The Dark Star: The Planet X Evidence (28 page)

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A Correlation

Sedna, currently moving towards perihelion, has been found close
to where I have argued for the sky location of the perihelion transit of Nibiru
(near Sirius and Orion). Sedna is currently moving from the constellation Cetus
towards Taurus, which is a pro-grade motion across the sky. I think this
closely mirrors the likely motion of the Dark Star through the sky when it is
close to perihelion. This 'coincidence' seems remarkable, given the other
factors involved here. One has to wonder whether the orbits of Sedna and the
Dark Star are closely linked.

Such a situation could possibly exist, because bodies in the outer
solar system tend to establish orbital correlations between each other. These
are called "mean motion resonances".
Pluto has a
commensurate orbit with Neptune, for instance, in this case a 2:3 mean motion
resonance. Many of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Objects have similar resonance ratios
with Neptune.

So if the Dark Star is orbiting the sun in the outer solar system,
and if it is a substantial planet (and I advocate a sub-brown dwarf, a
sub-stellar class of planet that has been theoretically modeled
then it will interact with the other celestial bodies within the considerable
sweep of its eccentric orbit.

Over time, Nibiru would have ejected many so-called scattered disc
objects (and the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt is known to be massively depleted),
causing the truncation of the EKB - and those objects that remain in its sphere
of influence may have taken on resonant orbits with it. This assumes, of
course, that it is still there! So, it is certainly not beyond reason that
Sedna is in a resonant orbit with a much larger planet that remains to be
found. If so, their orbital periods should correlate in some way.

When discussing the orbit of Nibiru, Zecharia Sitchin proposed
that it was about 3,600 years, synchronous with the fundamental number in the
Sumerian sexigesimal numbering system of 3,600, or 1 'Sar'.
orbits would thus take place over about 7,200 years, three over 10,800 years.
Sedna's orbital period is between 10 and 12 thousand years. So, Sedna may turn
out to have a 3:1 mean motion resonance with Sitchin's Nibiru.

This could be an important finding. As astronomers study Sedna's
orbit more closely, their data will enable them to work out its actual orbital
period more exactly. If I am right, then other scattered disc objects will also
be discovered in the future, which will share similar mean motion resonances as
Sedna. From the data that amasses over time, a picture will emerge of the orbit
of the parent body itself; the Dark Star. In a way, these wandering sheep are
moving to the shepherd's tune, and we can start to figure out more about this
shepherd by analyzing their trails.

But this will only work if the parent planet is still out there.
If it left the solar system long ago, as Dr. Quillen argues, then it could not
have created this effect. As such, an emerging pattern of synchronous scattered
disc object orbits will determine whether the body is still awaiting discovery,
or whether it is now an absent parent.

As Spitzer and other telescopes carry on their work over next year
or two, a pattern in the orbits of newly discovered bodies may emerge, which
will only increase speculation about the existence of a massive undiscovered

Lagrangian Points

Another possibility is that the Dark Star has attendant clusters
of comets, asteroids and minor planets. It is known that there are mathematical
locations in a three-body system which are stable regions. These are called
LaGrangian points, after the 18th Century mathematician Joseph Louis LaGrange.

If we take the example of the sun and the binary Dark Star as the
two main bodies in a 3-body system, we can think about minor objects that could
be located at these five stable points. Three of these positions lie along the
main axis between the sun and the Dark Star; they are 'co-linear' with the sun
and the Dark Star. The two others lie along the path taken by the Dark Star,
one of which moves ahead of it, known as the leading LaGrange point; the other
is located behind the Dark Star, and is known as the trailing LaGrange point.
These positions are really regions, not points, because there are other
gravitational influences in the solar system to take into account. The Trojans
are more stable regions than the co-linear positions.

An example of bodies located at LaGrangian Points are the Trojans,
two clusters of asteroids within Jupiter's orbit, that have a mean motion
resonance with the gas giant of 1:1. Is it possible that the Dark Star also has
clusters of objects located at its own LaGrangian Points?

John Bagby, a researcher who, several decades ago, considered the
possibility that the sun might have a massive companion, offered the thought
that immense clusters of bodies at these LaGrangian points might help
distribute some of the overall system's mass around the orbital path.
It seems a reasonable idea, and it would imply that some of these objects in
these regions could be quite large; quite possibly as large as Sedna.


As the Dark Star moves along its orbital path, its LaGrangian
Points move with it. If one imagines a roughly circular orbit, like Jupiter's
around the sun, one could divide the circle into 12 sections, like a
clock-face. If Jupiter was located at 12, then the LaGrangian Points along the
circumference of the clock would be located roughly at 10, 2 and 6. If we
imagine the clock-face slowly turning about the centre, which would represent
the sun, then those LaGrangian Points would also change position accordingly.
They would move through the same locations as Jupiter, but at timed intervals.

If we imagine that clock-face to be stretched out into a long
ellipse, like the shape of Sedna's orbit, then the same principle would still
apply. At given intervals, the LaGrangian Points will move through any given
location along the circumference of our weird-shaped clock. Sedna might have
minor bodies trapped at LaGrangian Points along its own orbit, that will
themselves achieve perihelion over the course of thousands of years, or Sedna
itself might even be at the LaGrangian Point of a parent body. Admittedly, this
idea is speculative. But let us consider the consequences that would naturally
follow from it.

Multiple Nibirus?

Let us say that Sedna is part of a cluster of minor planetary
bodies passing through the Kuiper Gap, in a 1:1 mean motion resonance with the
Dark Star. If that is so, then many other bodies contained within that cluster
are about to come to light, because Sedna is only 72 years away from
perihelion. This might be interesting news to those who believe that comet
activity in the solar system is already on the rise. Not only that, but it may
explain other phenomena in the solar system at the moment, like the slight
warming experienced by all of the planets. We will look more closely at these
issues later.

The implication of this speculation is that the Dark Star may turn
out to have a much larger orbit than previously thought; possibly in the region
of about 10,800 years. The Dark Star would then currently lie about 1,000 AU
away, in the exact opposite part of the sky from Sedna. They would forever be
chasing each other's tails. In that case, it will achieve aphelion, its
furthest point, when Sedna arrives at perihelion in 2076.

So, this scenario would lead us to conclude that the Dark Star's
last perihelion was half an orbit ago, around 3325BCE. This is necessarily an
approximate date, because the LaGrangian points are in reality sizable regions,
and Sedna could lie anywhere within that region. But, this approximate dating
would be around the time of the First Dynasty in Egypt, at the dawn of
civilization itself.

It is also worth noting that the Earth experienced some
significant changes in solar radiation sometime around 3200BCE. The sun
underwent a drop and then a surge in its output 5,200 years ago, leading to a
calamitous period of climate change.
Perhaps this was as a result
of the perihelion transit of the Dark Star, whose movement through the solar
system may have affected the sun's activity.

We saw last chapter how the sun's magnetic field may have become
twisted around this time; Maurice Cotterell places the date at about 3113BCE.
Is there a connection between this monumental change to the Earth's climate,
and the possible perihelion of the Dark Star around 3200BCE? After all, the
perihelion transit beyond the EKB would have taken a couple of hundred years,
during which the sun's activity would have been subject to change.

For this to be true, we would have to conclude that Zecharia
Sitchin's claim that Nibiru's orbit is a Sar in length, or 3,600 years, was not
entirely accurate. Instead, the Dark Star itself orbits the sun roughly every
10,800 years, like Sedna, but has associated with it regularly placed pockets
of comets and small planets which interact with the outer solar system, perhaps
every 3,600 years or so. These correspond with the Dark Star's LaGrangian
Points, and their periodic activities are associated in myth with Nibiru. In
other words, the phenomenon of Nibiru occurs more frequently than the actual
'appearance' of the Dark Star, because the system is distributed regularly
around its orbital path.

If this speculation is correct, it seems like we're living through
one of those periods now. This is because the LaGrangian Point which lies
exactly opposite to the Dark Star's actual position is currently moving through
the EKB, carrying with it bodies like Sedna.

Whether this is the case or not, I suggest that Sedna's discovery
draws us ever closer to that of the Dark Star's, and that this parent body will
be found somewhere in the sky north of Sagittarius, probably within some of the
dense star fields ignored by IRAS. It is quite possible that it has already
been catalogued, but incorrectly defined as a more distant stellar object. (It
is interesting to note that a faint “red dwarf” star was recently identified as
the third closest star to the sun, at a mere 7.8 light years

It is heartening that Dr. Brown is now going to turn his
attention, and that of the Spitzer Telescope, towards such unexplored regions.
He may amaze us all with what he finds there.

That Red Color

The orbital anomalies associated with Sedna have created a major
puzzle for astronomers, and have arguably lead us closer to answers about the
Dark Star. But there are other aspects to the discovery of Sedna that have
created problems for the scientists. One of them is that Sedna is red.

Organic, volatile, icy deposits on the surface of an outer solar
system body tend to make these objects reddish, but none of the
Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt objects have the same degree of reddening as Sedna. It
has been suggested to me by a research colleague that high speed, collisional
interactions could create this kind of coloring effect on the body's surface.

EKBOs are thought to collide on occasion, and Sedna is a
substantial minor planetary body. But its properties, both orbital and
physical, tend to suggest it falls into a new class of scattered disk objects.
I have proposed here that this class is related to a massive object, in a
similar orbital pattern that currently lies at aphelion. That object is
believed to have interacted with the other bodies of the primordial solar
system in a catastrophic manner. One can readily see how the red color could
tie in with this scenario.

That Lack of Spin

A further difficulty is the lack of a moon orbiting Sedna. When
Sedna was originally discovered, it was thought that it had a moon in tow,
rather like Pluto's moon Charon. The reason for that prediction had to do with
Sedna's axial spin, which gives it a rather long 'day' - between 20 and 40
Earth days.
For a solar system body to have such a slow spin, it
must have interacted with a moon of about 400 miles diameter, which would have
acted as a brake to Sedna's spin over time.

However, Sedna appears to have no such moon. Observations by the
Hubble Space telescope have effectively ruled out a moon down to a size
equivalent of ten times smaller than Sedna. Any orbiting moon as small as this
could not have slowed Sedna's spin down.

The implication of this is that there must have once been a moon,
but it is now missing. Yet, Sedna orbits along a trajectory that is relatively
empty of other solar system least that's the impression astronomers
have so far. If a moon is still there, it would have to be the darkest object
in the solar system to have escaped detection, a thought put forward by
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe of Cardiff, Wales.

How could it have lost a moon? One is led to conclude that Sedna's
past was a violent one. This once again fits with the idea of an extended
system of objects along Sedna's orbital trajectory, of which Sedna is the first
body to actually be discovered. But we must be cautious because this observed
rate of spin is only provisional, and may turn out to be erroneous, rather than
a real anomaly.

Some correspondents have wondered whether Sedna may have been, or
still is, a moon of the Dark Star, perhaps dislocated soon after its migration
into the outer solar system. This seems an interesting possibility, and makes
one wonder whether Sedna's lack of spin might be related to the loss of contact
with the original parent planet in a catastrophic episode during the early life
of the solar system. However, I am inclined to think that Sedna lies at a
LaGrangian Point, and is simply part of the distributed Dark Star system.

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