of his hair. I took his hands from the wall, and folded them against his body so he could lean against me. He collapsed into my chest, panting and shaking. I held him up, enclosed in my arms. I’d never let a trick do this, but then I’ve never gotten off on a trick before either. And, well, damn it, I liked Scotty for some reason.

After only a minute, however, my mind began revolting and I pushed Scotty off me. I fished a sani-wipe out of my jacket pocket as I walked the few steps to a dumpster. With my eyes closed, unable to look at what lay in the condom, I whisked it off and tossed it in. My demented nature reared up, and soon I was scrubbing myself with one, then another sani-wipe. Tearing open yet another, I scoured my hands clean, and then chucked it in with the others. 

Scotty knew my aversion to semen. All my regulars did, and they understood for the wrong reason; disease. None of them knew I had an aversion to even my own though. Scotty might have an idea

Without turning around, I tugged my jeans up, and buttoned them. “Maybe this should be the last time, Scotty.”

“What? No... why?” he said, confused.

I turned towards him, lips thin, and blew a sigh through my nose. “Because I never get off on my tricks and I got off on you.” I hitched my thumbs into my front pockets.

He tilted his head, looking even more confused at my admission. “Huh?” 

I had to admit it sounded ridiculous, even to my ears. “I know you don’t understand. Why shouldn’t I get off on tricks, right?” I asked.

He nodded, watching me as he pulled his jeans up.

“Well I don’t, and never have,” I explained, closing the gap between us.

“But you did with me-ee.” A cocky grin crossed his flushed face, making me laugh. 

At least I was good for his ego. I threw an arm around his neck, and tugged him next to me as we strolled to the Bentley. I kissed his cheek as he slid some bills into my breast pocket then grabbed a handful of my denim jacket.

“I’m not ready for you to be rid of me you know,” he said earnestly as I opened the door for him. I looked at him for a moment, and realized for the first time how handsome he was becoming. His boyishness was fading and being replaced with a refined, strong, and affluent man. He gazed back at me in a soft and sturdy way.

“I won’t kick you to the curb yet. But I won’t be here next weekend, just so you know.”

His hazel eyes crinkled in the corners. “You do
the time off.” His tone was all knowing as he dipped his chin resolutely. With that he slid into the Bentley and pulled the door closed, leaving me to shake my head. 

The night took my mind off Scotty quickly. A few simple cheaters and a few blow jobs, one right after the other. I was having a nerve numbing smoke before heading back to the club to deal with Georgie.

“Hey, baby, you do good tonight?”

Without even turning I knew that high toned, floaty voice.

“Marie, dahling... How are you hot stuff?” I turned to her with a wicked grin. “Yeah, I did alright. You?” 

She smiled as she shimmied her wide, feather clad shoulders back and forth. Marie was actually Mark and had fake tits and a real dick, but if you valued your life you didn’t ever say her tits were fake. In her opinion, she should have been born as she was now. A true perversion of nature. Yet she could turn em’, and did.

“I did good. I think we were the only two out here tonight, sugar.”

I took a draw on my smoke then offered it to Marie. She sucked on it still in my hand, leaving her purple pearl lipstick smudged on the end. She rolled her big brown eyes appreciatively when the poison hit her lungs.

“I saw Cherry earlier in a compromising position under some fat, grunting, sweaty dick,” I said. 

Marie blew the smoke out and waved her hand in front of her mouth, making her bracelets jingle. “Eww... Better her than me.”

“Yeah, I agree.” I chuckled, glad I hadn’t had one like that tonight. “Can I ask you a question?” I said, straightening up.

She hunted my face before nodding.

“Do you get off on your johns?” I took another drag as I glanced down the Avenue.

“Oh, Trey honey, you just made me so sad. You don’t get off on your tricks?” she said. I shook my head once. “Oh, baby, I couldn’t imagine doing this without the reward, no matter what the money.” She gave me a concerned pout then wrapped her arms around me in a bear hug. She was almost twice my size, even without her five-inch heels, and my face got wedged between her large tits. When she finally let me go, I took a hasty breath then another toke on my cig.

She took it from me and drew deeply before handing it back. “You and I have been hitting this section of road since you were a kid, and I know nothing about why you still do this— and don’t say for the money. That’s not a reason.” She paused and I stayed quiet. Her perfectly plucked and waxed face turned sad for a moment. “Maybe someday you’ll want to talk. I have broad shoulders and big ears,” she offered, and I knew it was true just by looking at her.

“Thanks, doll. That means a lot.” I took her hand and slopped a silly kiss on top. “I’ve got one more trick, then I’m gone.”

She swooned over the kiss dandily. “Honey, you take care of yourself. I worry about you. You’re too fine to be out here. You should be modeling, or at the very least someone’s gig you know?”

Just then a private red limo sidled up in front of us. The window whirred down, and a fiery haired, rich sophisticate came into view.

“She ain’t looking for me, honey. Have fun,” Marie said against the side of my head before she sauntered away, swinging her ample hips.

I was ready to be done and gone, yet this was money, and more than likely an easy three. I snapped my smoke off my fingers as I walked to the car. I hipped the red machine and gave the woman a disarming smile. She smirked back, her emerald eyes twinkling.

“Can I tie you up?” she asked, laying her hands over each other on the door ledge.


“Spank you?” She rested her cheek on her hands, and looked up at me. Her sleek copper hair tumbled down the outside of the door in a wild clash of color.


“How about butt toys?”

I nodded.


I shook my head.

“So, no dominance games?” She raised her head.


“Why not?” she asked curiously.

I gazed at her contemplating my answer and for some reason the truth, or a version of it, tumbled from my lips.

“I have an aversion to being subjugated.” 

She smiled as if she understood, then she settled back into the dark interior of the car. Her hand shot out holding a piece of flat plastic between two fingers. It was about the size of a credit card. I took it, rolled it over, and saw
scrawled in flourishing red across the black card.

Everyone in and out of the industry knew of the scandal over the opening of the BDSM fantasy club a year ago, located smack dab in the middle of
Seattle. The club was owned by porn industry mogul Lila Luscious, and it was rumored the lower level of the club held Lila’s studios. It wasn’t to say Seattle didn’t have a thriving erotic industry, but it stayed in the shadows, quiet and unassuming. Temptations had entered the scene screaming;
I am here

The club was a high rollers type situation, and I didn’t know anyone rich enough to get through the door. Well, probably Scotty when he was old enough.

She leaned on the door ledge again, and boldly ran a bright red nail along my belly just under the waistband of my jeans. I didn’t move, keeping my eyes locked with hers. I wondered if this was Lila, herself, gazing at me with the side of her crimson-painted mouth quirked up. Everything matched, I realized wryly. The car, lips, nails, and name on the card.

“You are too sweet a package to be out here on the Avenue. Are you clean?”

I nodded, thinking ironically;
if only she knew

She ticked her nail against the card in my hand. “Come to the club and check it out. Play a little. That card will give you full access on the house. If you like what you see, we can talk later.” She grinned like a cat, showing scads of pearly teeth. “If you don’t like the club, we should talk anyway.” She winked. “I have other ventures.”

She was offering me a job?

I shook my head at her. “I’m not looking for work. I do damn fine out here.”

She shot me a sly smile. “I’m offering you security and safety. How much do you pull a night out here?”

I shrugged, “Fifteen to twenty-five on a decent night.” More like a
good night when I hustled my ass off.

An eyebrow lifted in surprise. “That’s high end for out here. I’m more than intrigued now,” she purred. “I can guarantee you five Gs a month, plus tips, if you’re willing to work.”

Now my eyebrow rose. That was some decent change for a regular gig, and red lights were flashing erratically in my head.

“You just happen to be strolling along the Ave, spotted me, and liked what you saw? I find that hard to swallow, lady,” I said, my eyes narrowing down suspiciously. 

She laughed. “Not exactly. We share some clients and you came up. At least I assume it’s you. Built lithe and pretty like a model, longish brunette hair, big package, and the most beautiful blue fuck-me eyes you’ve ever seen? If there are two of you, well... no reason to be perverse,” she said with a little sigh, her hand fluttering at her throat.

Nice little act.

“I’ll think about it. Lila, I presume?” I slid her card into an inside pocket. She smirked, and I smiled slyly as I turned to leave.

“Nine to Two, Saturday night,” she said to my back, and I heard the whine of the window.

As I walked back to Paradise I pulled out the card and flipped it in my fingers for a few moments. I couldn’t sub, that much I knew. Willie had liked seeing me trussed up with welt marks. I had so much experience in servitude that when I escaped him, I thought I could work as a professional sub. It had been a disaster.

My very first D/s scene had broken me. The leather cuffs sir bound me with had sent a small shiver of trepidation through me that he took it as excitement. I managed to stay quiet when he hung me from a hook against the wall, but when the first lash fell across my ass I lost it and began screaming. Sir admonished me, and swung again, before he realized it was real terror, and I wasn’t just a wailer or inexperienced. I couldn’t even remember my safe word
at the time, and found it ironic I could recall it now. There had been no safe words with Willie.

As much as I was terrified, I think sir was more so. When he let me down I stayed in a ball on his stone floor for a long time. When he tried to touch me I screamed and scurried away. That had been my
breakdown after leaving Willie.

I felt the card leave my fingers, and watched it sail through the air, landing in the dirt along the sidewalk. It was an unconscious decision to toss it, and a few steps later I stopped, retrieved the card, and slid it back into my pocket.

I doubted I could work in her club, and I knew I couldn’t work in the porn industry; a guy who couldn’t shoot, or do a cum shot? That was laughable actually. I could last a fucking long time though. Still, I might check it out if I’m bored. Free booze, some dancing, and live porn might be worth a visit.

I pulled out a smoke as I leaned against a light pole in front of
Paradise. My Zippo flared against the tip. I glanced at kitten, and Salvo’s joking words about Georgie jacking off on my car came back to me, making me blanch. I would definitely be taking her through the car wash tomorrow.

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