The Dangerous Duke (22 page)

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Authors: Arabella Sheraton

BOOK: The Dangerous Duke
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Devlin fell on his knees in the dust. The interested passengers, who chanced to peer out the window just before the coach rolled around the bend, were flabbergasted.

However, Devlin and Fenella were oblivious to any audience, including the fact that Finch had loaded Fenella’s bags onto the gig and tactfully vanished.

“Carte blanche
?” His voice depicted the revulsion he felt at such an idea. “Fenella my dearest, how long is it going to take for you to understand that I love you and I am offering you marriage?”

Fenella stared at him. “But you cannot,” she burst out, a sob gathering perilously close in her throat. “I am a nobody.”

Devlin rose to his feet, oblivious of the dust that now coated his riding breeches and elegant Hessians. “I think you will be astonished to discover an emissary of your grandfather ensconced at Deverell House.”

Fenella’s mouth fell open; she was momentarily speechless.

“My grandfather?”

Devlin nodded. “I am ashamed to admit I was so haughty as to place an overwhelming importance on social status, without having enough wisdom to judge a person on their integrity. I discovered that I loved you and then was told, by this gentleman, that your grandfather is a Spanish nobleman, making you very much my social equal.”

Her face was an impenetrable mask. “There are other reasons. I have a family past, which nothing can eradicate. My father …” Her voice broke into a sob.

Devlin caught her in his arms. “I know everything. Do not question me as to how I know, but suffice to say that I do know, and I do not care.”

She looked up at him, her huge eyes drowned in tears.

“You must care,” she whispered. “People will find out; they will talk.”

“The only thing people will know about is your father’s unblemished career and brilliant military exploits,” he declared.

Fenella shook her head and turned her face away.

“My darling,” he cried despairingly. “I have done it all wrong from the start. I have offended and insulted you, and now I have what seems to be the temerity to want you in my life only because you are socially acceptable.”

She nodded and struggled to extricate herself from his strong embrace. He closed his arms even tighter and with one hand tilted her chin up.

His sapphire eyes blazed a fire of love of which she had only ever dreamed. His voice rang in her ears, in a strong and resolute tone.

“I love you my dearest, darling, fiery, feisty half-Spanish tigress.”

He placed his mouth on hers and Fenella felt as if he had touched her soul in an angel’s kiss. Fiery thrills chased up and down her body as he took firm possession of her mouth. His tongue slid between her lips, the smooth sensation sending ripples down her spine, giddy tremors threatening to overtake her whole body. Her knees buckled under the power of his kiss but his strong arms held her tight. Crushed against his chest, she felt his arousal awakening; his pulsating desire throbbed against her groin. His hands slid down to grasp her buttocks and crush her even harder against him.

Then his one hand snaked upward and fumbled with the ribbons under her chin. “I cannot kiss you with this horrible bonnet in the way. May I get rid of it?”

She murmured her assent. Seconds later, the offending item of headwear was lying in the dust as the Sixteenth Duke of Wyndlesham took his time thoroughly kissing his bride-to-be.

“Devlin,” she gasped, “where is Finch?”

He raised his head and looked around. “I think my errant groom has absented himself in order to win back my approval.”

He noticed her mischievous expression.

“I suppose the staff told you where I had gone.”

With a rueful smile, he shook his head. “I am afraid you have captivated my entire household, including my mother, and I find to my intense displeasure that they have all transferred their allegiance to you. I had to work out your escape route for myself. However, Finch was kind enough to lead me in the right direction.”

“Do you love me?” she asked solemnly.

His powerful kiss silenced her and told her what she needed to know.

She broke away from his embrace.

“Now what?” he growled.

“Lady Vane! You are engaged to her.”

Devlin’s eyes twinkled as he assumed an expression of deep sorrow. “Alas, no longer.” He laughed at her bewildered expression. “We have Sir Marcus to thank for that.”

Fenella looked even more astounded as he explained the plot.

“When I returned to the inn at his insistence, he made a clean breast of everything and accepted responsibility for his part in the scheme, but clearly Lady Vane was behind it all. I confronted her with the information and threatened her with exposure.” Devlin shrugged. “In the face of such compelling evidence she was forced to…er…leave me disappointed in love.” He grinned. “She also threw the ring into the fishpond.”

Fenella gasped. “Devlin, that precious ring!”

Devlin caught her to him. “I believe one of our footmen is an excellent swimmer and will rescue it without any trouble at all. However, I can bestow a dozen rings upon you. Right now there is only one thing I want to give you right now.”

Fenella blushed bright red as her own desires mounted.

“I cannot wait for our wedding night,” he murmured, as his one hand slid toward her breasts. “I want you; I need you; I long to touch and taste you, to bring you the pleasure you desire. You are my goddess of love.”

Fenella thrilled as she heard these words. Gone were the feelings of doubt; her arousal was natural; her passionate response was what he wanted, and what she wanted too.

“The poets were right,” she murmured, before she hungrily returned his ardent kisses.

“What poets?”

“Never mind, just kiss me.”

The Duke of Wyndlesham readily obliged his future Duchess’ demands.


The Dangerous Duke
is my first Regency Romance, I have been steeped in Regency writers since I was a teenager. From Jane Austen to Georgette Heyer, I read 'em all!

I was delighted when my 'fun project,'
The Dangerous Duke,
was picked up Aurora Regency, an imprint of Aspen Mountain Press. I am honoured to share the adventures of my heroes and heroines with you.

My particular thanks go to my editor Celina Summers for her constant encouragement and excellent editing, and to my mom for being my biggest fan.

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